summer camp ☼ larry

By hightidelou

172K 7.4K 11.3K

we're cool for the summer. where louis goes to summer camp, and has the best summer ever. More

summer camp ☼
one ;)
two :D
three :)
four :3
five :O
six :p
seven ;)
eight ;D
nine ',:)
ten B)
eleven (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
twelve (✿◠‿◠)
thirteen :(
sixteen :')
seventeen XO
eighteen ;0
nineteen ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
twenty (≧∇≦)
twenny wann ⊂((・⊥・))⊃
twenty two (⌒▽⌒)
twenty three ( *`ω')
twenty four (^_^)☆

fourteen :0

5.3K 264 274
By hightidelou

it's been a day. well, half of a day. it's now monday afternoon, and the tension between louis and the 'others' is still thicker than pea soup. 

yes, he calls his friends the 'others'. 

he loves them to death, but at the moment he'd easily say that he hates them. but he can't hate his friends, so he found another name to call them for the time being.

lunch hour has just begun, and louis is terrified. where is he gonna sit? he can't sit with those people, he just can't!

he gulps as he stands there, eyes scanning over the cafe searching for somewhere to sit down. 

he sees them, and they see him.

niall feels guilty as hell as he watches his best friends struggle to just sit somewhere. 

"look at him," niall says, "the poor thing." 

"yeah," michael says, "he looks like a lost puppy." 

"more like a mutt," zayn mumbles, earning a few chuckles from luke. 

"he brought it to himself, anyway," luke added,"he's ignoring us!"

if you haven't noticed it by now, the two parties are both mistaken. both sides think that the opposing team is mad at them. both sides are too stubborn to admit that they had done wrong. 

louis shouldn't have been rude to michael. michael's an adorable kitten who should never be disturbed in any way. 

louis' friends shouldn't have taken louis' bitterness to heart, and tried to put themselves in his itty bitty shoes.

"i don't know why he won't just say anything to me," harry sighs,"i haven't done a thing to him."

calum gives niall and mike a knowing look. 

you probably guessed that they'd spill louis' guts to harry, and make harry think of louis as pathetic and whiney, but they knew that that'd be too far. way too far. 

"we just need to get his attention somehow," ashton said,"you know, without saying anything." 

"what do you mean?" harry asked.

"just do something that he'd know was us," ashton said,"like a truce, or a sign to let him know that we're still alive." 

zayn let out  a cold laugh.

"i think he knows we're alive," zayn said,"i think that he needs to know that we haven't done anything but told the truth." 

"like put him in his place?" luke asked, this idea sounding a little better. 

"a prank!" harry says,"that'll show him! he can't ignore us forever!" 

"that sounds like a good idea," calum said,"but what kind of prank?" 

zayn focused on louis' clothes and the way that louis hugged himself in the pink sweater that he was swallowed in. 

"i think i have an idea." 


the rest of the day was okay.

louis and ashton had swimming together, which was awkward as hell but they both got through it.

harry and calum had rock climbing, and it was fun but not as much fun as it could've been. 

now that the day was over, and it was nearing dinner time, the gang (minus little lou) all sat outside the cafe planning exactly what was gonna go down. 

as soon as louis got his dinner, he headed out to the patio to eat by himself. that's what he ended up doing that day for lunch, and it was actually quite nice. 

the burger that louis got was eaten pretty quickly, and soon enough he was headed back to his cabin. he stepped one foot outside of the cafe and-

"omg, louis!" calum said, coming and hugging the life out of him. lou was shocked, and just stood there as the asian kid hugged him. (lol ik he's not asian)

louis kindly backed up, and cal stood up straight and began to spit out apologies.

"i'm so sorry for what i said," he gushed, and said, "you had every right to be upset about harry." 

"yeah," louis said softly, "sorry about being a brat." 

"you were just sad," calum reasoned,"it's all in the past. now please forgive me?" 

"forgiven," louis said,"but not forgotten." 

a smile spread across the kiwi boy's face, and he was tackled into yet another hug. this one was drawn out a little longer, because louis actually liked it this time.

"okay," louis giggled,"that's enough." 

calum stood back with a sigh, and then said,"i say we go to the cabin and just go to sleep. i'm exhausted from today." 

"me too," louis said,"i think that's a great idea."

as the pair was walking back to the cabin, calum got a mischievous text message from niall.

from: niall <3 

it's done ;)

calum smirked, and slipped his phone back into his pocket. 


 lol u know when i said that this chapter would be long???? 

i lied. 

the NEXT one will be though.

lol ily bye!!!

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