Shooting Star ★ Avengers + OU...

By -conversequeen

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There is a town that isn't on the map, so how did six superheroes find it? // " Who are you. " " A genius... More

[ Disclaimer/Note ]
[ Cast ]
[ Prologue ]
[ Season One; Ep One: Pilot ]
[ Season One; Ep Two: The Thing You Love Most ]
[ Season One; Ep Four: The Price Of Gold ]
[ Season One; Ep Five: That Still Small Voice ]

[ Season One; Ep Three: Snow Falls ]

295 10 7
By -conversequeen

      Natasha stretched her arms, and cracked her neck. She had awoken in the spare room Mary Margaret let her have, as they were now roommates.
Walking into the kitchen, Mary Margaret smiled to Natasha. "Good morning,"
Natasha smiled back. "'Morning. Off to work I see."
Mary Margaret nodded with a sigh. "Don't want to be late." Natasha looked at the clock.
"You have to be there by eight right? It's seven o'one." She explained. Mary Margaret stopped placing dishes in the sink, and looked at the clock.
"How strange, I saw seven thirty." Mary Margaret said.
Natasha laughed. "It happens to all of us." Mary Margaret laughed. "Hey, how was your date?"

Mary Margaret turned around, gritting her teeth. Natasha instantly regretted asking. "Sorry,"
"No, it's fine." Mary Margaret shooed her hand.
"Did he at least pay?" Natasha asked. Mary Margaret sighed. "What kind of man doesn't pay?"
Mary Margaret laughed. "No, it was me. I'm not exactly... Okay when it comes to talking about myself. Like family things." Natasha nodded. "Oh, I saw Emma last night. She was going to sleep in her car." Natasha opened the cupboard. If she wasn't used to sleeping in odd places in missions, she would've felt surprised or shocked.
"Really?" Natasha faked being surprised.
"Yeah, I offered her to stay here, and she told me she wasn't used to roommates, but maybe you can help me out with talking her into it." Mary Margaret smiled.

Natasha nodded as she poured coffee into the mug. All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. Mary Margaret walked over and opened the door. Natasha leaned forward, trying to see who was there. Her eyes widen as Mary Margaret closed the door with a bouquet of beautiful white roses in her hand.
"Seems like you have an admirer." Natasha said, making her eyebrows dance.
Mary Margaret laughed, "Actually, you do." Natasha raised an eyebrow as she walked over to Mary Margaret. Taking the bouquet, she smelled the flowers. "Who in this town likes someone like me? I'm not very nice." Natasha said. Mary Margaret pulled something from the bouquet, a card. Her eyes widened and a smile crossed her face.
"I'd say someone young." She turned the card to Natasha.

Your the most beutiful girl I've ever seen
Love, Your Secret Admyerer

"Must be, wrong 'your' and he misspelled beautiful and admirer." Natasha smiled. Mary Margaret laughed. Natasha pulled out a single rose from the bouquet, and handed it to Mary Margaret. Mary Margaret smiled, looking down at it and twirling the flower in her hand.


Natasha spotted the men on the corner of the clock tower, as she had told them to be.
"Morning boys." She called out. The men turned to Natasha, who was smiling as she walked up.
"Good morning!" Thor greeted, smiling. No one else replied. "What?" Natasha asked.
"You're happy." Steve said.
"Yeah, so?" Natasha asked.
"It's just uh..." Tony started. "Never mind."
Natasha rolled her eyes. "Whatever. But thanks for noticing. I did have a great morning."
"How so?" Bruce asked. Natasha smiled at all the men, and shrugged her shoulders.
"I have an admirer." She said.

Clint looked up, eyes widened. Steve 'ooh'ed like Bruce and Thor, as Tony wolf-whistled.
"Who's the man who has his heart set upon yours?" Thor asked.
Natasha shrugged. "I don't know. The card that came with flowers didn't say." Clint curled in his lips.
"Good," he said. "It could be a creep."
"I don't know," Natasha said. "He wrote such sweet words. To him, I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen." Clint furrowed his brow, becoming frustrated. He was next to Steve and Bruce, but in the back of the group. Tony noticed Clint's frustrated expression. "Clint, are you jealous of the guy?"
Clint's face flushed and his cheeks turned pink.
"Wh — No! No! I just don't like — "
"Someone else crushing on Natasha?"
"No Tony!" Clint yelled.

