Wildest Dreams (A Stemily Fan...

By DCMadden

51.4K 1.1K 103

What happens when Stephen falls in love with Emily? Will he leave his life in California to be with her? Who... More

1. No One Has To Know
2. Red Lips and Rosy Cheeks
3. Say you'll remember me
4. Nothing lasts forever...
5. ...but this is getting good now.
6. Drive out of the city, away from the crowd.
7. I thought, heaven can't help me now.
8. This is gonna take me down.
9. My one condtion is...
10. Someday when you leave me...
11. ...I bet these memories follow you around.
12. Just Pretend
13. His voice is a familiar sound.
15. His Clothes Are In My Room
16. Wildest Dreams

14. Burning It Down

2.2K 67 4
By DCMadden

Emily's POV

I had just gotten comfortable and was starting my second episode when someone burst through the door. I jumped up and turned the TV off, worried Stephen would catch me watching our show after he had specifically asked me not to.

When I looked to the door, Stephen wasn't the one standing there it was Danneel.

"What's going on?" I asked.

She took a breath; it was obvious that she had ran over here.

"We need to get you and Mav out of here, if we want to avoid a whole lot of drama."

I raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

She grabbed Mavi's bag and pushed me toward the bedroom. "You need to go get Mavi before she gets here."

I didn't budge. "Danneel, first off you need to calm down and explain yourself a little better."

She groaned. "My god. Em. Now is not the time to be clueless! Cassandra is here. I had Derek call if she showed up and I tried your phone, but you didn't answer so I had no choice but to run over here and get you. Now can we go?!"

I did not want to let Danneel see how much this really did worry me, so I walked calmly into the room and picked up Mavi. She stirred a bit, but readjusted herself and fell back into a deep sleep.

We walked back to the Supernatural plot without running into her, and I sighed in relief as we walked into Jensen's trailer.

Gen was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee and Thomas was playing with some Legos on the floor.

"Good you got her." She said relieved.

I sighed and lied Mavi down on the couch next to Gen.

"You okay?" She asked.

I couldn't keep it in and let the tears fall.

"I can't keep doing this. I love Stephen, but is this really how it is always going to be?"

Gen grabbed my hand. "It won't always be this way and you need to believe that. Hold onto all the love you and Stephen share, this is going to be a long road and you can only get through it together. We are here for moral support, but you have to put yourself in his shoes. He didn't go into this marriage thinking that he was going to end up falling in love with his co-star and I know you didn't expect to fall for a married man, so just give it time, soon the papers will be signed and things will be so much better."

I sat down with her. "I just can't see any of this ending well, she will always be a part of his life because of Mavi, and I just don't know if I am strong enough to fight Cassandra on any of this, I know that she will never let Mavi and I have a smooth relationship, why would she? I'm the one breaking up her marriage."

There was a soft knock on the door that interrupted our conversation. Danneel opened the door to reveal Stephen in his full Green Arrow outfit, his eyes were covered in black paint and his mask was hanging around his neck.

"You're supposed to be shooting right now." I said.

He sighed and walked over to me.

"We'll let you two talk." Gen said picking up Tom and taking him with her outside. "Just listen for Shep and JJ please."

I nodded and they left us alone.

"Cassandra is waiting for me in my trailer, she wants to talk, but I want you there if it's not too much to ask." He asked worriedly.

I took a breath. "I don't know if that's such a good idea."

He shook his head. "Don't go there. This is a meeting with lawyers. I know that I can't get mine here on time, so Marc offered his assistance, there's a lawyer here on set today to discuss some things with him and I know that you didn't want anyone to know about us, but it's not really that easy to hide things from everyone and you know that. Cassandra decided to surprise me and wants to talk divorce and Mav, but I need you there Em. I need to show her lawyer that we are stable and she doesn't have a chance. United front?"

I gave in and smiled.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. "Thank you."

"Are we doing this now?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Don't you want to change first? You look a little ridiculous?" I laughed.

He rolled his eyes.

"Actually this kind of helps, shows that I'm serious about work. Now you might want to change into your Felicity get up."

I laughed. "Not a chance."

"I'll ask Gen to keep an eye on Mav and we can go." I offered.

He nodded and kissed Mavi on her forehead before following me out.

"We have to go meet with lawyers and Cassandra, you mind keeping an eye on Mavi until I get back?" I asked.

Gen agreed and wished us luck while we hopped on a golf cart that Marc was driving.

"I didn't know Marc was the one that brought you over here?" I whispered.

He nodded. "He had to, I wasn't going to walk all the way over here."

I rolled my eyes. "Lazy ass. It's actually a nice walk. There's a lot of interesting things to see on this set."

"I'm really sorry about this Marc, you're only in Vancouver for a few days and you have to deal with all of this drama." I said.

He laughed. "No worries, as long as this keeps you on my show, I'm fine with it."

"Well we're here. Good luck guys, call if you need anything else." We waved goodbye and stood in front of the trailer for a minute before walking in, mostly because Stephen needed to reassure me that this would be okay.

We walked in to see Cassandra sitting on the couch with her lawyer, while Marc's lawyer was standing at the table looking at his phone.

"What is she doing here?" Cassandra snapped.

I didn't hide behind Stephen like I normally would have. I stood my ground.

"I know you were probably planning on using my relationship with Emily against me, so I decided to bring her, that way you can't accuse me of lying about absolutely anything." Stephen answered.

She huffed and sat back down.

"Okay, shall we get started." Her lawyer, who's name I didn't catch, offered.

We all sat down and she pulled out a bunch of papers.

"I understand, Mr. Amell, that you served Cassandra with divorce papers and want full custody of your child together?" She questioned.

