The Shadows of the Fair Maiden

By Coora360

1.2K 112 96

(Originally named "The Fair Maiden's Quest") The Fair Maiden, as most of the men of the land call her, was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Notes for book

Chapter 2

105 7 15
By Coora360

I walked into the richly filled room. These men and women had these black cloaks on. Some had glasses, but they were mostly elderly ones. The room itself was quite ancient. It had this tanish-orangy look to the wood, and the people a part of the meeting were settled in these high seats similar to those of a lawsuit court. In my opinion, they should just let the people of this town be on those seats rather than old hags that don't care about others.

Being in an Oligarchy, only those of wisdom and age were allowed to be of ruling. Our government was actually quite strange. We had a king, but the Royal Court makes the laws pass. We guards and citizens don't even get a proper say within those laws. And all the king does is just swim in his gold and money all day, yet he chose to come to this particular meeting.

"Gunnhild Nalid," The king said in a burly voice. "We have heard that you've brought some information on the strange aura, no?"

"Your Highness," I said kneeling before his presence. "I have traveled to the woods, and I have found this odd portal."

"A portal?" Many murmurs and whispers arose in the Court. I bet that they were all wondering how this was possible. It was said that our land was "Holy" and nothing demonic could terrorize it. Boy, were these "wise" ones in for a surprise. 

"How did its essence feel?" One asked.

"Oh! How large was it?" another followed.

"Were there any Demons nearby?" someone else from the back asked.

"Quiet!" The king demanded while smacking his mallet on the desk he was at. "Let the warrior speak up. She has valuable news, and questions can be asked later."

"Thank you, your Highness. Now, yes, the portal was massive. It was the size of a watch tower, and the essence was immensely powerful. The power was so extreme that it exceeded the normal amount of aural exterior to be thrown out at once." 

The room went silent. The sound of the people's breathing became noticeable, that was the extent of the silence. It was as if a bomb obliterated all the surrounding area to nothing. There were a few clearing of throats before one spoke up.

"I say we get some professionals into this matter," John, the eldest one, said. "For all we know, this could be some sort of curse. This village was the home of Jasmine Crystalline herself! The holiest land there could possibly be!" Many agreements flowed through the crowd as a strong vibe of strength roamed the area.

"Now, now, Johnny boy," the king halted. "We don't even know how 'Demonic' this portal could be. As Nalid says, it's enormous. But the size and power could just be of an unstable condition. It should best be that we stay out of this situation. If we don't irritate it, then maybe it won't be a threat to us."

"That's quite a big maybe, isn't it your Highness?" Esmeralda rebutted. 

"Esmeralda, there is a big difference between if and maybe. It's like a more positive way of saying it. If means that this is possibly not going to work while maybe is a more confident way of saying of a chance to happen."

I sighed softly. Oh how I wished that I could speak up and say my opinion about this situation, but alas this is only for the members of the Royal Court to speak of. Besides, with a nickname of "Fair Maiden" who's gonna listen to me? Right as I thought it, the King looked to me.

"Do you have any suggestions, Nalid?" he asked. I looked to him shocked. The men and women were growing suspicious looks on their faces. They probably thought that the King was making an ignorant mistake.

"I..." I started. "I was thinking that Sir John's ideas made a cunning plan. Not even I know of why this portal is being so.... odd. If we get a group of scholars that study magic and auras, we may get an answer as to what or whom is the source of the portal."

"Very well," he said smacking his wooden mallet on the desk once more. "I'll sends some messengers to fetch the best magic scholars in the land. If they can't understand what's going on, then we might as well go with what the plan was before."

I nodded my head and followed the members out of the echoing room. What was concerning me was why the King was asking for my opinion on something that was suppose to be kept a secret between those of the Court.

K.C.T: I swear, SherryCherry240's book "The Queen's Lost Crown" is giving me this strange energy to keep writing in one day. I've just been drawing pictures of medieval people, and here I am now writing a story about it. Well, it is premade, so I don't know where I'll be by the time this book is completely complete. Anyways, Everybody say bai! OOWAY! <3

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