High School Slut

By blossompage

177K 934 141

I put my hand on his waist, his slid down to my butt. His lips interlocked with mine, and it felt so good... More

New Year Old Ways
Party Hard Play Hard
The Aftermath
Guide to being a slut
The Morning After
Murder that bitch

Wasted Revenge

17K 90 18
By blossompage

I stood in shock, swearing at Katie, I was livid.
"How the fuck could you do that to me!"
Katie had stopped dancing and was standing next to Kieran, looking frightened.
"I don't know what you mean Lucy... I'm just doing what you told me, you know..."

"That doesn't mean getting off with him!" I angrily replied, fuming, and I could feel a crowd gathering.

Kieran tried stepping in,
"It was just a bit of fun babe no need to get so ang-"

"Don't call me babe, you dickhead! I'm so fucking done with you!"
I stormed through the crowd, upstairs, taking a bottle of Smirnoff with me.

I opened the vodka as I sat down on a bed. I necked half the bottle, tears streaming down my face- how could Kieran do that to me? Who would desire anyone else but me?

I hated them both. I hated them so much. And there was only one way to fulfil my anger - revenge. Best served hot - sexily hot.

My thoughts were blurred but I knew my plan. But first, I wasn't gonna waste a good party!
I stumbled down the stairs falling into someone on the last step.

"Oh my goddd I am soo sorry..." I slurred as I looked up. A pair of dreamy blue eyes looked back at me and then to my boobs.

"Oh no worries, that's alright! Nathan Waters, I go to UCR. You?"

A college boy... And he was fit as...

"Lucy White, how come I haven't seen you around? I think I would have noticed you..." I flirted back at him.

"Maybe you can get to know me..." He winked at me.
"Follow me to the drinks table?"
"Sure" I smiled back.

We walked over, and his hand slid around my waist. He started mixing drinks, one for each of us and gave me it.
I tried a bit, and I felt myself getting more drunk, I started laughing,
"This tastes fucking amazing oh my god!" I put my hand on his waist, his slid down to my bum.
His lips interlocked with mine, and it felt so good... his hand was on my boob, mine on his chest. His abs were rock hard, and I trailed my fingers over them. We stumbled around like that for a few minutes and the next thing I knew I was on top of him on a sofa. We continued to kiss, I spread my legs over his body. I was so drunk at this point but his body felt like heaven under me. I whispered in his ear,
"Let's get fucking wasted babe,"
He laughed and whispered back,
"You have the best ideas. "

Holding each other up, we walked around the party, until we found a group doing lines of coke.

"Lucy, hey!" James from my Calculus class waved me over. "Ready to get high?"

"Yeah totally! This is Nathan, he goes to UCR, so let him in on some drugs too yeah?"

I leant over the table, my top half way down my boobs. I snorted three lines, stood up, and fell over again.
Nathan's strong hand pulled me up, I laughed and watched him snort the coke.

We walked back over to the the crowd of people dancing, I was so wasted that I didn't give a fuck what I did anymore. I grinded on Nathan in the middle of the dance floor, people stopped and stared, I did slut drops, people slapped my butt, I made out with Nathan some more until he dragged me out of the crowd.
Nathan held me close,

"Let's go somewhere private hey?"


I can't believe it's been over a year since I started this story! I'm probably the worst person at updating I'm so sorry.
This chapters pretty long though, and I hope you enjoyed it. I can't thank you enough for over 10k reads, that's incredible!!!
Leave your thoughts in the comments, please vote too!

Love ya xx

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