Natasha rolled her eyes as everyone else smiled secretly. Tony was smirking, until his SHIELD phone went off. "Hang on," he answered the call. "Hello."
"Tony?" It was Pepper Potts. Tony widened his eyes. It had been four days since he and the rest of the Avengers had been here. And yet, he had not called Pepper once. "Hello?"
"Who is this?" Tony asked.
"Tony stop! It's me! I thought you were dead! Can we please — "
"Oh no we're breaking up! Pepper!" Tony yelled. Steve rolled his eyes.
"What? Tony no — " He ended the call.
Clint started laughing. "Was that Pepper?" Tony sighed. "Ha! And you say 'strong relationship' — "
"Shut up, Barton." Tony snapped.

"Hey," Steve chimed in. "Everyone stop. Tony, if she calls again, answer it." He turned to Clint. "Don't crawl on his back anymore with the Pepper Thing, alright?"
"Thank you, Steve — "
"No matter how much he should call her." Steve gave Tony a look. Tony grunted.
"What now?" Bruce asked.
"Let's find Emma," Steve said.
"Can we find her after we eat something?" Natasha asked.
"I agree." Thor said.
Steve nodded. "We'll do that now."


"I found your father," Henry said, showing the page of Prince Charming to Emma, and all of the Avengers. "Prince Charming." Steve held the book now, looking at the man in the picture.
"Henry," Emma said, shaking her head.
"He's in the hospital in a coma. See this scar? He has one too." Henry took the book from Steve, and showed everyone.

Emma, Henry, and the Avengers were sitting on an old, wooden playground house in the form of a castle. The castle was right next to an ocean, which had pushed logs and garbage onto the shore.
"So, lots of people have scars." Emma told Henry, shrugging her shoulder.
"In the same place." Henry said. "Don't you guys see what this means? The curse is keeping them apart with the coma. Now, they're stuck without each other. We have to tell Miss Blanchard we found her Prince Charming." Natasha smiled up at Henry. She had formed a liking for him, and not just for the flowers and love note. Natasha liked Henry because he was so grown up, and she wished to see things like that in other children.

"Okay kid, telling someone their... Soulmate is in a coma is probably not helpful." Emma said.
"I agree." Steve said.
Emma nodded at Steve, then looked to Henry again. "Not having a happy ending is painful enough."
"But giving someone unrealistic hope is far worse." Bruce said. The Avengers looked to him, and nodded. They knew what Bruce meant when he said that. It was something he had realized before, after he had an alter ego stuck inside him.
"But what if I'm right? We know who they are, now they have to know." Henry said.
"How do you plan to make it happen?" Tony asked.
"By reminding him." Henry replied. "We have to get her to read their story to John Doe." Henry looked at all the Avengers and Emma. "That means we don't know his name."

The Avengers smiled at each other.
"Then maybe he'll remember who he is." Henry finished. Emma leaned forward to Henry, looking she was going to oppose the idea. But she stopped, and looked away from Henry. She was thinking for a few seconds, until she replied, "Okay."
"Okay?" Henry asked her, bewildered.
"Yeah, we'll do it." Emma said.
"May I join?" Thor asked.
Emma smiled. "It's why I said, 'we'." Thor looked at his teammates and clapped in triumph.
"I could volunteer at the hospital." Natasha said. Henry curled in his lips and shook his head.
"You and Emma can convince Miss Blanchard to read to him." He said.
"Actually," Emma said. All eyes landed in her. "We'll do it my way. Let me ask her." Emma looked to Natasha with a nod. Natasha nodded in understanding.

The men and Henry looked at both girls. "Could you explain it to us and not in secret?" Tony asked.


