Begging on Your Knees Someday

By unkn0wnx3

3.2M 62K 10.2K

Being raised by 5 brothers wasnt easy. I grew up to be a tomboy, playing sports, watching the games on TV, an... More

Chapter 1: Coming home
Chapter 2: Where it all began
Chapter 3: The Beach Party
Chapter 4: First day of School
Chapter 5: The secrets are revealed
Chapter 6: The fights
Chapter 7: Forgiveness & Football.
Chapter 8: A night of Firsts
Chapter 9: Consumed by Confusion
Chapter 10: Its Official
Chapter 11: Two's a Party
Chapter 12: It's Unofficial
Chapter 13: Victim #2
Chapter 14: Developing the Strategy
Chapter 15: A lot to Deal With
Chapter 16: Doesn't Feel Right
Chapter 17: Boyfriend #2
Chapter 18: New Day
Chapter 19: Girls Day Out
Chapter 20: Fighting Feelings
Chapter 21: Resolving & Plotting
Chapter 22: Lesson Learnt
Chapter 23: Love & Confusion
Chapter 24: Repeating the Past
Chapter 26: Heartbreaker
Chapter 27: Heartbroken
Chapter 28: Complications
Chapter 29: Truth Comes Out
Chapter 30: Down to Business
Chapter 31: Welcome Home
Chapter 32: {UNTITLED}
Chapter 33: Good to Be Back
Chapter 34: Something Special

Chapter 25: Going Insane

81.5K 1.7K 434
By unkn0wnx3

okay so i kind of made a mistake this chapter isnt the drama filled one thats based on the Marina &  the Diamonds song because I spent a lot of time on is and it was longer than i expected and my ADHD was kicking in & i just had to finish this so yeah. 

but its drama packed for the most part, but th next chapter is probably going to be a gasp moment & im excited :D 



Once I finished panicking and I finally closed my eyes I was immediately pulled into a dream…or so I thought.

It was a beautiful sunny day as I sat on the grass behind the lake house holding my legs close to my chest leaning my chin on my knees; I stared at the beautiful calmness of the lake.

“Andy…” the familiar voice called sending chills throughout my body.

“Hey Mase.” I saw without even looking back at him.

“We need to talk.” He said as he sat beside me on the grass. I looked over at him giving my full attention.

“What’s going on?” I asked noticing there was something tense about Mason.

“I love you Andy…” he said and my heart almost stopped as I looked into his beautiful green eyes.

I tried to speak but every time I opened my mouth no words would come out…

Mason was my best friend and of course when I was younger I had the biggest crush on him, but I knew he’d never like a girl like me. But now as he was sitting in front of me telling me he loves me I was frozen in shock.

“Andy…” he said waiting for an answer.

“Do you love me?” he asked and I already knew the answer but again the words wouldn’t come out.

“Are you willing to face all of the possibilities if you do?” he asked seriously and I wanted to ask him what does mean, but again my lips wouldn’t form the words.

“You know exactly what I mean…all of the questions and doubts that have been trapped in your head for so many years.” He said.

“Are you willing to ruin our friend ship for a love you aren’t sure could be real…?” he said and my heart beat faster against my chest.

“You never thought a guy like me could love a girl like you…” he said which was true.

“And I cant, but I could love a girl like the ‘new’ you…” he said and I could feel a ache in my heart. I wanted to scream and cry, but I couldn’t say a thing… it was as if my power to speak was taken away from me. I wanted to scream that Mason would never say something like that to me, Mason loved me for who I was…he was my best friend.

“When we were younger you always expected me to drift away from you, to leave you to hang out with girls that were better than you…girls who you thought I deserved. Till this day you still don’t understand why I didn’t…and neither do I…” he said and I could feel my heart almost burst from the truth.

“A few years ago I could have never imagined being with you, but now you're all grown up. We can have some fun together, until I get bored…and I always get bored…” he said with a smirk as his voice got deeper, a voice that didn’t belong to Mason as all.

I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks as I sat there listening to this person who looked like Mason but was nothing like him.

