One Direction to the Rescue

By LBanks0201

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At one time I would have been ecstatic to be here! I mean backstage at a One Direction concert! Who wouldn’t... More

One Direction to the Rescue
How it Started-ch1
Concert Time- Ch2
Just Another Concert-ch3
Try and Catch Me-ch4
Two Halves if a Whole-ch5
Unexpected Run In-ch6
The Deal-ch7
Passed Out-ch9
The Invitation-ch10
The Past-ch11
The Chef-ch12
The Paps Attack-ch13
The Runway-ch15
The Present-ch16
The Shoot-ch17
The Party-ch18
Merry Christmas-ch19
Alone No More-ch20
The Auction-ch21
The Bidding War-ch22
Happy Birthday?-ch23
Perfect Day-ch25
There's SomethingThere-ch26
Good Actor-ch27
We Need to Talk-ch28
Six dates-ch29
He did Win-ch30
It was Perfect-ch32
Everything is going to be alright-ch34
Three Times-ch35
6 members-ch37
The End-ch37

On Set Fun-ch8

27 0 0
By LBanks0201

Harry’s point of view

I woke up the next morning feeling surprisingly excited even though it was pretty early.  The front desk called letting me know that a car will take us to the set in 30 minutes.  Today we all get to go to Scott’s shoot, I’ve never been on a movie set and excited to do something new.  I was getting dressed when I started thinking more about last night, when Scott got dragged away again.  When the door closed the other guys were looking at each other with their mouths open.  They all looked at me and I had to think of something fast.

“Don’t worry they are just really protective of him” I said trying to sound convincing.  They all seemed to believe me so we left it at that and returned to our own room to go to bed.

We met down in the lobby and got into the car that Scott had sent for us.  The ride was only a couple minutes to the building where the shooting was taken place.  We all walked close together all feeling out of place, people were running around everywhere carrying technological stuff I’ve never even seen before.

We were all looking around when someone came up to us.  I recognized him from last night, it was the guy who did all the talking.  “Hello guys” he said surprisingly nice.  “Welcome to the set!”  Now I knew this was an act but I thought it would be best to play along.

“It’s great to be here, thanks for having us.” I said acting as if I didn’t want to run up to him and punch him in the face.

“Yea, I hope we aren’t going to be in the way” Liam added

“Of course not! Don’t be ridiculous!” he said  “Ready to go to the main set? Our man, Scott is up there now.”

Wow could he be any more fake??

He guided us to an elevator and pushed the button for the top floor.  It took a while because the building was so tall.  It was quiet until Jason spoke up “About last night.  Sorry I didn’t know who Scott was with.” He sounded a little worried.  “He tends to hang out with bad influences and runs away from me and his bodyguards doing god knows what” he sounded sincere but I couldn’t tell.  It doesn’t seem like Scott would do that but who knows.  When the door finally opened we all shuffled out onto the roof of the building. 

It was a really big open area.  On one side of the roof there was a bunch of equipment which I assume is where all the shooting will take place.  On the other side is a tent which we were walking too.  We walk into the tent and it was pretty much just a big dressing room.  We look around and spot Scott getting some makeup done.  He was dressed in a white button up with a collar and a pair a slim blue dress pants.  All in all I would say he looks pretty convincing as a 007.

We all made our way over when Scott’s manger spoke up.  “Scott, buddy come over here and meet our guests.”  He said sounding too enthusiastic.

Scott turned around and had the biggest smile on his face.  He made his way over to us and gave us all a hug.  “So happy you guys came!  Sorry it’s a little early but apparently the lighting is perfect at this time” he said chuckling a little.

“We wouldn’t miss an opportunity like this!” Louis said and all of us shook our heads agreeing with him.

“Well I have to finish getting ready but feel free to walk around and explore.  There’s food over there if you’re hungry.”  He walked away turning around to look at Jason with a stern look.  I looked at Jason and he just smirked, which sort of creeped me out.

We all walked around for awhile splitting off in different directions exploring different things around the set.  I saw Niall head back into the tent probably going to get food and I thought I’m getting quite hungry so I was going to go join him. 

I walked into the tent and saw Niall already digging in.  “Save some for the crew” I said joking around.  He flicks me off and keeps digging in.  I look at all the food and decided on an apple.  I was eating when I saw Jason talking to Scott.  It looked like Scott was about to cry.  Jason kept sticking his finger into Scott’s chest before he walked away.  Scott just looked down at the ground clenching his fists.

I walk over to him.  He sees me approaching and tries to smile.  “You ok?” I asked with raised eyebrows.

