Chapter 6

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We burst through the doors of the Castle library, and Eve's papers flew in the air with surprise. She groaned in frustration until she saw us panting. She piled up her papers, and walked over to us.

"What's going on?" she said in a light voice. "You look like you just saw a ghost."

"It's even more important than that, Eve," August said plonking the book down on a table. "Gunnhild just found this book, and it's in a strange language." 

Eve walked over to the table and read the cover. over and over again. She scratched her chin and read the inside. I just noticed that it was formatted like a notebook. There were headings, and bullet points and dashes below it. It's almost as if this person was some sort of demon scholar. The ink was a dark red color, and it shined in the sunlight beaming through the glass ceiling. 

"I don't understand most of this," she finally said. "It's in this ancient language. It has a bit of old Loylan, Icyic, and Oceananic, but the main points I cannot read.

"Who do we go to then?" I asked. "This book could have something about what's behind that portal in it. Who knows? It could possibly be a diary of a demon."

"It could. However, the only people I believe that could read this are those who are from the Royal Court. This language seems to be only known by a few, and it seems to be pretty new for one."

"Who in the court would care about something like this?" August asked crossing his arms. "I understand that John was a scholar for language before, but he probably has much on his hands as it is to care for reading."

"Actually," I said looking at the writing one more time. "It's in Ancient Elven. I can't read it, but maybe my friend Aelflaed could translate it for us."

"If she can't, is there anyone else that could help us?" Eve asked.

"There is. However, I don't know how much that person can decipher of this."

"Alright." She closed the book and packed up her research. "Let's go. Where is she?"

"The last place I saw her was at the bar she owns."

"Good. Let's go."


"So you're telling me that some strange demon person dropped this on their way to the portal?" Aelflaed asked after we explained to her what had happened.

"Yes," I replied. "I noticed that most of it is in Elven, and I was wondering if you could translate it."

"On it," she said adjusting her glasses.

As she was reading through the pages, the chime rang. Aelflaed held up her finger to make the customer wait, and when I glanced over to them, I noticed it was Iznik. He caught my gaze and smirked. Is there one day when I don't see this elf? He then got out a book, and the writing was very similar to the language in the book.

"I'm sorry," Aelflaed said sighing. "I thought I could still remember Ancient Elven, but there's nothing I can read that are main keywords."

I ran my hand through my blonde hair and caught a bunch in my fist. Mother of Jasmine, this book was going to give me the biggest headache in the world here. 

"Is there anyone that can help us at all, at this point?" I mumbled.

"Ancient Elven?" Iznik interrupted. We all looked up to him. He put his book on the counter and walked over. "My sister and I still speak and write it. Maybe it's possible I could help?"

"Please," August said giving the book to him. "We just need some answers out of this damn book. We've gone through too much already."

Iznik opened the book to the cover, and his brows narrowed. He glanced at me but went back to reading the book. He flipped though the first few pages before he stumbled upon something that caught his eye.

"Dear diary," he said. "I just woke up here after the flames died down. I don't know where I am, and I miss my mother. She told me to run, but I went back to save her and here I am. In the middle of an ash filled area of lava and this odd red rock. This person, called the Demon Lord, had told me that in order to bring peace to the world, I had to kill my mom. He told me that he would bring in other Demon Souls to train me, but I don't want to kill someone so innocent as my mom.... the rest is smeared out."

"Well," Eve said. "What about the headings and facts?"

"Turns out that this person is just a soldier in training. He has notes on how to get in and out of the portal without harming yourself, but there's nothing on how to create or destroy it."

While everyone huddled around the book, I stayed seated. This person had a mother they had to kill. It sounds like as if they were from... Balt. The village was attacked by demons, and the place went entirely into flames. Most people had escaped, but many of them were injured. Some people did die, and that included men and children. Every woman was strong enough to escape alive, but what lingered in my mind was a memory of my own of that place.

"Gunnhild," Aelflaed said shaking my bare shoulder. "You okay? You seem... off. Thinking about-"

"No, Aelflaed," I replied. "I'm just thinking this all through."

"You can talk to me about it, ya know. I know what you've been through in cases of-"

"Just don't remind me of it!" I snapped while giving her a glare. She took her hand off me and stepped back. She looked like as if I burned her hand. I sighed and gave her a look of sorrow. "I.... I'm sorry. I need to go." I took my sword, but before I headed out the door, Aelflaed stopped me. 

"Gunnhild Nalid," she said. "I get it's hard, but that was the past. I get the memoirs are hard to forget, yet I know you're a strong woman inside. Please, where's that old Fair Maiden that complains about the men of the town?" She gave me a smirk, and I chuckled.

"Oh, you know how to get me in a better mood," I replied. "Thank you, Aelflaed, but I just need some fresh air is all. Okay?"

"Okay, Fair Maiden."

"Thanks, Aelflaed."

She nodded her head in a good bye, and I walked through the streets of Altan. I just need to think thing through then I'm off to talk about what the others found.

K.C.T: Okay....? Awkward update is awkward. XD Seriously though, OOWAY! I'm sorry for this being a day late, and I know that you guys are just dying to read more. However, with classes starting, I kinda have to put the books on hold until further notice. I'll update on weekends, maybe, but no promises. I'm so sorry, guys, but I have to do ace these classes. Well, everybody say bai! OOWAY! <3

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