“Than you’ll lose it all…I’ll break your heart and leave you for someone whose worth it like Missy…” Mason said but the voice was deeper, colder, and empty…

It was as if all my insecurities and my doubts were coming back to haunt me in the worst way possible.

I wanted to scream stop! But it was no use; it was as if I was suffocating and unable to breath or speak…

“We could never be together…because if we are, the truth will come out eventually…that you're nothing without me, your brothers, your makeup, and your little fancy clothes…” he said and I just shook my head as he laughed at me with this deep chilling laugh that scared me in so many ways. I opened my mouth and I screamed as loud as I could but nothing came out as I tried to move away from him but it was as if I was stuck on the ground.

He came closer to me with this devious smile that sent chills through my body, the closer he got the louder I tried to scream and scream…

“Baby…” I heard distantly.

“Baby!” I heard again and that’s when I opened my eyes and I saw all 5 of my brothers standing in front of me looking so worried.

I was breathing heavily as I felt the tears falling down my cheeks; I realized that was not a dream at all, but a terrible nightmare.

Alex and Aiden were on the bed sitting beside me trying to calm me down, while Michael and John brought me water, and Chris stood there with a bat.

“Baby it was just a nightmare…” Michael said as he sat up against the backboard and held me against his chest.

“Don’t worry…” John said as he kneeled down on the floor beside me.

“Yeah sis, we got you…” Alex said as Aiden nodded.

“Uhm…Yeah…” Chris said as he tried to hide the bat behind him.

“Are you okay?” He asked as he sat in my rocking chair on the other side of my bed and I nodded.

“It’s been so long since you’ve had any nightmares Baby…” Michael said. Apparently after my parents died I used to have nightmares every night until I was 13, and it was the same one of coming home after school returning to an empty house. I couldn’t find any of my brothers anywhere…and I would just scream for them and cry.

My brothers would then come into my room and wake me up and stay with me just as they were now.

“I know…but it wasn’t the same one.” I said and I nodded and they could tell it was something I didn’t want to talk about.

No matter how many times I insisted that I was fine and it was okay for my brothers to leave they still stayed surrounding me.

When I awoke the 3rd time that night the sun was finally shining brightly, and my brothers were asleep all over my room.

John was asleep on the floor, Chris was asleep on the rocking chair holding his bat close to his chest, Michael was asleep beside me sitting up against the backboard, and Aiden laid half on the bed and half off, while Alex slept across Aiden at the bottom of the bed.

To be honest it was a pretty comical picture, until I remembered the nightmare that scared me half to death for so many different reasons.

It brought up feelings that I’ve been trying to ignore for most of my life, but also brought up the insecurities and doubts that I never admitted aloud to anyone…

When I looked over to the clock I saw it 9 a.m and I knew that I had to get out of this house.

For some reason I didn’t think I was able to face Mason at the moment, because I was afraid…

My brothers were such heavy sleepers that hopping over them and kicking one of them in the face still didn’t get them up.

I ran to my closet got a pair of leggings and one of my brother’s big Mets t-shirts and hopped into the shower where all my thoughts consumed me.

I thought about what I felt for Mason and to be honest I still wasn’t sure I understood what that was exactly. But I thought about him not feeling the same way, or even worse…feeling the same way…

I thought about the consequences of being together, of it ruining our friendship…and I already knew I could never be with him, no matter how much I wanted to because I couldn’t survive if I ruined my friendship with Mason…

Mason was the only person who understood me, and that was something I couldn’t lose, something that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to survive without.

The more I thought about it, the more I started to panic. I couldn’t control how fast my heart was beating, and how nervous I felt. It was as if my whole body was consumed with this suffocating feeling.

I wasn’t sure of anything at the moment except for that I had to leave as soon as possible, so I did the only thing I could think of…

“Wake up and meet me at the Sunflower Café in 15!” I screamed and then hung up without waiting for a response.


“Is there any specific reason you woke me up at this ungodly hour?” Hannah asked as she lifted her big dark sunglasses over her eyes.