“Just peachy” he replied sarcastically.  “Jason just telling me everything I’m doing wrong”

“You haven’t even done anything yet!” I said surprisingly defensively for him.  It seemed to have surprised him also.

“Thanks” he said looking at the ground again

“Scott? Scott?!” some guy was shouting.  “O Scott there you are”.  He came over to us, he was a middle aged guy who seemed to full of energy.  “Wow you look amazing! Just what I pictured!”

“Thanks Stan” he said blushing “O this is Harry Styles of One Direction”

“Of course our esteemed guests” he said shaking my hand very enthusiastically  “I actually have a job for you if you’re interested” he said.

“Of course anything you need” I replied excited 

“Well follow me and I’ll give you your job” he said walking out of the tent

I was about to leave when I turned back around and faced Scott. “Go get ‘em” I said punching his shoulder.  With that I left to go find Stan to find out my job.

It turns out my job was the person who does the snapboard to start the scene.  We were all waiting around for Scott to finish getting ready.  We all looked up when people were leaving the tent, I’m assuming his personal stylists.  Behind them all came Scott, he literally looked like a young 007.  He now had a blue blazor on, inside his coat I could see a gun holster.  He looked completely different, he literally transformed from the person I hung out with last night.  I felt so intimidated, he was already in character.

When he got over to his spot to start the director started talking again.  “Ok everyone, this scene is pivotal to the whole movie.  Scott will be repelling down the building to stop Dr. Ban’s evil plan.  Is everyone set?  Lights, Camera, Action.”

With that I said my role “Scott repels down building, scene 43, take 1”  I ran off behind the camera and stood next to Stan. 

I could tell why Stan picked Scott, he played the role so well as if he really was about to go stop Dr. Ban.  Scott started setting up his harness and stood on the side of the building looking down.  The camera rotated around him getting all of the suspense, when the camera got to a spot he swan dived off the side of the building.  I almost forgot this was a movie and jumped a little actually thinking he was diving off the building. 

After a minute has passed the director yelled cut.  I ran to the side of the building looking down.  He was hanging down 50 feet, no safety net or anything… how could he do this?  They reeled him up and all the other guys rushed up behind me.\

“That was awesome!!” Liam said

“Weren’t you scared?!” Niall asked

“Not really, it’s actually a lot of fun” He said back “We still have a couple more takes so gotta go again”

“You have to do that again?” I asked

“Yup” he said smiling

He did the scene 6 more times.  Every time it got better and better.  I thought it was perfect the first time but he surprised me again and again.  He did different kinds of flips off the side, almost as if he’s a diver for the Olympic team.

After he was done shooting that scene we went down a couple floors for a photoshoot.  This I was more comfortable with.  We’ve done a lot so I felt more relaxed being here.  He was doing different poses pretending to shoot his gun.  It only took about 20 minutes and then the next thing I realized he was dragging me and the other guys onto the set.  We all did different action poses goofing around.  Scott gave Louis his gun, which was probably the worst thing because Louis is reckless.  We pretended like we were scared of him and then did another one where we were all dead in a pile.  The crew seemed to be enjoying it as well, laughing and telling us different poses to do.

This was probably one of the most fun things I’ve ever done.  After we were done goofing around Scott said he wanted to do a nice one with everyone.  Scott was in the middle with me and Louis next to him and the rest next to us.  This felt right and glad he suggested this… I never want to forget this.

Scott’s point of view

This was probably one of the best days of my life.  I had five actual friends, they don’t see me as Scott the actor but Scott their friend.  When we were done taking the pictures I went back to the hotel to get ready for the concert. The other guys went right there since they had their wardrobe and everything they needed there.  I can’t believe Jason is actually letting me go.  The guys said to come right when I was ready so I could see how they prepare.  I quickly took a shower and threw on some slimming jeans and blue tshirt.  I was getting into my limo when I looked up and saw the goon squad inside.

“Really guys you don’t have to come!”

“Wouldn’t you like that?”  Blade said

“I mean I’m going to miss your beautiful faces but I’ll be backstage so there’s no way I would need my own security.”

“The security they have there are amateurs” Big said sort of surprising me.  “We just want to make sure you’re safe.”  I just nodded but more so just because that’s the most he’s ever said at one time, but it sounded sincere.

“Just make sure you don’t mess this up…  I personally can’t stand them but Mark thinks it’s good so whatever.” Jason said sounding disgusted

“Trust me I won’t” I said looking out the window

When we got to the arena it looked exactly like the Dallas one.  I mean it’s a gigantic coliseum so I couldn’t really tell them apart that much.  I walked in with Big and Blade right behind me.  The concert was supposed to start at 8 and its only 4 but outside it was still hectic.  Hundreds of fans waiting at the gates to see a glimpse of the boys.  I walked over signing some autographs and a couple pictures until one fan was pulling at my shirt hard enough to rip some of it off.  The girl seemed like she was about to faint by having it but was immediately being gawked at by all the other jealous girls.

