Another USUK story:: My Farme...

By ari-ridrake

41K 1.5K 837

Cardverse! Omegaverse! Farmer boy and Alpha, Alfred F. Jones runs into the lost Queen of the Spade Kingdom, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

3.5K 118 74
By ari-ridrake

(Smut at the end)

Silence pierced the tenseness of the air surrounding the crowd, every person having been invited for the wedding and the decapitation were frozen in their places. Alfred stared forward with wide eyes, hardly noticing the ache in his wrists from the rope binding. Francis seethed furiously, glaring at Victoria and Alfred viscously.

However, Arthur felt tears of joy and overwhelming happiness fill him as his saw the mark on Alfred's cheek. A large, bold, beautifully decorated 'K' stood out just above his jaw line, similar to where Arthur's not as beautiful or bold 'Q' rested.

Yao couldn't stop staring. He was right. He had been right done the moment he lay eyes on the boy. That was the true King of Spades.

Steadily, whispers started to flow around and weave through the crowd.

"That's the King!"

"Where he been the past seventeen years!?"

"What does that woman mean when she threatened King Francis?"

"Was King Bonnefoy having this woman hide the King?"

The whispers escalated into conversations which led to cheers. Alfred stood, stunned and confused. King? He was King? There was no way...



Cheers burst from the people, Alfred being dragged inside of the castle by Victoria as she unbound his wrists.

"Ma?" Alfred turned to his foster mother. "What's going on? Why are they cheering like that? What do you mean 'Francis was about to murder your King'?"

Victoria smiled gently, running his fingers through his hair to untangle all the knots. "I'm sorry for hiding this, baby. I promise, though. I will explain everything."

Alfred stood, deeply puzzled under he heard hurried steps. He turned and his eyes widened.

"Alfred!" Arthur launched himself at Alfred. He tossed his arms around Alfred's neck as the weakened man stumbled back slightly, but caught his balance. He pulled back with a grin and tears streaking his cheeks. "You're the King! Sweet dear Gods, you're the King!" Arthur laughed, tightly squeezing Alfred.

"I... Am?" Alfred furrowed his brows, Arthur tracing the 'K' on his cheek. "I'm the King? But... How? I was... You..." Alfred looked back at Victoria, unable to comprehend.

"Hey," Victoria placed her hand on his arm as he held Arthur. "Just spend some time with Arthur without being worried for once."


"That's me? That's what I look like?"

Arthur bit back a giggle, but couldn't hold back a large smile. "Yes." He watched as Alfred marveled at himself in the mirror. "It's weird seeing yourself in the mirror for the first time, isn't it? Instead of having to look down in a bucket of water or into a river, you can see yourself clearly in this mirror. That's exactly what you look like. Just like that is exactly what I look like." Arthur gestured to his reflection. He then looked up at the true Alfred instead of the mirror Alfred, and ran his fingers along his jaw. Alfred glanced down. "You're perfect, you know."

Alfred smiled. "I'm nasty, that's what I know. That's all I know right now. I'm filthy, I'm looking at myself in the mirror and I have the most perfect person hugging my arm. That's all I know right now. Everything else... I can't understand." He looked back at himself in the mirror and trailed his eyes over the mark on his cheek. "I've been King this whole time? And mom knew?"

The Queen leaned onto Alfred, closing his eyes. "I thought I was going mad." Alfred looked down at Arthur, but didn't speak. "All throughout history, the Queens had fallen in deep, true love with their King, but I found myself falling for a Farmer boy. I wasn't sure if it was from the lack of a King, but I had fallen in love with you. At one point, I was thinking that I didn't want the King found if I could keep having moments with you. However, it turns out that you are my King. I couldn't be more happy than I am right now."

Alfred smiled, shuffling his arm out of Arthur's to wrap it around the smaller male. He kissed Arthur's head and took his eyes off the mirror. "I honestly thought he was going to kill me back there. I'm so confused right now, and I don't really understand, but... I love you."