“Yes, because I’m having a nervous breakdown.” I said and she looked at me with concern.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“Everything and nothing at all.” I whined and her expression changed from worried to puzzled.

I knew I wasn’t making sense, but I wasn’t sure I was able to. This whole thing was just so confusing and I had no clue how to put it into words.

“Stop looking at me like I’m crazy this is serious.” I said and she continued to look at me puzzled.

“Care to explain?” she said and I let out a deep sigh.

“I need cookies first.” I said and she nodded.

After she ordered 3 giant chocolate chip cookies and 2 cappuccinos she waited for me to fill her in on what was going on.

“One minute I’m climbing a mountain with my best friend and the next I’m thinking about how much I want to marry him!” I said right before I stuffed a cookie in my mouth.

“Wait what?” Hannah said with a shocked expression, because again I was barely explaining anything to her. I just continued talking to her as if she had a clue about what was going on.

I began to talk with my mouth full, which basically made everything I tried to say come out in gibberish.

“Can you say that again without spitting globs of cookie on me.” She said as she wiped her cheek.

“And one more important question, are you PMSing?” she asked as I rolled my eyes.

“Probably, but that has nothing to do with this…I feel like I’m going insane.” I whined.

“It has everything to do with it, you over hormonal woman…now continue.” She said and I let out a deep breath.

“Last night I finally realized that I might feel something more for Mason, and by might I mean I’m pretty sure I do. I made him come with me up to this mountain where my parents got engaged and he was recreating the scene of my father proposing, and the things he was saying were so beautiful that for a second I forgot it was supposed to be fake…” I said.

“He made me feel things that I never have…” I continued.

“But then I had this terrible nightmare that at first seemed like a beautiful dream. Mason was there and he told me he loved me but then, he was getting all scary telling me all these things that could go wrong and I was just going insane.” I said as I let out a deep breath.

“Okay listen you need to breath. You need an outfit for tonight, so we’re going shopping and you could explain all of this is perfect detail.” She said with a smile and I nodded.

“It’ll give you a chance to calm down, relax, and feel better.” She continued.

I knew Hannah was right. I needed to calm down and breathe, because if I didn’t I really was going to lose it.

Going shopping would give me a chance to make sense of all of this, and stay away from Mason at the same time…at least for a little while.


**Masons POV**

When I woke up the next morning I went straight to Andy’s house, but surprisingly she wasn’t home. Her brothers told me she left before they woke up, and they just assumed she was with me.

Although that was very unlike Andy I just brushed it off as no big deal because to be honest it wasn’t. I was just upset because I really wanted to talk to her about last night, but I guess that will have to wait.

After I went to the jewelers in town and dropped off the necklace I found last night, hoping they could clean it and get it opened. Luckily he said he would be able to have it to me by the end of the day, and I wouldn’t have to wait long to find out who it belongs to.

I called Rob and told him to meet me in the pool hall, but since it was noon and Rob considered that early I knew I would be waiting a while.

As I walked into the pool hall I passed Cole who was behind the counter completely unaware that I was there. I couldn’t help but feel so angry as I remembered how Andy felt when she saw him last night.

She was my best friend and I wanted to kill anyone who hurt her, especially him.

I walked down the hall to use the bathroom, and when I came out I was surprised to see Ryan sitting at the bar talking to Cole.

Aiden and Alex’s friends all hated Ryan and his little crew because of how they used to treat Andy. Ryan and Matty made sure to stay away from them because of how many times they threatened them. They were lucky they even got on the football team…

I knew something was going on so I stood in the hall hiding myself from their view trying to eavesdrop on their conversation at the same time.

“…I’ve been so nice to you Ryan, and I really didn’t have to be. When I overheard you and your little friend making a bet on who could sleep with Andy first, I could have told her brothers and you both would be dead…” he said and I couldn’t help but stand there in shock.

“Andy’s like a sister to me, and I would have told them if I didn’t need you to help me out…” he said as he put the washcloth over his shoulder and leaned his hands on the counter.