Natasha walked into Granny's diner, with a white rose in her red hair, tucked behind her ear. It was Clint who first noticed it as Natasha walked in. As she sat down, the rest of the guys took notice to the flower. "I like your flower." Bruce said. Natasha smiled at him.
"Thank you, it was from the bouquet my secret admirer gave me." Natasha replied.
Clint stood from his chair. "I'll be right back." He walked towards the restroom. Natasha waited until he was in, and the door closed. She giggled and covered her mouth.

"What are you doing?" Steve sighed.
"It's funny watching him get mad. I know Clint likes me, but who he's competing with is in the fourth grade." Natasha explained.
"Wait," Tony said. "Your admirer is a fourth grader?" Natasha nodded.
Thor smiled big. "I hope you and him have a lovely relationship!" Everyone gave him a look. "What?"
"First off: it's against the law to date someone that young," Natasha told him. "Second: it's Henry."
"Really?" Bruce chuckled.
"Damn it," Tony said. "I was hoping it'd be a real man. I wanted to see Barton try against the guy."
"None of you can tell Clint, I want to keep this up, and then make him feel like an idiot." Natasha giggled.

"You must really like torturing people." Steve said.
"It's what assassins do." Natasha smiled. Clint then walked back out of the restroom, and sat in his chair.
"So Nat, what's up?" Clint asked. "Get anything else from the guy?"
"No, but I think I'll get him something." Natasha replied. Clint furrowed his brow.
"You don't even know the guy!" He exclaimed.
Natasha shrugged. "It'll be fun to find out." Clint sighed and gave up on the conversation. Natasha winked at the other guys, smirking.

Ruby walked up with a pen and notepad. "Hey guys, what can I get you?" Clint spoke first, as everyone else was looking at the menus. Natasha's S.H.I.E.L.D. phone rang, as Steve started speaking to Ruby what he wanted. "Yeah," Natasha answered.
"Natasha," Pepper answered. "I want to talk to Tony."
"Sure." Natasha replied. Taking the phone away from her ear, she held the phone out towards Tony. "Here." Tony widened his eyes, as he knew what she was doing. He shook his head, but Natasha nodded. Tony puckered his lips and furrowed his brow as he took the phone, and stood from his seat.
"Capsicle, I want the three stacked pancakes." He said, before leaving to stand outside.

"Hello?" Tony said.
"Tony?" Pepper asked.
Tony sighed. "Hi."
"Oh my God! You're okay! Are you okay? Where are you? Bruce didn't say where you were before he and the others left to — "
"Yeah, yeah, Pep, I'm fine. Everyone's fine." Tony replied.
"If everyone, including you is fine, why didn't you call me right away?" Pepper asked. Tony rolled his eyes. Here it comes... He thought.
"Four days. Four days, Tony. And not a single word from you! Or anyone!" Pepper shrieked.
"Uh..." Tony said. "What happened to: How did you end up here? Hurt in the process? Anything really."

"I asked if you were okay!" Pepper cried.
"Yeah, but I was hoping for something a bit more than okay." Tony replied.
"Can you please not focus on you, but on us?" Pepper asked.
"But weren't you calling for me?" Tony asked. "To see if I was okay? And to talk? I didn't want to talk to you, because I knew this would happen."
"Tony, stop. I want to talk about us." Pepper said.
"Fine." Tony replied. "I'm a bit shaken up from crash landing in a town — that no one can find on a map — and my girlfriend is yelling at me that I suck at being a boyfriend. Your turn." There was a silence, until the line went dead. Tony sighed and walked back towards the doors.

"Hey," he heard. Emma was jogging up to him. "I saw you were talking and I didn't want to interrupt." Tony nodded, and an awkward silence fell.
"Did you hear anything?" He asked. Emma shook her head. "Good." Tony pulled open the door for her.
"Is everyone here?" Emma asked. Tony nodded, and pointed inside.
"Good," Emma smiled. "Mary Margaret agreed to reading to John Doe."