I was quickly lifted up and carried a couple feet to get out of the way from the fans.  “Thanks Big” I said giving him a pat on his back

“Anytime sir” he replied formally

“You don’t have to call me that you know.  Scott is fine” i said while chuckling

We had to check in at the back entrance with an old overweight guy.  I could see what they meant by amateur security.  And after the incident with the fan I was glad they were there.  They took me through a dozen different hallways until we got to the stage.  The boys were all out there practicing their moves and testing their mics.  I just stood on the side and watched them.  They aren’t even performing for anyone but they still look like they are having a blast. 

I then started thinking about our shoot we did together and thought how much fun it was until I realized I was being dragged onto stage by Niall.  When I got out to the center all the guys greeted me.  I looked out into the stands and realized how truly massive they were.  No one was in them but I suddenly got stage fright.  Then I feel someone grab my hand.

“You ok?” Harry… “You don’t get stage fright do you?”

“I usually don’t but this” I said gesturing towards the arena “this, this is something completely different”

“You get used to it after awhile” Zayn said “I mean I almost peed my self being on xfactor alone”

I felt a little better and the more I thought it wasn’t really that scary but I think Harry helped ease that until he let go of my hand.  I realized they still had to finish preparing so they can let fans come in.  I sat on a coach they had in the middle of the stage and just watched them.

When they were done we all went back stage as they had to finish getting ready.  “What happened to your shirt mate?” Liam asked

I looked down at my shirt completely forgetting I was attacked.  “Well it’s either currently on some shrine of me or being sold on ebay” I said laughing

“Wow that’s quite unfortunate.  You’re more than welcome to wear any of our clothes” he said gesturing towards racks of clothes “That is if you can fit into any of them”.  With that he left to his dressingroom.

I was looking at all of the clothes trying to find a shirt big enough.  I know he didn’t mean what he said as if I were fat, but with Jason always reminding about my figure it still gets in my head.  I found a plain black button up shirt that looked like it would fit me.  I found a mirror and took off my shirt.  I stared at my body for a minute, I hated seeing myself in mirrors.  When I look at myself in mirrors it looks completely different then what pictures or movies make me look. 

I’m still thinking while I put my new button up on, it was a little tight but it showed off my body a little more than I’m comfortable with.  Posing in front of the mirror trying to make myself feel better about the way I look.  I was holding onto my stomach frowning in the mirror when I realized someone was behind me the whole time.

“You don’t think your fat or anything right?”  Harry said in his low voice

“What, no no. I don’t know…” I said stuttering like an idiot

“I don’t know what you see in that mirror but you must be messed up in the head to think you’re not the fittest person on the planet.”

I didn’t even know what to say, no ones ever been that direct with me.  I felt my cheeks starting to blush. 

“That’s what makes you beautiful” he said singing to me “It’s just the little things”

I couldn’t help hold in my smile anymore and erupted into laughter “You are so corny! But I love it”  he did make me feel better

We just looked at each other until someone with a headset and clipboard came up to us.  “There you are!” he said to me

“Me?” I said questiongly

“Yes, Harry was supposed to tell you to go to the stage so I could tell you your job”  the man replied

“Right that’s what I was supposed to do… My bad”  Harry said sheepishly

The man just rolled his head while gesturing me to follow him.  We left Harry in that spot as we walked further and further away.  I found out that my job was to go on stage and announce One Direction… Crap

It was about time now for the concert to start and my heart was racing, I was scared enough to be out there with no one in the seats and now I have to go out there when ti’s sold out??  I was pacing by the side of the stage where I was supposed to go out when I felt someone grab my hand.  Then I realize I’m surrounded by people.  I almost tried running away thinking they were fans but then realized it was all the guys. 

They all just looked at me giving me a nod of reassurance.  I felt relieved instantly.  “So this is what it’s like to have friends” I said under my breath.

“What did you say there”  Louis said

“O nothing just, thanks.”  I was given my cue to go announce but before I went out I gave all the guys a hug and said good luck.  They all stood on the side cheering me on as I went out on stage. 

I look out into the arena and when I’ve said I never seen so many flashes and screaming fans I mean it.  The entire arena erupted in screams, I thought I was gong to do deaf.  I instantly forgot why I was out there.  I must have looked so dumb just standing there.  I started to panic and looked around and then I looked to the side and see all the guys there.

