You Can't Love Him

By fangirl2119

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"Look Noah. I'm sorry-" "You have nothing to be sorry for." He cuts me off. I let out of a breath. I felt a b... More

(A/n: 1k reads! Thank you!)
Note ❣️


5.1K 170 1
By fangirl2119


"E, just calm down! We will talk about all of this in the morning. Right now we need to sleep." Jocelyn says trying to calm me down. We had walked back to the room after I told her I wanted to know everything.

"How can I calm down and go to sleep when I am trying to make sense of this whole situation? Something is going on, I can tell. And I want to know. I want know what you, Noah and everyone else did that day you said you were watching a movie. I know damn well that is not what you guys did," I continued to rant.

"I want to know what was in the brown bag and why my brother and  ex-boyfriend were so against me being friends with all of you. I want to know what my father had to do with any of this and how he knew Noah. All I want is some answers!" By the time I was done ranting I had to catch my breath. Jocelyn looked at me shocked. I guess she  didn't expect that because I rarely yell.

"E, I know that you are angry and confused. But we have to wait. I promise you that we will all talk later. Its too early right now and you need sleep. So please, just wait."  She begs me.



Currently the group sat in a circle on the roof. I had woke up the boys early to finally talk about what I've been wanting to know.

"So what's going on?" Will asks. Jocelyn and I both look at each other and then I turn my attention to Will.

"I want answers." He turns his head to the side in confusion. The other boys do the same thing.

"Answers for what?" Aaron looks between Jocelyn and I.

"The answers for everything. I want to know what was going on since we first met. I want to know everything." I cross my arms and lean back.

"Um, are you sure about that?" Aaron says nervously. I nod my head in response. The boys all sigh.

"Fine. Where do you want to start. Ask away." Will says.

I take in a deep breath and then sigh, "What do you guys do? I know the day you said you guys watched a movie was a lie."

"We were helping Noah."

"Do what?"

Will gives me an intense look. "Noah owed his uncle for talking in his littler brother. Since his uncle lives in Australia, he called and gave Noah jobs to do to pay him back. Noah also did it so he could earn money to get custody of his little brother. His uncle works for some underground company that sells," He stops for a moment. "Illegal things. Noah has to drop off the things and collect the money. That day we were helping him collect money." Will finishes. I pressed on to find out that his Uncle sold guns. Will swears non of them ever touched them.

"The brown bag was?" I proceed with my questions.

"That was money actually. His uncle had to pay his men. You know Nick. The guy Noah beat up that day at the bar." Jocelyn answers. I didn't know she knew about that.

"Nick is the same guy who attacked me at that party. He was also there when you went to try on your dress for the wedding. That's why Noah called you. He was with us when someone sent him a text about Nick coming to find you. Nick took pictures of you that day and sent them to Noah's uncle."Aaron explains. I remember bumping into a Nick. How did he get pictures of me? I didn't even want to think about that.

"The night Aaron got hurt. It wasn't just a random thing. Nick was at the party and him and Aaron got into it. He fights dirty."

"Okay so that clears that up. What about your reputation? Do these jobs have to do with that."

"W-we've been in  a few fights. Word got around at school and that's how the reputation started. You've seen Noah fight. And you've seen Will fight,"Jocelyn confesses. "Same night with the money. Those two guys you asked Noah about."

Will raises his hand. "That was me. The other guy tried to jump Noah."

"A couple months ago, I got a call from some guy with an Australian accent was that-"

"His uncle, yes."

"Why did he call me saying to remind Noah that he owed him. Wouldn't he call Noah?"I remember feeling like I was being watched that day.

"Nick told Noah's uncle about that night at the bar. His uncle called him and told him he would get rid of you because you would distract him from his work. Noah freaked out and tried to call off his deal with his uncle. He decided he would find the money some other way and hide so his uncle couldn't find him. I guess that didn't really work since he called you."  Will explains. My eyes widen, get rid of me! Noah said no one was coming after me.

"I'm sure you are fine now." Jocelyn assured me.I didn't want to continue talking about this so I changed the subject.

"Noah must have found another way to get money if he was able to go back to Australia." Everyone nods very slowly. They know.

"O-okay that clears most of this up. The last thing I want to know is how Noah knew that my dad wasn't going to help me get into the writing school next year?"

The room falls silent. Everyone has the same look on their faces, worry. Everyone looked around the room trying to avoid eye-contact with me. This must be really bad if my friends are too scared to even look at me.

"Are you going to tell me or..." Still they all looked at me with the same expression.

"M-maybe we should wait until we get back home tomorrow-"

"Why? We are getting so far. I'm so close to finally understanding what has been going on. We can't stop now! Please just tell me what it is. I can handle it! I promise." I beg.

"You promise,"Collin asks. He puts out his pinky finger. I almost laughed but then I remembered that this is not the time.

"I promise." I link our fingers for a few seconds and then I let go. He lets out a breath and then passes the conversation to Will.

"Noah had worked for your dad before you got here. It was right when Noah moved here with his aunt. Noah was such a delinquent back then. He would always show up late for work or he just didn't show. Your dad ended up firing him. Noah ended up working for his uncle and so did we."

"That's it. That's not really that bad-"

"I'm not finished." I shut my mouth and wait for him to continue.

"After Noah stopped working for his uncle. He got an offer. Your dad called Noah and told him how he didn't want you two dating and how he said that he wasn't going to pay for your school. Noah got mad and started arguing with your dad. Then your dad asked him to make a deal. If he broke up with you, he would pay for your school and give him the money to send him back to Australia and his brother."

I just stood still. How could my dad do something like that? He really made Noah break up with me? That's the only part that pisses me off. Im sure Noah and I could have found a way to get him to his brother on our own.

"Noah didn't want to take the offer but he knew how much that school meant to you and he needed to get his little brother. He also felt like this is the only way to keep you safe. Noah did that because he loved you. He may not say it or understand it, but he does." Will finished and everyone stared at me waiting for a reaction. I stare back at them waiting for the same thing.

Before I know it, I'm walking out of the room and all I can hear is Will shouting behind me.

"I thought you said you can handle this. You broke the promised!"

I didn't stop moving, I couldn't. I was fueled with rage and I wouldn't feel better until I came faced to face with my father.

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