A Virgin Princess and the Pre...

By AnabelleRomano123

332K 8.9K 362

Princess Arabella Lauraine Nadine Grimaldi of Monaco had the perfect life in a beautiful castle and people wh... More

The Virgin Princess and the President's Party Son
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter Thirty

Chapter 23

7.2K 228 13
By AnabelleRomano123

It was a sunny and warm day, the first week of May proved to be good. No rain or clouds for the past week it was all sunshine. It was also my first day back in school after months of not being here. It's been six months which was a while.

" you look good" AJ smiled wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I thanked him as we went towards my locker.

The girls were already standing there, holding up their phones. Gasping and pointing at something. I looked up at AJ who shrugged not knowing what they were looking at. He went over to Autumn pressing a kiss to her temple.

" did you guys get this?" Audrey questioned handing me her phone. I read over the invite , the smile on my face growing by every second.

" hold on" I held up a finger searching through my bag. Pulling out my cellphone only to realize that I did have an invite.

" are you in VIP?" I asked them smiling. They groaned, shaking their heads slightly. I pouted starring at the invitation sent by some random person. Who apparently wanted me at their party.

" yeah , your the main attraction" Audrey told me, shutting her locker. I sighed opening my own and putting away some notebooks. Taking out my calculus text book and the notebook.

" I'll get you on the VIP" I tell them, stuffing my bag with the books. Autumn squealed wrapping me in a hug.

The bell rang signaling class time. I had to see the principal first since he wanted to personally re-welcome me into the school. I waved at them and turned around going towards the principals office, ignoring the stares. Some girls were not happy that the Prince of Sweden was taken.

I texted the number back telling them to put Autumn, Audrey, AJ and Rob onto the VIP list with me or I wasn't coming. It immediately texted back with an OK. I smiled looking down at my phone, deciding to send a text to Nina. As I sent the text someone ran into me. My phone dropping to the ground. Still the person ran.

I looked up and saw Ashley in tears running towards the girls bathroom. She looked pale and as if something tragic happened. I grabbed my phone turning around and following her into the girls bathroom. Shutting the door behind me.

" Ashley?' I asked a bit timid. Rounding the corner I saw her standing in front of the mirror. Tears streaming down her face. Eyes red and bloodshot. She looked over at me, quickly wiping away the tears.

" what do you want?" She spat, glaring at me. I sighed placing my bag on top of the paper towel dispenser.

" what happened?" I asked taking a step towards her. She sighed, letting out another cry and breaking down on the floor.

Thankfully this was not such a dirty school, since the families paid good money to keep everything cleaned and new. I took a seat beside her, waiting until she said something.

" why are you so nice to me? I was such a bitch to you and-"

" so? that was months ago Ashley, come on tell me what happened maybe I could help" I whispered nudging her lightly. She sniffled, pulling her knees up.

" I think I'm pregnant" She mumbled a new set of tears forming in her eyes. I widened my eyes starring at her.

" who's the father?" I asked still shocked at this news. She sighed shrugging her shoulder lightly. Once again I sat there more shocked.

I mean this wasn't such a shock after thinking about it. Still this shouldn't have happened if she didn't sleep with so many guys.

" are you positive though?" I questioned knowing this could be a false negative. She sighed , looking up at me.

" I don't know Arie, I didn't take a test , I'm too scared" She whispered beginning to cry into her hands. I tapped my chin not knowing what to do. Her parents would literally disown her for this. She was still a senior not even out of high school. Soon to start her life. I knew this isn't what she wanted.

I got off the floor dusting my jeans and heading for my purse. Sifting through it until I found my phone quickly dialing Lexi's number. She was head of secret service and would I hope buy a pregnancy test for Ashley.

" hello?" A deep voice answered. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

" where's Lexi Jayden" I ask him. There's some shuffling going on in the background before he answers.

" went to print things out, what do you want" He asked , a bit interested. Since I never call Lexi during school.

