You don't own me (A Dean Ambr...

By firefly88

5K 150 9

Cassie was never good with the men. Her relationships never lasted long. But what will happen when innocent C... More

Unlikely Hero
Meeting the main man
Your not who I was hoping you we're
A slap in the dark
Caught in the act
Giving into you
Jealousy is how I roll
A violent outburst
The decision
Getting in over my head part 2
Lack of motivation
An awkward situation
The lie begins
A talk with the father
It all came from nowhere
Rushed arrangements
Dress shopping

Getting in over my head part 1

245 6 0
By firefly88

All night all we did was lay in bed in each others arms. I slept so soundly even with my doubt about me and Dean. I couldn't help but laugh when I woke up to hear him snoring. He was adorable, mouth agape, snoring his little head off. I could get used to waking up to Dean in the mornings. That would be if the negativity could disappear, I hoped it would. I tried to slide out of bed but Dean's arms tightened around me pulling me against his chest. I got a mouthful of his vest and began to try and pull my face so I could breath. I settled against him waiting for his grip to loosen. I was waiting a long time until he woke up. Dean's eyes opened with a smile playing at his lips. I giggled at his expression when he saw where he woke up. He looked really happy. I had never seen Dean that happy before. "Morning" His voice thick with sleep. I didn't reply as I just smiled up at him. "I could lay here with you like this all day" He added. My smile became wider. "We can if you want" I suggestion but disappointment came across his face. "I can't. I really want to but I have a job to do today" His arms pulled away from me as he sat on the end of the bed running his hand through his hair. I sat up feeling a bit worried. "Is this a dodgy job?" I asked openly. Dean paused for a moment then turned to look at me with a reassuring look. "I've never been caught before, I won't get caught any time soon. I promise I will come back to see you when the jobs done" I shrugged wishing he would not do this work. He could one day get caught. It's one reason why I was unsure of being with him. 

"Hey, look at me" Dean's voice snapped my eyes back to his. He had a serious expression on his face. "I know what I am doing, everything will be fine. I promise you I will be coming back to you. I will always come back to you" I nodded as he placed a kiss on my lips and got up to leave me sat on the bed. I was worried. I knew these jobs could include debt collecting for drug dealers and a few other dodgy things like that. It scared me because what if one day he didn't come back. I've gone from pushing him away to not wanting him away from my side in one night. I guess I had to trust him. It was hard because he wasn't exactly your typical man but I had to learn to trust him. I didn't say another word as he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead and he left. I got myself up the moment I heard the front door go signalling Dean's absence. An hour later I got myself something to eat and text Chloe to see what she was up to. "Be round in five x" She replied. I guess Seth was off on the job too. Within ten minutes she was at my door. I let her in and poured two coffee's. When I turned to hand Chloe her drink she looked more than upset. She was pale, eyes sunken in and she looked like she hadn't slept. "You ok?" I sat down opposite her waiting patiently for her to have the energy to explain her current state. "How can you be ok with Dean going?" I shrugged. I didn't actually know exactly where he was going. "I'm trying a new thing. Trust" Chloe's eyes widened at me. "So your ok with him committing a serious crime? One he could go to jail for?" Ok did she know more than me? "Cassie, he hasn't told you where they are going has he?" I shook my head no with a bewildered look on my face. Should I be more worried than I was? Chloe let out a sigh and began to fiddle with her cup. "There is this guy, I can't remember his name but he hired them for a debt collection last year. He never paid Roman for the job and they have given him 'Sufficient time'" She used her fingers as quotations with an annoyed expression. 

"Well they haven't been able to collect his debt owed to them so they are going round to force it out of him. If he doesn't pay up there is a chance they will hurt him" I shook my head at her not believing a word but she slammed her hand down hard causing me to jump grabbing my attention. Her face and voice became more stern. "You don't believe me then wait at my house for them to get back! I only know this because I made Seth promise not to lie to me again after I caught him and the guys coming home covered in blood! You want to see for yourself then come with me right now!" My mouth dropped open at what Chloe was suggestion. "Hurt them how?" I tried in barely a mumble. "Breaking legs, cutting off fingers and that is only what Seth has owned up to me so far" I sat back in disbelief. I thought they just collected money and went on their way. I never knew if someone didn't pay up to them for their work that could happen. It never crossed my mind that someone could refuse to pay up. It worried me that Seth would admit that type of stuff to Chloe. It frightened me. "How would they react if they knew you called me round to catch them? I don't want Dean getting angry again" Chloe reached across the table and grabbed my hand. "This is why you shouldn't be with him, he's dangerous and I'm scared he may hurt you again" I scrunched my eyebrows at her. "That was an accident. He didn't mean to push me that hard" Chloe wouldn't have any of it. "Nothing bad will happen but if you want to know for sure, please come with me" She pleaded. I gave it no thought and decided to just see for myself, not once did I think to question why she was still with Seth if this was the case. I couldn't deny or believe it until I saw some kind of proof to say either way. 

