Wildest Dreams (A Stemily Fan...

By DCMadden

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What happens when Stephen falls in love with Emily? Will he leave his life in California to be with her? Who... More

1. No One Has To Know
2. Red Lips and Rosy Cheeks
3. Say you'll remember me
4. Nothing lasts forever...
5. ...but this is getting good now.
6. Drive out of the city, away from the crowd.
7. I thought, heaven can't help me now.
8. This is gonna take me down.
9. My one condtion is...
10. Someday when you leave me...
11. ...I bet these memories follow you around.
12. Just Pretend
13. His voice is a familiar sound.
14. Burning It Down
16. Wildest Dreams

15. His Clothes Are In My Room

2.4K 65 2
By DCMadden

A/N: Here is a new chapter sooner than usual, to make up for my lack of updates these past couple weeks. Enjoy!

Stephen's POV

1 week later.

I woke up to a room I didn't recognize. I blinked a couple times and then it hit me, the same way it had for the last week, I was at Emily's. I wasn't sure why it was taking so long for me to get used to waking up next to her. This was the happiest I had ever been, but it still didn't feel real. I wanted more.

I rolled over and wrapped my arms around her.

She stirred and she turned around, her eyes fluttered open and she smiled.

"Good morning, handsome." She kissed me and pulled the blankets up around us. "Can we have 5 more minutes?"

I laughed and the next words came out before I could stop myself. "Let's get married."

"Ok. As long as I can sleep 5 more minutes." She said groggily. I smiled because she obviously hasn't registered what I had said.

About 7 seconds later, if I counted correctly, she shot up out of bed and had a look of horror on her face.

"Did you just say married?" She asked completely freaked out.

I nodded. "I did."

She closed her eyes for a second. "Stephen. You're not thinking clearly. We can't get married."

"Why not?" I questioned.

She started pacing around the room and talking with her hands. "Well first off, your divorce isn't finalized."

I showed her my phone. "Lawyer emailed me first thing this morning. I'm officially a single man."

She shook her head. "Well second, the show. How is this going to look?"

I chuckled. "Looked just fine for Brad and Angelina."

Her hands were now in her hair and if I didn't stop her she probably would have pulled it out.

I rested my hands on her hips. "Look Emily, I love you and I know that you aren't ready to be married, but I have a kid and I'm not looking for a fling. I want to be committed to you. It doesn't have to be right now, but I want to know that there's something more for us in the future."

She put her hand on my chest. "I love you and I do want to be married to you, someday."

I smiled and kissed her forehead. "I can live with someday."

We walked into the kitchen and I started to make breakfast. This was Cassandra's weekend with Mavi so the house was quiet. Something we weren't used to after this hectic week.

Emily hopped up on the counter and I made her a cup of coffee.

"So we don't have to be at work until tonight. What do you want to do?" I asked.

"In all honesty, I just want to sleep all day. I hate Fraturdays." She pouted.

I rolled my eyes. "And I hate that you guys call them that."

"We work from 6 in the evening on Friday until 11 in the morning on Saturday, what else is there to call it?" She asked.

I let it go and handed her her coffee.

"You know I'm not going to be able to sleep if you give me caffeine."

I smirked. "I know."

"What do you have up your sleeve, Mr. Amell?" She asked suspiciously.

I laughed. "Let's just eat and see where the day takes us."

She nodded. "Okay. But I need to be in bed by 3, or you're going to be explaining to Marc and Wendy why I fell asleep on Felicity's computer in the middle of a scene."

"Fine by me."

A couple hours later we were in front of Italia's house.

"Why are we at Italia's?" Emily asked.

I smiled. "You'll see."

We got out of the car and made our way to the front door.

The door opened and we were greeted by Robbie and Jared.

"What's going on?" Emily asked persistently.

I led her inside and what everyone had put together was incredible.

I had decided that since Emily's birthday party was a bust and we hadn't had time with everything else going on to properly celebrate we would do it today. Italia, Fanta, and Gen had put everything together for me and we were able to get everyone here on such short notice, even though most of us had to work in a few hours.

Emily turned to me with tears in her eyes and punched me.

"Ow! What was that for?" I exclaimed.

She smiled. "Didn't you learn from the last surprise?!"

I shook my head. "I guess not."

"Now we all can't get drunk because we have to work and it's not even noon yet, but let's have a great time celebrating Em's 23rd birthday!" Robbie yelled and everyone cheered.

Emily made her way to a few friends and I stayed in the kitchen with Jensen and Jared.

"So how are things going?" Jensen asked.