“I didn’t even ask you to win the bet, all I asked you to do was date her… get her on your side, prove to her you changed, just so you would actually have a chance at getting team captain and quarterback next year. Because you and I both know there’s no way in hell her brothers are going to give you that spot …” He said but I stood there confused trying to put all the pieces together.

“I still don’t understand what you're getting out of this.” Ryan said and I heard Cole sigh in frustration.

“Well I was going to tell you once you made some progress, but you never got that far. All I wanted you to do was to get close enough to her so you could convince her to stay away from Mason…” he said and I did my best to control myself from going over there and breaking every bone in his body.

“What do you have against Louis?” Ryan asked.

“Everything. That kids been in Andy’s life for so long, never leaving her side since she was a kid. Everyone thinks he’s so great and amazing, but really he’s just a dick. I hate that her brothers don’t even realize it…He doesn’t deserve to be team captain or to have a friend like Andy…” he continued.

“I don’t know…” Ryan said with doubt clear in his voice.

“Why cant you just do it? Trust me it wouldn’t be that hard, Andy has had the hots for you since kindergarten.” Ryan said and even though I hated to admit it, I knew that was true.

“Yeah but her brothers are my best friends and they would kill me…” he said and Ryan nodded in understanding.

“If you get her to trust you and show her how Mason really is she’ll tell her brothers to give you the spot, and then once I tell them it’s a good idea they’ll have to agree. All you got to do is keep your little football friends away from her…” Cole said.

“You know I’m smelling a little jealousy…” Ryan said and I could see the anger clear on Coles face.

“Get out of here.” Cole said just as I noticed Rob walking through the front door looking around for me.

I hid behind the wall until I saw Ryan leave the pool hall and Cole go into the back.

I couldn’t believe was I just heard, it was as if I was still in shock.

No matter how much I didn’t like Cole for my own personal reasons, I always thought he cared about Andy…or at least respected her brothers enough to not pull this kind of crap.

The more I thought about the conversation I heard the less I understood what was going on.

It was clear that Cole was just trying to hurt me, and for some reason that didn’t surprise me…

But I still didn’t understand why so much thought went into Andy’s whole part in this. I knew that Cole wanted to keep me from Andy and from being team captain and the quarterback…and I knew the only way to do that was to go through Andy.

But from the way he spoke about her I could tell he cared a lot more than we all thought…

This whole thing was very confusing and to be honest it was hard to understand…but one thing I knew for sure was that I had to tell Andy…


**Andy’s POV**

As I walked beside Hannah through the mall I heard my phone ring for the hundredth time.

“Is that him again?” she asked and I nodded.

“Maybe you should just answer it, its clearly important.” She said as I let out a deep breath.

“But I cant…” I whined.

I finally was able to tell Hannah everything that had happened and what I was feeling, but she still wasn’t able to understand.

“Andy I know you don’t want to hear this but I just have to let it out. I get that you have a lot of insecurities about this whole thing, some that are quite ridiculous…” she said but I just rolled my eyes.

“But lets say Mason knows how he feels about you, and he loves you and he wants to be with you…” she continued as I shook her head.

“I cant…” was all I could say.

“Cant or wont?” She asked.

“I get you're afraid of losing your friendship with Mason, I understand that you don’t want to risk it all…but what if you're risking it all for something amazing? Relationships that people spend their whole lives trying to find. Having your best friend and the love of your life all in one is so incredibly rare…” Hannah said. But all I was able to focus on was losing Mason…

“You don’t understand…” I said.

“Then make me…” she said and I let out a deep breath.

“Ok just listen to me, and try to picture how I’m feeling…” I said and she nodded.

“Mason has been my best friend ever since I could remember, he’s been by my side through it all. Every difficult obstacle I had to face, I never faced alone because of Mason. To be honest I couldn’t imagine my life without him…” I said.

“He knows me better than anyone else. He knows exactly what to do to make me laugh, smile, and cry. Everything has been easier with him...” I continued as I let out a deep breath.

