Captured! [Book 2 of The Deni...

By AmorAuctor

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Captured! Book 2 [Sequel Of Denied!]
1: Good Girl Or Bad Girl??!
2: Princi Poop!!
3: The Result!!
4: Keep Reminding Me!!
5: A Step Forward!!
6: Angry, Very Angry...
7: My Stupid Retarded Boys!!
8: Stop It!!
9: Happy Birthday Mase!!
10: Hello And Goodbye..
11: Hate.
12: Moving On..
13: Down To Business..
14: The Good News Or The Bad News??!
15: Let's Get Packing!!
16: Guess Who's Our Roommate!!
17: Burn, Baby, Burn!!
18: His Return..
19: Turned
20: Try Me Out
21: The Climb
22: Start Talking..
23: The Game
24: Captured! Part 1
25: Captured! Part 2
27: Captured! Part 4
28: Well, That Was A BLAST!
29: Some Explaining..
30: Ready To POP!
31: Her Name...
32: Haunting You...
33: Our Wedding

26: Captured! Part 3

1.4K 16 3
By AmorAuctor

There Is A Part 4..


Chapter 26: Captured! Part 3

I sniffed the air.


“Fire?” I mumbled.

“FIRE!” I screamed.

“Fire?” Mase mumbled to himself.

“FIRE!” Harry yelled, hiding behind my leg.

“Where the hell did fire come from?!” I yelled, running towards the door, climbing over the wood so I could see through the glass.

“Lucien must’ve set it” Mase said.

“No shit Sherlock” I replied rolling my eyes. “Oh and take this off me” I said to Mase, holding my wrist.

His eyes widened. “Silver?”

“Yeah, it blocks the link” I replied.

“That’s why I couldn’t get to you” he mumbled, nodding and taking it off.

“Yupp, call people” I commanded him…





{Stop it Roxy, you can’t sing] Kane said sleepily.

{Whatever, anyways, where the hell are you guys?!} I yelled at him.

{Where the hell are you?!} He yelled back.

{We’re at school} I yelled back.

{We’re…? Mason. Heh…what’s going on Roxy? Does Haden want to know…?} Kane joked.

{Do you want to hear him endlessly yelling ‘NOOOO!! MY OWN SISTER!! SHE’S TOO YOUNG!! DISCARD OF THE BOY IMMEDIATELY!!’?}

{Ummm…nah not really, so why did you call or whatever?} He asked.

{Well, we’re locked in school. There’s this evil dude called Lucy and he’s taking over the school, why would someone even want to do that? He’s a vampire, the one who turned Mase and he’s in the school and there’s fire…help?} I answered.

{We’re on our way!} He yelled. {Stay with me Roxy}

I rolled my eyes. {I’m not dying clump nugget… Just get your asses down here now!!}

“So, they’re coming” I sang while sitting on the wood piled up against the door.

Mase nodded while Harry ran to me and sat on my lap.

“What do we do now?” I asked yawning.

“Well…we get outta here” Mase answered, picking me up…Harry was still in my lap…and Mase was placing me on the desk. HE ACTS LIKE I’M A FRICKIN FEATHER!! STUPID ALPHA VAMP/WEREWOLF STRENGTH!!


“Shush!” Mase snapped at me in a hushed whisper.

“Why?!” I whispered back.

“Do you want him to come and go ‘yahooo!!’ all over your ass?” Mase snapped softly growling. Woah, was that Mase who said all that? I’m rubbing off on him.

I grinned. “’Yahooo?’”

He groaned. “Stop it Rox”

I laughed softly. Jokes.

I gasped. “MY LOCKER IS ON FIRE!!”

I ran to my locker and covered my mouth with my hand as I iPod fall out and crumble. I fell to my knees. No way.

“I’ll buy you another one!” Mase said, grabbing my by the elbow and lifting me up.

“But the pictures I took on it!” I yelled.

“We’ll take them again, now come on!” he said dragging me to the gym. “Hide behind the bleachers!”

“What ‘bout you?!” I yelled.

“I’m coming!” he said rolling his eyes.

We ran to the bleachers and crawled under them.

But I could still hear and smell the fire.

“It’s getting closer…” Harry whispered, clinging onto me.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be okay. We got Transformers on the way” I said grinning.

“Did you have to turn this into Transformers?” Mase asked groaning.

“Do you want to be Optimus Prime?” I asked crossing my arms.

He nodded.

“Then shut up!”


“Now what?” I asked getting fed up of counting gum. Yes, while waiting for a command, I’ve been counting gum under the bleachers. I’m on 336. Ew.

“ROXY!!” I heard someone yell. “OH MY GOD!! HER LOCKER IS ON FIRE!! WHAT IF SHE’S ON FIRE?! WHAT IF SHE’S DEAD?! SAVE HER DAMMIT!! SAVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Shut up!” I heard someone yell, followed by an…


“Hade!!” I yelled grinning.

“OH MY GOD!! I’M HEARING HER GHOST!! It’s okay Roxy…just follow the light, in case you’re in hell then I’d stay out here”

“Hade!!” I yelled again.


Haden was cut off by Eric.

“Shut up Haden!! Just shut up!! She’s in the gym” Eric yelled.