The next day, Henry, and all the Avengers sat in a booth. Emma walked out from the restroom, wearing a new shirt. "Thanks for the shirt," She told Henry. "Is this your mother's?"
"She'll never notice." Henry smirked. The Avengers laughed.
"Where does she think you are anyway?" Emma asked Henry.
"Playing whack-a-mole." Henry replied. Emma widened her eyes, and each Avenger gave each other a look.
"She bought that?" Steve asked. Henry shook his shoulder.
"She wants to believe it, so she does." He said.
"Oh imagine that, " Emma replied. Henry nodded, then his eyes looked at the doors of the diner.
"She's here," He smiled. Everyone looked up to see Mary Margaret walk into the diner, she smiled seeing the group at a booth.

"Hey," Emma whispered to Henry. "Don't get your hopes up, we're just getting started. Okay?" Right then, Mary Margaret took a seat next to Bruce. Everyone gave her greetings and smiles as she got comfortable in her chair. They all looked and leaned in close to Mary Margaret. All kept smiling, and waiting to hear what she had to say.
"He woke up." Mary Margaret said. Everyone's eyes widened.
"What?" Clint asked.
"I knew it!" Henry exclaimed, looking at everyone.
"He didn't... Wake up, wake up... He grabbed my hand." Mary Margaret explained.
"He's remembering!" Henry said.
"What did the doctors say?" Bruce asked.
"That I imagined it, but I'm not crazy, I know it happened." Mary Margaret explained. The Avengers looked at one another, amazed, shocked even. Tony sat back in the booth, thinking, while everyone else listened to Henry. "We have to go back," He said. "You have to read to him again." Mary Margaret looked to Henry, Emma, and the Avengers, then nodded.

"Lets go." She grabbed her bag, and stood up with Henry. The Avengers looked at each other. Tony stood up, as did Thor, then every Avenger stood, and walked out of the booth.
"Wait... Wait, what?" Emma asked, standing up, and following the group. Clint held the doors open for everyone, but waited for Mary Margaret, who was turned around, talking to Emma.
"If I got through to him, if we made a connection — "
"You don't believe — "
"That he's Prince Charming, of course not," Mary Margaret had lowered her voice. "Somehow, some way, I touched him." With that, Mary Margaret left with the Avengers, and Henry. Steve didn't leave. He was standing at the doors, looking at Emma, who looked a bit flustered. "You think it's a bit crazy too?" Steve asked.
Emma nodded. "Very." Steve looked around at the diner with his eyes, hands in his pockets, and whistling. He then looked back to Emma.
"You wanna...?" He started, but Emma was already nodding and walking out the diner.


       "You're right! He's waking up!" Henry exclaimed, running towards a room with big glass windows. Through the windows, the Avengers and Emma could see the hospital bed, with doctors in the room, but Sheriff Graham stepped in the way.
"Henry, you should stay back." He said.
"What's going on?" Mary Margaret asked. "Is it John Doe? is he okay?" The Avengers and Emma eyed each other on how Mary Margaret was so eager to know about John Doe waking up.
Graham sighed. "He's missing." Graham moved out of the way. In the room, doctors and nurses were crowding around one doctor with a clipboard, and talking about John Doe. At the bedside, looking at the big group with glaring brown eyes was Regina. In the bed, were John Doe's breathing tubes. He had tore them off his face.
Regina walked out of the room. She gave a sarcastic smile, and her uplifted, happy tone was also sarcastic with the words she used. "What the hell are you doing here?" She looked over Mary Margaret and Henry, to glare at the Avengers and Emma. "And you," She grabbed Henry's shoulder. Natasha stepped forward a bit, seeing how hard she pulled Henry's arm. "I thought you were at the arcade. Now you're lying to me?"

"What happened to Mystery Man?" Natasha asked, just so she could get Regina's attention, and let go of Henry.
"Did someone claim him?" Clint asked, looking at the room.
"We don't know yet," Graham said, walking up, and edging his way into the conversation. "IVs were ripped out, but there's no sure way there's a — "
"What did you do?" Henry spoke up, looking at Regina. Regina looked down at him, trying to hide her shocked expression with a disgusted one.
"You think I had something to do with this?" She asked Henry.
"It is a bit strange that the mayor is here." Tony said, with his arms crossed.
"I'm here because I'm his emergency contact." Regina glared at Tony.

