twilight - guardian angel

By fanficmakerxx

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twilight - guardian angel
chapter 1- broken hearted
Chapter 2- Angel
Chapter 3- Trouble
Chapter 4- Friends
Chapter 6- Visit
Chapter 7- complete
Chapter 8- Answers
Chapter 9- Masks
Chapter 10- Birthday
Chapter 11- Weak
Chapter 12- Reunited
Chapter 13- Discussion
Chapter 14- memories

Chapter 5- Proud

587 19 4
By fanficmakerxx

Today my little tweenies were graduating secondary school they didn't take on sixth form like me and Jake as we were moving to Chicago since Anna has always wanted to go there. Speaking of Anna she and Max are finally together thanks to me and Maddy setting them up. Alicia, Alex and Anna have now got hooked on to calling me mom everything felt complete they brought my heart back to life a tiny bit. My father though has gotten married to Sue and now knows and today after graduation we will be having our first phone call. Everyone tried they best keeping it from him but he overheard a conversation.

"Mom come help!" Maddy shouted from her room I ran to her room to find it covered in clothes I could tell Jake had been banned from the room.

"I don't know what to wear!" She shouted with anger I picked out a green skater dress with black heels she put them on then looked in the mirror smiling.

"Wasn't so hard was it" I teased I just had a pair of skinny jeans with a tank top and a jacket with converses. I hopped Adrian and Alva would stay away today the past few months they have died down sending armies we decided it was best if we leave the humans alone for they safety. I still had my family training once a week and I had to admit I've done a good job my arms though were covered in bite marks from the newborns but each one meant my family was safe.

"Now let's go" Maddy said pulling me out of the room by my hand she wasn't getting away with a messy room she would be cleaning it later.

"Maddy you look amazing so beautiful" Jake said picking her up in his arms and kissing her as she giggled I just rolled my eyes the amount of love in this house.

"Max!" I called he was always late for a vampire I still loved him though he ran into the room holding Anna's hand with a massive smile across his face. Anna she was a shy girl but if she got angry well you wouldn't want to be in the room she loved to read and she enjoyed art. Her sister was the complete opposite she hated reading but loved to cook she was happy she was able to cook for Jake she always had something in the oven. Alex then well he likes the TV especially the sports channel but he also enjoyed building things from anything he could find he had a talent a powerful talent he could blind someone.

"Right let's get going" I said grabbing my camera and chucked the keys at Laurent we was still to young to drive that had to be the most annoying thing about London. We all got into the car Anna, Alicia, Alex, Brandon and Beth stayed at home as they were still learning self-control.

"Mom please don't cheer to loud" Max said sighing didn't he know me? Of course I was going to cheer I would be the loudest in the house my tweenies graduating high school. The pictures were going in my scrap-book everyday that book got bigger and bigger it made me realise that I didn't need him to be happy...much.

"I can't promise anything" I said as the tweenies groaned while we laughed. We arrived at the school everyone already filling up the hall the tweenies went off to they classrooms while the three of us took our seats.

"This is so exciting!" I beamed I never thought in my life seeing my children graduate high school since me and Edward couldn't have children but I loved it. They warmed my ice-cold heart up a little bit when they first called me mom I felt wanted and loved they were really my family all of them. My five wonderful children I understood how Esmé felt now but I didn't just have children I had three brothers Jake, Laurent and Brandon then two sisters Beth and Victoria my family was complete I couldn't help but think they was a part missing to keep us all together.

"I agree I can't believe my Maddy is graduating along with her brother!" Jake said grinning the love he had for Maddy was unbelievable they were deep in love they couldn't spend a day away from each other. We was like that I was deeply in love but he wasn't it was my fault for being plain old Bella.

"Yes it's starting" Laurent said with a smile as the students began walking out row after row filling up the seats. I saw my tweenies and we instantly waved we got a few glares from embarrassment but who cared! I took loads of pictures of the two of them walking in then the head master began to speak handing each child a certificate as they got up.

"Maddy Swan" The head master said then Maddy got up as I took the pictures while we all cheered and screamed making all eyes turn to face us.

"Max Swan" He called then Max got up refusing to look in our direction as I took his pictures while screaming and cheering with Jake and Laurent. I was so proud I could hear myself dry sobbing with Laurent rubbing my back smiling. We wasn't paying attention to the other students I was just watching my tweenies glare at us but I could see the love in that glare.

