Immortal Blood, Immortal Love.

By xxfall3nros3sxx

316K 3.8K 1.5K

A story about a lonely seventeen year old girl, who looses her mother and lives alone taking care of herself... More

-One- * -Alone-
-Two- * -Kidnapped?-
-Three- * -Torn to Shreds-
-Four- * -Saved, By a Thin Line-
-Five- * -Better Think Again-
-Six- * -Fallen-
-Seven- * -These Walls Crumble-
-Eight- * -Your Arms Feel Like Home-
-Nine- * -I'm Not Afraid Of Tomorrow-
-Ten- * -Unleashed, Untrustworthy-
-Eleven- * -How Close Is Close Enough-
-Twelve- * -Allow me to see, Because my heart is broken-
-Fourteen- * -Lie Through My Teeth Again-
-Fifteen- * -You Deny Me-
-Sixteen- * -Would it make you, feel better To watch me while I bleed?-
-Seventeen- * -This Is For Keeps.-
-Eighteen- * -What If We Start, Again?-
-Nineteen- * -Breaking your promise is easy as breaking your neck.-
-Twenty- * -These Chains Hold Me Down.-
-Twenty One- * -Show Me The Way,-
-Twenty Two- * -Adventuring Eyes, Alluring Spies.-
-Twenty Three- * -Captive, Again?-
-Twenty Four- * -Full To The Brim, Secrets Within.-
-Twenty Five- * -Life and Death-
-Twenty Six- * -Immortal Love, Immortal Fear-
-Twenty Seven- * -The battle will carry on-
-Twenty Eight- * -Have a Right to Lose Control-
-Twenty Nine- * -The First Night-
-Thirty- * -Nineteen Days-
-Thirty One- * -Eighteen Days-
-Thirty Two- * -Seventeen Days-
-Thirty Three- * -Sixteen Days-
-Thirty Four- * -Fourteen Days-
-Thirty Five- * -Five Days-
-Thirty Six- * -Four Days-
-Thirty Seven- * -Three Days-
-Thirty Eight- * -Two Days-
-Thirty Nine- * -One Day Left-
-Final Chapter- * -Happy Birthday, Savannah!-

-Thirteen- * -The Word, Alive-

10.2K 143 92
By xxfall3nros3sxx

*Authors Note: This story will contain graphic information, and sexual, abusive situations. Honestly, If you don't like it, Don't read it. Simple as that.*

Savannah tossed and turned in her sleep, she couldn't stay still, she couldn't breathe, the night mare that had began as soon as she fell asleep was now in tow, and it wasn't going to be easy to over come..

The rain came down hard on the highway, Savannah sat quietly in the passenger seat looking at the person in the driver seat, her mother. Savannah was already nervous on the road at night, the storm hadn't let up and the rain cascaded down onto the windshield, you could barely see.

Savannah's mother cursed but continued on in the rain. It was a Sunday, a week before Savannah's seventeenth birthday, Her mother knew what she wanted and was determined to drive all the way to get it. 

Savannah wanted a pure bred husky pup, a breeder a few towns over got in touch with Savannah's mother, letting her know she had some puppy's available. They could have waited until the following day, until the storm cleared, but no. Savannah was too excited she wanted her husky puppy as soon as possible.

The skies were dark as seven at night came around, the storm clouds made it even darker. The lights flashing in and out of Savannah's eyes, blinded her and her mother every few seconds. The glare from the lights was enough to blind Savannah's mother good enough to not see for a few seconds.

Savannah's heart rate increased, her mother looked panicked trying to see the road, it was pitch black, the sound of a horn screamed in Savannah's ears, and she hadn't realized she was screaming to. The small sedan that her other drove got hit on it's side, the slippery roads and heavy foot on the brake, made the car sputter, and spin, it tipped over three times.

Savannah wiped her eyes, looking around she was upside down, her mother too. Looking over, Savannah shook her mom's hand, the seat belt held both of them, the windshield was completely gone, nothing left, if Savannah reached out hard enough, without her seat belt on, she could touch the dark pavement.

