Someone Really Cares About Yo...

By animeluver15

777 35 19

Timelines; a word you don't seem to understand after going through a genocide run and sparing Sans before res... More

No Mercy
It's A Beautiful Day To Be Burning In Hell
A Second Chance
Death of a King?
Saving Old and New Friends

Never Again... I Promise (Finale)

95 5 0
By animeluver15

 Word Count: 3,725 (A/N: So it looks like this is the end everyone. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and thanks for reading. God I'm Undertale trash but who cares! The amazing art work, videos, and Undertale itself belongs to their respectable owners, not me. Anyways, see you guys in my other stories. Love you all! <3)

Many voices speaking a bit too loudly caused you to give a groan in annoyance. Silence followed soon after to which you gave a small smile and were getting comfortable again, almost dozing asleep before a sudden embrace was given to you before you gave a yelp, being pulled into someone's chest who was obviously taller than you by many inches.


You gave a small smile before giving him a slight hug, still a bit disoriented and weak from what you had just gone through. He seemed to not want to let go as the hug went on for several more seconds and you couldn't help but give a slight laugh when Toriel spoke up.

"Papyrus, I believe they do need some space. We're not sure as to what caused them to collapse in the first place."

The taller skeleton gently set you down before nodding slightly. "SORRY HUMAN. MY APOLOGIES YOUR MAJESTY."

Several seconds passed as Toriel seemed to fidget in anticipation and impatience. Quickly, you found yourself engulfed in another hug, a warm tunic meeting your face. "My child, I was so worried..."

A soft smile grew on your face at the shakiness in her words, almost sounding as if she was on the verge of tears. Your arms gently wrapped around her as you snuggled yourself deeper into her motherly embrace. "Sorry I worried you mom. I'll try not to let it happen again."

"I call hugging the little punk next!!!"

"I actually believe I should in apology for almost ending the human's life Undyne."

"Not fair! All of us tried to kill them at least once!"

When Toriel let you go your eyes subconsciously traveled to Sans' form when Undyne spoke about everyone attempting to try and kill you. Just as you suspected, Sans grin was still present on his face as normal, but the white pinpricks in his eyes that were usually incredibly white, had now dimmed noticeably to a stormy gray.

You gave a small frown. 'Yeah... and I've killed everyone in a different timeline... or would've if Sans hadn't thankfully been there and stopped me...'

After you were given a bone crushing hug from Undyne, Asgore gave a much more gentle hug which was surprising due to his miraculous height. Alphys soon followed who wasn't a fan of hugs, so instead she patted you on the back with a small smile. The final one who didn't hug you was Sans who still looked off to the side, a distant look still in his eyes.

Gently, you walked towards his form and slowly wrapped your arms around his torso. He tensed as his left eye flashed blue before quickly looking down at you to which you gave him a sheepish and apologetic smile. His breathing that had sped up seconds before, now slowed and returned your affectionate and much needed gesture for the inner turmoil of both his feelings and his thoughts running rapidly in his head.

As the two of you embraced, you whispered to him so that the others chattering excitedly wouldn't hear what you were saying. "Thank you for keeping your promise."

Sans gave a small chuckle before tightening his grip on you slightly. "i didn't do nothin'. i actually need to talk with you though (Y/N)."

A confused frown now adorned your face which Sans was unable to see. "Are you okay?"

"it's nothing like that... i just gotta get something off my chest is all. we'll talk on the surface."

You gave a small chuckle at his pun before nodding and the two of you slowly pulled apart. The other monsters who were still chatting quickly turned to face your gaze, becoming silent and watching you intently.

"Ready to depart everyone?" Asgore asked curiously.

All of the monsters and you nodded at Asgore's question before he gave a nod and turned towards the light pouring in from the surface, your group quickly following behind.

When all of you emerged the sight of a beautiful sunset left everyone in aw.

"It's such a magnificent sight..." Asgore said in shock.

Toriel gave a small teary laugh. "It is quite beautiful, isn't it?"

"SANS! WHAT IS THAT GLOWING BALL IN THE SKY?" Papyrus asked with a child-like curiosity, making you grin at how much innocence Sans' brother seemed to have and somehow keep.

"that is what we call 'the sun', bro..."


A small giggle escaped your lips at everyone's astonished looks. You could feel your chest fill with happiness as tears began to build in your eyes.

"(Y/N)," Your gaze went to Undyne's smiling face who was holding hands with Alphys. "you live with this? The sun is so warm and the air is so fresh! I feel so alive!"

