Truth or Dare[WattyAwards2011...


2.3M 27.6K 4.8K

**I AM SLOWLY EDITING THIS!!!** WARNING: This is in no way a fairy tale. Kylie's been living life as simply a... Еще

Copyright Statement/Warning
Truth or Dare: Prologue/Teaser
Truth or Dare: Chapter 1
Truth or Dare: Chapter 2
Truth or Dare: Chapter 3
Truth or Dare: Chapter 4
Truth or Dare: Chapter 5
Truth or Dare: Chapter 6
Truth or Dare: Chapter 7
Truth or Dare: Chapter 8
Truth or Dare: Chapter 9
Truth or Dare: Chapter 10
Truth or Dare: Chapter 11
Truth or Dare: Chapter 12
Truth or Dare: Chapter 13
Truth or Dare: Chapter 14
Truth or Dare: Chapter 15
Truth or Dare: Chapter 16
Truth or Dare: Chapter 17
Truth or Dare: Quick Author's Note
Truth or Dare: Chapter 18
Truth or Dare: Chapter 19
Truth or Dare: Chapter 20
Truth or Dare: Chapter 21
Truth or Dare: Chapter 22
Truth or Dare: Chapter 23
Truth or Dare: A Quick Spin-off of Chapter 23
Truth or Dare: Chapter 24
Truth or Dare: Chapter 25
Truth or Dare: Chapter 26
Truth or Dare: Chapter 27
Truth or Dare: Chapter 28
Truth or Dare: Chapter 29
Truth or Dare: Chapter 30
Truth or Dare: Chapter 32
Truth or Dare: Chapter 33
Truth or Dare: Chapter 34
Truth or Dare: Chapter 35
Truth or Dare: Chapter 36
Truth or Dare: Chapter 37
Truth or Dare: Chapter 38
Truth or Dare: Chapter 39
Truth or Dare: Chapter 40
Truth or Dare: Chapter 41
Truth or Dare: Chapter 42
Truth or Dare: Chapter 43
Truth or Dare: Chapter 44
Truth or Dare: Epilogue
Truth or Dare: Blake's POV (Chapter 44)
Dedications (and all that cheesy stuff)
Want me to read your books?!

Truth or Dare: Chapter 31

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***A/N: Sorry for the late upload :/  I haven't been feeling well-- and school-- bleh.  Anyways, Hope you enjoy this!!  Probably one of my favorite chapters ever written xD

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Summer romances begin for all kinds of reasons, but when all is said and done, they have one thing in common. They’re shooting stars, a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, fleeting glimpse of eternity, and in a flash they’re gone.  ~The Notebook

The sunshine streamed through the window shedding a soft, gentle light upon my room, indicating that today was suppose to be a nice, relaxing day.  The soft singing of the birds only added to the scene, making me feel a bit sleepy than usual, and just looking outside, I could tell that today was suppose to be a beautiful day.  I took another big gulp of ice cold water, feeling my brain come back to reality and refocusing my vision on the paper in front of me.

I bit my lip as my computer gave another loud ‘ding’ signaling that I had gotten a facebook message.  Tightly screwing my eyes shut, I ignored it, dying to pull up the page and press the big red ‘x’ in the corner but not having the courage to do so.  Focus, Kylie, I chided myself, turning my attention away from the computer screen that just gave another loud ding, over to my Spanish study guide.  Foc--


Exasperated, I threw down my pencil and went over to my laptop, curiosity getting the better of me as usual.  Whoever is chatting me is so going to get it?  I thought angrily, waiting for my mouse to respond so that I could pull up the tab that has been minimized for the past half hour.  Finally, the page popped up and I winced as I saw that I had missed around fifty or so messages from Ethan.

Ethan White: Heyyy?  Hello?  Where are you?  Cmon… answer plz?  *waiting…* 


Rolling my eyes, I let my fingers hover over the keyboard, knowing full well that once I started a conversation, I most definitely will not be the first to leave it.  Subjecting myself to a period of time wasted, I quickly typed back.

Kylie: What do you want ?-.-


Kylie: I WAS studying .-.

Ethan: wtf ur boring…

Kylie: *You’re << get YOUR grammar corrected.

Ethan: whatever… do U want to go to the park?  Im going with chez and evryone.

Suppressing the urge to roll my eyes, I typed back: *You, *I’m, *Chez, *Everyone… and I have to study :/ 

Ethan: so?

Kylie: Not EVERYONE is a GENIUS like YOU

Ethan: BAAAHAHAHA ur gonna get an A anyways.

Kylie: Not if I don’t study.

