By RozzayAnthony

438 21 5

Fifty years ago Hazel, (the future fox demon princess of a mystical land Ezea) witnessed an eere death of her... More

chapter one : Chaos Hazel's story
Chapter two: Pride Jaiyden's Story
Chapter Three: Imbalanced
Chapter four: Resentment
Chapter Five: Impatient
Chapter six: transition
Chapter seven: acceptance
Chapter Eight: adjustment
Chapter nine: Confusion
Chapter eleven: Haunting
Chapter twelve : possession
Chapter thirteen: Truth
Chapter:fourteen: together
Chapter fifteen: Chaos
Chapter sixteen: Trapped
Chapter seventeen:Questions
Chapter eighteen: Missing
Chapter nineteen: Hidden Kingdom
Chapter twenty: Love & war
Chapter twenty-three: revival
Chapter twenty-four: Where are they?
Chapter Twenty-five: Suit and Armor
Chapter twenty-six: Shadow War
Chapter twenty-seven: revelation
Chapter twenty-eight: home but trouble
Chapter twenty-nine innocent or guilty
Chapter thirty: over?
A letter from the author

Chapter ten: Destiny?

16 2 0
By RozzayAnthony

             I looked up and still kept screaming, I did a backwords crab walk and grabbed a broken glass shard from the table and threatened the “animal” to step back. I wondered to myself, did the bear transform it’self to a giant insect or was I hullinating from the bear wound on my back. “It’s okay, we won’t hurt you”! Said Oleo. I screamed louder and said, “Oh my god am I dreaming, I’m in my room back home and there is not a talking insect infront of me.” I repeated the same thing over to myself, I took a deep breath and reached my hand slowly to the giant insect and when I did, it felt rough, prickly and hairy.

            I tried to find the zipper because I was hoping that this was an early Halloween costume and an adnormal couple saved me in the woods and while trying it on. “ Can you take of the costume your freaking me out.” The eyes he had were giant fly eyes. They zoomed closer to me and he whispered using his tounge, “ This is not a costume.” And the fly sounds he was making scared me more. I struggled to open the door and him along with a fox was walking towards me, I crawled over to the window and was still feeling pain. I tried to break it but I was not able to succeed. Tears started to run down my face, “ please don’t hurt me, I will do anything, just leave me alone.”

            The creatures then announced in unison, “where not going to hurt you.” Hazel then said, “Please, allow us to explain this to you, my name is Hazel and I am a real fox demon, and this is my friend Oleo he is a spider demon, He has been raising me most of my life and your in a different universe called Ezea, were very friendly and happy that you are here, this is the first time in my life I’ve seen a human… welcome.” I gaved them a look in confusion and was still shanked up. She began to speak, “ Ezea doesn’t normally look like this, when I was a little girl, this land was taken over by evil one master called Ioh and he murdered! My parents and kidnapped my eldest sister. Oleo has been rasing me my entire life and has been like a father. Many have tried to defeat Ioh but all has failed.” Oleo continued to say, we believe that you were sent down here to protect us, and our land, your our warrior.”

            I spoke out, “okay seriously the two of you need some help, I’m not a warrior, a bear attacked me and I fell in a stupid hole and now I’m in freaken alice in wonderland?! This is not real, none of this is real. One day Im in Chicago and everything is close to normal, than I start losing everything I have I dreamed of, I now live in a shit hole boarding school, and now I’m a warror in etea? This is psychocotic” They looked at me and Oleo spoke out, “we know this is not making sense to you and I’m sorry, but this is real, real danger and were begging for real help please, we need you.” He kept pleding for my help. “ I want to go home.” I said to him. He told me I was not able to go home because I would need to see Ioh to send me home. I ask Hazel how do I get Ioh’s attention?

             They looked scared because when I asked they told me he would murder me if he saw me here. I shouted at them, “ How do I get out!” just then a voice started to rupture the place, “WHO ARE YOU!” he shouted. I responded softly, Jayden Ivory. He shouted again, “SPEAK UP I ASKED FOR YOUR NAME!” I told him my name louder, “ Jayden Ivory.” Black smoke started to rise from the ground and left me off my feet and onto the celing. Ioh spoke, “NAME ONE REASON WHY I SHOULD’NT KILL YOU!” I told him, “because I have so much to live for?” I began tearing up. He asked me another question, “ and why should I care…?” I told him, “please I don’t belong here I just want to go home.” Ioh laughed as I began  to cry, “ I LOVE THE SOUND OF YOUR CRIES, I WILL SEND YOU BACK TO WHERE YOU BELONG BUT YOU MUSTN’T TELL ANYONE ABOUT WHAT YOU SAW OR COME BACK HERE AGAIN BECAUSE NEXT TIME YOU DO YOU WILL BE DEAD I GURARANTEE, IF I CAN KILL IMMORTALS WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE I CAN DO TO YOU .” He throws me at hazel and OLEO to catch. The smokes begin to vanish and he threatens Hazel and Oleo, “and as for you two, I own you and the lives of your love ones, make me angry and you’ll regret it.”

            I blink for a second and the next thing I knew I was back on the bridge to where the gate was.  I stood there looking at the sign DANGER, DO NOT TRESPASS  My scars on my foot and back were vanished and the bruise on my shouder was gone. It was like nothing ever happened but it did. Ioh’s voice was going to perminatley replay in my head. I ran back to the maple house and looked at the time at the clock tower and it was 1:30 in the afternoon. I walked in where I noticed all the students wasn’t home. I saw my mom sitting in the office with taylor and Stacy. I opened the door and Stacy and my mom was thankful that I was ok. Stacy asked me in huge concern. “ where have you been, your mother and I was looking for you!?” I responded and told her, “I’m sorry, I needed some time to be by myself and I lost track of time, I promise it won’t happen again.” I walked up stairs to change into jeans and a tee-shirt. My mom checked me out and the family left us. I was still having post tramatic stress disorder from the incident or maybe even schizophrenia.

            Later at home my mom made soup for me, Taylor and Jim. I sat there as I looked at the soup. My mom looked concern because she noticed I haven’t said a word. “ Jayden…?” said my mom, “ your not eating? Are you sick?” I looked down and said, “no..” The soup transformed into a face and I got more nervous, “ can I be excused?” I quickly got out of my seat, ran up stairs and into my room, I locked the door behind me, shut the lights off and laid on the floor. My mom knocked on the door, “sweetie is everything okay,” I couldn’t respond. My mom kept knocking on the door. “Jayden Liscle Ivory open the door.” I lied to my mom and told her, “ I’m just on my period.” My mom still stood there and kept asking me, “do you need anything? Medicine? Tea? Tampons?” I got frustrated and yelled at my mom behind the door, “mom! I’m fine please just leave me alone.”

            My mom finally left my door. My cellphone kept vibrating on my bed and that started to startle me. When  I looked at who called me, I noticed it was Amilee. I’ve been waiting for her call for days, but not I was not looking forward to talk to any one. My phone went straight to voice mail. Then I’ve been receving text messages, I laid on the ground in the same postion until morning without sleeping. The door bell ranged and I woke up in a loud gasp. I ran down the stairs and opened the door, it was fed ex who delivered my school uniform I signed for the  package and took it. I then shut the door. I opened the packaged and saw the red sweater, and plaid shrit. I through it on the couch and began to get images of what I imagine Ioh looking like. I imagined him as the devil with horns, all red and fire. I wasn’t feeling well.

            I went to the bathroom and began to throw up in the toilet. I cried some more. This was the first time, I ever felt extreme PTSD and anxiety. 

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