I sighed. "As good as they can be, I guess. I asked her to marry me this morning."

"You did what?!" I turned around and Danneel was standing behind me.

"I asked her to marry me." I repeated.

She looked offended. "I didn't even get a call and she didn't show me the ring. Did she say no? Well that can't be because you showed up together? Right?" She asked confused.

"Calm down, babe. Let him explain." Jensen said, putting his arm around her.

"I told her this morning that we should get married, I didn't actually propose because we all know how that would turn out. She actually put on quite the show this morning from me simply saying 'let's get married'." I spoke softly, making sure no one else heard us.

"Well of course, what do you expect she's only 23." Jared said.

"I know and that's why I didn't buy a ring or anything like that. I just wanted her to know that I saw a future with us that it wasn't a fling." I explained.

"I think she might've got that idea when you divorced your wife for her." Jensen said.

I rolled my eyes. "I know that, but I wanted the words out. I wanted to make sure there was no room for a misunderstanding."

"Are you and Mavi still staying with her?" Danneel asked.

I nodded.

"Don't you think you should find a place of your own?" She asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

"Look I know that Em loves you and she adores Mavi, but this might be moving a little too fast. You have to factor in your age even though you don't want to. She's young, I don't think she expected that she was going to become a mom over night like this." As Danneel spoke, I realized how right she was. This couldn't be easy for Emily. Mav and I had basically taken over her whole house.

"I guess you're right."

A few hours later.

We arrived on set about 230 so Emily could get her sleep. I walked her to her trailer and decided I should stay in mine.

When I went to say my goodbyes, she laughed. "Where are you going?"

I raised an eyebrow. "To my trailer?"

"Without me? I just have to grab my wardrobe, you can't wait 2 minutes?" She asked confused.

I stayed quiet. "Did you hear anything I said on the drive over here?" She asked.

I shook my head. I honestly hadn't. When we left the party I couldn't stop thinking about what Danneel had said.

She smiled. "Let me just grab my clothes and we'll go."

I nodded and waited for her.

We got to my trailer and she hung up her clothes and made her way to the bed.

"I swear if someone wakes us up before 530 I will commit my first murder."

She got under the covers and patted the spot next to her.

"You should sleep. I know that you're going to be tired within the first hour if you stay up."

I agreed and lied down.

Slumber soon consumed me and around 5 I heard my phone go off. I quickly shut it off to not wake Emily. She was still sound asleep.

I checked my phone to see a message from Cassandra. It was a picture of Mavi captioned Dolphin watching. Since Cassandra only had the weekend with her she had decided to stay in Vancouver. So they were visiting the aquarium today.

I smiled and sent her a quick message thanking her for the update on Mavi.

I grabbed my laptop and decided to look for a house here instead of sleeping for another half hour.

I was still browsing when I felt Emily move and her head was now resting on my arm. Looking at the screen.

"What are you doing?" She asked groggily.

"Looking for a house." I answered simply.

"Why?" She asked.

I shut my computer and turned to her. "Well me and Mavi do need a place to live."

She looked more confused than ever. "What's wrong with my house?"

Now I was confused.

"What's going on with you today? This morning you're talking about marriage and now you're looking for a place of your own."

I decided to just tell her to truth instead of tip toeing around her all night. "I was talking to Danneel at the party and she suggested that I find a house because me and Mav might be too much for you right now."

She sat there, quietly, thinking.

"Can I ask you something?"

I nodded.

"Who gets up with Mav at 3 in the morning?"

"You." I answered.

"Who bathes her at night?"

"You." I answered again.

"Who does her laundry?"

I smiled. "You."

"Okay. One last question."

I waited.

"Have I complained once?"

I shook my head.

"Then what's the problem here?"

I sighed. "Are you sure you want us to say?"

She nodded. "Stephen with our crazy hours if we don't live together, I'll never see her. I promise this is what I want. Now we can properly set up all of your stuff in the house."

I agreed and kissed her.

"We should probably get to set." I said looking at the clock that now read 6:02 PM

"Yeah you get to film some fun scenes with Brandon today." I said annoyed.

She rolled her eyes.

"It's one kiss. Get over it." She laughed.

"One kiss that I have to walk in on."

"Stephen you can't be that jealous. It's TV."

"So it was just TV with me?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up."

"That's what I thought." I said satisfied with myself.

We made our way to set and I went straight to the lair while Emily went to hair and makeup.

I smiled to myself as I left her at the door of hair and makeup. I had kissed her goodbye and it made me realize how much I loved this and how easy it would be to get used to now that it was all out in the open, at work at least. We had yet to let the world know.

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