"Stephen is fine, and yes that's what I want." I took his hand and his lawyer spoke up.

"We would like to do this amicably and avoid trial, there are some things we imagine your client wouldn't want out in the open." I turned to Stephen and he sighed.

"I filled him in on almost everything before going to get you." He whispered.

"What are you going to use against me, Steve? Honestly?" Cassandra questioned.

He sighed. "I rather not get into all of that if we absolutely don't have to Cass, so can we please just get on with this, there's no avoiding it, I will get a divorce even if we have to go to trial."

She rolled her eyes.

Her lawyer handed Stephen a packet.

"I've already let your lawyer go over a document for you to sign and this would be your copy, now there are some changes to your initial offer, but that is usually how this goes, both parties want to avoid trial, therefore if you accept we can process the papers tomorrow and you will be divorced in the next week."

I sat there quietly taking it all in, if Stephen was divorced that quickly would he want us to get married, that was something I was certainly not ready for.

Stephen looked over the papers and around page 3 his head snapped up. "You're joking."

She smirked. "Nope."

"I'm sorry. What's going on?" I asked.

He handed me the papers.

"Seriously?!" I couldn't control my anger. Cassandra was asking for 50-50 custody, every Thanksgiving, while her and Stephen shared every other holiday, and she wanted the house in LA and the house here in Vancouver.

"You didn't even bother to ask for your daughter when we got here, you don't know how she has been the past few days, you always leave her here on set with me or Willah and the nanny knows more about her than you do, but you want all of this?!"

Stephen put his hand in mine and squeezed, trying his best to calm me down.

"We're going to need a minute if you don't mind." Stephen's lawyer said to them before walking them to the door.

He sat down across from us. "Okay, I know this is difficult, but I need you both to keep your calm, now I didn't know about the nanny, is there any way she would be willing to testify on your side if need be?" He asked.

Stephen nodded. "I'm sure she would."

"Okay we can probably scare Cassandra into giving us most of what we want, I wish your lawyer could be here for this because I don't know this whole case."

"Can we FaceTime?" I asked.

Stephen laughed. "Why the hell didn't any of us think of that?"

"I would still need to be here to certify documents and things like that, but she can consult."

"Perfect." Stephen pulled out his laptop and soon Mrs. Velen appeared on the screen.

"Hey Stephen, everything okay?"

We began to explain everything to her and once we were all on the same page, Stephen let Cassandra and her lawyer back in.

"I'm going to offer one thing and that's it. If you don't accept we can go to trial, I will have Rob, Italia, Emily, my mom, Willah, Jared, Jensen, the nanny, and I shouldn't need to go on." She bit her lip, we could tell she was angry and a bit afraid.

"What is it?" She asked.

Stephen's lawyer spoke. "It's what I like to call 80-20 custody. Stephen will have majority custody and Mavi's permanent home will be here in Vancouver with him. You will alternate every third year for holidays. For example, Christmas for the next two years will be Stephen's and the third will be yours. You are allowed to see her whenever you please as long as you consult Stephen first. You are required to have 1 weekend a month of your choosing. You are not allowed to take her out of the country without a notarized letter from Stephen. Because of Stephen's job and crazy schedule, Italia Ricci and Robert Amell have agreed to be emergency contacts for Maverick, also Emily, will be an official guardian when it comes to schooling and medical decisions she will be allowed to make decisions alongside Stephen, you will also have full rights to Mavi's medical and school documents, but as for what school she is attending that decision will be Stephen's. Do you follow?"

While this was all happening, Stephen's lawyer in LA was typing up the documents ready to send them over as soon as Cassandra agreed. I waited for Cassandra to fight this, but she didn't.

She calmly asked, "What if I want to take a vacation with her and my family, we go to Disney World every year and I just don't want to only make it a weekend."

"Stephen?" His lawyers asked.

He sighed. "That's fine. We can agree to five days, once a year for a vacation."

"As for properties and assets, you both signed pre-nups, which means you leave with what you've made yourselves. I understand all bank accounts are separate, but you purchased both homes together?"

They both nodded.

"She can have both, I want to start over." Stephen said.

"Is that okay with you Cassandra?" Her lawyer asked her.

She nodded.

"Okay, I am faxing over the documents now."

We sat in silence while all of the documents were brought over.

Once the papers were in front of Stephen he grabbed a pen and signed them quickly. He slid them over to Cassandra and she took the pen.

She looked at him sadly, and he turned to me.

I watched her every move, I could tell that she was trying not to break down in front of him. She signed them and walked out without another word.

"I will have these processed and you'll know as soon as you are a free man." He nodded and I gave him a quick hug before walking out after Cassandra.

"Cassandra?" I called.

She turned around and wiped her face.

"What do you want, Emily?" She asked.

I sighed. "I'm sorry."

She sniffled and shook her head. "You have nothing to be sorry about, I can see how much he loves you, he never looked at me that way. I made my bed and now I have to lie in it, I'm not going to say that I am happy about any of this or that I like you, but I would greatly appreciate it if you would let me see my daughter before I fly back to California."

I nodded. "If you just want to wait by the coffee cart, I'll have her here in a few minutes."

She agreed and made her way over there. I walked back to Stephen's trailer.

"Where did you go?" He asked.

"To talk to Cassandra, I know she doesn't deserve it, but I know this was emotionally draining and I just wanted to apologize and please don't tell me I didn't have to do that. I know I didn't, but it will give me peace of mind." He didn't say anything, just watched me as I grabbed my phone.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Calling Gen, Cassandra wants to see Mav before she leaves."

He hugged me and kissed me. "Thank you."

"For what?" I asked.

"Just for being you. I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too."

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