Arthur smiled, burying his face in Alfred's chest. "I love you, too, my Farmer boy."

After embracing for several soft, silent moments, Alfred cleared his throat. "I should probably take a bath."


Alfred shifted on the plush couch, his new clothes foreign, but not uncomfortable. "So?"

Victoria sighed, placing her hand on top of his which rested nervously on his leg. "The King of Diamonds before Francis, so his father, had found out that I could not have children, and both Levi and I wanted some so desperately, especially since I am an omega who is supposed to birth children for her alpha. I was in a state of depression and the King just so happened to be in Rosewood ten months after I had my very last heat. He saw me watching the little children run around, and he knew that I was barren." She looked down, nostalgia glistening in her eyes. Alfred watched through his returned, cleaned glasses. "He started talking to me, and Levi came back from buying seeds and food. He offered us something." She looked back up and locked her eyes on Alfred's. "He told us that we can have all the money we desire to adopt as many orphan children as we wanted if we did one thing for him..."

She shakily breathed in, closing her eyes. Alfred squeezed her hands, silently urging her to continue. She smiled softly. "We had to kidnap you out of the castle and raise you until his son, Francis, married the Queen and then sentences you to death. He was going to frame you for stealing or something of the sort, something enough to have reason to kill you." Victoria looked down, her smile still curling her lips and lightly defining the few wrinkles under her eyes and around her mouth. Alfred has always found her to be one of the most beautiful omegas he has ever known, and she always will be.

"But, overtime, I fell in love with you. I fell in love with being your mother, with having the privilege of raising you. Every time I saw this K," she raised her hand and brushed her fingertips over said 'K', "I was upset because I was reminded that you were not my child. You weren't my little boy. You were someone else's. I was going to return you to the castle one day while Levi was out. Do you remember that? It was pouring rain, and we rode that one draft... Silly Lilly. That was her name. You used to love her and she loved you. Anyway, we went to Rosewood, I believe you were around ten years old, and that's when I heard of the King and Queen's death. You were awful sick that next day." She chuckled. "I remember that you always ran into the yard, playing with the animals. You hated being inside too long, but I always made sure to keep an eye on you. I remember the first meal you cooked. You were so proud of yourself, and you were covered in herbs and flour and all sorts of things."

Alfred chuckled, looking down. "I guess I've always been pretty messy, huh?" Victoria giggled and nodded.

"You know, I loved it whenever you called me ma or mom." Victoria leaned back, looking down with a frown. "I understand if you don't want to anymore."

Alfred frowned as well, then braced her. "What are you talking about? Of course I'll still call you mom. You raised me and you saved my life instead of taking the money you were offered. You could have adopted a dozen kids, but you chose me over them." He smiled and kissed her head. "I love you, ma. I knew I'd always be safe with you by my side."

Victoria began to sob, tightly hugging Alfred. "I love you too, sweetie."

Then, Alfred frowned. "But I'm going to have to lock pa- Levi up... Aren't I?"

"Sadly," Victoria sighed, resting her head on her foster son's chest, "yes. I also told him I wanted a divorce."

The younger laughed. "Wow, mom." Victoria couldn't help but laugh also.


The ceremony was grand, the wedding was huge; larger than what would have been if Arthur was married off to Francis, whom was shipped back to his country along with his men. People sang and danced and cheered, but Alfred's favorite part was when he finally lay in bed with Arthur.

They were both exhausted, almost too tired to take off their clothing. Arthur, however, forced himself out of his wedding attire and into his silk pajamas. Alfred only stripped down to his boxers and slumped in the large bed that was almost twice the size of the room he had on the farm. For a week they had been preparing for the wedding, and Alfred was given lessons on how to maintain politics and by Yao.

Once Arthur was in the bed with him, Alfred wrapped the omega in his arms and buried his face in his neck. Arthur smiled and started running his fingers through Alfred's hair. "Your crowning will be early tomorrow morning. You should get some rest. It will be another grand celebration."