" none of your business" I reply, crossing my arms.

" come on we're friends" He muttered the friends part as if it angered him. I sighed not in the mood to argue with him.

" tell her I need a pregnancy test" I tell him smiling. There was a loud crash and a chair getting picked up again. I giggled knowing he fell out of his chair in shock.

" wh-what!" He shouted causing me to flinch. Pulling the phone away from my ear.

" not for me idiot, for this girl" I mumbled not wanting to tell him who it was for. I glanced at Ashley who smiled.

" I'll tell her"

" I'm in the girls bathroom near the principals office, hurry up please" I yelled into the phone. He hung up and I knew he was going to tell her.

Although I know he thinks that this test was for me. It surely shocked him when I told him what I needed from Lexi. 

Minutes later there was a knock at the door. I glanced at Ashley who stood up, going into the stall. Just in case it was some girl. I went over to the door opening it slightly. Jayden stood there holding up a brown bag. I grabbed it from him, going back to the stalls.

" ha I knew it was for you"

" what the heck Jayden!" I shout as he stepped inside the bathroom. This was not going as planned. There was no way he was going to see Ashley in here.

" admit it you slept with that Prince" Jayden muttered leaning against the wall. I rolled my eyes not going to scream at him for that.

" so what if I did?"

" so you always said that girls who slept with guys for fun were slutty and now your turning into one yourself" He told me taking a step closer.

" I did not sleep with the Prince" I spat, glaring at him. He shrugged, widening his eyes a bit.

" so it was another guy? seriously? this is just great, you wouldn't sleep with me, but you'll sleep with some random" He asked rolling his eyes. I knocked on the stall and soon Ashley appeared taking the brown bag away from me.

" thanks for calling me slut Jayden, you and I both know I wouldn't sleep with some random guy" I muttered pushing him out of the bathroom before he had the chance to say anything else.

A minute passed before Ashley stepped out of the stall setting the two pregnancy tests on the counter starring at them. She looked up at me immediately hugging me. As tears streamed down her face.

" it'll be okay Ash" I rub her back soothingly, as she cried into my shoulder. Months ago she wouldn't even tell me anything. Probably would yell at me and tell me to leave her alone. Maybe she changed a bit. With her attitude not sleeping ways.

" thanks Arabella, really, and I'm sorry for everything I did to you" She sniffled, taking a paper towel, wiping her eyes with it.

" what does it say" I whispered pointing to the tests. She looked down and a huge smile settled upon her lips.

" negative" She squealed pulling me into a hug. I chuckled at her excitement, hugging her back. Ashley took the tests and put them back into the brown bag , throwing it into the garbage can.

We stood there for a few more minutes fixing her makeup up so it didn't seem like she was bawling for the past thirty minutes in a girls bathroom.

" can I ask you something?"

" sure" She grinned handing me back my mascara. I sighed leaning against the sinks, making sure they weren't wet.

" are you friends with Casey, Jayden's new girlfriend"

" she's a bitch and that is coming from me, she goes to school in Maryland and likes to take advantage of people, just watch out for her, she's a mean one" Ashley stated patting my shoulder. I nodded watching her leave the bathroom.

Who knew Ashley and I would be friends , maybe not the best of friends but close to friends. We weren't going at each other's throats or yelling. I knew she would change her ways after this. There was no doubt in my mind about that.

I went over to the door opening it, bringing me face to face with Jayden. He stopped me from going any further, starring at me with guilt.

" I have to be hooking up with some random in five minutes isn't that what sluts do" I say pushing past him.

" I'm sorry Arie, alright, I just got angry that you would sleep with someone"

" why? " I questioned turning to face him. He sighed running a hand through his hair. Which I realized he cut.

" never mind" He muttered going the opposite way. I watched him turn the corner, pushing back the tears.

I spun around going towards the principals office knowing I had to make up some excuse as to why I was late to his office.

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