Say Yes

By Bree_1425

9.4K 635 830

Book 2 from Valentine's Day More

✖️ Nine✖️
✖️Eleven ✖️
✖️ Tweleve✖️
❌Twenty One ❌
✖️Twenty Two✖️
✖️Twenty Three✖️
✖️ Twenty Four ✖️
✖️Twenty Five✖️
✖️Twenty Six?✖️
<Authors note>
✖️Twenty Seven✖️
✖️Twenty Eight✖️
✖️Thirty One✖️
✖️Thirty Twoo✖️
✖️Thirty Threeee✖️
✖️Thirty Fourrrr✖️
✖️Thirty Fivvvve ✖️
✖️ Thirty Six! ✖️
✖️ Thirty Seven !! ✖️
× Thirty Eight ×
✖Thirty Nine✖
~ Fourty~
Fourty One
Author's Note
Fourty Twoo !
✖Fourty Three✖
✖Fourty Four✖
✖Fourty Five✖
✖Fourty Six ✖
Fourty Seven<3
✖Fourty Eight✖
I quit..
😇Fourty Nine😈

✖️Twenty Nine✖️

161 13 34
By Bree_1425

((Im not gonna lie...this ones gonna be soorrrryy ALSO you have to play the music at the top^^))

I look over at garnet and she nodes her head..

I look back down at connie..and start to cry..

So did everyone else..

"Garnet? Where am i supposed to put it?"

"Rest it over her heart, and her head.."

I looked down at my hands and then clenched my fist..and started shaking with anger

"Garnet, what if it doesn't work" you could hear the anger through my voice ..

She didn't answer me so i said it again..loader and more upset


She put her head to the side

"Trust me, it should.."

I just got so flustered with anger i didn't know what came over me

I stood up and walked over and pushed her ..

And walked off crying and fuming with anger

Then pearl yells out..

"Steven! You're not gonna be able to save her if you run away!!"

"But i cant save her pearl!!! Shes gone and i lost the only person i cared about..."

I stopped dead in my tracks and started to have a melt down

Pearl continued to yell out

"But Steven!! You can save her ! You're mom had healing tears , she saved everyone she loved!! You can do the samee!!"


I said to myself

I could hear her walking over..and they rested their hand on my shoulder..

"Im nothing like my matter how much you say i am, or say i have what shes has..ill never be like her.."

I turned around noticing garnet was coming towards me..

"Stop looking down on would only make it love her right..?"

I looked down back at the ground, then towards connie...laying there with amethyst

"Yes, i do.."

"You want to save her , right?"

Before i could answer Ame was running over

She looked angry... She shoved me to the ground

She was crying..

"Stop being a COWARD!! Your letting your best friend! Your wife! Rot in the sand 'cause you believe you cant do it!! you think she gave up on you!! Especially when you went back into your gem!?

Do you think she would just let you suffer..!!"

Pearl grabbed ame and pulled her away...

I..i didn't know what to do, but ame was right

I couldn't just let her suffer, especially now that we have a beautiful daughter

"Amethyst! Thats enough!" Garnet yelled..

"No, shes right.. Im gonna try.."

I walked over to connie by myself..i could feel the gems starring at me, but i didn't look back

I got down onto my knees and looked at her lifeless face..

I could feel myself wanting to burst into tears..

Some started falling out of my eyes as i caressed her face..

Here i go..

I licked both my hands.. I rested one on her heart and the other on her head..just like garnet told me to

I waited there , keeping my hands still for what felt like ages..

Then i started to cry..

"Garnet..." I said softly..,

Then i yelled back


I started to cry extra hard.. I couldn't contain it anymore..

"Garnet, You-You said it would work!!"

The gems ran over

Amethyst put her hand over her mouth and tears began to rush down her face

Pearl looked away..

And garnet..rested her hand on my shoulder..

"Its gonna work.."

I felt myself stemming up

"Uggh, what do you know!! You guys are just stupid rocks..who dont know anything about me or my family!!"

I pushed through them and ran..
I ran as fast as i could to my father..

"dad...? Dad where are you!"

He wasn't there..where could he have gone?

I looked was dark and cold.. And there was a note..

Steven, when you read this..i want you to know I'm in the hospital..i had an issue with my heart an..

It trailed off...


I dropped to my knees

Why does the universe hate me!

I wiped my face and started running back to the temple to get lion

"Take me to the hospital..Now!!"

When we got there i ran inside

"Im here for Greg his Son!!"

"Sir please calm down.."

I shook them off and ran to the doors to find him..i ran passed many rooms yelling for him


I ran back and few rooms and noticed my dad

My eyes light up and i couldn't help but cry..

I ran into his room and hugged him..

"Whoah , sport whats the problem..."

"Dont leave me again ok..! You have to call and ill be there to help you! To leave half written notes anymore!"

My dad hugged me tighter..

"Ill be released in the morning, no need to worry.."

I sniffled

"Ok see you then, i got some stuff to take care of at home.."

I left immediately

When i got was dark..
And it looked like it was about to rain..

I notice the gems where gone and just left connie sittin there And they still have my child..hopefully

I started running..i ran so fast down the hill i couldn't even feel my feet beneath me anymore

When i got to her it, it was finally raining

I brought out my bubble to keep her dry..

And i just couldn't help myself but cry..

I fell over her..huggin arms wrapped around from underneath and i just cried

My head was resting on her chest and i didn't move nor did i stop crying

((Sorry i need a break.. Too manny tears))

**breaks over**

Then my gem started to glow..

The whole bubble fill with pink fluorescent lighting

I lifted my head and wiped my tears..
But they were still flowing..

There was a pink sparkle on her heart..

And it went around in her entire body..

She..she started to regain color..

She took a huge gasp of air and quickly sat up...

My eyes where wide and full of tears

"Stev-*cough* Steven?"

My eyes filled up even more and i tackled her into a hug..

And i started speaking softly by her ear

"You're alive.. I-i saved you.."

"yea...of course im alive.."

The bubbled popped and we were just sitting in the rain on our knees

I held her out in front of me with my hands on her shoulders

I started smiling and crying tears of joy..

And i leaned in and kissed her ..

My connie was back..shes alive and healthy..

I released and looked her in the eyes and rested my nose on hers

"I..i love you"

((Well shoot...i cried..a whooole about you guys? Let me know in th comments :,(
Any way i hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Don't forget to like !!)

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