Winning Answers - A dissectio...

By drharoonals

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This is not a fiction. This is a treatise on how to improve your answer writing skills to get more marks... More

Winning Answers - A dissection on Writing Skills
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A Post Mortem Examination

The Key Should Fit the Lock

55 3 0
By drharoonals

The Key Should Fit the Lock

You may know many things about a topic and you may be fortunate enough to get the same question in the exam. You will be satisfied that you wrote everything, will feel happy and in the end may be disappointed to know you didn't qualify when the results come. Understanding what to write about the things asked in question is very important in competitive examinations.

You have to carefully read the question, specifically underlining what exactly is asked by the examiner. Analyze the sentence construction, understand the 'Question Word' used and use your brain to know how to answer each question.

Questions can be broadly classified into six types. Each needs a different approach in answering.

The first type of questions is purely 'Factual Questions' which you need to answer by giving exact facts about the topic asked. This type of questions is seldom asked in competitive examinations. You need to just state things as it is in such questions - 'What it is'. These types of questions usually use List down, Mention, Narrate, Enumerate, State, Outline, Indicate, Classify, Identify, Present, Give etc as the question words.

Next type of questions has 'Implied Demand for Explanation'. As there is no explicit demand for explanation many candidates fail to explain properly in such questions and get only low marks. You have to say what it is and why it is so in the answer. This 'why' is implied part of the question. Elaborate, Expand, Give an account of, Describe, Write an essay, Go into details are the common question words used in such types of questions.

The third type of question 'Demands Explanation Explicitly'. In these questions we have to explain the details of the topic asked very clearly. Such questions can be identified by words Justify, Demonstrate, Substantiate, Explain, Illustrate, Elucidate, Bring out, Account for, Give reasons, Differentiate etc in the question. You have to answer what, why and how in these questions.

There is another type of question which asks you for an explanation, but the need for critical analysis is hidden in it. We can say the there is 'Implied Demand for Criticism'. They are indicated by words Examine, Analyze, Discuss, Debate as the interrogative word. Here what, why and how is explicitly asked along with implied need to say Why not and How not.

The questions which ask you to 'Directly Critic' the topic may come with Critically Analyze, Assess, Evaluate, Review, Comment etc as question words. Here you have to say why not and how not more clearly.

The last type of question 'Demands Complete Understanding' of the topic and you need to write everything you know about it. Construct, Attempt, Formulate etc are the words which indicate this type of questions.


 Exercise 4

 1. What is the comprehensive strategy to deal with the menace of Naxalism in India?

 2. Describe the comprehensive strategy to deal with the menace of Naxalism in India.

 3. Illustrate the comprehensive strategy to deal with the menace of Naxalism in India.

 4. Examine the comprehensive strategy to deal with the menace of Naxalism in India.

 5. Evaluate the comprehensive strategy to deal with the menace of Naxalism in India.

 6. Formulate a comprehensive strategy to deal with the menace of Naxalism in India.

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