I Kicked A Vampire In The Nuts

By Lil-Miss-Massacre

246K 5.3K 709

'It all started on Thursday morning.' Vampires don't exist. Right? So how was I supposed to know that by acci... More

I Kicked A Vampire - Part 1
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 2
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 3
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 4
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 5
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 7
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 8
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 9
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 10
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 11
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 12
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 13
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 14
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 15
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 16
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 17
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 18
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 19
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 20
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 21
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 22
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 23
I Kicked A Vampire - Part 24
I Kicked A Vampire - End

I Kicked A Vampire - Part 6

11.5K 239 17
By Lil-Miss-Massacre

Chapter 6:


I've been searching non-stop for her.

I lost her scent a couple of hours after I started searching for her which meant she was either dead, or very very good at concealing it.

"You know. If you hadn't kidnapped the poor girl, we wouldn't be in this mess. The king would not be sending royal guards out to catch us and father would not be-"

Rolling my eyes, I hiss at him, "Enough Adrian! I do not CARE what father thinks of me. As for you, Lyle and mother, you are not involved. This lies between Allie, the king and myself. I was the one who kidnapped her, I was the one who told her what we are and I was the one who condemned MYSELF to a slow excruciating death by the royal guard. Now go home and let me find her in peace!"

His face falls and I frown slightly as he suddenly stops running at my side.

I continue sprinting, surging through the countryside as a blur of black and dark blue and Adrian becomes a distant dot behind me until he disappears altogether.


"L-Lizzie?" I stutter horribly as I open my eyes.

Jerking up into a sitting position, I reach out blindly, grabbing at whatever I can, hoping to catch grasp of something familiar.

"Shh...it's okay sweetheart. I'm here..." so...familiar.

My mouth opens in shock, "Mom?" I whisper. I feel like a little girl, clinging to her mother after her brother trips her up in a game of tag and she has a scraped knee or something, "Mommy?"

Glancing around myself, I let out a gasp as I find myself still within the Macintosh (Kyle and Lizzie)'s home.

Liz is hugging me, her fingers running through my hair as she attempts to soothe me, "No...it's me Lizzie." She whispers quietly.

As I stare at her, I notice something.

While Kyle looks a mere twenty one years old with his dark brown hair and shining green eyes, Elizabeth looks older. Not by much, I wouldn't notice it from afar, but with the time I've spent with them I've come to notice things. She herself is younger than her husband due to him being over three hundred years old, but she physically is older. The corners of her eyes crinkle up when she smiles and the lines on her forehead and around her mouth are becoming slightly more prominent with each day. She doesn't look old, but next to her husband...

The worst part of me noticing this, is how I notice her pain. Her pain of knowing that one day she will die and that Kyle wont. She will age and grow ill and pass over and he will remain young because he didn't want to change her. In changing someone (Kyle takes pleasure in teaching me about his species) there is a 80% chance of the human dying. If the human is in peak physical and mental health then the chances are bumped up to a 45% chance of failure. If the human is ill and on the verge of death, or is suffering a fatal wound then the chance of them dying in the process of the change is 95%. Risky business and Kyle couldn't risk his beloved wife...


What is Bailey's obsession with this girl? Why the sudden infatuation with Allison McCourt?

She's nobody. She's not even very pretty, I've never seen such coloured hair. Orange? And she has freckles and she's skinny and...average.

My brother, I have known him for a very long time...we are brothers, bonded in the womb. And Bailey Devon De'Vierre doesn't go for orange haired stubborn brats. He goes for the prom queen beauties, the girls who will go far in life as long as they sleep with their superiors because they haven't the skills or brains to make it to the top the right way.



What was that?

I breathe in deeply once more as I recognise the fragrance of crisp green apple. Sour in a sweet way and deeply intoxicating.

"Allie..." I murmur to myself.

I can hear Adrian's thoughts. Why Allison McCourt?

Because she's HER. The HER that I've been dreaming of since I first found that awkward, frightened six year old girl stuck in the oak tree. The HER that would...I don't know. Accept me for who I am and be my soul mate? Oh how delusional can I be? Allison McCourt is the most obnoxious, stubborn little minx I have ever met. How could we possibly be soul mates?! We clash far too badly. I'd probably end up killing her. THEN where would I be?!

So in answer to Adrian's silent questioning?

I shall have to think about it a bit more.


My girl...my beautiful little Allie...

Shaking my head slightly, I let out a hushed whimper as I hold her close.

At thirty nine, my opportunities of having a child my own are crushed. I knew the consequences of marrying a vampire. No children. Vampires can only have children with other vampires. Their systems work at a faster pace than humans. They are unable to mate with us because of that. They stop aging physically, but their bodies continue and vampires systems are stronger than humans by hundreds of times which means they stop appearing 'old' and they still 'work' without being worn down and having their organs fail them. Unlike we humans who can break at any moment...so fragile are we.

Allison...she is my daughter. Not literally. I saved her. She is dependent on me, she needs me and I need her. It works out for the best.

I will take care of her.


"What do you MEAN you can't find her?!"

The men standing before me, cringe at my tone and the leader steps forwards.

He looks terrified. Stupid man. Never show your true feelings to a man as dangerous and ruthless as myself, "I-I-I'm s-sorry sir...Allison is just...she's not anywhere. We've searched high and low. It's as if she's just dropped off the earth without a trace." He explains, gaining confidence with every word he speaks.

A malicious smirk graces my lips as I rise to my feet. I stride over to him and wrap my fingers around his throat, his soft pale throat. I can feel his pulse. I can smell his blood.

"Bailey De'Vierre kidnapped that girl and now he shall pay. He has let a human in on secret. He has put our entire race in danger by his actions and now I must dispose of them both..."

With a simple flick of my wrist which requires absolutely no energy or effort, his neck snaps. The loud CRACK echoing within the room.

I rudely cast him aside, kicking the body into the wall.

His men. Those poor stupid fools...

"Find them and bring them to me or I will be sure to make you just. Like. Him." I motions nonchalantly towards the corpse, "Now leave! I want you out my sight you pathetic morons!"

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