Hours had passed and it was now going dark outside. Chloe and myself forgot about the boys during I wait and decided to watch films all day. Chloe was currently finishing off my nails for me after we got bored staring at a screen. We both paused and became silent when we heard the front door go. Silence all except for feet shuffling into the house. I stared at Chloe as she looked right back at me. We waited for the feet to come closer but they continued to shuffle in the hallway. I pulled my hands back from Chloe feeling my anxiety rise. I didn't know how I would react to see Dean covered in blood. All kinds of images came into my head. "Wait here" She whispered to me as she got up to go see what was going on. "What happened?!" I heard Chloe shout. I didn't move, I was scared to go see in case I saw something I shouldn't. "Get him on the sofa!" I heard Chloe shout. I turned round to see Roman and Seth carrying someone past the kitchen door into the front room. I got up wondering where Dean was but once I stood in the hallway to see he wasn't there I worried the worse. I looked at the floor to see blood droplets trailing to where the others were. I followed the trail into the room, the site of the blood making me feel nauseous. "What is she doing here?!" Seth shouted at Chloe. "Get her out of the room now!" Roman added as they tended over a body. I couldn't see if it was Dean or not. All I saw was the bodies shoes hanging over the arm of the sofa as Chloe pulled me into the hall. She shut the door behind us then turned to look at me. "Who was that?" I rushed out panicked. "I...I can't...It's bad Cassie...I don't think you should go back in there" I tried to push past her but then I heard a lock clunk. The boys had locked us out. "Was that Dean?" She froze and nodded her head yes. Instantly my heart began to race. Dean was hurt and they wasn't letting me anywhere near him. I had to get to him. I shoved Chloe out of the way, she didn't fight me as she stood frozen in shock. 

I began to bang on the door demanding they let me in but they refused to even reply. "Fucking let me in!" I screamed kicking the door pretty hard. Roman opened the door with a serious angered glare. He stepped outside his height forcing me to step back and he closed the door behind him. "Will you stop!" He ordered in a low growl. Chloe stayed silent. "Let me past Roman!" I snapped back holding my ground but he refused. "Chloe take her back home" He told her keeping his eyes on me. "No! Is that Dean? Is Dean hurt?" I shouted but said the last part with a broken voice. Roman began to look stressed. "Cassie please, you need to go home and I will come round later" My eyes began to well up. If Dean was hurt I needed to see him. "Oh god don't cry" Roman began looking at Chloe for help. "Roman just let her see him" Chloe gave in. She understood how I was feeling. If the tables we're turned I would do the same for her. Roman looked between us for a moment before leaning into the room. "She's coming in" He told Seth then opened the door allowing me to step inside. Without a second thought I stepped in slowly to see the feet hanging over the arm of the sofa. I looked at Seth as he leaned down to the body holding a bloody cloth onto his arm. Finally Dean was in view but my heart was breaking. He looked like he was in agony. His face bloody and lip bust up. His left eye was already black. I looked down to where Seth was holding the bloody cloth to see he was trying to stop bleeding. My stomach turned but I managed to compose myself before I passed out. I stepped closer and knelt down at the side of Dean so he could see me. Tears we're now falling rapidly down my face. "What happened?" I sobbed in a whisper. "You wasn't suppose to see this" He voice pained and groggy. "Why is he bleeding so much?" Dean closed his eyes to deal with the pain. I looked at Seth for answers. "Chris did it. We had just finished a job and he was waiting for us outside. Dean just happened to get cut open in the process" "Was he stabbed?" I asked in shock pointing to his arm. "No, no! He just got cut up when they jumped him. Me and Roman tried to help but they dragged him into a car. There was too many of them. It was Chris" I couldn't believe what Seth had just told me. "But Chris wouldn't do something like that" I whined not wanting to believe it. "Chris did it babe. But it's ok. We will handle it but promise me you will stay away from him" Dean spoke up. I stood to my feet feeling myself get angry. "No! If Chris really beat crap out of you with his friends then I need to tell him a few things myself. How fucking dare he?!" I angered the last part to myself out loud. 

"Cassie really. Chris is not as nice of a guy as you thought. He isn't your friend anymore when you are involved with Dean. Trust me I found out for myself last week. He told me to watch my back" Chloe informed me. I wasn't scared of Chris though. We had a past. Not exactly a romantic one but we did become close a few years ago. I knew if I asked him why he would tell me. I also knew if I asked him to leave Dean alone he would. "I can take care of myself. This is a mans matter. You can't get involved because you will get hurt" Roman stepped in front of me not allowing me to leave. "Fucking move Roman" I glared at him. Like hell was I letting Chris get away with this. "No. Your staying here till you calm down" I shook my head no and barged past him. Everyone except Dean chased after me and a struggle ensued. I was dragged into the guest bedroom by Roman, Seth and Chloe. I didn't stand a chance. I was picked up and thrown on the bed. I tried to get up but felt my arm yank me back down. I looked up to see I had been handcuffed by one arm to the bed frame. "What the fuck guys?!" I yelled at them pointing to my wrist. Roman placed a key in his pocket. I glared up at him knowing he was the one to have done it. "Your staying here" He turned round and put the tv on and threw a remote at me. "So you don't get bored" I couldn't believe it when they all walked out closing the door leaving me alone attached to the bed. I was even more livid that Chloe had helped them lock me up here. I sulked to myself hoping this was just a joke but after an hour I knew they was being deadly serious. 

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