Involuntary Misfortune

By jongindreams-

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|Sequel to Involuntary Parents| "Life as we know it...will never be the same." More

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Involuntary Misfortune
Involuntary Misfortune [1]
Involuntary Misfortune [2]
Involuntary Misfortune [3]
Involuntary Misfortune [4]
Involuntary Misfortune [5]
Involuntary Misfortune [6]
Involuntary Misfortune [7]
Involuntary Misfortune [9]
Involuntary Misfortune [10]
Involuntary Misfortune [11]
Involuntary Misfortune [12]
Involuntary Misfortune [13]
Involuntary Misfortune [14]
Involuntary Misfortune [15]
Involuntary Misfortune [16]
Involuntary Misfortune [17]
Involuntary Misfortune [18]
Involuntary Misfortune [19]
Involuntary Misfortune [20]
Involuntary Misfortune [21]
Involuntary Misfortune [22]
Involuntary Misfortune [23]
Involuntary Misfortune [24]
Involuntary Misfortune [25]

Involuntary Misfortune [8]

11.4K 530 465
By jongindreams-

Hinata sat quietly beside her husband as they faced his Godfather. "Why are you both here so early again?" He asked.

The two exchanged a look which caused Jiraiya to furrow his eyebrows, "we just couldn't wait to see you," Naruto said finally.

"Hmm, well since you're here, Naruto you can help me with some stuff."

"Eh? Ano..." Naruto fumbled with the words as he searched for a proper excuse. Jiraiya arched an eyebrow as if daring him to refuse. "Fine."

"Great," the white haired man smiled while getting up and leaving the room.

The blonde grumbled as he got to his feet evoking laughter from his wife. "I'm glad this amuses you."

She smiled and looked up at him, "gomen." The Uzumaki smirked and bent to kiss her quickly before joining Jiraiya. She sat smiling long after he'd gone, glad that her dream had not materialized into reality. They were worried for nothing, but at that time anything was possible. A sigh escaped her parted lips and the smile fell from her face. They had escaped fate's grasp this time, but what about the many times to come in the future?


The sound of the Uchiha's gagging could be heard from inside his office. Jurou stood at the door of the office bathroom observing Sasuke. After a few minutes he quickly flushed away the discharged bile and struggled to his feet.

"First day on the job and you're already sick?" He commented as the raven haired boy rinsed the awful taste out of his mouth.

"I'm not sick..." He replied once he was finished. Jurou arched an eyebrow and he continued by saying, "this just...happens every morning. I don't know why."

"Hmm, your wife is pregnant?"

Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows, "how'd you-?"

"It's the only logical explanation. You simply have her morning sickness, trust me it happens."

Sasuke sighed and rolled his eyes, "great."

Jurou smiled and gave him a pat on the back, "cheer up, we have work to do."

"Whatever," he responded shrugging him off. He walked into Itachi's-his office and sat around the desk in the center of the room. It was plain, white wash walls with silver curtains. The only thing great about it was the spectacular view of the city located behind him.

"I'll walk you through the steps throughout today and offer assistance in the case of future events," the brown haired man explained.

Sasuke rolled his onyx orbs, he hadn't started yet and already he was annoyed. The Uchiha wanted nothing more than to be home with his wife...and yet, here he was sitting behind an oak desk. He'd given up all his time with Sakura to be able to provide for them, was it a worthy sacrifice? Would the end result by what they both want? He didn't know.

Sasuke turned in his seat and glanced at the city painted in white before him. The blue air ran still and all was silent. His gaze raked over building after building, his mind elsewhere. He felt that it would happen often time while at work. His mind or even soul would go, leaving his body to perform the mechanical duties that were required of him.


He lifted a fist, but hesitated before knocking on the door. The implications of his actions could have either a good or bad result. He didn't know how she'd reach, but pushing all his negative thoughts aside, he knocked on the door.

Stepping back, he pushed both hands in his jacket pockets and looked over at the closed windows. Maybe she wasn't home? But the sound of shuffling inside proved him wrong.

"Who is it?" Came a feminine voice.

"Ah...special delivery?" He answered hesitantly. He didn't know what to say exactly, he couldn't tell her the truth, anything but that. The door opened and a small smile touched his lips. The red haired woman stared at him in dismay, her hand clenching the handle of the door. He made a move to get closer, but was stopped by her swinging the door shut. "Wait!" He exclaimed stopping it with his hand.