This caused Alfred to groan and hold his new spouse tighter. "How many celebrations can you have in a row? For an entire week they celebrated finding the King, we celebrated shipping the Frog off, celebrated our wedding, and now we're celebrating me being crowned? It's too much! But I'll go. There's always food when there's a celebration."

Arthur laughed softly, shuffling his nose through Alfred's hair. "Of course you'd only go for the food." Alfred hummed in response, but didn't speak. It was quiet for a while before The Queen spoke again. "You don't want to have sex?"

Alfred furrowed his brows and looked up. "What?"

"Well," Arthur began, his face heating up, "normally when an alpha hasn't hardly touched their omega for a while after they've mated, all they mostly want to do it have sex with them more."

The new King blinked, then sighed. "But I respect you. I highly respect you. Sure, sex sounds great, but," Alfred nuzzled his nose back into the crook of Arthur's neck, "sleep sounds better. Maybe tomorrow if you want to, but I really wanna sleep."

The Queen smiled, kissing his head. "Get some sleep then, my Farmer boy."

Alfred chuckled softly, then whispered, "you too, my Queen," before falling fast asleep.



Cheers burst through the throne room after the crown was placed a top of Alfred's head. Alfred stood straight and grinned at his people. That felt so odd to him. His people. Wow. He took Arthur's hand and kissed his cheek. Arthur smiled softly, looking up into Alfred's eyes.

"I love you," Arthur whispered, then Alfred returned the words with a chuckle.

During the party, nobles from all four kingdoms conversed, and both the newly wed King and Queen were glad Francis didn't bother to arrive.

Alfred stayed close to the buffet table, but socialized and danced with Arthur plenty. Alfred and Arthur danced, talking about their future together as King and Queen. Alfred had quickly gotten used to the clothing, but Arthur had to shove him into the bath everyday for the past week before allowing him in the bed.

When the party was finally over, Alfred collapsed on their bed, groaning. "I don't think I've been on my feet more in my life than I have this week."

Arthur laughed softly, shrugged off his coat. "This is normal for me. I've been Queen for a few years, so this doesn't quite bother me."

The King smirked, looking over as his Queen had trouble unbuttoning his shirt. "Come here, babe," he requested, getting to his feet. Arthur puffed and pouted, but obeyed. Alfred smiled, unbuttoning Arthur's shirt. "Are you alright? You couldn't unbutton your own shirt."

"I'm fine," the Queen muttered, avoiding eye contact. Alfred grinned and kissed Arthur's nose, causing him to blush. "I'm just..." Arthur looked down. "I was thinking... I- ah!" Once Arthur's shirt was off, Alfred picked up the Queen and tossed him on the bed. "Alfred!"

However, Alfred just smirked as he crawled on top of Arthur. "You wanted sex, didn't you?" Alfred held Arthur's hips and gently ground their hips together. Arthur gasped, clutching Alfred's shoulders. The King began kissing up Arthur's neck as he massaged the outside of his hips. "Do you want it? Or do you want to stop and sleep?"

Biting his lip, Arthur tilts his head back. "I-I want it... I want you." Alfred chuckled, but nodded, proceeding to take off his shirt.

Arthur groaned as he was cupped through his pants, then was roughly rubbed. "A-Alfred... I might not - nng - get pregnant... Since I'm..." Arthur trailed, panting and squirming. "I'm not on my heat... There's less of a chance than... When I am..."

Alfred grinned up at Arthur. "You're probably already pregnant, Artie. It's only been a week since your last heat when we did it, and you refused to allow me to pull out. Plus, there were no condoms or birth control pills, so I'd be surprised if I didn't get you pregnant." As he spoke, he shuffled off all of Arthur's clothing and his own. Arthur nodded, pulling Alfred down for a passionate kiss. Without preparing Arthur's entrance, Alfred slowly pushed himself in.