"Savannah, are you ok?" She didn't get to answer her mother's words before her mother was panicking. "I will unbuckle your seat belt, when I am finished I won't you to exit this car as best you can, I want you to run for the guard rail, flag someone down.. call for help" Her mother's eyes filled with sadness at the last part.

Savannah caught herself on her hands quickly, after her mother sprang her from her seat belt. She quickly got out, staying on her hands and knees she peered in at her mother who couldn't meet her daughter's eyes. "I love you, Go!" Her mother screamed the last part, Savannah suddenly scared ran form the car, once safe inside the guard rail, she realized a tracker trailer truck heading straight for the now crushed sedan.

Her mother screamed on impact, but her screams were cut off instantly. Savannah dropped to her knees, the tracker trailer tipped over several times, cars swerved all over, one car stopped her.

Savannah couldn't register anything at that moment. Her mother was dead, and it was all her fault. 

The red and blue lights danced and bounced off the glistening road, they asked her questions, she was paled in an ambulance, but she was never reunited with her mother...

"Savannah" "Savannah" Her name sounded familiar, Savannah tossed and turned trying to break form her nightmare, when she finally did, she sat up at lightning speed, her heart raced unnaturally, and her tears fell violently from her eyes.

"I- It's all my fault, If I- if I didn't- It's all m fault" Savannah sobbed her hands covered her face, Vincent could barely understand a word she said, he wrapped his arms around her in comfort, and held her as tightly as he could.

Vincent woke up ten minutes prior, Savannah was kicking and practically screaming in her sleep, she scared him at first, he thought maybe Kent had sunk into the room, until he heard her crying for her mother, he couldn't grasp what was wrong at first.

He had sat up just watching her, watching her cry and fight off whatever was trying to get her in her nightmare. Vincent could sense her uneasiness, he could sense her pain, and her heart throb, He woke her as carefully as he could, trying not to scare her.

Vincent made sense of Savannah's words quickly. "What's you're fault Savannah?" Vincent sighed when she shook her head against his shoulder, Pulling her away to look into her eyes Vincent steadied her. Putting his hands on either side of her head he decided he was going to see for himself, her eyes met his and the process began.

Vincent had the ability to recall past memories in people, he could easily read peoples emotions as well, very few vampires get special ability's, and everyone is still uncertain how he managed to get his. 

Vincent watched the scene as if he were there. The rain, the crash, the reason they were driving, and Savannah being saved by her mother. Letting go of the memory her quickly saw Savannah's eyes once again and her tears fell softly down her cheeks.

"It wasn't your fault, at all" He stated softly as he rubbed soothing circles into Savannah's cheeks. Her eyes watered again. "If I didn't want the stupid dog she would have never drove, if I could have at least waited a day, it wouldn't have happened" Savannah wiped her tears away furiously.

"It wasn't your fault, you have to believe that. You're mother would never want you to think that either, it was something she was doing for you that day, mother nature just happened to have it's own plan, fate had it's own plan" Vincent hugged Savannah to him.

"I'm sorry I woke you" Savannah apologized almost immediately. Vincent lay back down, her still in his arms, they touched the bed gently and Vincent wiped away Savannah's tears, rubbing soothing circles into her arm with his thumb, soon Savannah drifted off into sleep again.


The next time Savannah woke up she was beside Vincent, she looked up and noticed him looking down at her, he moved slightly placing an arm around her, his face hovered above hers. Savannah's breath caught in her throat, her heart rate increased. 

"You had a pretty bad nights sleep, here I thought I could help" Vincent smirked slightly breaking the stiffness in the air. "How are you?" He asked confidently. Savannah smiled as best she could without it looking forced. "OK, Thank you for staying with me"

Vincent nodded. "I have to go, and your day is about to begin, I will meet up with you later" Vincent smiled at Savannah who returned it this time, He lightly pecked her nose before hurrying out of the room. Savannah trailed a finger down her nose, enjoying the tingling sensation he left.

The day went by increasingly fast, Savannah did her couple rooms quickly, and she even entered Vicnent's. When he wasn't there she cleaned what little there was to clean then made her way back to her own room.

