Chapter 10- Birthday

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I couldn't believe my daughter was now three years old but yet she looked like a thirteen year old. We were living in Alaska at the moment for the next two years then Swan wanted to meet her grandpa along with the rest of the family so we was moving back to Forks. The thought of going back was depressing but if it made my family happy I would do it. We was going to go back thanks to Max who in a years time was going to make everyone in Forks forget about us and then Cullen's just because I didn't want any reminder of them.

"Mommy can we go for a birthday hunt?" Swan asked she was spoiled today by everyone she had an upgraded wardrobe, laptop, phone everything she could ever need but me and Laurent got her a present together. She always wanted a gardening set, she enjoyed gardening and she dreamed that she could have a little pond with Swan's and ducks. I wanted her dream to come true so when we moved to Forks our house was going to have a pond.

"Sure sweetie, Laurent you're in charge any danger you get out of here" I called he nodded his head then we took off running out the back door. I loved to watch her run see the smile on her face she enjoyed the outdoors so much. I helped her take down some mountain lions since it was her birthday and I was there to keep her safe. Mountain lions was Edward's favourite I remember the conversation we had in the cafeteria.

"What's so funny?" Swan asked wanting to hear the joke.

"Nothing sweetie shall we find one more mountain lion then head home?" I asked it wouldn't affect the population of mountain lions since were only taking down a few. We began running again in the direction of the scent of a mountain lion but I caught the scent of vampires. I stood in front of Swan guarding her as she hid behind me knowing they was a threat. My shield had expanded around the two of us so no one could touch her I wouldn't even allow it. A girl with pale blonde straight hair came out I saw her eyes they were the same as ours. Then two other blonde haired girls appeared with the golden butterscotch eyes. One of them had long curly strawberry hair but she was beautiful. The last one had straight chin length blonde hair but she was also beautiful, they all were.

"Hello my name is Kate and these are my sisters, Irina and Tanya" The name Tanya caught my attention I looked at her she matched every detail Edward told me. She was the one that liked him.

"My name is Natalie and this is my daughter Swan" Swan looked at me confused but didn't say anything. I didn't want to say my name because I knew they would keep in contact with the Cullen's. I will have Maddy block out my face from they memories when I get home.

"It's nice to meet you may I ask what she is?" Tanya asked I didn't really want to speak to her it wouldn't surprise me if Edward ran off to her. I was plain and ordinary when she was the complete opposite.

"She's half human half vampire, she was born" I replied but I refused to look at her in the eye.

"That's not possible" Irina spoke.

"Her heart is beating, she has colour in her cheeks it is possible whether you believe it or not"

"I believe it I can hear her heart" Kate said I liked Kate but I didn't like her sister.

"Well we better be going it's her birthday and were throwing a little party for her" I said wanting to leave but I wanted to have a little fun with Tanya.

"Happy birthday then" They all cheered to Swan who smiled at them knowing I didn't like them... well Tanya.

They turned to leave but I ran up to them "Oh Tanya this is for my ex" I whacked her across the face until she hit the ground leaving her other two sisters standing they shocked. I ran back to Swan picking her up ready to run back home.

"What was that for?" Irina spat picking her sister back up who was still in shock but glaring at me.

"Like I said an old ex of mine I wouldn't bother causing a fight your drop down in pain when I project my shield" Kate stood back not wanting to fight, Irina listened to my words but went to pull Tanya back. She came running at me in revision but instantly dropped when she came with in my shield.

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