Chapter 13- Discussion

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Spending the night creating a scrap-book for my La Push family kept me distracted from what was too come. I created a page for a different family member on each page, since I took pictures last night. Seeing them all happy and smiling made me smile, the kids running around playing together. Then I decided to draw my first day of school, it wasn't the best of memories but it was still a memory of seeing them. Outside my window the sun was rising, I decided to take the opportunity of cooking breakfast for Jake and Swan then preparing a meal for the pack that were coming over.

"How you doing?" Laurent asked helping me around the kitchen. Everyone was still in their rooms probably getting ready, or talking about today.

"Better then I thought, if he could read my mind though it wouldn't be a pleasant place for him" I smirked at this hopping they was a chance it could come true.

"Well I'm proud of you for not killing him but you are my concern today can you promise me one thing?" Laurent asked I rolled my eyes at him being the overprotective brother but I guess I couldn't talk.

"What?" I asked not taking my eyes from the pancakes I had in the pan.

"If it gets too much leave" Laurent said I looked up and he had a serious face, I could hear footsteps heading our way.

"I agree with him mom" Maddy said pulling me into a hug I loved Maddy hugs.

"Bells this is really hard for you, you can't be strong for us" Jake said with his eyes on the pancakes.

"Go get everyone ready Maddy and Jake eat" I said handing him a plate of pancakes that he happily dug into. Maddy disappeared she enjoyed dressing the girls up, I had a feeling Swan wouldn't be down for a while.

"I'll leave the room but I'm not leaving the house, don't forget the pack are coming over" I said putting a cake in the oven for them. I decided to make them some of my famous Bella pasta for lunch later on.

"Fine" Laurent said shaking his head then he laughed pulling me into a hug.

"Mom, tell Maddy to calm down" Max said running into the room with Brandon and Alex, I could see Jake grinning while eating his pancakes.

"Why?" I asked already knowing why.

"She's taken the girls into her lab!" Alex said sighing, Maddy's lab was a room I allowed her to have where it had a mini spa, dressing up room and everything a girl could ever want, Alice would love it.

"We won't see them for hours!" Brandon complained sulking I rolled my eyes they were such typical boys. Maddy knew better then to force me into her 'lab' as the boys called it but now and then I enjoyed her getting me ready, since it made her happy.

"Well the girl's don't see you boys for hours when you go to the games room, theatre room or the swimming pool in the garden" I said I made sure everyone had something they wanted. Swan had her garden, Maddy had her 'lab', Laurent had his study, Beth had her sewing room, Anna had her library, Alicia had her art room, Max had his study and then the rest of the boys had the games room, theatre room and the swimming pool. The girls didn't have hours to get ready though, they had an hour at the max.

"Yeah but..." They tried to complain but had no excuses.

"Jake's not moaning" I pointed out as Jake laughed then the boys sighed knowing I wasn't going to stop Maddy. Jake didn't complain because it made Maddy happy, he always wanted her to be happy. They was a knock on the door then I smiled knowing the pack was here, including Isabel.

"Hey Bella! Were here to kick some bloodsuckers booty! Your not the bloodsuckers by the way your family but them things are!" She said as soon as I opened the door, she never failed to make me laugh.

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