"You know him?" Mary Margaret asked, a bit shaky. She seemed insecure about Regina's knowledge about John Doe.
"I found him, from the side of the road years ago with no ID. I brought him here." Regina explained.
"Very well saved his life." John Doe's doctor, Dr. Whale said, coming into the conversation.
"Will he be okay?" Mary Margaret asked. Clint shot his team a look, and mouthed, 'Desperate.'
"Okay?" Dr. Whale asked sarcastically. "The man's been on feeding tubes for years under constant supervision, he needs to get back here right away, or quite honestly, okay might be a pipe train."
"Then  lets quit yapping and start looking." Emma said, turning around.

"That's what we're doing?" Regina asked, arms crossed with a sly smirk on her face. "Just stay out of this dear. You guys too." She looked to the Avengers. With her lips puckered, and her expression irritated, Emma turned around to face Emma. "And since I clearly can't keep you away from my son, I guess I'll just have to keep my son away from you." She walked up to Emma, stopped, and said, "Enjoy my shirt, because that's all you're getting." Regina turned to Graham. "Sheriff, find John Doe, you heard Dr. Whale. Time is precious." She then took Henry by the hand, and started pulling him out of the room. Natasha and Henry met eyes for a second, before he was pulled out of the room.
Clint patted Natasha's shoulder, and then slung his arm around her, pulling her back into the group.

Graham sighed, "Doctor, how long between your rides since you last saw him?"
"Twelve hours or so." Dr. Whale replied.
"Then that's what we need to account for." Graham said.


"You two were the only employees on the floor last night, and you saw nothing?" Graham asked Leroy, the man from prison, who was now a janitor, and a security guard.
"Not a thing." The security guard replied. The Avengers, Emma, Graham, and Mary Margaret were all crowded in the security surveillance room.
"Did anyone walk by? A guy in a hospital gown that looked like he had no clue what was happening?" Steve asked.
"I didn't see nothin'." Leroy said, shaking his head. Graham looked irritated, and nervous.

"Miss Blanchard," He said, looking to Mary Margaret. "Was there anything unusual you saw during your trip with your class?"
"I don't think so." Mary Margaret replied. Tony walked towards the TVs with the surveillance videos, and Emma followed.
"Maybe if I accessed the mainframe, spill out a little bit of codes, maybe I could get the tape." Tony explained. Emma leaned a little bit closer to Tony, looking at the screens. Tony turned to Steve, and winked. Steve rolled his eyes, sighing quietly.

"Or, maybe you don't." Emma said. "We're looking at the wrong tape." The Avengers, Mary Margaret and Graham walked closer to the screens. "This is where Henry's class put up decorations. If this was really the tape from last night we'd be seeing the banners the kids hung."
Leroy chuckled, and pointed to the guard. "You fell asleep again." The guard looked to Leroy.
"You selling me out?" He asked, nervously.
"I ain't getting fired for this." Leroy snapped.
"At least I don't drink on the job." The guard snapped back.
"Gentlemen enough!" Graham exclaimed. "Where's the real tape?"

All of a sudden, noises from the TV started to play. The video of patients sitting on their beds, reading, or walking around stopped, and a new tape appeared. John Doe was out of his room, and walking. He looked around at everyone else, confused. Then, he walked out the side door. Mary Margaret laid her hand over her chest.
"He walked out alone." She sighed happily. "He's okay." Bruce looked at the time at the right bottom of the screen.
"Four hours ago," He stated. "Where does this door lead?" Bruce pointed his finger at the door John Doe walked out of.
"The woods." Leroy replied. Everyone looked around at each other in the room. The expressions on their faces told each other there was no way he could've been there.


The Avengers, Emma, Mary Margaret, and Graham had split up. The forest was misty, with a fog starting. There was a cool breeze in the air, which made Natasha rub her arms.

