Love of a King

By DumDum123

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Queen Katherine of Aragon is dead. Now, Henry VIII is in search of a new Queen and a male heir. It's a compet... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

779 9 1
By DumDum123

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I want anybody who reads this story to fan so I know how many people enjoy it and so I can continue it.

Thank you all ( :



It has been two weeks since I left the English court for the French. My stay here has been rather well I would say. Except for the French King, Francis I, who has been making far too many advances towards me. I have ruby rings, pearls, and pieces of gold and white cloth that he has given me among other gifts.

Still, he is no King Henry. . . How I miss him so. . . William writes me telling me of how court is without me and how the King asks for me daily. He even tells me how Anne is spinning the King back into her little web. How I wish I can go back and have another chance again.

"Mistress Marie!" Jane, a lady in waiting and 2nd cousin of mine, called as she ran into my room.

I turn from the window and see her out of breath, clutching on to her violet dress, her once white skin now flustered and red.

"What is it?" I asked, walking over to her.

"Unc- I mean the K-King h-has sent for you." Jane panted. "H-he is hurt."

"Francis?" I asked, wondering why she would think I care if she knows how I feel about him.

He has tried to seduce me these past two weeks. Promises of riches, gold and being future Queen is all I hear. His wife is still living, his newborn child died a while ago, and he's trying to make me his mistress. He makes me utterly sick.

"No King Henry. . . He is badly injured. . . He has sent for you immediately." Jane said, finally catching her breath.

I clasped my hand over my mouth. I could not believe it. . .

"How do you know?" I asked.

"He sent King Francis a letter, stating you are to return back to his court." Jane sighed. " King Francis is angry. One of his-"

"Who will be coming for me?" I asked, cutting her off, as I darted across my room and began to put all my gowns, hoods, and belongings into a trunk.

"James Piers. . .and Your Father..."

I stopped at once and turned to her again. My father? I'm so close to him and I am his favorite, yet I have not seen him in many months. King Henry sent him to the Netherlands as an ambassador to the low countries. I have missed him very much as well.

"Really?" I examined her light brown eyes, searching for the truth.

"Yes!" She giggled. "I believe they are here now."

She pointed out the window. I rushed to the window to look. It is him!

I ran out my room, down the stairs, -holding my violet red dress up so I wouldn't trip over- and headed out to the front of the castle to greet my father.

When I saw him, he turned and greeted me with his warm smile and a hug. He had not changed a bit. He was still tall, skinny, and had the same brown hair and dark green eyes.

"Father." I said, tears swelling my eyes.

"Oh my daughter Marie. . . My sweet little Marie." He kissed the top of my forehead. "I have missed you."

"Me as well." I smiled.

"Come now, we must go to the English court immediatley." James Piers interrupted. "I have already informed King Francis of your departure and your belongings are here with us now."

Father nodded and led me to a brown horse. He helped me on and proceeded to his own horse.

"Away!" Father ordered us all.

We went on our way and traveled to Windsor Castle.


We arrived at court two days later. It was still mid-day and usually the court filled with courtiers singing and presenting poems to ladies of the court, but today there was none of that... Father led me into our new rooms of the castle and told me to wait there until he fetched Uncle and mother.

I sat on a chair and waited there. The rooms were beautiful... Cherry wood for tables, chairs and the bed. The room was decorated in red and brown curtains, sheets, and linens.

Suddenly, the door burst open and in walked William, happy than ever.

"Marie!" He smiled, hugging me tightly. "I have missed you."

He led me over to the window and brought his face close to mine.

"All is well here." He whispered. "The King just got badly injured while on a hunt with Anne. He is angry with her and wishes not to see her."

"What happened to the King.?" I asked.

"He fell of his horse because Anne rode into a revine as he tried to chase after her. I guess they argued or something."

"Is she here?" I asked referring to Anne.

"Yes, but she will be going back to her family's estate soon." He smirked, squeezing my hand. "The King asked for you as soon as he woke up from the accident. He sent for you right away."

"Funny. . . I would have thought his pride was rather hurt to have asked for anyone." I said.

"Oh his pride is hurt. . . Maybe he trusts you. . ."

I wondered and shrugged.

Father, Uncle, and Mother walked in.

"You look well rested." Mother commented, looking me up and down. "I believe you haven't learned your lesson at all yet. Two weeks is such a short time."

Father looked at Mother . I couldn't make out what he thought, but I knew that he felt Mother had changed since he had left. . . And she had changed. She used to be so sweet and loving and now she's greedy and vile.

I looked down and bit my tounge.

"Well the King sent for her. . . I don't think he cares if she learned anything at all." Uncle smirked.

Mother sighed and walked to the other side of the room and sat quietly on one of the red chairs.

"This is your last chance Marie." Uncle started, crossing his arms over his chest. "You seem to have already caught the King, now the trick is to keep him. Do not this mess up. You hold the favor of this family. . . With Anne out of the way, you can focus on the King even more. Her sister, Mary, will be put in the Kings way to try to keep the attention on Anne the whole time. Redirect him. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Uncle." I obeyed, knowing full well this was my last and only chance to try to be the Queen of England.

"Wosley is trying to make the King marry by January... You have exactly four months to make him yours." Uncle said.

I nodded.

"Very well then." Father spoke. "You may go Marie."

William escorted me out of the room and led me down a long hall with guards at each turn. He suddenly stopped and bowed. I looked to see why and there he was. . . Sitting in his office. . . His brown eyes met my green and a smile crept on his bearded mouth.

"Mistress Marie. . . " He stood up and walked over to me, his hands clasping mine. "I am most happy you have returned."

I curtsied and let his lips kiss my hands.

"Welcome back at court." He smiled.

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