The Reapers new Master: a Bla...

By Yadira_Sempai

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Grell Sutcliff the reaper hasn't been in London pestering his precious Sebastian for a few months. Though its... More

The queens orders
The 30th brings surprises
A Master Marks-Woman
How to be rude the American way
The Hunt Begins
Do as she says
One hell of a party
An act of friendship
She knew the whole time
How did you two meet?
How did you two meet? Part 2
Opium den's and brothel's
The Rose Palace
Another act
Davie I Can't Breath
Must love cat's
A Change in Strategy
Fight Nitroglycerin with Nitroglycerin
Death and Discovery
Hello My Name is William T. Spears
Forgotten property
Money has the loudest voice of all
Unexpected visitors got an unexpected surprise
Marksmen have Morals
A Trancy Brat
A Garden Party for a Guest of Honor
Hand's off my Mistress
What did you think of the party? (Multi POV Chapter)
Happy 25th Birthday
One last fight before you go...
You want a funeral?
A confession falling on dead ears


748 25 5
By Yadira_Sempai

Hi it's your sempai again!!!! This is the final part of The Reapers new Master, this is the epilogue I promised you all. This will take place in modern day New York, I will introduce two new characters and mention four new ones. They will not actually appear in this.Like I said this will be long so enjoy..... I will make a sequel! 

"So what are we investigating again?" Asked Grell as used binoculars to watch an ally way. "And why did we have them dress that way? It's not sanitary."

"Oh goodness Grell I already explained that five times." Said Mercy as she was digging around in a picnic basket. "The souls of the homeless in this area have gone missing and the humans around here are assuming some kinda of government cleansing, and the government suspects a serial killer, and the health departments suspects illness, and administration and Will suspect demons. And being the high quality reapers we are, we have to investigate with a team."

"I honestly don't see what the big deal is." Said Grell as Mercy sat in his lap with lunch. "Their just homeless people right? They don't have any real value at all right?"

"That's where your wrong sweet heart." Said Mercy as she let her legs hang off the edge of the building her and Grell had been sitting on. "The souls of the homeless are even more valuable than you think. They can't be corrupted because they have forgotten what corruption is. They can't be fixed because they feel they aren't broken. They don't want help because their too proud. Grell honey you have no idea how valuable and delectable the soul of a person like this is to a demon." His hair was shorter and his attire was more professional and instead of his bow tie he now wore a red tie and no longer wore Madam Red's coat, and Mercy was curvier and was dressed like a very attractive business woman with her button up blouse and stunning red stilettos.

"Hmmm I see your point then." Said Grell as he looked at the sandwich's Mercy was holding. "Speaking of delectable, is that for me?"

"Yes honey, here open wide." Said Mercy as she fed Grell the food and ran her fingers through Grell's short hair. "I still wish you hadn't cut all your hair off though. Why did you do it again?" Said Mercy as she looked down into the alley and saw two figures walk in front of a homeless person who had been sitting up against a wall. 

"Hey is that.." Said Grell before Mercy shushed him. He looked through the binoculars to confirm his suspicions, and he was right. The two figures who walked into the ally were none other than Sebastian and Ceil.

"Spare some change?" Asked the homeless man to Sebastian, just then Ceil put on a devious grin. "Hey that's a real sharp lookin' kid ya got there mister."

"Thank you good sir but I'm afraid I don't have any spare change for you." Said Sebastian with a bow and a grin, he then got on a knee to be eye level with the man. "But I do have something far more valuable than spare change for you sir."

"Oh really now?" Asked the man in a rather insane tone. "Well I ain't got anything that can buy something valuable mister."

"Oh but you do." Said Sebastian with a grin. "I Can grant you any wish, all you have to do is give me your soul and I will give it to you."

"My soul?" Asked the old man he moved his head to the side, his face was concealed with a hat and hood and scarf. "So I just hand you my soul and I get a wish?"

"Yes good sir." Said Ceil as he looked at the man with a grin. "Give us your soul and you can have whatever you want."

"Hmmm sounds like a plan little man." Said the man as he stood to his feet. "I wish for my sister to hack you demons to pieces with her death scythe!" Said the man as he removed his disguise to reveal a young man with short black hair and a rather familiar grin, then a woman with long red hair came at them with a round saw. Sebastian and Ceil moved out of the way and attempted to disarm her, Sebastian moved Ceil out of the way to take her on, on his own. She kept making swipes at him but it was beginning to look pointless as Sebastian pulled out silver ware to block her attacks.