"Out of all the places in town he could've hidden in, he chose the woods." She said, gritting her teeth, which were no lie starting to chatter. Tony lead the way with Bruce, holding flashlights. Behind them, was Thor and Natasha, and then Clint and Steve.
"Well, the man was simply scared. Wouldn't you run away from awakening in a strange place?" Thor asked.
"I'd wouldn't run into the woods. I'd grab clothes, possibly find a weapon to carry and guard myself with, then I'd hotwire a car and drive off." Natasha explained. Thor nodded, seeing her way sounded much better.

"I don't like that one doctor," Bruce said.
"John Doe's doc?" Tony asked, moving his flashlight to the left. "He seemed like a nice guy."
Bruce shrugged his shoulders. "Well, yeah, but there's something about him that makes me cringe."
Tony chuckled. "You don't think he has a PhD?"
"He's got something." Bruce sighed.

Steve leaned out as he walked through the moss and rocks, seeing if there was a body laying in the plants. "Hey," Clint whispered. Steve turned to him. "Can I tell you something?" Steve nodded.
"I really don't like this secret admirer." Clint said. "And I cant help but feel that Nat does, and I like Nat. I like her a lot."
Steve nodded. "We all know." He then turned his flashlight back to the trees and ground.
"Thanks for acknowledging my problem. I'll thank everyone else later." Clint replied sarcastically.

Steve shook his head. "I'm sorry Barton, I understand." Clint saw Steve look away, looking a bit depressed. Clint grabbed Steve's shoulder, stopping him in the middle of the path.
"What are you doing? We're going to get — "
"No we won't." Clint interrupted. "Something's bugging you too, isn't that right?"
Steve sighed, looking down at the ground, and nodding. "What's wrong?" Clint asked. Steve looked at Clint, then the ground.
"I'm going to sound like a twelve-year-old if I say it." Steve said.
"No you won't, tell me. Tell your dear Hawkeye." Clint said. Steve sighed one last time.
"I like Emma — "
"Yes!" Clint whispered, throwing his arms in the air. "Nat owes me ten bucks!"
"You made bets?!" Steve whispered back, angry. His cheeks were turning a deep red of embarrassment.

Clint nodded with no shame. "Yeah, Nat bet Thor was crushing on Emma, but I said you were the one crushing on Emma!"
"What about Tony?" Steve asked.
"He crushes on a lot of girls, even as he dates Pepper. There really was no winning there." Clint explained.
"Tony likes her too! Probably more than Pepper!" Steve whispered, furious. Clint's expression softened, then he grit his teeth.
"Oooh..." He groaned. "Well... Yeesh. This became awkward."

A twig snapped. Both men jumped, and turned around. "Hello?" Clint asked.
Steve turned on his flashlight. "John Doe?" The silence that responded didn't help.
"Maybe it was an animal, yeah, a cute little bunny hopping down the — "
The cries coming from the grown men were so inimitable, that not even an animal could mimic the sound. A childish laughter came from the ground. Rolling on the floor of the woods laughing, was Henry. A flashlight was clutched to his chest as he laughed. Footsteps came running back up the path. "Cap?" Tony called out. As the other Avengers ran up, they saw that both of the men were holding each other. Natasha covered her mouth, as a smile crossed her face. "Henry!" Tony cried, picking up the kid. Tony covered Henry's eyes. "I'm so sorry you had to see that!" Tony yelled. "What did you do in front of him?" Steve let go of Clint and rolled his eyes.

"Tony..." He groaned. Henry was still laughing as Tony let go of him.
"What happened?" Thor asked.
"This little ninja scared the crap out of us." Clint explained. Bruce looked down at Henry.
"What are you doing out here all by yourself?" He asked.
"I thought I could help." Henry replied.  "I know where he's going!" Everyone widened their eyes in surprise.
"Where?" Bruce asked.
"He's looking for Miss Blanchard." Henry explained.


"He needs to find you!" Henry yelled at Mary Margaret.
"Kid, you need to go home, where's your mom?" Emma asked. The Avengers had stumbled upon Emma and her group while walking down their path, still in search for John Doe. Emma wasn't very happy seeing Henry, since he was with her now.
"She dropped me at the house, then went right out." Henry answered.
"Then we need to get you home." Emma said.
"No!" Henry yelled.
"Well... Maybe I could get you home." Natasha told him. Henry's cheeks turned pink.
"I mean... I guess..." He sad, shyly.