"Ah!" Arthur's back arched, tears beginning to spill from his eyes. Alfred groaned at how tight Arthur was and stayed still. He was only halfway in, but he didn't want to hurt Arthur. Arthur panted heavily, whimpers mixed with moans spilling from his lips. He hadn't realized that it'd hurt so much without lubrication or stretching after not having done it in only seven days.

The Queen wrapped his arms around Alfred's neck and raised his legs to wrap around the alpha's waist. "A-Al..."

"I'm sorry. I should have grabbed lubricant or at least stretched you." Alfred gently began leaving feathery kisses all over Arthur's face as he tried comforting him. Arthur pushed down on Alfred with his legs, urging him to go further without using words. Alfred gave Arthur a worried look, but sighed. He pushed the rest of his length in. Arthur released a deep, breathy moan, curling his toes and gripping Alfred's hair. "Arthur?"

"Al..." Arthur bit down on his bottom lip, looking up into Alfred's eyes. "Y-you can m-move now."

The King raised his hand and caressed Arthur's cheek. "Are you sure? You look like you're hurting." Arthur smiled weakly, playing with a lock of wheaten hair. Alfred smiled reassuringly back, then gently placed his lips on Arthur's forehead.

Arthur groaned as Alfred began rocking his hips, pulling almost all the way out, then pushing back in, trying to be as gentle as he could be. Arthur was still shocked after two weeks that an alpha was being gentle with an omega during intercourse. Arthur felt so incredibly lucky to have fallen in love with and married Alfred F. Jones. He was so glad that Alfred was his King.

Alfred's hands began to gently roam over Arthur's body, caressing him and comforting him as he made love to him.

"A-Alfred... More... Please, more." Alfred chuckled, but nodded. He shifted Arthur's hips has he began to pick up his pace. Arthur moaned softly, rocking his hips in time with Alfred's.

The King shifted himself in just the slightest bit before thrusting back in. This caused Arthur to gasp, then scream as he arched his back. Alfred grasped Arthur's forgotten member and stared to massage and pump it.

"Alfred!" A large knot began to form in Arthur's lower abdomen, so he clung to Alfred, trying to get him to go deeper. With a hard thrust from Alfred and a light squeeze to his member, Arthur cried out as he released himself all over Alfred's hand.

"Fuck," Alfred groaned, Arthur's walls tight around his shaft. "Arthur... I'm not even... Close," Alfred spoke in a broken scentence, panting heavily.

"Th-that's okay," Arthur whispered. "You can keep going. I don't want you to have to touch yourself if I can still please you."

Alfred crushed his lips to Arthur's as he spread Arthur's cum onto his own, still hard dick before pushing back in. Arthur sighed in relief at how much easier and less painful that was. As Alfred kept going, he still tried pleasing Arthur, drawing Arthur's weak member back to full hardness. Arthur became a moaning mess, his body already aching, but still searching for more pleasure although he wasn't in heat. Alfred coaxed release out of Arthur before he followed just seconds after. Alfred shook as he tried holding himself up from collapsing on Arthur as he knotted inside his omega.

Arthur trembled as well, clinging to Alfred. As his temperature lowered, he began to shiver at the coolness of the air he hadn't noticed before.

Alfred noticed Arthur shaking, so he used one arm to prop himself up and the other arm to drag the covers over their bodies. "Are you okay? I didn't hurt you too much, did I?"

The Queen smiled softly up at Alfred, cupping his cheek. "How was I so lucky to have ended up with you?" Alfred smiled, laying himself on his side and pulling Arthur close to him so he wouldn't be hurt by the knot. "You're too kind to me. You treat me with such gentleness that I'm not even sure if this is real."

The King smiled, his thumb rubbing circles into Arthur's back. "I love you, Arthur."

Arthur hummed, burying his face in Alfred's chest. "I love you, too, my Farmer boy."

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