"Congratulations!" We all cheered as they walked over sighing of course they both hugged me first then Maddy ran off to Jake with a little more than a hug.

"Did you really have to embarrass us like that?" Max asked sighing of course I did he was my Max and she was my Maddy!

"Yep! I got some lovely photos for my wonderful wall of fame and scrap-book!" I beamed I had one of our living room walls full with picture frames full with pictures of our memories together as a family.

"As long as your happy" Max said smiling then I hugged him again without my family I'm not sure where I would be today I knew what awaited me when I got home though that phone call that painful phone call.

"Let's get going we have a phone call then we are having a party!" I called turning around dancing as my family followed me out to the car. Everyone got in and we began our drive home the thought of hearing my father's voice again was a great feeling but also at the same time a bad memory. I loved my dad but the last time I saw him was with him, Edward and now a lot has changed since then was he going to be able to accept my family or even me? He knew I was the guardian angel of La Push sending presents, money everything they needed I even sent a nursery for Rachel and Paul's twins due in a few months time that was from the whole family. Jake was so happy to become an Uncle but he had no idea when he was going to meet them it hurt to think it could be years but I would make sure he got to meet them when the time was right. I have now even sent money to my father since he knows I'm alive but apparently he never takes it. The painful bit about the conversation though was about Edward saying the words 'he left me' makes me feel weak and lifeless but I needed to be strong for my family I've been doing that for almost four years now bottling up my emotions. I needed to concentrate on Adrian and Alva though every time I would become close to killing them they would teleport out of my distance it was annoying them acting like cowards but the time will come and I will kill them for hurting my family. We were home and I suddenly felt weak I could kill a newborn army but calling my father was worse somehow I needed too though.

"Let's get this done with" I said being brave by opening the door running into the living room everyone was sat waiting for the tweenies ready to surprise them.

"Congratulations!" They shouted as soon as they ran into the living room of course Anna ran to Max but they had banners up saying congratulations then balloons even a karaoke machine. We had the phone call to do first though I wanted my father to meet my family all of them. I grabbed the phone slowly dialling those numbers with everyone's eyes on me they stood still as statues apart from Jake as I pressed the button to call my father.

"hello?" My father said down the phone after five rings I took a deep breath before starting our conversation.

"Hi dad it's me" I said I heard a gasp of shock then a hyperventilating Charlie it had been a long time since we spoke I felt bad but I didn't want to hurt him.

"Bella? Is that really you?" Dad asked I could imagine the tears rolling down his face I wanted to cry but couldn't so I started to sob producing no tears.

"Yes dad I'm so sorry" I said I didn't know what else to say I've hurt him over these last four years I was glad he found happiness with Sue though.

"Don't apologise I understand why you left but what happened to Edward?" My father asked and they it was the question I was dreading I felt my knees go stiff my tummy twist I took a deep breath I can do this I can be strong for my family.

"He left me dad" I said weakly I felt every eye in the room on me with concern and worry but I stood strong.

"Bella I'm so sorry but I'm furious with him it's his fault why your taking away from me! It's his fault why you are now who you are!" Dad said getting angry I couldn't blame him.

"I know dad" I said I could picture what he was thinking shooting Edward I guess I didn't mind but it wouldn't cause any damage.

"Bella please tell me everything that's happened in your life since then" My father said weakly he had the right to know I didn't want to keep secrets from him so I told him everything from start to finish up until this very day. He was annoyed about how Edward broke my heart causing me unable to love again but he calmed down allowing me to continue.

"A mom to five children you making me a grandpa at such a young age" Dad said laughing I haven't told him they ages yet.

"Dad they sixteen and seventeen" I said and he sighed they were still my children though I loved them all dearly.

"Can I talk to them? But once I've spoken to them all I want to speak to you more" Dad said then I handed the phone to Jake first since they knew each other.

"Hey Charlie it's Jake" I heard Charlie gasp then he throw a load of questions at Jake who waited till he stop that was a wise move.

"I know but I couldn't be happier leaving I found my soul mate the one I can't live with out her name is Maddy your speak to her in a minute" Jake said grinning at Maddy.

"Imprinting by any chance? Jake we can talk another time I want to meet everyone" Charlie said laughing I'm glad he was taking this well it was going to be different meeting him.

