Popular Meets Unpopular

By danceforever456

173K 4.8K 1.3K

Julianne Banks is captain of the cheerleading team and the most popular girl in school. So, when the coach o... More

Great Day-1
You Talk A Lot-3
Not Nice-4
New People-5
Talking It Out-9
Only Trouble-12
Party Hardy-13
Night Out-16
Seems Crazy-17
Back When-18
Time to Plan-22
Birthday Pt. 1-27
Birthday Pt. 2-28
Say It-29
The Call-30
Fix You-32

New Friend-6

6K 168 35
By danceforever456

The night was over with Grant's friends and I'm telling you I had so much fun and I probably laughed so much that my stomach may be sore in the morning. We left the house near midnight and I was so tired.

Dave pulled up to my house and I thanked him and got out of the car. Grant began to get out of the car to and I gave him a confused look but he just silently followed me to my door.

"Don't be too long!" Dave yelled out the window.

We stop at my door and I face him, "Thanks, for inviting me. It was fun."

He gave a small smile. "You're welcome."

We stood there in silence for about five seconds and then he says, "So, the dress..?"

Then I remembered that I told him I would tell him later about it and I guess now is later.

I shrugged. "It was a gift from Brett for..."

He raised his eyebrows. "For?"

I fidgeted with my fingers and cleared my throat. "For-I mean, as an apology for treating you that way..."

He nodded, slowly. "Oh."


He scratched the back of his neck, looking away. "Well, goodnight." He gave a small short wave and began walking to the car.

I let out a breath and opened the door to my house, dragging my feet towards the stairs. I walked into the living room, because I have to go through the living room to get to the stairs, and saw my parents cuddled up asleep on the couch with a movie on the tv.

I smile at them and how cute they look. I love how they still love each other deeply and never seem to get tired of one another. I just hope one day I can have a love like that. Brett and I aren't deeply in love with each other yet because we've only been dating for six months. I mean, our anniversary just passed and even though we have our downs I still love him. But I'm not in love yet.

I go over to them to wake them up so they didn't have to be uncomfortable and wake up in the middle of the night on the couch. I shake their shoulders. "Mom, dad, wake up."

They both shift and slowly open their eyes.

"I was just waking you up to tell you to got to your bed."

My dad groans and closes his eyes again. "What are you, my mom?"

My dad hates being woken up so, I'm not surprised with his attitude but, unlike him, my mom is a morning person.

She slowly stretches up and yawns while saying, "Thank you, sweetie."

I give her a lazy smile. "You're welcome, mom."

Dad just gives me a low groan, knowing I was not pleased with his uncooperativeness.

My mom shakes him even rougher than I did. "Andrew, wake up, let's go to bed."

"Okay, okay, I'm up." he says with his eyes still closed and still laying there.

She rolls her eyes at him and stands up. "Well, I'm going to bed without you."

He grabs her hand and pulls her back down before she could go anywhere and she lets out a squeal. "You're not going anywhere." He then opens his eyes and starts rubbing his nose against her neck and she laughs.

"Stop, Andrew, it tickles!"

I grimace. "Ew, stop."

Just because I think they're cute doesn't mean I want to see their cuteness. It's gross.

They ignore me and I sigh and just walk up to my room forgetting them. I start to rub my fingers through my hair and remember that I still have egg in my hair.

Speaking of gross.

I groan and go into my bathroom and start to wash my hair. When I'm done, I quickly blow dry it, even though some pieces were still wet, and go into my room and fall on my bed, sleep instantly taking over.


I wake up to my phone buzzing and I groan and reach out blindly, trying to find my phone.

I grab it and answer it with my eyes closed and say groggily, "Hello?"

"Hey, bestie!"

I hear Robins' perky voice say and pull away the phone, confused because she's not usually the perky one.

I sit up slowly and rub my face. "Why are you calling me so early?"

"It's ten o'clock."

I frown. "Oh, then why are so happy?"

I can just imagine the smile on her face as she says, "Oh, my mom just surprised me with Chick-fil-a for breakfast and you know how much I love Chick-fil-a."

I nod because she did love Chick-fil-a. I wouldn't be surprised if she got married to it one day.

"Anyways," she continues, "wanna hang out? I'm bored."

I shrug and yawn. "Sure."

"Cool. Meet me at the food court in the mall."

I say okay and we hang up.

Twenty minutes later, I see Robin in the food court and walk over to her.


She turns around and smiles at me. "Hey,"

I stay standing and say, "I'm getting something to eat at one of these places because I haven't eaten yet."

She nods and stands up and we go to one of the food places that sell breakfast. I end up getting waffles and a few pieces of bacon and an orange juice because waffles are a hundred times better than pancakes, in my opinion.

We sit back down at our table. "So, whatcha been up to?" I ask her.

She shakes her head and starts to talk about her new dog that she got and how it's becoming a pest and chewing up all her shoes. While she's talking about that, I'm eating my food and listening. She then starts to say how her youngest brother, which was only five years old, threw a tantrum the whole night and how she barely got any sleep because of it.

"Why?" I ask.

She makes a face that shows annoyance and I know she's thinking about last night. "Because he couldn't get a new toy that he wanted. A toy. He was crying over a fucking toy."

I shake my head. "Times like these I'm happy I'm an only child."

She growled. "He better be lucky it wasn't a school night or he would've felt my wrath."

I laugh at her annoyance because it's truly funny when she's mad.

"Anyways," she puffs out a breath. "Enough about me. What about you?"

