By RozzayAnthony

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Fifty years ago Hazel, (the future fox demon princess of a mystical land Ezea) witnessed an eere death of her... More

chapter one : Chaos Hazel's story
Chapter two: Pride Jaiyden's Story
Chapter Three: Imbalanced
Chapter four: Resentment
Chapter Five: Impatient
Chapter six: transition
Chapter seven: acceptance
Chapter Eight: adjustment
Chapter nine: Confusion
Chapter ten: Destiny?
Chapter eleven: Haunting
Chapter twelve : possession
Chapter thirteen: Truth
Chapter:fourteen: together
Chapter fifteen: Chaos
Chapter sixteen: Trapped
Chapter seventeen:Questions
Chapter eighteen: Missing
Chapter nineteen: Hidden Kingdom
Chapter twenty-three: revival
Chapter twenty-four: Where are they?
Chapter Twenty-five: Suit and Armor
Chapter twenty-six: Shadow War
Chapter twenty-seven: revelation
Chapter twenty-eight: home but trouble
Chapter twenty-nine innocent or guilty
Chapter thirty: over?
A letter from the author

Chapter twenty: Love & war

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By RozzayAnthony

    As Hazel, Oleo, Agnus, Wyatt and Nelson received the answers that they needed, they all fly out of the hidden kingdom together and flies into the forbidden kingdom where Ozan shout Ioh’s name in the center of his kingdom. “Ioh!, Ioh where are you! I want you to show yourself.” They all wait for him in silence and fear.  “where are you coward? I know you can hear me now show yourself.” Ozan yelled. Agnus became more anxious. “ he’s not here lets go.”she said Everything is quiet for a minute as they patiently wait  for and then the ground starts to shake where Ioh then appears from the center of the air.

Agnus backs up behind Nelson and Wyatt and tears run down Hazel’s eyes as Ioh mocks them. “aw baby don’t cry I don’t want to hurt you.” He slowly reaches his hand and places it on Hazel’s head. “Don’t touch me!” she yelled. Ioh laughed wickedly and puts his focus on Ozan. “Ozan…why the lovely visit?” he asked saracatically. “You know why I’m here, realese the humans and free the creatures of Ezea!”  Ioh could not help but chuckle.  “ and what makes you think I’m going to do that you foolish Rayon.” Ozan then pleaded. “ the humans are innocent in all this, they have nothing to do with our world, please let them go and send them back home.” Ioh got annoyed and yelled. “ Shut up!” He grows out a long green slimy tail and slitters over to Ozan. While the minons grab them all from behind. “ the humans have everything to do with this. There soul is what’s keeping us alive, the power is what is giving us strength.” Ozan then made an offer Ioh could not turn down. “ if its power you want than its power you get if you release the souls of the humans, I am willing to sacrifice my soul to you in return.” Hazel than cried but Ioh minons held her back. “Grandfather don’t please! Please!” Ioh put a spell on her where her mouth vanished. “Ozan control your granddaughter or she will join you in this offer.” He than smiles evil like. “you have a deal Ozan, just because I’m a nice guy I will give you five minutes to say yout good bye, minons let’s go!” Ioh remembers to give Hazel’s mouth back on her face and vanishes. Hazel takes intense deep breathes while everyone is scared for Ozan. Hazel approaches her grandfather, “ I felt like I was just getting to know you.” Hazel said softly. “The only blood left…” Ozan replies, “I need to do the right thing.” He kisses his daughter on the forehead and hugs her, they all join in the group hug.

Ioh came in the room during the hug. “times up! Let’s go!” He demanded. Everyone was not letting go of Ozan but Ozan  aggressively  pushed everyone out of the way. “don’t make this harder…” he says. He faces Ioh; “I’m ready.” The minons magically chained him using magic proof and then taking him away to the lower level of Ioh’s dark, gothic castle.  Agnus and the group try to enter into the lower level but are stopped by an invisible shield. “Come on follow me.” Nelson whispered. They slowly and quietly followed him where there was a hole in the corner of the wall. They all entered in and crawled where they were led to the vent of the lower level.  They crowd and push each other anxiously trying to see what’s going on. As Nelson, Oleo and Hazel peer out the vent they see the minons and Ioh laying Ozan to his death. 

Ioh walks towards the blind folded, tied Ozan holding the dagger of mortality. He rises the dagger above his head and cut off his long white beard and hair. They are all laughing around him cynically and then Ioh raises the dagger once more and brutally stabs him repeatly over five times as Hazel painfully watches with Oleo. Ozan than falls to his death and Hazel uncontrollably sob. Ioh then inhales his soul and after, he feels stronger and gets larger. Ioh sees them using the back of his eyes and collapse the wall along with the vent and five of them fall and hit the ground hard as Ioh slitters closly to them. “you must think you are all completely slick huh.” Ioh snaps. Nelson slowly gets up and retrieve his strength. “Enough!” Nelson angrily shouted. “what did you say to me?” Ioh said in an impatient tone. “ you heard me enough! Ozan should have not sacrificed his life for you, it’s not fair! I want my friends back, I want Ozan back, I want you to restore Ezea the way it should be and I want to go home.” Ioh did not care what he had to say or what he wanted. He was heartless anf scenseless. Nelson continued, “Ozan did his part now return our friends!”  Ioh then responsed. “if it’s your friends you want, then you must earn it.” He opens up an ocean filled with all the souls that were taken such as sussanah, Logan, Christian, and jaiyden. “I want to make this more entertaining.” There bodies appear and they lie one by one. “you have fifteen minutes in your mortal time to go into the pool retrieve your friends soul and put it in the appropriate body, if you don’t make it there bodies will be perminentaly disiagrated and their souls will be mine understand.” Nelson is furious on the inside but makes it visible. “hey don’t say I never done anything nice for you.” Ioh insisted. 

Nelson, Wyatt, Agnus, Hazel and Oleo hold onto each others hand and jumps into the ocean of souls. Nelson sees Jaiyden and grabs onto her hand and holds on tight. Agnus successfully takes Sussanah’s soul and out walks on air and places it in her body,  As Hazel, grabs Logan and places his soul in his body along with Oleo grabbing Christian and pulling him out of the pool of lost souls. Oleo places Christian’s soul into his body while Hazel places Logan in his body. Oleo,  Hazel, Wyatt, and Agnus all come out of the pool while the sand was still pouring. Wyatt looks around and notices that Nelson was no where to be found. “ Where’s Nelson?” Wyatt asked. Agnus responded. “ I think he’s still in the pool.” Ioh then jumped in. “Let your friend be aware that he has five spare minutes to rescue himself and Jaiyden or their lives will be finished!” They anxiously look into the pool waiting for both their arrivals. Nelson is still swimming towards Jaiyden. Nelson’s skin starts to deterate and has two misses until he finally grabs her soul and brings it up to the surface. The top starts to close and Nelson rushes over to the top. He finally makes it with time to spare. He takes the soul and walks it over to Jaiyden’s body. 

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