Ethan: plzzzz!!(:

I bit the insides of my cheeks, debating on whether to go or not.  The thing was, I knew was the consequences were.  No studying equals bad grade equals parents very unhappy.  It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.

Kylie: No… 

There was a long silence and I wondered whether he might have forgotten that he was even on to start with.  Shaking my head in disappointment at the fact that I couldn’t go, I turned back to face my Spanish study guide, finding my place on the list of words I was at, and started to memorize again.  El arroz means rice.  Think Asian.  El pescado means fish.  Think--


So he didn’t forget, I thought, turning over to my laptop again.

Ethan: u suck 

Kylie: thanks *note the sarcasm*

Ethan: sarcasm noted

Unsure how to respond, I finally plucked up the courage to shut down the tab, focus, Kylie.  With a big sigh, I turned back towards my Spanish study guide, scanning down the list to find the word I was on.

I love finals.


With flourish, I sat down my pencil, stretching out my arms luxuriously and stared impatiently at the second hand of the school clock, positive that it must have been broken.  Deciding that triple checking won’t hurt, I picked up my paper again, rereading what I had written for the third time.

I was currently sitting in my last period; Spanish.  Surprisingly, the test was quite easy, minus a few short answer questions.  Inwardly, I relaxed slightly, knowing that there was no way I could have possible gotten anything less than an A on the exam.  With that confident notion in mind, my thoughts drifted to something that was much more important, in my opinion, than the exam I currently took.

Summer Break.

Summer Break brought several things to mind: sun, staying up late, sleeping in, hot, and most importantly, no school.

Back in Vegas when it was summer break, I didn’t really do anything besides sleep, eat, and waste my entire life away on the computer, unless on those rare occasions someone’s parents could take the time to drive us anywhere and pick us up.  But these were quite rare and far separated.  Summer in Vegas is pretty lonesome, unless you could drive, which none of us could.

But here, Villa Park, you can go everywhere.  Literally.  Besides, in a week, we were suppose to go to Disneyland: The Happiest Place on Earth.  Since it was the happiest place on Earth, nothing could go wrong, I felt confident of that.  Especially since only Aiden, Chez, Ethan, and I were going.

I originally wanted to invite Ever as well, but decided against it in the end.  Quite frankly, I didn’t want her to be shooting me death glares in the middle of riding Splash Mountain.  I might loose my appetite for the ride and throw up in the water or something.  That just wasn’t my cup of tea.

I ended up not inviting Dustin and Chris mainly because Chris is Dustin’s friend and if I invite Dustin, I’d pretty much be forced to invite Jessica.  She isn’t exactly my notion of ‘happy’ either.

After what seemed like decades later, the bell finally signaled the end of the day, releasing us for three month from the bleak, white walls of the school.  I jumped up from my seat, just like the rest of the class and hastily turned my paper in, mumbling an ‘adios’ to the teacher and walked out of the school, saying goodbye to whoever did the same for me.

“Summer!”  Chez screamed, throwing her arms around me in a bear hug and making me jump a foot into the air once I got out of the school.

“Give me a heart attack,”  I groaned, trying to suck in as much air as I could through Chez’s death grip.

“Can you at least pretend to be enthusiastic?”  she let go of me, holding me at arm distance, and studying me closely as if I were an unique specimen.

“Yipee,”  I mumbled, trying my best to sound as unenthusiastic as possible.  She observed me disapprovingly.  “What?”  I said indignantly, pushing past her into a less crowded area. 

She raised her eyebrows silently at me.

“I was excited before you nearly killed me,”  I crossed my arms at her silent treatment.

“I did not kill you.”

“You nearly did.”

“Did what?”  I jumped as a hand appeared on my shoulders, jerking me backwards.  Turning around, I caught the culprit with Aiden standing innocently next to him.

“Ethan,”  I seethed.

“Someone’s jumpy today.”  Chez gave a little laugh in which I ignored.

“It wasn’t me!”  Ethan held up his hands in denial, looking pointedly at Aiden who at that moment, turned away and pretended to be extremely interested in a nearby pole.


He kept on whistling a cheerful tune. 

“Always blame me.”  Ethan shook his head sulkily, glaring at Aiden who was still looking at the pole as if it were the most interesting object in the world.

“Never blame vampires,”  I shrugged smiling slightly.

“You got that right,”  Aiden finally came over, “whose ready for Disney?”

“Ahh,”  I squealed, jumping up and down excitedly, ignoring the fact that I probably looked like a hyper little kid that got an overdose of sugar, “I’m so excited!”