"Well, now we must come up with a plan." Asgore spoke before turning from the dazzling scenery to you with a soft smile. "The human's won't trust us as easily at first. I have a favor to ask for all of the monsters if you will please speak for us."

"Wait, so... like an ambassador for humans?" You ask in slight confusion.

He gave a nod. "Exactly! It would help gain the human's trust if you were to be on our side and speak on behalf of our part. Will you do it?"

There wasn't much of a choice, was there? Of course you were going to help your friends re-adapt themselves to the surface! Plus, a human ambassador for a young teenager? Sounds like an amazing title and a step up for college as well.

You gave a bright smile before nodding. "It would be an honor King Asgore."


In a blink the overly excited skeleton ran off while yelling, "TIME TO MAKE A GOOD IMPRESSION!!!"

"Papyrus! Wait up!" Undyne shouted before racing after him with Alphys following quickly behind them.

"i'd better go get them." Sans said beside you before giving you a wink and mouthing 'talk to you soon'.

With that; you, Asgore, and Toriel watched as Sans walked the completely opposite way the trio of monsters went leaving Asgore and Toriel extremely confused while you simply grinned.

"Uh... I should go after them... shouldn't I...?" Asgore asked, causing Toriel to give him a glare to which he flinched before quickly chasing after them.

When several seconds passed, you finally spoke. "We should probably go after them too."

"Yes, but first I have a question to ask of you." Toriel said with a kind smile, but held a serious tone in her voice causing you to instantly face her and give her your full attention. "Although you seem old enough to take care of yourself, do you have any family relatives to go back to?"

You gave a sad shake of your head, your parents passing on when you were only a young infant, being forced to go through several different orphanages. Finally, you had enough of the constant moving and decided to run away.

In other words, you were living on the streets. Your answer made Toriel's expression show a mixture of pity, sympathy, and happiness as she spoke her next words; trying not to sound too excited.
"Well if that's the case, would you like to remain with me?"

A sudden rush of emotion hit your chest fast and hard as tears in your (e/c) eyes quickly left tracks down your cheeks at her proposition. Instead of speaking with a vocal response, you gave a sob before pouncing in her arms. She cared about you so much that she was willing to take you in, to call you her own, to... adopt and accept you into her family? You were aware of the past resets and how she protected you from the bitter flower when first falling down into the bed of flowers, breaking your fall and having you start your dangerous adventure back up to the surface.

However, this is the first time you were actually touching the soil and feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. Every memory you had was obtained and cherished. Even though the one reset of you being forced to murder everyone was by far the worst and will cause you incredibly terrible nightmares, you'd much rather learn from your mistakes than forget them and the cycle start all over yet again.

Toriel gazed at your sobbing and crying form in worry as she placed her arms protectively around your vulnerable frame. The sudden hug did shock her a great deal, but this child... it reminded her of her own adopted child, Chara. There was also another human child that she felt she had loved as mush as (Y/N) and Chara, but it just felt more like deja vu than an actual living person.

Quietly, she asked in a soft voice. "My child, are you okay? Why is it you are crying? Did I upset you?"
You shook your head no before looking up at Toriel with watery (e/c) eyes and a large smile. "I'd love to stay with you mom."

With a large smile of her own, the two of you continued the hug a bit more before slowly pulling away, Toriel holding your hand much like a mother would with their child and even though you were a teenager, this type of parental affection was never an option for you growing up and you accepted it with open arms.

"Let us go meet up with the others, (Y/N)."

That said, the two of you walked down the path to the town at the foot of Mt. Ebott, now confident and more than ready to face your new future with your new family by your side every step of they way.


Two days have passed since the monsters have returned to the surface and although some humans were still cautious and skeptical of accepting monsters, other humans seemed to be glad to have a new variety of people to speak to. Living with Toriel was possibly the happiest moments in your life along with being friends with all of the other monsters. You still were easily able to visit the others since all of you lived in the same apartment building all on the same floor as well. However, due to you having to solve everyone's fears of the monsters attacking or even figuring out where everyone will live, that resulted in you not having any time to visit anyone else. This caused you to become incredibly disappointed to not hear what Sans had to tell you. Finally though, after three days, you were able to peacefully relax and slowly stood from the couch after finishing a random movie you have never seen before and turned to look at the clock to see it just hitting four o'clock. 'Time to be productive. Don't wanna be a lazybones all day.'

