Unfinished Business [Disconti...

By awndrayuh

272K 7.2K 1K

It's been almost a year since Janelle and Michael's relationship tragically ended along with the life of thei... More

Author's Note!
♦ Prologue
♦ Chapter 1
♦ Chapter 2
♦ Chapter 3
♦ Chapter 4
♦ Chapter 5
♦ Chapter 6
♦ Chapter 7
♦ Chapter 8
♦ Chapter 10
♦ Chapter 11
♦ Chapter 12
♦ Chapter 13
Not A Chapter But...
♦ Chapter 14
♦ Chapter 15
This Is Important!
♦ Chapter 17
♦ Chapter 18
♦ Chapter 19
♦ Chapter 20
♦ Chapter 21
◆ Chapter 22
◆ Chapter 23

♦ Chapter 9

8.9K 275 62
By awndrayuh

I just wanna say thank you to all you guys who read and comment on this story :) It really means a lot to me because I work hard to try and make a quality story while making ya'll happy (: So thank you!!



"Chelsea, I swear to God, you're one of the best people I've ever met." Chelsea and I decided to spend the day together so it was just me, her and baby Christian trekking around town.

She smiled, "Whatchu mean by that?"

"You're always looking out for other people. I mean, you brought Nico to me? And that time when you got Michael on the same plane as me, you're just a really good person."

"Aww thank you boo, I just like seeing people happy."

"That's how a good person thinks. I swear you're gunna make Chris the happiest guy in the world with you being his wife. You're already the best mommy to this little munchkin right here."

"Stop it Nelle, you're gassing me up." She had a huge grin on her face.

"Can I ask you something though?"

"Yeah sure, what is it?"

"What do you think of Nico?"

"I like him. He seems pretty cool. Why are you asking?"

"No reason. I just really like him."

"... and?"

"And you remember when you said that Tyga and I were meant to be together?"


"Well I don't really see anything bad about Nico at all and what if I end up with him for forever?"

Chels laughed, "Janelle what is with you?"

"Whatchu mean?"

"You just said what if I end up with him for forever."

"Yeah and?.."

"You make it seem like a bad thing."

"It's not. But what about Michael?"

"What about Michael?"

"I don't know."

"You still like him?"

"I don't know... I guess."

She laughed, "So do you really think it was a good idea to get into a relationship with someone else when you're still feeling him?"

"No. 'Cause now I like them both. I'm in a shitty situation."

"Well which one do you like more?"

"I don't know, I guess Ty 'cause we have history but we're not even talking."

"Who's fault is that?"

"Now it's his, I tried but his stupid ass girlfriend got into the way. That's another thing, he has a girlfriend."

"Well maybe you should just focus on Nico then."

"I guess I will."

"Once again, you're making that seem like a chore. You know your ass was all over him yesterday when he showed up."

"I know, it's not though. It's just a lot of craziness that went down these last few days."

"I understand that, but maybe you just rushed into something so serious, so fast."

"Yeah well it's too late for that. It'll work out. Everything will be fine." I showed a small smile as we entered this cute little froyo cafe. I made me a cup of vanilla mixed with strawberry topped off with chocolate chips, cookie dough and hard chocolate shell. Then I made a little cup of vanilla for baby Christian. I sat back down at the table and watched the baby as Chelsea went to get her dessert. I fed Christian a little bit and he was just giggling and smiling like he won the baby lottery; I swear, he was the happiest baby I've ever known. "Taste good Christian?" He smiled at me again and took the spoon from me. "Aww, you're so cute." I cooed over him. He stuck his hands out the stroller and reached for me so I unbuckled him and held him. Chelsea and I sat down at a table and conversed about random topics until she looked outside at something and her eyes grew wide. "Yo Janelle, is that Kendra?"

I shrugged, not even looking, "Don't know, don't care."

"No forreal, look!" I turned my head and saw Kendra walking down the street holding hands with some random guy.

"Wow that's crazy." Coincidentally they stopped across the street, right in front of the store and started making out. "Ew, she's ratchet."

"Ra-ra." Christian tried to repeat me and I smiled, "That's right baby boy."

"Damn, she's playing Ty."

"You gunna tell him?" I asked.

"I'll probably tell Chris to tell him."

"What if he don't believe you?"

"That's why I'm taking pictures girl! You know I'm an undercover poparazzi!"

I cracked up laughing as she pressed herself up against the glass window and took about 50 pictures of Kendra swapping spit with whoever that guy was. "You're so nosy Chels."

"Yeah well wait until this comes in handy, then I'll be gucc."

"Anyways, wanna come back to the house, since it's getting dark out?"

"For sures! I love your place by the way, it's booful."

"Thanks boo." Chels smiled then strapped Christian back in the stroller, "Sometimes I still can't believe that I'm with the man of my dreams."

"Hopefully I'll find mine soon..."‎

Once Chelsea and I got back into the house, we heard a whole bunch of yelling downstairs. "That's probably just Chris and Ty or something... you good?"

"Yeah, I don't even care anymore, I'm fine. Let's put this little baby in his crib though."