The atmosphere to Savannah's room felt heavy and threatening. She tried to ignore the thoughts in her mind, it made her feel unsafe, the room felt haunted almost. Someone was in here, she knew of it. "Who is here?" Savannah asked bravely.

Without blinking Kent faced her almost instantly. He grabbed Savannah by the throat and pinned her on her back, onto the bed. "You little tramp!" He screamed. "You went behind my back and tried to switch masters?!" Kent was roaring mad, and Savannah flinched as he punched the mattress beside her.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out about this?" Savannah reached her hadn't to Kent's trying to pry his fingers off. "Answer me!" He screamed. Savannah's eyes widened and she tried to speak, it barely came out. "I knew you would" Kent glared daggers at her in response.

"And did you think I was stupid enough not to know he spent the night with you, I am a vampire Savannah, I have a strong sense of smell, I know he was here, his scent is all over your body" 

Savannah managed to spit in Kent's face, long enough to get out of his grasp. "Leave me alone" she screamed running or her door, she just barely opened it, when Kent slammed it closed.

"Stop!" Savannah's attempts at escaping were futile, and Kent had her pinned against her door. "He won't win this, he won't be your master, And you are to stay away from him, If you get too close to him I will hunt you down, and I will make you regret it"

Kent's threat made Savannah's blood boil she slapped him across the face. "I don't have to listen to you, who do you think you are treating me like this, I'm not a slave, and I will not be your slave, Vincent actually cares, and he knows all about you and Glory" Savannah spat all this with as much venom in her voice as she could muster.

Kent didn't think twice before his fist made contact with Savannah's eye. He threw her to the floor, punching her once more, this time she moved her head, it only rolled off her cheek. Kent then stood and kicked Savannah in the stomach. Her scream was so loud she knew everyone in the building had heard it.

A few minutes later, after Kent's foot came down on Savannah's stomach for the second time, her bedroom door had opened and Kayla flew into the room. "That's enough, Leave her be" Kayla warned, furiously. Savannah began to cry softly as the pain finally reached her.

"Kayla" Savannah cried. Kent looked from the both of them until he backed Kayla into a corner. "You can't touch me, I am not your slave. You remember what will happen" Savannah could tell that it took all of Kayla's courage to speak up to Kent. 

"Savannah, I leave you with that warning" Were Kent's last words before her stormed from the room, slamming the door.

Kayla ran over to Savannah kneeling down and taking in her injuries, Savannah's eye was already bruising, and when Kayla lifter her shirt she noticed one forming on her side as well. "Savannah, are you okay?" Kayla's eyes were filled with worry.

Savannah finally spoke. "Vincent, get him" Kayla watched as Savannah tried to move, she hissed in pain when she was able to sit up, her back against the box spring of her bed. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Kayla asked. "I mean after what just happened?"

Savannah glared at Kayla, but felt bad instantly. "I don't care, Get him, Please" Kayla watched Savannah's pleading eyes, and nodded. "I will return in a few minutes with him" 

Savannah waited after Kayla left the room. A few minutes later a worried Vincent entered the room. "Vincent" Savannah cried, she reached for Vincent, he came to her, lifting her into his arms bridal style. "We have to get you checked out downstairs at the nurses office"

Savannah began to protest, but Vincent gave her a serious look. "Kayla I will let you know how she is later" Kayla nodded, and Vincent brought Savannah to the indoor mini hospital.

Savannah got checked out rather quickly, being diagnosed with a bruise rib, and a black eye. Both would take time and would heal on their own. Savannah walked gently with Vincent back to her room.

Once back, Vincent sat down with Savannah in her bed. "I think we should keep it quiet for a few days, try not to get too close.. for your sake" The look in Vincents eyes made Savannah worry.

"I'm fine, Vincent" Savannah stated stubbornly. She moved, but quickly winced in pain as she did so. "You're obviously not, you need to heal, and this way he won't hurt you until you do heal"

"No, that's not fair" Vincent looked at Savannah with wide eyes. "Fair? It is fair Savannah. I am going through a lot with everything as it is, trying to be your master, the least you could do is stay away from me for a bit so Kent won't hurt you, don't be selfish" 

Savannah flinched at Vincent's harsh words, before she could respond he left her room furiously.

What happened?

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