I hate you for making me fall...

By tiffanylikesblue

54.4K 408 45

Have you ever hated someone, then fallen in love? Well, Sammy just did. Love you, she who shall not be named. More

I hate you for making me fall in love.- A Cody Simpson Love story- Chapter One:)
Chapter two :)
Chapter 3:)
Chapter Four/4 :)
Chapter 5
What is this Chapter 7?:)
Chapter 8:)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 <3
AuThOrS nOtE!!
Oh Yeah!! I forgot!!
Chapter 11 :)
Chapter 12:)
Chapter 13:)
Chapter 14:)
I have an idea...
Keeeeeppp it upppp!!!
Oh, sorry :)
The votes are in...
Chapter fifteen :'(

Chapter 6:)

2.1K 22 0
By tiffanylikesblue

I think i forgot to do a smiley face at the Chapter 5 thingy. Hm. Oh well. PEACE!!!


Chapter six

The rest of winter break went on, and I moved on with my life. School was boring, like always. Brianna was still mad at herself for barfing before going onstage, but happy cause I did. Alli and I still talk to one another, through texting and Skype. I didn’t hear anything else about Cody, not that I wanted to either. It finally came to the end of the school year and the cold weather was gone. School let out and I walked home normally. When I got inside, two people sat on the couch, their backs to me. Then I figured out who they were.

“Mom! Dad!” I ran and jumped over the couch and onto my parents, who had been gone since, well, last August.

“Hi, honey!” mom said rocking us back and forth. The conversation went on and was pretty normal until came the news that would pretty much change my life.

“I got transferred!” my dad said. I widened my eyes and shook my head.

“No! We can’t leave!” I said looking at Lizzie. “What about the coffee shop?” I asked.

“I already bought a space in L.A. for Lizzie-“I cut my mother off.

“LOS ANGELOS!? NO!” I screamed and stood up.

“Come on, Sam, it’ll be great!” my dad said, trying to calm me down.

“I can’t move to L.A.! What about Brianna?” I said sitting back down.

“Skype? Texting? Telephone? Sam, it’ll be okay,” my mom said. I sighed.

Two weeks later, we were boarding a flight to L.A., of course. I petted Levi one more time through his cage before I set it on the pets express line. Levi barked and whined.

“I’ll see you in two hours, Levi!” I called. I turned and found Lizzie. Our parents had already driven down with our stuff. The rest was carry-on and Levi. We looked at each other then headed down the hallway, towards our flight. The flight itself was a blur; I guess I fell asleep for most of it. Lizzie woke me and we finally got off. When I picked up Levi, he was so happy to see me. Being a golden retriever, he’s always happy, though. Our new house was huge. A beautiful chandelier hung over the living room and lit up the staircase, too.  Levi and Lizzie seemed very happy. I walked up the stunning stairs and into an enormous bedroom, which had my name on the door. Private bathrooms, a king sized temper Pedic bed, and it was painted a light, coral blue. This was my favorite color.  The bathroom was painted red with cheetah accents. I really love this house already. I sat down in my floor and started to unpack. As I moved on the forth box, I came across the scarf Cody gave me; a red Loubiton one. I sighed and threw it on my bed.

Cody’s P.O.V

I sat on my bed, turning the tennis ball over in my hand, again and again. Sammy. Oh how I miss her!  Her perfect light brown hair, her brownish-green eyes, how she says ‘Ya’ll.’ I miss her! I turned over face first on my bed.

“Cody?” Alli said from the door. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I said, but it was muffled from the bedding.

“You still miss Sammy, don’t you?” she asked, a bit of smugness behind her voice.

“Yes,” I said, still muffled.

“I know, she was a lot of fun to hang out with,” Alli blabbered.

“Okay, I get it,” I said turning over and sitting up. “I broke her heart, and she broke mine in return,” I said sounding really cheesy. Alli sighed, shook her head, and left. I pulled on a pair of Loubiton shoes and grabbed my I-Phone. I told my mum where I was going and left, grabbing my sunglasses and a beanie on the way out. The streets were kind of empty today, thankfully. I was not in the mood to get mobbed by fans. I opened the door of the small store and collided with someone. We both fell and their bag ripped open, spilling stuff all over the street.

“I am so sorry!” I said helping the girl up. She was very familiar, light brown hair, aviator sunglasses, and a southern accent.

“It’s okay,” she said quickly while trying to pick up everything off the ground. I dropped down to help her. “Thanks,” she whispered quietly while standing up. Wait, I knew that whisper. Soft, but with feeling.

“Sammy?!” I said in shock.

“What?!” she snapped turning back around.

“Sammy! Oh, my gosh! You’re here!” I smiled from ear to ear.

“I’m sorry, who are you?” she asked adjusting her sunglasses.

“Sammy!” I shook her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. “I didn’t want to leave, but I had no choice.” I whispered ever so slightly into her ear.

She gasped. “Cody!” she pushed back. ‘W-what are y-you doing h-here?” she asked backing up a little.

“I was just about to ask you the same question!” I laughed. She just stood there. I stopped laughing and cleared my throat. “I, uh, live down that way,” I pointed behind her.

Sammy nodded. “I do too,” she said quietly.

“Really?” I said a little surprised. “You moved down here?” I pointed to the ground. She nodded again. “Oh, I had no idea,” I said taken aback. “Alli is going to be so exited!” I said. And trust me I am too, I wanted to say.

“Yup…” she trailed off. “Well, I better go, got to finish unpacking,” she started walking backwards. I have seen this all before.

“It was great to see you,” I said looking down at my feet and rubbing my neck.

“Yeah, uh, bye,” she turned and walked down the street. ‘Sammy!’ I wanted to call, ‘I’m in love with you!’ And yes, I am in love with Sammy, definitely. 

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