The Doctor's Daughter (Doctor...

By rac06h10ael

11.1K 295 58

==DISCONTINUED== Being a teenager is already hard enough. But what if your parents were timelords? Ryan is th... More

[Chapter 1] Impossible to Balance
[Chapter 3] Eating a Box of 100 Pixie Sticks
[Chapter 4] One Broken Family
[Chapter 5] Cake and Presents
[Chapter 6] Just Like You
[Chapter 7] Didn't Reveal Anything
[Chapter 8] Jenny Returns
[Chapter 9] Winter Quay Part Two
[Chapter 10] Find Galifrey
[Chapter 11] My Worst Nightmare
[Chapter 12] My Time Machine
[Chapter 13] Time Slowed Down
[Chapter 14] Interface

[Chapter 2] The Future Mrs. Padilla

865 24 8
By rac06h10ael

I walked to school the next day. I was in one of the worst moods I've had in years. My best friend, Ian, made his way through the crowd of people and joined me in walking to first period.

"Are you feeling okay, Ryan?" He inquired, glancing over at me. "You seem really upset."

"I am." I replied snappily.

"Do you...want to talk about it?"


We walked into the classroom and sat in our normal seats in the back. He was constantly looking over at me. Knowing him, he probably was worried about me. Ian was one of my best guy friends. He's been there for me since...since Kindergarten when he forgot to bring his box of crayons the first day and I shared mine with him.

I sighed, "You're dying to know what's going on, aren't you?"

"Very." He answered.

I looked at my lap and went on to saying, "Yesterday my dad came to visit. He just expects me to love him though he's never been in any part of my life. All he does is come to say hello, comment on how much I've grown, talk to Amy and Rory, and leave. Yesterday, he forgot my name." I paused, silence resided between our two desks, the rest of the classroom was bustling with gossip and chatter. "And then Joey read my journal..."

"Well, is that so bad?"

"Um, let's see, he called me the future Mrs. Padilla. And he's probably going to tell the whole school."

"Yikes." Was all Ian could say to that. I nodded my head.

I've had this crush on this guy for a while. His name was Anthony, Anthony Padilla. He was popular like Joey, and he constantly came over to the house because he and Joey are friends. I swear it's the galaxies teasing me... Anyways, one day, I was just crazily infatuated with him for no reason. So, I grabbed my "notebook" from under my mattress (that's where I've always hidden it, but clearly that needs to change soon), and began to sketch down hearts with arrows in them with his and my initials, short little poems about him, and even a stupid little thing where I wrote that I was the future Mrs. Padilla...stupid girly side of me that I despise.

"I know right." I answered.

"Class!" The teacher shouted, slapping a ruler on her desk. We all jumped, and the people who weren't in their seats before scurried down the aisles and slid into the hard, not comfortable seat. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Mrs. Kovarian." We all recited drearily.

There was my teacher. She wears an eyepatch, and refuses to tell us why. And then she's always hounding on me about how my "mother" is doing (to the entire community, Amy and Rory are my parents, they always have been). And then she always somehow brings up the Doctor when she talks to me after class, which just makes me wonder who the hell she really is. In addition, when she teaches history, it seems to cause her pain, like she'll mention something about the aliens my dad's encountered that no one else knows about, and then she'll laugh and say she forgot to take her medication. I just think she has a shady personality.

"Today we'll be learning about the Egyptian pyramids..." Oh great, she's going to teach them the wrong stuff. I know she's not going to mention the Silence...


It was lunch, finally. Today was pizza day, my favorite lunch meal because it was the one thing they could cook. I picked up a blue, plastic tray and slid it down the counter, picking up a slice of pizza, a cup of yogurt, and a bottle of water. I check out and join Ian at the empty table. He's the one person who knows about the whole timelord-parent situation, and though he doesn't quite understand it, he tolerates it.

"So, what's the status on you and Melanie?" I asked, picking up the pizza off of the plate, the cheese so gooey that it was sticking to the plate like strings on a harp. I ran my finger through them, breaking the connection.

"She's added me as a friend on Facebook." He answered, blushing slightly.

I smiled, "That's a big step, Ian!"

"No it's not...just admit it, Ryan." I glared at him as I took a huge bite of the steaming hot pizza. I threw the piece back down on the plate and grabbed for a napkin to spit the chewed up mush into it. Of course, Joey and his crew just happened to walk by, including Anthony. He smiled at me, and time slowed down for me. Ian snapped me back into reality by saying, "...Anthony?"

"What?" I retorted, looking back at him.

"I said, what's the status on you and Anthony?"

I sighed, "Still doesn't know I exist."

"But he just smiled at you!"

"Yeah, but only because I looked like a fool spitting out the pizza." Ian rolled his eyes and scoffed. "I'm serious Ian! I'm never going to get the chance to even be near him."

"You gotta have faith, Ryan! You're going to get your chance, I know it." He gasped and pointed at me, "You're dad's a..." He leaned in over the table and whispered, "...timelord, right?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"So, couldn't he take you back in time and keep him from meeting Kalel? So that he'd be with you?"

"How does him meeting Kalel have any relevance to my chance with him? And anyways, they're like meant to be. Everyone says so."

"And when have you listened to everyone?" I dug my spoon into my yogurt. "And the only reason he's popular is because of her. She made him who he is today."

"I highly..."

"Hey, the Future Mrs. Padilla." I turned my head to the left and saw a bunch of jocks pointing their fingers at me and laughing. I pulled my hood up over my head and hung my head down; Ian did the same thing. People began to join the laughter and things were being thrown at us, basically whatever people could get their hands on.

"I'm so sorry, Ian!" I shouted over the noise.

"It's okay, Ryan!" He yelled back. "Things can only get better after graduation! Right?"


Once the bell rang, and everyone fled from the cafeteria, Ian and I did the usual routine. We ripped our sweatshirts off, walked them to the Home and Careers wing of the school, handed our soiled clothing to the nice and friendly teachers, and they threw them into the wash with the promise they would be cleaned and dried by the end of the school day.

Ian and I went our seperate ways. He had Geometry and I had Chemistry. I turned the corner and bumped into someone. "Sorry!" I squealed on instinct.

"It's okay..."

I looked up and saw the face I knew all too well. Anthony. I couldn't believe I bumped into Anthony. I hadn't realized it, but my hand was touching his flat chest.

I retracted my hand and looked at the ground, "I'm really sorry I bumped into you. I wasn't..."

"It's okay." He reassured me with a smirk. "Ryan, right?"

"Yeah." I blushed. He was in my lunch period...and now he knew about my secret crush on him. Great.

"Just for the record, I wasn't one of the people throwing things at you." He placed his finger under my chin and tilted my head up to make eye contact with him. "I think that's totally not fair. And it happens almost every day."

"My friend and I have gotten used to it. We're prepared for whatever things people decide to torment us with. We actually keep our sweatshirts in our lockers and slip them on right before we enter the lunch room."

He laughed, "You're funny. Hey, I got to get going to class, you're Joey's sister. Right?"

"Yes." I answered sheepishly.

"I'll see you later then." Anthony winked and walked away. I leaned back on the wall and slid down to the floor. I could not believe I just had a one-on-one conversation with Anthony. Anthony Padilla.

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