"Guys!" Graham called out from up the path. The group ran to where he was. Graham was seated on the dirt, shining a flashlight on a plant's long leaf. Laying on top of the leaf, was a hospital wristband, with the name: JOHN DOE, DOB: UNKNOWN.
"Is that...?" Mary Margaret didn't finish her sentence.
"Blood." Emma said.


"Where is he? Can you see him?" Mary Margaret asked, shining her flashlight at the water. The group was at a river, where just over head of them was a bridge.
"Trail ends at the water." Graham said. Clint stepped on large rocks, big as his feet, to overlook the water. Steve had done the same, while Natasha looked near plants, and Bruce and Tony looked around the corner of the river.
"OH MY GOD!" Mary Margaret cried. Everyone saw her drop her flashlight, and run into the water.
"Mary Margaret!" Natasha cried. Steve now also ran through the water, getting the ends of his pants and shoes drenched with cold river water.
"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Mary Margaret cried, as she and Steve reached John Doe's lifeless body.

"I need an ambulance, at the old toll bridge as soon as possible!" Graham yelled into his walkie-talkie. Everyone was now in the river, pulling John Doe to the shore. Henry watched as Steve and Mary Margaret carried John from the front, with Bruce at their side, with Emma and Clint holding his feet. Tony and Thor helped them lay John down carefully.
"Is he okay?" Henry asked, frightened. Emma ran to Henry and held him in her arms.
"Don't look, okay?" Emma told him.

"Come back to us!" Mary Margaret whispered to John. "Come back to me." It was then Bruce started to preform CPR with his hands together, and pressing on John's chest. Natasha, Steve, and Clint backed away, but Mary Margaret stayed by John's side, sobbing. Bruce was looking like he was about to give up. As his hands didn't press on John's chest anymore, he sighed looking at his teammates, and shaking his head.

"Come on!" Mary Margaret cried. She fumbled with her hands as she grabbed John's face, and opened his mouth. Mary Margaret pressed her lips to his, and starting giving him CPR with her breath. She knew it wasn't working. With her lips still attached to his, she kissed him. Finally bringing her face away from his, she cupped his cheeks in her hands. She sighed, looking down at the cold, wet, man.

John Doe coughed up water. He wheezed and took a big breath. Mary Margaret gapped in awe. Bruce was looking to everyone, with a shocked face. 'What the hell?!' He mouth.
John Doe and Mary Margaret had been staring into each other's eyes. "You saved me." John Doe said, looking at her. Mary Margaret smiled, almost laughing.
"She did it." Henry smiled. "She did it, she woke him up."
"Yeah kid," Emma said, still in awe. "She did."

"Thank you..." John said.
"Who are you?" Mary Margaret asked, still cupping his face. John Doe looked in her eyes, breathing heavy. His answer was simple, but it came from people in a state like his.
"I don't know."


The hospital doors to John Doe's room closed in Henry's face. Through the glass doors, everyone watched as doctors and nurses attached hung medicine on a medicine rack. Everyone was watching, or at least trying to, since all the people in the room blocked their view.

"David?" A random lady was now looking through the window. She was blonde and blue eyed, and scared out of her wits. The lady entered the room. "David, is that you?" Thor was the first one to give his team a bewildered look. Dr. Whale held the lady by her shoulders and everyone watched as she was placed in the back of the room.
"Who is that?" Mary Margaret asked.

"His wife." Said a familiar voice. Turning around, everyone saw Regina walk up to the doors. With a smirk on her face, everyone knew she had something to do with it.


"His name is David Nolan." Regina said. All of the Avengers couldn't help but feel sad, watching Mary Margaret look through the windows, at the lady, or David Nolan's wife. "His wife, Katherine. and the joy on her face has... Well, put me in a forgiving mood." Regina looked and sounded disgusted as she said it. "We'll talk later." She looked to Henry, who was sitting in a chair, next to Natasha. "And you're grounded." Henry sighed. Natasha rubbed his shoulder. Henry gave her a small smile as she then patted his back. Mary Margaret opened her mouth to say something, but was soon  cut off.