You grinned slightly at your pun before putting on your shoes and walking over to the door. When opening it you froze in shock as you were met with Sans having his right hand in his hoodie pocket while his left was raised in a fist, just about to knock.

"Oh, hey Sans! I was just about to visit you guys."

Sans' grin widened slightly as he put his left hand back into his hoodie pocket. "funny, my bro Paps went out with Alphys and Undyne to see some famous robot performer.... i think his name's Mettaton... not sure. i was feeling a little bonely and was gonna try out some of my knock, knock jokes.

"But, since you answered," His gaze slowly wandered away from yours as perspiration began to form on his skull. "i was wondering if you wanted to hang with me for a bit, take a walk and explore what this place has."

A sudden pace change in your heart caused you to try and steady your shallow breathing as your stomach filled quickly with butterflies and your palms began to sweat a bit. You speedily mustered up your courage before nodding with a wide smile. "Yeah, sure! That'd be awesome!"

Sans' grin seemed to grow slightly as he gently grabbed your wrist. Quickly, you shut the door as he dragged you out of you and Toriel's apartment building. A blush quickly filled your cheeks realizing that the shortest of the skeleton brother's was still keeping a grip on your wrist.

Pushing this thought and the fuzzy feeling in your chest away, you gave a laugh as the two of you walked out onto the street and in a random direction, Sans still tugging you along.

~***~ "The sun's going down already?" You asked in shock as Sans gently nudged open the gate with his powers, the heavy gate opening before he ushered you in first.

"time really does fly when you're having fun i guess." Sans said as he walked through the open gate behind you, not bothering to close it since there's really no point to protect the humans from Mt. Ebott because of all the monsters now being free.

"Definitely! Except for that one waitress being extremely rude to you..."

The skeleton waved it off dismissively then shoved his hands in his pockets. "don't worry about me. some human's aren't as accepting as others. it's not worth skullking over."

You gave a small snort in laughter before looking down at the path in front of the both of you and kicked a small rock, sending it skittering into the brush. "I guess so... I just don't understand what's so different between us is all..."

A beautiful flower meadow covered in golden flowers that was located just a bit up on Mt. Ebott made you smile at the peaceful atmosphere. You closed your eyes and took a small breath of the sweet-smelling meadow before giving a small yelp as you were suddenly thrusted into the air, your soul now a dark blue color.

Sans lay now on top of the flowers, grinning up at your shocked expression as his left eye was glowing a blue color and his left hand was raised slightly, also glowing blue. He gave a chuckle before speaking. "this could be one difference..."

"Very funny," You said with a playful glare. "now put me down."

"naw. i don't feel like it."

Sans... I'm warning you... put me down now..."

"where's the fun in that?"

"Because then I won't have to tackle and punch you, you bonehead!" You replied with a short laugh.

He laughed along with you before speaking. "i'd probably turn to dust if you did that. you'd have to reset in order to get me back..."

As he said 'reset', Sans eyes went from one white and one blue pinprick pupil, to none at all. His joking tone quieted to almost a whisper. The constant grin on his face went from happy and peaceful to hollow and sorrowful, the same look your heart would clench painfully at every single time you see it, wanting nothing more than to keep his jovial smile on Sans' face at all times.

Slowly, you were lowered beside the punny skeleton in the flowers gently while his gaze remained upward, staring at the darkening sky. You turned on your side to face him, (e/c) eyes clouded over in concern. "Sans, are you-"

"i can't stand it..."

Sans reply that interrupted your question was so quiet and in such a heartbroken tone that you felt the sudden urge to wrap your arms around his form to comfort and protect him from his own sadness and sorrow trying to eat up his happy nature.

Yet, what the lost soul of Sans told you stopped the action, fearing it'd make it worse. Instead, you listened, knowing he'd have more to say.

"the resets over and over again... i don't know how much more i can take... i mean... we're finally here after so long... and i know..." Sans gave a shaky breath before continuing. "it can be ripped away at any moment..."

You remained quiet, your throat clogged up with emotion to where you were unable to speak. Sans didn't say anything as well as he slowly sat up before standing. "i'm gonna go. it was nice hanging out with ya'."

'Do something! He's leaving!'

Following your instincts, you quickly sat up and reached out, grabbing a hold of the back of Sans' blue jacket. He didn't turn to look at you, but he did stop from teleporting away.

"It won't happen!"