“I’m not,”  Ethan mumbled so quietly under his breath that I thought I imagined it.  I shot him a quizzical look, which he returned with a frown.  I furrowed my eyebrows, putting a sudden stop to my jumping.

“I‘m so excited!”  Aiden mimicked, jumping up and down like I was.  

“I did not look like that,”  I raised an eyebrow at him, then turned to face Ethan, “what’s up with you, Mr. Grumpy?”

“Can you believe who has to come with us to Disney?”  Ethan complained huffily, and I saw Chez visibly roll her eyes.

“He’s been complaining about this for the past few days, ever since you called and our parents ordered us to do and I quote from him ‘the horrible deed’,”  Chez explained, eyeing Ethan who was currently look very, very put down.

“Whose coming?”  I asked quizzically, sure that I haven’t’ invited anyone else.

“My stupid cousin,” he seethed to my amusement.

“Ah, your British cousin,”  I stressed the word ‘British’.

“Our parents are making us take him,”  Ethan grinded his teeth.

“Oh, come on,”  Chez punched him lightly, “he isn’t that bad.”

“Are you kidding me?”  Ethan fumed.

“Just cause pretended he was gay when he first met--”

“That was traumatizing!”  Ethan cut her off as I felt myself fall into a silent fit of laughter, huffing for breath.

“Oh my gosh, he pretended…”  I drifted off, feeling the tears come to my eyes at just the thought of Ethan’s reaction.  

“It’s not funny,”  Ethan narrowed his eyes at Aiden and I who were currently laughing so hard we couldn’t talk.

“Yea it is,”  I chortled, wiping the tears that had manage to seep out of my eyes.  “Disney should be fun.”

I guess the silence that met me right after that statement should have warn me, but it was a little bit too late.

“Oh,”  a very familiar and quiet voice said from behind me.  I cringed at the sound, silently berating myself for saying something like that out loud.  But how was I suppose to know she was going to be there?

Within the very second I heard the voice, several emotions flashed through me, one after another.  First, and foremost was shock.  With shock, came a wave of dizziness due to the current situation.  Right after, came the feeling of realization and then the feeling of embarrassment, and I felt my cheeks flare up immediately.

I swiveled around on my heels to come face to face with an extremely bitter looking person; her expression a cross between one of pure hatred, offensiveness, and something I just couldn’t identify.  Was that sadness?  My eyes studied her own, looking into the profound depth of it all, trying to identify the emotion.  Sadly, I never was one who was able to read emotion very well.  Slowly, my sight drifted to her hair.  Needless to say, it was a mess.  In fact, she looked like a total mess herself; her hair was knotted and when I looked closer at her eyes, I swore I could see a tiny red rim around it.  She was, I hesitated at the thought, crying?

“Hey Ever,”  I tried tentatively.

She nodded at me, her mouth pressed tightly together in a thin line.

“I was just about to ask you,”  I said hastily, hoping against all hope that this would cause less tension than that of which was already between us, “if you wanted to come with us to Disney?”

“I’m sure you were,”  she said bitterly.

“No, I’m serious,”  I tried my best to add as much sincerity into my words as possible, “ it’s just, I’ve never really got to talk to you and well this was the first chance.  I thought you might not want to come with me.”

“It’s fine,”  she waved me away, obviously not buying it.

“It’s true,”  Ethan broke into the conversation to my surprise, lying for me, which made me feel a slight stabbing in my heart for guilt.  

“Is it?”  Ever said, this time less sure of herself.

“Trust me,”  he reached out and grabbed her hand, looking her in the eye.  For a second, I felt a flash of jealousy at their touch but fought it down as ridiculous.  There was a long silence after Ethan’s two words; two words that apparently meant a lot to everyone around here.

“I-I--”  Ever stammered, jerking back from Ethan’s touch.

“Just come,”  Ethan rolled his eyes, reverting back to his old self.

“Okay,”  she ducked her head.

“Good,”  he said satisfactorily, and I let out the long breath that I hadn’t even realized I was holding.  


The sun shone with a brightness that sort of caused  a slight feeling of euphoria inside me and yet I couldn’t shake off the looming gloom that I felt.  Like a cloud behind the sun, waiting for the right moment to cast us all into darkness.  Shivering at the thought, I unconsciously walked closer to Ethan and Chez.  Call it premonition, but I had the feeling that something bad was going to happen.  And real soon.

“You okay?”  Chez asked, looking at me concerned as we walked back to our houses after the confrontation with Ever.

“Yea,”  I replied shakily.

“We had to invite her,”  Ethan repeated for the infinite time.