I shrug, taking a sip of my orange juice and casually say, "Last night I kind of went with Grant and hung out with his friends."

She widens her eyes. "Really? How was it? Was it fun? Was it wierd? What happened?"

I hold out my hand and laugh. "Woah, chill out with all these questions."

She rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Just answer them."

I look up, thinking about it. "It was fun and it wasn't wierd. I had a great time. Actually all of his friends are nice, well some of them."

I said some of them but really I was only talking about Max because he was giving me the cold shoulder all night. But I was just choosing to ignore it because if he wasn't gonna talk to me I wasn't gonna talk to him.

She narrowed her eyes. "So, you had fun?"

I looked at her with confusion. "Uh, yes, that's what I just said."

She ignored my comment and began to interrogate me. "You had a great time?"

I looked at her blankly. "Robin."

She laughed and waved her hands. "Okay, I'm done."

I scrunched my eyebrows. "What was that about?"

She smiled. "I'm happy you like them because I talk to some of them and they're great."

I nod, agreeing with her.

"So," she says, "what about Grant?"

I shrug. "What about him?"

"Do you like him?"

I widened my eyes. "What?"

She waves her hand after she realized what she just said. "No, no, not like that, I mean, you know, you see yourself being his friend."

"Oh," my heart slows down because for some reason it started to speed up, "yeah, he's a cool person but he has his moments where I just wanna," I act like I'm choking someone with my hands, "but then again I'm pretty sure he has those moments with me too so, yeah."

She laughed. "Jeez, when did you become so violent?"

"He's making me violent."

We stay just talking in the food court for another hour and I start to realize how much I missed Robin. I love just talking to her and not talking about the latest drama in the school like I usually talk about with Sarah.

I met Robin first out of the three. We met in first grade and stayed friends ever since. Then we both met the other two girls when we were in the seventh grade. For some reason, Robin didn't like them at first and it almost tore us apart but then she realized she wasn't gonna let two girls get in the way of our friendship.

So, Robin accepted them around and just talked to me most of the time. Now, she's likes them better than she did then but she still has her moments were she asks herself why she puts up with them.

We both start to leave when it gets crowded and I suggest that we go to my house but she declines and I ask why.

"Kaitlyn has a soccer game that I have to go to." she says.

Kaitlyn is her ten year old sister that I met a while ago. She is a straight up tomboy. She doesn't mind getting her hands, or her whole body, for that matter, dirty.

I nod, understanding and we hug and part ways, both going to our cars. I would've tagged along but then again I didn't want to stay in eighty degree weather for an hour or so. So, yeah.

I get in my car and start it up and made my way for the road. As I was driving home, I passed the dance studio I go to and felt a giddy feeling go through my body. I drove a little faster towards home so I could change and then go to the studio.

I get home and change into my leggings and my spaghetti strap shirt. I grab a water bottle on the way out and headed to the studio.

I walk in the studio with my bottled water in my hand and my phone. I set my stuff down by the mirror and start to smile to myself at how beautiful the studio is and the atmosphere it brings.

The walls are painted a deep red and the floor is a glossy like wood that is easy to dance on. The place isn't that big but it is big enough to where I can move around in.

I start to do warm ups on the barre to stretch my leg muscles and it doesn't take that long. I go over to my phone and put on Pandora and a song comes on that I don't know. I put my phone down and backed up and started to down small movements to the beat and then went full out.

When I danced I literally felt like I was floating on a cloud. When I danced I put my all into it and there wasn't anything that distracted me, I just get so lost into it that I forget reality.

The song that was on ended and I stood in the corner of the room, waiting for another song to come on. When it started, I lifted my leg back and then faced the front with my leg still up, I did a spin and got prepared to round off with a whip back step out. The rest of the dance I just let flow and it was great because it felt like I haven't really danced in a while, even though I was here two Saturdays ago. Two Saturdays too long.

When I finished dancing, I started to hear someone clapping and I turned around startled. It was a boy I didn't know, he had brown hair and wasn't that tall but he was taller than me and he had a big smile on his face and he looked about my age.

"Wow," he said, "that was amazing. You're really good."

I smiled, nervously, wondering how long he's been standing there. "Thanks."

I stood there, awkwardly because I did not know this person. I think he realized that because he made a 'duh' face and then introduced himself.

"I'm Kane," he said, walking towards me with his hand out. I politely shook his hand. "I'm new around here and also I'm a dancer too but just not, you know, your type of dancing."

I laughed. Well, this guy seems easy going. "I'm Julianne but people call me Jules. And what kind of dancing do you do?"

He slowly smiled. "Well, Jules, why don't I just show you."

I nod and go to turn my music off and he puts his on. I sit down in front of the mirror and watch him do his thing. And wow, was I surprised. He was sooo good! He did hip hop dancing and the moves he did seemed so complicated that I decided that I like my dancing that I did. But he made it look like it was easy but I knew it took some skill.

When he was done, I clapped really loud for him because that was brilliant.

He waved me off with one hand on his chest. "Oh, stop, stop."

I stood up and handed him my water because he looked he needed it. "That was super good!"

He thanked me for the water bottle and took a huge gulp. "Well, thank you, so are you."

And that's how I became friends with Kane the dancer.


Hey, guys! The video up there is the dance she did. She's good, isn't she?

So, tell me your thoughts and do you like Kane, I mean, there's no reason not to...

But anyways, leave a comment and have a wonderful time, you beautiful people!

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