Loyalty || Seth Rollins

By sunangelxxi

110K 2K 162

When Seth Rollins asked his best friend Karina Mykael to travel with him. She didn't expect to fall in love w... More

9. Loyalty
28.Loyalty's Photo Album


9.2K 168 13
By sunangelxxi

I woke up to strange noises. I don't wanna get up but ugh.

"Last night I slept like shit so don't piss me off."I said turning on the light to see my best friend with a glass of water in hand.

"Well at least your attitude hasnt changed" he said placing the glass of water on the table.

"How did you get in? "I said.

"Told them it was a family emergency so they gave me the key card."he said.

"Colbert why are you here "I said getting up and walking into my room.

" Where's my warm welcome for waking you up. What happened to best friend "I miss you " and etc."He said taking a sit on my bed.

"If you had picked me up yesterday then I wouldn't be acting like this "I said moving more under the covers.

"I said I was sorry " he said.

"I don't care " I said putting a pillow over my head.

"Can we at least cuddle " he asked.

"Fine come here you big baby " I said patting a spot on my bed for him to sit but he ends pulling me into him so now we are cuddling.

"So today is my day off " he said.

"Yay that means more time for us to hang out " I said.

"What do you want to do? " he asked.

"Lets go to the gym, first " I said.

"Finally something I love do " he said.

Normally when we hang out. I make him do everything I want to do because I'm just that evil. He never complains about it.

"Get up " he said pushing me off the bed.

"Fuck you " I said getting off the floor.

I went into the bathroom to get ready to head to the gym. I walked out the bathroom and grab my gym bag.

"Ready " Colby said getting up.

"Now or never " I said walking out the hotel room. We walk to the elevator and get in. We make it to the lobby before Colby leads me to the hotel gym where I see some of the wrestlers and divas working out. I start to feel uncomfortable because I'm not in shape like these girls.

I look down at my workout clothes. Well I never give a fuck about how I look like to people. Colby decides that he's gonna have me do Jumping Lunges first.

"Alright so stand in a lunge position: Standing with your back straight, take one giant step forward so that your forward knee is aligned with your heel when you drop down. Then Drop down, and jump explosively and switch your stance in the air as you drop back down into a lunge on the other side.Repeat 10 times." He said.

After that he had me do Plié Jumps, Pelvic Lifts, and Reverse-Squat Kicks. "This is the last thing I'll do because I'm hungry right now" I said.

"Fine stand with your back straight and abs tight, step back into a reverse lunge. Then as you return to standing position kick forward with the leg that lunged back and return to lunge without planting the foot anywhere except at the bottom of the lunge move.
Repeat 10 times and switch sides." He says.

After I'm done. Joe and Jon walks up to us. "Nice ass Rina " Jon says.

"Thanks to Colby my personal trainer " I said chuckling.

"Keep it up Colby " Joe says.

"Colbert I'm hungry " I said.

"But I want to work out more " he said pouting.

"Eww don't make that face, Colby " Jon said.

"We'll take her to eat and you stay here " Joe said.

"But its best friend bonding time " Colby said.

"Make up your mind " I said laying on the floor.

"She doesn't workout much huh " Jon asked.

"This is like her fourth time in a gym. I don't know how she keeps her body so fit" Colby said.

"Its called detox tea" I said sitting up.

"That really works" Joe says.

"Not really but hey girl gotta make it work. Now feed me! " I screamed.

Later that day

"Come on the girls want to meet you" Colby said.

"Colby I didn't come here to make friends " I said laying down on his hotel bed.

"I know I don't like sharing but you need some girl friends " he says.

"Ugh fine but you have to pick out my outfit and do my hair. " I said.

"No " he says.

"Yes " I said.



"No "

"No "I said.

"N...Yes " he said.

"Gotcha " I said smiling.

"I hate you " he said.

"I love you too " blowing him a kiss.

"Do you want to look hot or I just don't care " he said.

"I just don't care look " I said.

"Alright get up so we can go to your room " he said.

"No just go get whatever you want me to wear and come back so I can get dress." I said.

"I'll be right back " he said leaving the room.

Sigh I don't really like being friends with girls. They always find a way to gossip and start drama. I have a short temper so that means fighting for me.

Why is he taking so long? My room is next to his. Watch how this boy comes back with some tights. Colby never really liked it when I wore dresses that were short. He said that I didn't need to show anyone how sexy I am.

Every time he had to pick my outfits he would dress me in a sweater, tights, and a pair of sneakers. When we were younger it was annoying but now I'm happy that he's so overprotective of me especially when he knows I have scars that I like to hide.

"I'm back " he said throwing the clothes at me.

I got up and took off his merchandise shirt and started getting dress. I knew it. He grab my white sweater, black tights, and my timbs.

"You look fabulous. Now let's go " he said pushing me out the room.

"What if they jump me Colbert " I asked walking besides him.

"I got your back besides you're trained to fight. " he says.

"Colbert if I stop moving when they jump me. I want you to throw them bitches out of a window. " I said. He starts laughing.

"Trust me you're gonna love them especially galina Joe's wife " he says.

He stops in front of a door then knocks before I see Joe opens the door. We walk in and I see all these people.

"Joe move out the way " a feminine voice said behind him.

"Jon was right. Hi I'm Nicole. " she said.

"Okay, so this Naomi and her husband Jimmy and his brother Jey. " she said pointing. They tried to shake my hand.

" I don't shake hands, I'm a hugger " I said pulling each of them into a hug.

"You were right about her " Naomi said chuckling.

"And this is Natalya, Paige" Nikki said introducing me to others.

"Hi I'm galina " Galina says pulling me into a hug.

"So let's get this party started " Brie said.

"What a party? Colby you said... " I said
"I know what I said " he said interrupting me.

"I thought you liked partying " Jon asked.

"I like to party but I'm not in mood for it at this moment " I said.

"Okay then. Tell us about yourself " Brie says.

"No she doesn't have to tell y'all nothing " Colby says.

"Colby " galina said shocked.

"No it's okay Colby. I met colby when I was twelve. I was basically a quiet shy girl until my dad started doing drugs and other things. I'm just gonna keep my life story short. I ran away when I was sixteen. I stayed with Colby's family until I was eighteen. I never knew my mom and I don't care to find her. So basically Colby saved my life. I'm Armenian, Puerto Rican and Irish. My birthday is March 5, I'm 28. I'm a businesswoman and model. So that's all I have to say about myself. " I said.

"Wow I'm sorry for asking about your life " Brie said.

"To be honest I'm over it. I don't really remember about my childhood until I'm naked and see my scars but I'm happy it happened because I wouldn't have met Colby and be successful as I am today." I said.

"Now I see why he's so protective over you " galina says.

"Or maybe because he's in love with her " Joe says. I looked at Colby who looked down avoiding eye contact with me.

"Like a sister? " I said.

"Yeah umm.. like a sister " he said.

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