I was met with thumbs up and clapping by them.  I looked at each of them and when I looked into Harry’s eyes I regained all my confidence.

“Welcome everyone!!” I said as if another person took over my body. “It is my privledge to welcome you all here to Miami!!” The crowd went crazy.  “My name is Scott Vine and it’s my honor to welcome to the stage my own personal good friends and idols, the one the only ONE DIRECTION”  with as much enthusiasm I could muster up.

Next thing I know I’m being swarmed by the boys as they run out to me giving me a group hug.  The fans were going berserk, I couldn’t believe I didn’t hear this when I was in the crowd in Dallas.  After our embrace I went to the side of the stage where no one could see me.

“Can we have another round of applause for our announcer this evening, Scott Vine” Harry asked the crowd.  It was met with a huge response and I just smiled geeking out on the side.  Then the concert was on. 

Now that I can look at them as friends the concert was a different kind of wave of emotions.  I felt like a proud father watching them all sing out there.  When ever someone nailed a solo I felt a rush of pride over me.  This didn’t change the fact I was a little jealous of them.  They really were having the time of their lives. 

Their concerts usually last 3-4 hours.  I would say they still had an hour left when the guys took a break between songs to do some twitter challenges/questions.  I wasn’t expecting what was coming net though.  “I challenge Louis and Scott to a dance off.  This tweet was by Morgan in row54 seat 2” Liam announced

All the guys looked over at me on the side, I was to shocked to do anything.  I was literally frozen.  “Awww looks like little Scotty is scared” Louis said trying to antagonize me.  I tried hiding my smile and looked away so it looked like I was ignoring them, bad idea.  Next thing I know I’m being dragged onto stage by Harry and Liam.  I try getting out of their grip when I’m lifted off my feet… Big.

“I thought you were on my side” I said as he sat me on the couch on stage

He shrugged his shoulders and said “Have fun” and with that he left that stage while getting high fives from all the guys.  Well I guess it’s on. 

I stood up and gestured to Louis to go first.  He started doing his signature screw the lightbulb and pat the dog.  I started laughing but then challenged him with my grocery cart/moonwalk combo going far enough to knock into him throwing him off.  Next thing I know we start pretending playing tennis with each other.  I let him win when he actually dove for the fake ball.  I pretended to be mad but then went over and shook his hand.  The rest of the boys and the arena were all laughing at this point.

I was about to go back to my side spot when I heard Harry talk “Hold on there Scotty Boy” I turn around and raise my eyebrows and mouth ‘Scotty boy really?”

“Well Miami what do you say Scott finishes off the concert out here on stage?”  The crowd applauds, but I continue to walk away “O come on such a shame to hide that fit body on the side” I stopped in my tracks and had no idea where he was going with this.

Cluing into what Harry was doing Liam joined in “What do you think Miami doesn’t he look great tonight?” again the place was filled with screams. He couldn’t have known about my appearance issues too could he?  I instantly grabbed my stomach… reflex.  I was aabout to walk off stage again when Big stepped out and pointed.  I silently obeyed turning around to go to the coach. 

When I sat down Zayn talked now “I know you all love this song and this is what helped make us today.  We also are dedicating this song to our lad here Scott”  I looked up to meet his eyes.  Did they all know?  I’m more careful then this.  I was caught out of my train of thought when the music for what makes you beautiful came on.  I look up as they surround me on the couch.  They get me on my feet and walk me around the stage.  It was actually adrenaline building, maybe even more than my scene this morning which is weird. 

It was coming to Harry’s big solo part when we get back to center stage.  They all form up behind him and I felt awkward till Harry brought me up to the front with him.  Then his solo started and I could tell he was directing this toward me.  I felt good though, I mean I was center stage with One Direction in front of thousands of fans, with Harry singing directly too me.  I actually felt good about myself, then it happened.  Niall and Louis grabbed each side of my already tight shirt and both pulled exposing me shirtless.

I looked down at myself and the world went quiet.  All I saw was a huge gut hanging out over my jeans.  I was too stunned to do anything, just frozen in place.  Everyone staring at how fat I was, I still couldn’t hear anything.  I started to feel faint and started to stumble back to the side where no one could see me.  I knew I was going to faint but wanted to make it to the side where no one could see me. Before I knew it everything was turning black, my feet gave out from under me and I was going down.  Expecting the hard impact to come but nothing came except two large hands.

I looked up expecting to see Big but to my surprise it was Blade.  I tried to stay conscious but was failing.  I tried to talk but couldn’t get anything out.

Before everything went completely black I heard him say “Don’t worry brat I got you… don’t worry I got you”

Then blackness came

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