Taemin...Stay With Me

By ambiijung

91.3K 2.7K 617

I fell in love with him when I shouldn't have. I tried to distract myself from him but never could. He has a... More

<1.How I Met Him>
<2.My new Guy>
<3.There's No Getting Over Him>
<4. Date With Minho>
<5. Dirty Dreams>
<6. Kiss>
<7. Possible Breakup?>
<8. Taemin Visits>
<9. Masked Pianist>
<10. Permission To Date>
<11. I Dare You To Kiss Me>
12. Clues
13. Unmasked
14. Because You're You
15. 2nd Kiss
16. His Other Side
17. Christmas Plans
18. Meeting His Parents
19. Presents
20. Our Day Off
21. +
22. Happy
24. Surprise Visit
25. Day To Relax
26. Surprise Party
27. Weird Tasting Present
28. Fire
29. What The Bottle Held
30. No Air
31. Weird Behavior
32. Guessing Game
33. I Like You
34. Seductive pt. 1
35. Seductive pt. 2
36. Seductive but Sweet
37. Halloween Disaster
38. Broken Frames
New Story!
39. Without You
40. His Butterfly
41. Unexpected Call
42. My Heart Can't Be Stopped
43. Make It Right
44. Can You Guess? ^-^
45. I Love You More
Sequel is here!!

23. I'm Home!

1.5K 49 6
By ambiijung


I flinched from the other side of the phone. She didn't know I was listening. But now I know she really didn't like me.
"Eomma. Please calm down." Taemin said holding the phone firmly in his hand.
"Taemin ah!! You're having a baby with that Japanese girl!? That's disgrace of a woman??" She yelled at him.
I put my head down and felt like crying. Did she have to say that about me?
"Eomma!" Taemin yelled.
I looked up at him in surprise.
"That's the girl I'm in love with you're talking about!! Don't say another word! That's my child. And that's that." He said hanging up on her.
"Yah Taemin ah...you didn't have to-"
I was interrupted by a hard kiss on the lips. By the time he released me he held me tightly.
"I don't care what she says. You're mine and only mine. I'll love you and only you. That's my baby and I'll do nothing but be there for you and care for my child." He said determined to do all he could in his power as a man.
I smiled and hugged him closer to me.
"Gomawo Oppa." I layed my head on his chest and just enjoyed being near him. I was thankful for him the most at this moment.

The only thing I was unsure about was when to tell my parents. Should I call them? Should I go home? Should I pay to fly them out here? Wait, nah what am I thinking? THEY have money so THEY can fly THEMSELVES out here. Duh Ari. I feel like calling wouldn't be enough and the least appropriate. Maybe I should take some time off from school and go back to Japan for a bit. I haven't seen my parents in a while so I should see them.
"Hey, Taemin." I turned to him on the couch as we were watching a movie in my apartment.
"I think I should go back to Japan next week."
"What!?" He immediately looked at me with wide eyes.
"You're leaving!?"
"No no." I laughed. "I'm just visiting my parents. I want to tell them too ya know."
"Ohh ok. Do they even know about me?" He asked.
"Yea of course! Why wouldn't I tell them about you? We've been together for 8 months." I said shaking my head at him.
"Can I meet them?"
"Yeah. Later." I laughed.
"What? Why not just now?" He asked not understanding.
"Cause! You have school work to do and you should focus on it."
"So do you!" He argued back with a smile.
"Ok but my reason to go is better." I laughed.
"Ok fine. But be safe okay?" He patted my head.
"I know I know." I smiled and called my mom to tell her I would be visiting.

Taemin and I drove to the airport early in the morning the next week so I could fly to Japan to see my parents. I would be gone for a week. A whole week without Taemin! Ugh I hate feeling this way. I don't wanna leave him but I really need to go home to see my parents. Hopefully everything turns out fine.
"Well you should get going. I have to board now." I said getting out if my chair and extending the handle to my suitcase. Taemin just stared at me for a minute before taking my hand in his own.
"What?" I asked.
"This would be the first time I'd be away from you. I'm not gonna be used to it." He smiled but in a sad way.
"Don't be like that. I'll be back soon and you'll be fine with the guys right?" I patted his shoulder.
"No." He answered.
"You're such a baby."
"Oh yeah?" He smiled and attacked me with kisses playfully and tickled me.
"Yah! Quit it! I have to go!" I yelled laughing.
Finally he stopped and we smiled at eachother and naturally leaned in for a sweet kiss.
"I'll miss you. Stay safe and tell your parents I said hi." Taemin smiled while taking my face in his hands. His warm and comforting hands that I wouldn't be able to hold for a while.
"I will. Annyeong!" I waved with both my hands and slowly walked away onto the plane.

A few hours later I looked out the window of the plane to see a familiar site of home. I smiled, elated to be home in Japan. I quickly got off the plane eager to see my parents. They were waiting for me outside by the pick up center.
"Haha! Chichi!" (Mother! Father!)
"Ari!" They both yelled in delight as I ran to hug them.
"How have you been! I missed you!!" I said happily in my own language.
It felt good to finally be able to speak my native language for once. I usually would only speak Japanese when I'm with Key on occasion or when I'm surprised.
"We've been great! We missed you." My mom said.
"How has college been going in Korea?" My father asked me.
"I'm doing very well." I smiled.
After we exchanged friendly conversation we headed out to the car and we drove to the house. I haven't been there in almost 2 years! I wonder if it's changed.
"Ari." My mother called from the passenger seat.
"Hai." I answered.
"What's going on with that boy?" She turned around smiling at me weirdly.
I blushed like crazy at the mention of Taemin.
"Taemin and I are doing very well. He told me to tell you both he said hello actually." I remembered.
"He seems so nice! When can we meet him?" She asked eagerly.
"Yeah! I definately need to see more than just pictures." My father added.
"Very soon I assure you! You'll definately meet him."
After we arrived at the house, I took a good look around taking in all the memories. Nothing's changed. I liked it. I excused myself to go unpack while my mother prepared food. While unpacking I took out my phone and took a picture for my social media. I captioned it "Back Home" and smiled brightly. After I did that I called Taemin.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Oppa! I made it here safe." I told him.
"Awesome! How is it there?"
"Same as I remembered. I love it. Hey, where are you? You don't sound like you're at home? I hear people everywhere." I noticed.
"Yeah I'm in a very crowded place right now. But Ari, I'll call you later. I have something to do okay?"
"Saranghae jagi!" He said.
I smiled and replied the same way.
Should I tell them now? I suddenly got nervous. How do I say this? I walked downstairs and my mom was finishing up the food.
"Okasan?" I called to her.
"Where's Otosan?"
"In the living room." He called.
"Can I get you in here please?"
In a matter of seconds he came into the kitchen.
"I need to tell you both something. The main reason I came here." I started.
"Nani?" My father asked.
"Um... Well I wanted to tell you both that Taemin and I...are having a baby..."

(Sorry I haven't updated in a really long time 😅👐. I got a job 2 weeks ago and I'm preparing for a fashion show so I've been really busy. But I'll try my best to update more often!)

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