“And I understand I could give that up for an amazing relationship, where Mason wouldn’t just be my best friend he’d be my…boyfriend. But there’s still a chance that I’d lose that special bond with Mason, like I wouldn’t be able to talk to him about and everything or do the things I do now…it would be different…” I said just imagining myself feeling insecure and shy around Mason.

“Then something could happen…and I could lose it all…not just my best friend but the love of my life. And there’s no way in hell I’m willing to take that chance…I can’t.” I said as I tried my best to keep the tears from overflowing.

“You’ve been saying that you weren’t sure what it was you were feeling for Mason…that you couldn’t explain it…” she said and I nodded.

“Well you just did Andy,” she said and I looked up at her puzzled.

“You’re in love with him…” she said and I looked up at her with wide eyes and shook my head.

“You described it perfectly Andy, or how I think it would be described. You’re so in love with him that its actually blinding you. You don’t want to admit it because you know things are going to change, and that scares you…” she continued but all I did was shake my head.

“You're in denial…you think denying it’s going to save your friendship? Well you're wrong, it’s going to ruin it.” She said and I couldn’t help but feel an ache in my chest.

The more I stood here listening to Hannah, the more I wanted to break down and cry…and right now I wasn’t sure I was able to handle it.

“I got to go.” I said as I turned away.

“Andy, wait…” I heard her call just as I exited Forever 21 and walked out into the crowded hallway.

I came to Hannah so she could help me ignore this gaping whole in my chest that only Mason could complete, but it was obvious she wasn’t going to be any use…

So I had to figure it out on my own, and I thought tonight at this party was the perfect place to do it.


After I got out of the shower I stood in front of my full-length mirror in my white fluffy robe trying to figure everything out, which wasn’t really working.

So I did what I usually did when I needed help…

“Alex, Aiden…” I called loudly.

“What’s up?” they both said simultaneously at the walked through my door.

“This is going to seem like a weird question, that I’m not going to fill you in on at all…so just work with me…” I said as they looked at me with a raised eyebrow as the sat on my bed.

“Alright…” I said as I paced back and forth.

“What do guys do when they are trying to get over a girl or like ignore their feelings?” I asked.

“Well little sister…the answer is short and simple…” Alex said.

“They have fun.” Aiden continued.

“They go out to a party drink and laugh with their friends, maybe even hook up with a new girl…and that usually does the trick.” Aiden finished and I just nodded.

“Mhmm…” I said.

“Why do I feel like that was something we shouldn’t have told you?” Alex said but I smiled at them in response.

“I don’t know cause you’re weirdo’s…” I said I pushed them towards the door.

“Ok thanks for all your help, now go.” I said and shut the door before they could say anything else.

My brothers taught me everything I knew, that’s why I was pretty sure I would be able to use their advice for this particular subject…and I was right…

Tonight I was going to have fun.

Mason taught me how to interact with boys, and I’ve been using these skills only for revenge…it was time to use them differently.

Use them like every other girl does, just like the girls that my brothers get with all the time, or their friends, or even Mason.

Maybe if I have a little fun of my own I’ll be able to forget about all these complications, even just for a little while…

Maybe I’ll realize that everything I was feeling was just temporary, maybe I needed some fun to make me see the truth…

At this point I was desperate, I was willing to try anything…anything other than facing the truth…


HI GUYS:)) this chapter is really all over the place & even confused me so I didn’t want to add the party scene just yet because I thought It would be a little much. But if youre confused about something let me know...

Basically you could look forward for a lot of drama in the next chapter, that I was supposed to included here but yeah, don’t hate me :/ the longer the chapter are and the more time I spend on them the more my brain goes crazy so sorry.

Yeah this partys going to be a big one, it more ways then one. 

but dont hate me for making Andys go crazy i promise itt'll be worth it in the next chapter. 

What do you thinks going on with Cole? How does he feel about Andy? will the truth come out? Will she believe it? What will Andy do at this party? Will she finally face the truth? tell me what you think & how you liked it :D


PLEASE COMMENT, FAN, & VOTE- the more the faster the update.  

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