“It’s not that…”  I drifted off, unable to find the right words to speak my thoughts.  It’s this horrible feeling I’m getting that things aren’t as simple as it seems.

“It’s not?”  Chez probed.

I opened my mouth to answer when a sudden loud car horn blared.  Startled, I jumped around to come face to face with car.  A truck more like it.  Judging from the numbers on the side, I assumed that it was a F150, but then again I know close to nothing about cars.  

And that was when my eyes drifted to the guy inside the car.

My mouth dropped slightly open at the sight of the guy.  He had a somewhat messy yet neat dark black hair with the largest and brightest green eyes that shone as if they had a light of their own.  He had tan skin and was tall; what was with tall people?

“Like what you see?”  he smirked at me, talking with a slight accent that I couldn‘t quite place.

Then again, good looks don’t mean you are necessarily nice.

“You kidding?”  I eyed him up and down, pretending to look absolutely horrified.  “I’ve seen so much better.”

“Blake.”  Ethan said in a tight voice.

“Blake!”  Chez said in a much more chirpier tone.  “What are you doing here?”

“Thought I might be the kind and considerate person I am and pick you guys up,”  he winked.

So, this was the Blake that Chez and Ethan have been talking about.  I guess I should have been able to tell with the British accent he had from the beginning.  Judging from Ethan’s cockiness of the way he first met me to Blake’s, it’s no wonder that they are related.  Apparently, the stuck-up genes must have never found it’s way to Chez.  I smiled slightly at the though of why Ethan and Blake could never get along.  They both are so egotistical, I thought satisfactorily, glad that it finally clicked.  

“Well, are you getting in or not?”  Blake demanded from the car.  We all eyed the back of the car; one seat was filled with junk that I couldn’t quite place, meaning one of us had to sit in the shotgun.  I stared hesitantly at Ethan, who was looking quite annoyed himself, and Chez, who looked happy at the prospect at not having to walk all the way home herself.

“I’ll sit in the back,”  Ethan said grumpily, putting his hand on the door handle and pulling himself in.  

“Uh, me too,”  I volunteered, walking towards the back seats as well.

“No!”  Blake shouted from the front.  “You,”  he pointed at me, “shotgun.”

“Wha--”  I drifted off, surprised at his forwardness.

“No way,”  Ethan scoffed, motioning towards the back.

I turned to look helplessly at Chez who wasn’t helping much at all.  Actually, she wasn’t helping at all, her face contorted into a smile and her shoulders shaking with silent laughter.

“I…”   Do I listen to the driver or my, uh, boyfriend?  I winced slightly at that word, it still felt so foreign in my thoughts even after four months.  It didn’t help that the words: You aren’t suppose to date until college, kept ringing in my head like an alarm clock that just won’t shut up.

“Just sit here,”  Ethan rolled his eyes.

“It’s my car,”  Blake complained.

“It’s a rental car,”  Ethan corrected.

“And I’m renting it so it’s my car,”  Blake crossed his arms stubbornly.

“Chez,”  I pleaded hoping to make myself sound desperate enough.  

“I’ll sit in the back,”  Chez chimed in happily after a while, smirking at Ethan’s horrified expressions and taking a seat next to Ethan, squishing him into the junk that was currently occupying the far off seat.

Slowly, and somewhat reluctantly, I drug myself up to the front seat, gingerly and awkwardly sitting next to a complete stranger that I only knew for probably ten minutes max.  I shrank into the far corner of the seat, feeling a little out of place.

“Gee, I don’t smell that bad,”  Blake rolled his eyes at my gesture.

“Are you kidding me?”  Ethan called from the back seat.  “After you use the bathroom, it stinks in there!”

“You’re one to talk; at least I don’t text on the toilet,”  Blake shot back.

“That’s only cause I actually have people to text unlike you,”  Ethan fumed from the back.

“Have you even seen my list?  It’s a mile long,”  Blake rolled his eyes, “like something else I have.”

“Dude, for real?”

Blake shrugged nonchalantly as if he heard this conversation every single day, “Yup.”

I felt a smile tug at the corner of my lips, so this is what Chez meant by how they never got along.  Letting out an amused sigh, I settled back into the seat, preparing myself for a long car ride home.


Ugh, sorry for not uploading as frequently as I normally do.  I just ran out of pre-written chapters xD And school is SUCH a hassle nowadays.  Anyways, I just brought in one of my 'favorite' characters, you could say.  It's going to get a lot interesting from now on ;D  

By the way, tell me your thoughts on Blake VV COMMENT AND TELL!!  

And drop me a vote too!! <3 pleaseeeeeee ^-^ *begs with puppy dog face*



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