The Criminal(?)

By pikachukite

16.1K 777 178


Kenchis house
Character list. (i need your help to name these kids and thier looks)
Meeting the family part 1
Meeting the family part 2
Samaus's Dream
Samaus's morning...
The Revelation
What happened?
Hello... where the hell am I?
the questions part one
the questions part two
Getting out
Samaus goes into town
Samaus meets more people!
Normal afternoon? Wait... what?!
nightmares after showers
Awkward moment
Kakashi's face!
readers choice!
Save me
What's next? More crud?
Pain of the heart? Or the body?
Saving Sam
Waking up in the hospital


161 7 1
By pikachukite

Sam slept as his whole body was covered in bandages.

Tsunade had healed the bigger and most dangerous wounds as much as she could. She had even fixed and healed Sam's nose as best she could. It was bruised but she couldn't do anything else about the bruising on his body. She seen some bite marks that were covered somewhat by blood so when she cleaned his body of the blood she could see all his wounds and all the bruising. She had to take off his cast on his foot as it was covered and soaked in blood. She relieved to know that Sam's foot was never touched so it healed from being broken. She left after she was done with Sam's wounds and let Kakashi stay in the room.

Kakashi sat in a chair beside the bed and watched Sam's sleeping face and his chest rise and fall with his breathing. He was happy that Sam was alive but sad and angry that he was hurt to this extent.

The man who hurt Sam and kidnapped him was being tortured for information and because Ibiki wanted to after he saw the damage on Sam's small body.

Sam was unconscious for a while week.

Kakashi stayed by his side the whole week as Tsunade had given him time off.

In Sam's mind he was floating.

Floating in the darkness of his mind.

He opened his eyes to see that he was surrounded by stars and pitch black night skies.

He looked up and seen a moon but in the middle of the moon a shadow slowly descended.

The shadow was human shaped.

Sam spoke up. " I?... who... are you?"

The shadow became light and started showing a pale kind face of an older man. "Hello Samaus. You have grown so much my child. Welcome home my son."

Sam's breath hitched and caught in his throat. "W...what?!"

The moon lighted man chuckled. "You are where you belong now. You have nothing to worry over now. I sent you away to that other world to grow and be safe from this world. But now this world, your home, needs your help. I will teach you in here. Your mindscape." He gestures to the empty space with his hand that now held a staff that was just as pitch black as the sky it was in. He smiled as he walked over to Sam and helped him stand in the empty space. He smiled kindly. "You are more special than you think. Good luck my boy. You'll need it. For now sleep and heal. I will speed up your healing." He hugged Sam who just stood there in shock.

Sam was let go and he instantly fell from his mindscape and into a blissful sleep.

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