Chapter 14- memories

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Edward's pov

Bella left the room because of me, once again I am the one to hurt her. I thought I was protecting her by leaving her but I was wrong, I was very wrong. All her family and dog companions were glaring at me I felt even worse than I did before. She can never love again because of me we could never be together because of me. It's all my fault why she is here as a vampire and it is my fault why she can die from love. She is still my fragile Bella, so delicate but if I want her to forgive me we was going to have to be friends. I would rather she is alive then dead because of my love.

"Go apologies" Esme told me I sighed but followed her orders I was the one in the wrong. I followed her scent up to a room that I assume was hers so I knocked on the door, she didn't answer so I just walked in. She was sitting on the balcony edge with three books next to her then one on her lap. Her face was sad but smiling as she turned each page of the book, I walked over to the doorway that led out to the balcony.

"Bella I'm sorry, I know your not going to forgive me but I am" She didn't move she just carried on looking through her books. I walked over to the other three books they was a family scrap-book, Swans baby book and then a human memories scrap-book. She was looking through another scrap-book looking at the memories she and her family have had together.

"You can look" She said after a moment I chose the first scrap-book which had human memories written on it. I flicked through the first few pages were pictures of her child hood were shown, she never allowed me to see these when she was human but she was an adorable child. After those pages was when she first moved to Forks she had pictures and drawings from all our time together. The memories made me smile apart from the last page that was the page were I left her and Victoria and Laurent found her. The next scrap-book was Swan's baby album it had pictures in up until this very day, the ones that caught my attention was the one of Bella and Swan looking at each other laughing when Swan was just a baby. They are pictures of Swan with the Amazon coven, the Volturi then they is one of her on Aro's shoulders that I did not expect to see.

"They good friends people judge them for what they do but underneath those masks are people like me and you" Bella said as she watched me looking at the pictures of her and the Volturi. They seemed to be closer than friends they acted like family even Jane is smiling in some of them but she's distant with her brother.

"I'll get through to them we do share the same power the three of us have a lot in common" She's nothing like those twins, they only care about making people feel pain or nothing when Bella cares for her family. The pictures of Swan's birthday appeared then pictures from yesterday of her first day at school. I picked up the family scrap-book that had pictures of each member of her family, Victoria, the Volturi and then the wolf pack even her mother and father. I turned the page over then they was my family in her family scrap-book.

"You were my family when I was human" She said then she turned to look out of the forest as I took the scrap-book from her hands being careful not to touch her. This had pictures of when she first met her family members some were drawings others were pictures. She sat holding they hands for the whole transformation and then they was pictures of her and her family together. Pictures of they first day at school, birthdays, weddings. The one that made me laugh was the picture with Jane and Alec as she had her arms around them. Then she had a picture with Aro and Marcus, then all the Volturi members. This was her scrap-book of her life as a vampire, most of them were good memories but others were bad memories when she saved her family and Adrian and Alva came. It had been recently done with her first day at Forks High school and we was all in the drawing.

"You see Edward even though I wanted to be with you I'm happy you left me in the woods alone. If you would have never left me I wouldn't have met my family, so thank you" She whispered still staring off into the forest as the sun light hit her causing her to sparkle. It was breath-taking but staring wasn't going to get me any closer to us becoming friends.

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