"Yes Charlie and sure" Jake said then he handed the phone straight to Maddy everyone laughed of course it would be Maddy.

"Hello I'm Maddy" She said the giggled causing Charlie to laugh.

"It's nice to meet you Maddy are you one of Bella's children?" Dad asked I could hear the pack in the background they have all spoken to my children before someone was always on the phone with someone from La Push.

"Yeah grandpa" Maddy said then I heard Charlie laugh with delight then Maddy passed the phone to Max I could bet that the next person to speak to Charlie was going to be Anna.

"Hey Charlie it's great to meet you I'm Max, Maddy's twin and I promise to look after your daughter" Max said he was so cute he made me proud with such the gentlemen he is.

"Nice to meet you too and thank you that means a lot" Charlie said then the phone was passed to Anna like I said it made me happy how Charlie was speaking to my wonderful family.

"Hey Charlie I'm Anna mom's daughter" Anna said quietly but loud enough for Charlie she was so shy for a vampire it was unreal.

"Nice to meet you Anna Bella sure loves a big family" Charlie said as Anna laughed then she passed the phone to her sister Alicia.

"Hey I'm Alicia Anna's sister" Alicia said smiling she loved meeting new people.

"It's good to meet you Alicia" Charlie said then the phone was passed on to Alex. I wanted dad to meet Laurent so much as he was the one that helped me I wanted dad to meet Victoria as well but I had no idea where she was.

"Hello Charlie it's nice to meet you I'm Alex and I just want to say your daughter saved all of our lives she is a true angel" Alex said that really touched me that little tiny spark in my heart it wasn't hot enough though to melt my frozen heart that had been broken.

"It's nice to meet you too and I am proud of my Bella she really truly is an angel when I first heard of this guardian angel I was amazed how she cared for others now I realise it was truly my Bella only she would care for others before herself it wouldn't surprise me if she's bottling up her emotions" Charlie said everyone looked at me with questioning eyes but I just smiled.

"She touches everyone's hearts" Alex said then he passed the phone to Beth my family come before myself though I would do anything for them even die for them.

"Hey it's so good to finally meet you Bella never stops talking about you! I'm Beth by the way Bella's sister apart from Victoria" Beth said she always made me smile Beth is so kind she was really like Esmé.

"I'm glad she talks about me" Charlie laughed "It's nice to meet you Beth I guess your like my daughter then" Charlie said then I saw the smile on Beth's face then she handed the phone to Brandon.

"Hello Charlie I'm Brandon Bella's brother and I would like to promise you when I see Edward I will give him a nice hard whack!" Brandon said everyone nodded in agreement as I rolled my eyes he always thought violence was the answer.

"it's good to meet you Brandon I'm glad we are on the same page with what Edward deserves make it extra harder for me" Charlie said in a serious voice then finally Brandon passed the phone to Laurent.

"Hello Charlie it is so good to finally meet you I am Laurent Bella's brother" Laurent said smiling in my direction I shook my head at him he always made me laugh.

"It's good to meet you Laurent thank you for watching over my daughter" Charlie said I didn't need looking after though.

"Charlie she would never let me look after her if anyone's watching her it's herself as well as her family were better off doing as we say with Bella" Laurent said I gave him an evil smile for saying he's dead I've grounded my children before I could do the same to Laurent for making me seem a threat.

Charlie laughed but said "Well I wish you luck with my daughter may I speak with her?" Laurent passed me the phone then me and dad spent the next hour talking about everything but we had a party so I said my goodbyes.

"Laurent why did you make me look like a threat to my dad?" I asked raising an eyebrow as he just smiled.

"Just saying you can look after yourself" Laurent said seeming unsure I grabbed his key from the bowl as everyone started to laugh.

"Well then you can earn your car back" I said smiling as he sighed but didn't argue wise move but now I wanted to celebrate my tweenies graduation.

"Let's party!" I said then we all took turns at doing karaoke I took everyone's pictures then Beth took mine. After karaoke we turned them music up beginning to dance as I took more pictures we danced until Jake got tired. When the party finished I decided to go to my study printing out the pictures then I stuck them in my scrap-book on a double page with date and what is going on. I was so proud of my tweenies even prouder than a mother was of they child learning to walk.

Hey so I hopped you liked the chapter! Bella and Charlie finally spoke since Edward leaving Bella! Is Bella's family complete or is it missing someone? vote and comment :)

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