“What’s she doing there? If I was a ghost I’d spy on naked women…Hehe” Hade replied.

I grabbed Harry’s hand and climbed out from the bleachers.

“OH MY GOD!!” Hade screeched once he saw me. “I’m seeing ghosts!! ROXY!! THE LIGHT IS UP THERE!!” he said pointing at the sky.

I rolled my eyes. “Are you that dumb?”

“I’m not dumb” Hade defended himself by pouting like a kid.

“Yes you are!! She’s alive dumbass!” Harry said grinning.

Hade gasped loudly and dramatically. “He’s here too?! Oh Harry! I’ve missed you!”

They hugged and I hugged the rest while Mase growled.

“So, now what?” I asked sighing in boredom.

“I dunno” Hade replied while playing basketball.

“How big is the fire?” I asked, peering over Zane’s shoulder only to be blocked by, Zane’s shoulder.

“Big” Eric replied.

“Rightio, now what?” I asked again.

“We get the hell outta here” Hade replied walking back.

“How did you guys get in?” I asked.

“The main door…” Eric answered.

“WHAT?! OMG!! WHY DIDN’T WE JUST TAKE THE FRONT DOOR?!” I yelled smacking Mase’s arm.

“The thought didn’t occur to me…” he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes. “But…what if the dude wanted you guys to come? Y’know, kill all of them crap”

“What the hell have you gotten us into…?” Zane growled at Mase shaking his head.

“Ok, let’s just go! I need water and its horrible being thirsty” I said pushing past them into the hallway while my throat burned, just like the halls…

Ok, it was burnt so badly that I couldn’t tell where we were, well from the gym…right or left?

“Right” I mumbled. Right is always right, and I like right better than left. Nothing personal…

“We came from the left!” Vince shouted from behind me.

“Alrighty then” I said turning around and following the dudes. Mason pushed me behind him while I pouted with my arms crossed, Kane had my back.

“So, where did you guys go after the game?” I asked Kane, turning around.

“We left. Thought you had a, umm…ahem…celebration?” Kane said ending with a cheeky grin.

“Har, har, har!!” I laughed sarcastically then scowled. “Ass”

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist as we walked. I placed my feet on his feet so we walked through the halls like this.

“Anything going on with the pack?” I asked as we waddled like penguins.

“Nah they’re good. Though, some of them were warning me abou”-

Mase cut him off. “I’m relieving you of your Alpha duties, Kane…you’re my beta”

“That’s not fair!” I exclaimed, glaring at Mase’s back.

“Yes it is. It’s my pack” he said, not turning around to face me.

“And mine! And Kane’s!” I argued back.

He growled and we left the conversation at that…


“…King Charles my daddy lost his throne and kings were banned. They chopped off his head; then Olly Cromwell ruled the land. Old Olly wasn’t jolly, he was glum and he was proud. Would be miserable as sin only ‘sinning’s not allowed’” I sang, Horrible Histories: Charles the 2nd Song…I love the show!

“Come on Hade! You know the words!” I said grinning. Guess where we were?

Music studio!! So I was feeling very musical. We were camping here for a bit since the fire had spread to the main doors and we heard footsteps so we ran in here.

“When Cromwell died the people said…” I sang grinning.

“Charlie me hearty, get rid of his dull laws, come back, we’d rather party!” Hade sang in a Yorkshire accent, like Mat Baynton, who played King Charles the 2nd.

“Shut up!!” Eric yelled in Hade’s face.

“It wasn’t me! It was Roxy!” Hade yelled pointing at me.

I scowled. “Was not! You were the one singing!”

“No I wasn’t!” he yelled.

“Yeah you were!” I yelled.

“No!” he yelled louder.

“Yes!” I yelled even louder.






“SHUT UP!!” Mase yelled, steam flowing out of his ears, you could hear it too, like a gas cooker.

I glared at Mase and sat back down on the drum stool.

{How long are we gonna stay here?} I asked Kane.

He shrugged. {Till Alpha says we can go}

{He’s not your Alpha, Kane. You’re the Alpha} I said crossing my arms.

Kane chuckled. {I was only Alpha since he left and I was beta. It’s my job but he’s back and I’m relieved of duty}

{That sucks} I mumbled.

He chuckled. {It’s cool, atleast I can chill now}

I chuckled and noticed everyone staring at us like ‘WTH?!’

Mason’s P.O.V






I cut Hade off by yelling. “SHUT UP!!”

Rox glared at me before sitting back down. She looked down deep in though and started grinning then chuckling.

What’s going on…?

“Right…” Zane said clapping his hand and rising. “We can’t stay here”

“We have to move” I said standing up to his eye-level. No-one looks down on me.

Rox ran to the door and pressed her ear to it. She rose onto her toes and peeked out the window. “Yup, coast is clear. Let’s move!” she whispered.

I walked to her and pushed her behind me before opening the door and looking right and left.

“I could’ve done that” she mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and strolled out, the rest behind me.

“Hey, Mr Alpha! Do you know where we’re going?” Zane yelled from behind me.

I turned around and glared at him. “In matter of fact, I do. I’m heading to the boys’ changing rooms so we could use that door which leads us onto the field, you okay with that?”

He glared at me before walking ahead.

We all walked to the changing rooms but froze when we heard a cry of pain.


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