"So help me, if you don't get out of here I'm calling the police," she muttered glaring at him.

The blonde haired man sighed, "just let me explain."

She folded her arms over her bust and tapped her right foot, "I'm waiting."

"I wasn't trying to kidnap your's a long story really, but I was just trying to help her."

She narrowed her eyes at him, "and you expect me to believe that?"

He rolled his blue eyes and sighed, "listen, all I wanted was to give that little girl a home. I guess I wouldn't think she's a homeless orphan if you had been a better mother," he gritted out.

"Are you criticizing my parenting skills?" She asked shocked.

"I call 'em as I see 'em," he shrugged.

She scoffed, "why are you here?"

He withdrew her purse from his pocket and held it up, "you dropped this after-"

"-I kicked your ass," she interjected with a triumphant smile.

"Whatever," he muttered.

There was a moment of awkward silence between them just then as they both had nothing more to say. He cleared his throat and held the purse out for her to take it. She hesitated before taking it, "uh...arigato."

"No problem," he said staring into her eyes. They were nice, black with a hint of blue and...purple? His attention shifted when a furry creature wrapped itself around her foot.

She smiled and picked it up, "Mitsuru." It was a white baby fox with tips of red on it's tail and black on both it's ears.

"Well...I'll be going now," he said turning to leave.

She bit her lip before calling out to him, "Ayame."

He smiled, "I know."

"What's your name?"

"Deidara," he said smiling but not turning around.

Ayame placed Mitsuru on the carpeted floor, "would you like to stay for breakfast?"

At that he turned to face her, "are you hitting on me?"

The red haired girl's face turned crimson, "don't flatter yourself Blondie."

He smirked and decided to stay, walking quickly towards the house, he discarded his jacket once inside. "Where's Maki?"

"With her father," she answered with a shrug. Deidara furrowed his eyebrows at her, which she noticed. "My brother...Maki is my niece."

"Oh," he said, his mouth forming an 'o'.

She chuckled and invited him into the kitchen, "come on." He smiled as he moved around the small space.


"Do we have everything?" Kabuto asked looking down at the table before him.

Nagato scanned the items one by one, both hands resting on the table. "Yeah."

"We can do a test run tonight then," he said pushing his glasses further up his nose bridge. Nagato nodded in response before sighing. "What is it?"

"What if this doesn't work?"

"Then we try again," he replied nonchalantly.

The red head scoffed, "it's not that simple."

"It is." The white haired man contradicted, however his counterpart remained silent. "Look, when you really think about it we have nothing to lose. It's only a matter of time before all of us become infected."

"Well when you put it that way..." He trailed off, "what if it backfires and...kills him?"

"That's a chance we'll just have to take," he responded while turning away. "I'll be back around eight o' clock. Be ready."

The purple eyed man sighed, "yeah, whatever."

He walked towards the door before throwing one final glance his way, "stop worrying, it'll be alright." With that said he left, closing the door behind him.

Nagato scoffed once more before muttering, "easy for you to say."

"Tadaima!" Yuu yelled as Konan opened the door and they walked in. He forced a smile for the little guy as he ran and latched onto his leg.

"Welcome back," he chuckled ruffling his orange hair. Konan smiled but sent him to get cleaned up shortly after.

"I trust you had a good day with him?"

She nodded in response, "he's been feeling a bit down lately about not having a dad so-"

"Whose fault is that?" The red head interjected.

The blue haired woman glared at him before continuing, "so I took him out."

"You can't hide the truth from him forever," he taunted.

"Watch me," she hissed in return as she turned to go to her room.

"We start tonight."


"Yahiko will be here," he said awaiting her response. But all she did was head to her room, not one word was said. The red head sighed and decided to get a drink, it may have been too early for it, but Kami-sama knows he needed it to get through the day.

"Alright?" Asked a masculine voice as the person walked into the room.

He offered his guest a weak smile, "I should be asking you that..." He looked away and both men sighed, "it'll be alright...right?" Perhaps hearing the same response twice would rid him of the doubts lurking in his mind.

"Gomen, but that's a promise that I can't make." He responded crushing the red head's hope before it even began to bloom.

"We can only hope for the best then."



So shameless advertising:

I started a Fairy Tail fan if anyone is interested please check it out. I'm open to constructive feedback as I'm fairly new to that fandom. It's an AU and it will include all or majority of the ships (The main ones will be included so don't worry XD)



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