Your sentence came out in a rush and was hardly able to be understood clearly. Sans slightly turned to face you and now you could see blue tears about to spill over his eye sockets and down his cheekbones. His voice was a bit shaky when he spoke, trying to hold back the emotion trying to get out.

"...what won't happen...?"

"There's no reason to reset... so why should I? We all got what we wanted and are happy."

It was silent before Sans fully turned to face you, his posture tense as he stared down at your form still sitting on the flowers. His grin remained as it always was, but his eyes held a mixture of sadness, fear, and hope. "what are you saying...?"

A soft smile grew on your face as you folded your hands on your lap. "There won't be any more resets."

The sound of your soft voice and words caused an overwhelming rush of emotion to fill Sans' body as the tears now fell freely as his shoulders shook with his sobs and laughter mixed into one.

You however, were extremely worried, thinking you've done something wrong. Your gaze lowered to your lap as tears started to fill your (e/c) eyes.

"I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean to-"

Before you were able to finish your apology, a sudden weight knocked you backwards into the soft flowers. Two arms quickly wrapped around your torso in an unbreakable grip as Sans' head nuzzled itself into the crook of your neck. Wet tears fell onto the sensitive area causing you to shiver a bit at the extremely close proximity from the one you have grown strong feelings towards.

"you'll never understand how much that means to me... how much you mean to me..."

You gently wrapped your arms around his body before pulling him closer to you, vowing to protect Sans in his fragile state. You could feel your own tears overflow as the both of you laid out on top of the beautiful flowers underneath the stars.

"I'll do whatever it takes to keep that beautiful and genuine smile on your face Sans..." You said softly as Sans' crying calmed down, the both of you now relaxing, him still snuggled up on top of you. "That's my promise to you... one of many."

"i just... can't believe how many timelines it took us to get where we are now..."

"Agreed. We're finally here now together though."

"yeah. if i lost you, i don't know what i'd do." When he spoke that, Sans slowly unwound himself from your arms reluctantly, loving how soft and warm you were before hovering over top of your form. "especially since i never got to confess at grillby's."

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at Sans' softly spoken words and oddly nervous behavior, his face turning into a light blue. "... confession...?"

He nodded slowly. "you remember how i always had something to say before leaving grillby's? i didn't forget. i was actually supposed to tell you that i've been... having... feelings for you..."

"What kind of feelings?"

The blue on Sans' cheekbones darkened as his gaze went off to the side. "w-well... us... i think it's called... love..."

Sans' softly spoken sentence caused your heart to rapidly pound away in your chest. 'The lost soul lied!'

"i didn't get to tell you in the last timelines cuz, tibia 'nest (to be honest), i didn't think i could trust you."

A wide smile formed on your face as you stared up at the shorter skeleton with a giddy feeling welling inside of your chest. "Can I tell you something too?"

His gaze remained on yours as he gave a small nervous nod. "go ahead..."

"Well if you're telling the truth then I'm not gonna tell a fibula (fib). I, uh... feel the same too. I was scared to tell you though because... I'm a human..."

Confusion flashed in Sans' eyes before speaking. "what would you being human have anything to do with it?"

"Well, I mean," You turned your (e/c) gaze off to the side, feeling a sudden warmth fill your cheeks in embarrassment. "you said yourself you were supposed to kill me... every timeline.

"Also in one timeline you didn't even come towards me and I wasn't even genocidal."

He gave a chuckle in embarrassment, remembering how he purposely avoided you all together. "that? that was when i figured out what i was feeling and tried to get rid of it."

"So, you don't like the feelings you have for me...?"

Sans shook his head before softly laying himself beside you in the flowers. "no. opposite actually. it's more the face that... it kills me... every time you die..."

The fuzzy feeling in your chest grew more as you gently inched closer to his form, grabbing one of his hands and softly pecking his jaw. "That won't happen... there won't be any more resets."

His grin grew slightly before tugging you closer to him and gently rubbing his cheek affectionately against your own. This caused butterflies to flutter about in your stomach as you gave a happy grin, the two of you laid out peacefully, watching the twinkling of the stars.

"... no more resets... ever...?" Sans asked curiously and softly as if it was too good to be true and that this was all just a good dream.

You merely snuggled deeper into his jacket while both of your arms securely wrapped around the other's frame, there not being a chance that neither of them would let go of one another. With a small whisper, you spoke the promise that, above all others, you were absolutely certain you would keep.
"Never again... I promise."

~Thanks For Sticking Around For This... Bye Guys.~

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