"You can go ahead and do it Nelle, I'm gunna make some drinks and then we'll head downstairs iight?"

"Okay." I smiled then grabbed Christian's carrier and brough him to his room. I unbuckled him and set him on the changing table then wiped him of with baby wipes and changed his diaper and put him in his pajamas. I kissed him on the forehead then set him down in the crib and put a blanket on him. "Have a good night baby boy." I put my purse and shoes in the corner of the room then ran off to the kitchen where Chelsea handed me some concoction. "You ready to head down?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I followed her down the stairs into the den where Chris and Ty were playing some football game. Once Chris saw us, he grinned then paused the game. He walked over to Chels and kissed her then said, "Welcome home baby."

"Hey boo." She blushed, they were so cute.

"Wassup Nelle?" Chris gave me a hug. 

"Hey Chris." I smiled at him.

"Whaddup Chelsea?" Ty finally got up and said hi.

"Hey Ty-Ty." Chelsea gave him a quick hug then looked at me.

"Hey Janelle." He said to me.

"Hi Tyga."

"Been a while, huh?" 

"Not really. I saw you yesterday, remember?"

"Oh yeah." He nervously chuckled as we all sat back down. Chris and Chelsea sat on a loveseat while Michael and I sat across the room from each other in armchairs that were facing each other. " Thanks for the present, it was really cool of you."

"It was no problem, I'm glad you liked it."

"Yeah, you get my text?"

"Uh yeah..."

"And you didn't respond?"

"I didn't know what you wanted me to say."

"That it was okay..."

"But it wasn't though. Yesterday was embarrasing for me."

"True. I'm sorry about that again though."

"Mhm..." I averted my attention from the conversation to my phone and began to reply to whatever Nico was texting me about.

"You talkin' to that fuckboy you were with yesterday?"

"Excuse me?"

"You talkin' to ol' dude?"

"Can you not talk about my boyfriend like that..."

"Oh so he's your man?"


"He ain't seem like all that."

"Well your little girlfriend don't seem like all that either but you don't see me bringing her up."

"Yeah well she ain't none of your business."

"I mean obviously she is if she's in the streets, out in the open, kissing up on other men."

"The fuck you talkin' about?"

"Aww, little Ty-Ty don't know how to keep his women in check so Chelsea and I saw her today with another guy, acting like you didn't even exist."

"I don't believe that shit. But you are right about one thing, I obviously don't know how to keep my women in check if all they do is run off." He looked straight in my eyes when he said that and I instantly was offended.

"Woah Ty chill, maybe you should-" Chris tried to mediate but I was already heated.

"No Chris it's fine. Look Michael, I don't know what you're fucking problem is all of a sudden but you need to calm all that noise."

"Nah, I ain't gotta do shit. You over here spreading lies about what my girl is doing when WE wouldn't even have to be going through this shit if YOU stayed your ass here."

"How was I gunna stay here if I just went through all this crazy shit?!"

"You actin' like you're the only one who lost a child. That was mine too Janelle, I was hurting just like you but you just gave up on us and left."

I stood up and rolled my eyes, "I swear to God, this is always the same shit. Don't you think I feel bad about how everything went down as I left? Don't you think I regret some shit?"

"I don't know what you think since you're acting like everything is fine." He then got up and stood in front of me.

"Oh my God, I feel like everyone thinks that it's my fault that we ended. Everyone who I explain the situation to, all of your fucking fans going at me because you were so unhappy. But what about me? No one else knew that you were fucking around with some girl while you were on tour! As far as I was concerned, our relationship was already done because I don't fuck with cheaters."

"I WASN'T EVEN CHEATING!" He shouted at me, startling everyone in the room, "That girl was drugging me."

"NO, it doesn't matter.  You're a grown ass man and you were acting helpless like you couldn't find some other water to drink or you couldn't find someone else to manage you. If you really wanted to, you could've avoided that whole situation but you decided to call and tell me that crazy shit because you figured I'd say some weak shit like, 'Oh no Ty, I understand,' like no, I don't understand that shit." I started tearing up, "The way I see it, I wasn't even at fault. Even though I left and didn't answer your texts, you knew I went back to be with my parents and you knew exactly where they were. You just wanted everyone to pity you, for everyone to focus on you when I was in need of help. The fuck you think it took me a year for to come back here? You were the one who went on tour while I was pregnant, you were the one who fucked around with someone else. YOUR ex came after me and all you needed to do was just check up on me. It wouldn't have been hard... you knew where I was. Of course I did make it a little hard by not talking but what do you really think I would've said? But if that's how you feel... Like it's all my fault, so be it. No one has to know what really went down, except the four of us." Chelsea and Chris were still seated with their mouths agape, just processing what I said.

"I'm sorry Chels, I gotta go." I set down my glass on a table then ran up to Christian's room to grab my belongings then I was out the front door.


So who do you think was right in the argument? Or do they both have valid points?

Write your questions and comments below! FanVoteComment♥

Thank you all for reading :D:D Janelle in MM

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