"Thank you," Katherine said, coming out of David's room. She smiled wide, as she closed the door. "Thank you for finding my David." Tony cringed at his teammates. They nodded in response. Mary Margaret looked as if she was trying to hide the hurt she was feeling deep inside.
"Um... I don't understand," Mary Margaret forced a smile. "You... You didn't know he was here in a coma."

"A few years ago, David and I were... Not getting along. It was my fault, I know that now. I was difficult, and unsupportive. I told him if he didn't things he could leave, and he did. And I didn't stop him. It was the worst mistake I've ever made." Katherine looked down at the ground, ashamed.
"You didn't go look for him?" Emma asked, leaning forward from the hospital bed she sat on.
"I assumed he left town all this time. Now I know why I never heard from him." Katherine explained. "Now I get to do what I've wanted to do forever: Say I'm sorry. Now we get a second chance." A smile appeared on her face. Everyone had forced smiles, even Mary Margaret.

"That's wonderful." She told Katherine. Just then, Dr. Whale came out of the room, and looked to Katherine.
"We simply have a miracle." He said. Every eyes in the room widened.
"He's okay?" Katherine asked.
"Physically. His memory is another issue, it may take time if it all..."
"We brought him back." Mary Margaret said.
"That's the thing, there's no explanation." Dr. Whale explained. "Something just clicked in him."
"He just got up and decided to go out for a stroll?" Emma asked.
"He woke up and he was delirious, and his first instinct was to go find something, I guess." Dr. Whale explained.

"Someone." Henry corrected. Every head turned in his direction.
"Can I see him?" Katherine asked.
"Yeah, course." Dr. Whale opened up the door to David's room, and let Katherine in. There was an awkward silence, filled with everyone giving each other looks, or biting their lip.
"Henry lets go."  Regina said, breaking up the silence. Henry looked to Natasha, and smiled before he got up from his seat. Regina was almost out of the room, as Henry said, "Wait, my back pack." Grabbing his bag, Henry looked up to Mary Margaret. "Don't believe them, you're the one he was looking for."

Mary Margaret sighed and tilted her head at him. "Henry..."
"He was going to the Troll Bridge, it's like the end of the story." Henry explained.
"Henry, he was going there because it's the last thing I read to him." Mary Margaret sighed.
"No," Henry said. "It's because you belong together."
"Henry," Regina spoke louder. Hesitantly, Henry walked towards Regina.

Tony hadn't been listening. He was thinking of something else. Something that Katherine had said. He moved towards Natasha. "Can I borrow your phone?" Looking at him, knowing what he was going to do, Natasha gave him her phone. Tony took it, and told her he'll be outside of the hospital.

"Hey, Nat," Clint sat down in the empty chair next to Natasha. "I want to talk about... The admirer." A big smile crossed Nat's face, and laughter escaped her lips. "What?" Clint asked.
"You want to know who my admirer is?" Natasha laughed. "It's Henry." Clint's cheeks turned red, and he looked away. Natasha was still laughing.

Once outside, Tony dialed the number. After that, he held the phone up to his ear, and listened to it ring three times before someone answered.
"Hello?" Pepper asked.
"Pepper?" Tony asked.
"T-Tony?" She asked, voice shaking. Tony knew she was about to cry.
"Yeah, hi." He said.
"Oh my God, I'm so happy you called... I'm sorry." Pepper was crying, and it wasn't hard to tell.
"Yeah, I am too. Hey, Pep, I want to talk." Tony said. There was a silence on the end of the line. "About?" Pepper asked.
"Us." Tony replied.


I FINALLY finished! lol im so excited for the next ch cuz  i have a gif! and I think Mr. Gold is in the next ep.

oh well.

ive been shipping Tony and Emma.... but her and Steve... I cant decide myself!

And I typed all this on my computer but I'll edit it on my phone

Question: Who do you think would look cute?

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