"Hey hold still while I wipe out your existence demon!" Shouted the beautiful woman in a sweet sounding voice. "Emerald help me out here!"

"Whatever you say Violetta!" Said Emerald as he pulled out an alligator saw shaped death scythe and aimed for Ceil. "Hold still kid! I'm gonna rip you to pieces!"

"Ha! You sorry excuses for reapers wipe us out!" Scoffed Ceil to Emerald. "That's the funniest thing I've heard all day."

"Why you little brat!" Shouted Emerald as he got angry and began to loose focus. "I'll show you a sorry excuse!" He said as Ceil dodged his attacks over and over, just then Ceil moved behind him and kicked him down.

"Emerald no you can't get angry!" Said Violet as Sebastian took advantage of the opportunity and kicked her up against the wall.

"And you shouldn't loose focus like that my dear." Said Sebastian as he held Violetta up against the wall by her wrists. "Now aren't we the loveliest little thing, oh but I can tell your not a virgin." Said Sebastian he leaned his face in closer to Violetta, he moved her legs apart with his foot and smelled her hair. "Master he claimed this was his sister, would you like to make him watch while I defile her?"

"I don't see why not, it could be fun." Said Ceil as he held Emerald by his arms and short black hair. "I think you've earned this as reward. I order you to enjoy yourself."

"Yes, my lord." Said Sebastian in a devious tone. But they were completely unaware of the conversation that had occurred above them.

"No I will not stand here as he.... He lays his filthy hands on them!" Said Grell in a rather angry tone. "What's he... Oh hell no! That is it!!!" Shouted Grell as he pulled out his death scythe and jumped to the commotion below him, as Mercy sighed and followed behind him. She also pulled out her death scythe, it was a chainsaw of sorts that also extended itself. Grell seemed very angry and revved his scythe as if he were about to go on a rampage, Mercy extended her scythe to slam into the ground so she could land on her feet safe and sound. Sebastian and Ceil looked up to see the pair coming at them from above. 

"Get your filthy hands off her!" Shouted Grell as he went for Sebastian, he tried to swipe at him with his scythe and missed but continued to swipe anyways. "How dare you put your filthy hands on her you son of a bitch!!" 

"Oh my well, well, well if it isn't Grell and Mercy." Said Sebastian as he stopped Grell's scythe mid attack. "I thought you only cared if I laid my hands on Mercy."

"I'd also like you to keep your hands off my daughter!!!" Shouted Grell as Sebastian looked at him in shock at the phrase 'my daughter', Sebastian fell down in shock. "I am going to rip your head off!!"

"Grell wait! You can't!" Said Mercy as she held Ceil in her arms like a baby, while he was trying to get away. "Remember I marked him, and as much as I want to kill him for trying to hurt my babies we can't so just leave him alone. He looks traumatized anyways."

"I'm traumatized because I can't believe what I heard." Said Sebastian as he stood to his feet and brushed himself off. "Did I hear you correctly when you said this lovely creature was your daughter?"

"Yes you did." Said Grell as he glared at Sebastian. "What of it?"

"I just never really pictured you as the overly protective father type is all." He said as he walked over to Mercy to claim his young master. "Now may I please have my master back." He said as Mercy put Ceil down.

 "Wait so you know these demons?" Asked Emerald still feeling rather angry that he had been pinned by some midget demon. "This is total bull..." He said Before Mercy covered his mouth.

"Yes we know this demon and half-ling." Said Mercy as she moved her hand away from Emeralds mouth to go check on Violetta who was being held by her father. "Are you alright Violetta." 

"Yeah I'm okay." Said Violetta as she freed herself from her fathers hug and walked to Emerald. "You okay Emerald? I'm sorry I got pinned so easy, I should have known better than to loose focus."

"Yeah I'm okay sis, now if you excuse me I'm a little pissed off right now." Said Emerald as he walked up to Sebastian and clocked him in his jaw. "There now I feel better! Don't we all feel better? I know I do." 

"Yes actually." Said Grell as with a grin as he patted Emerald on the back. "That's my boy."

"Wait he's your child too?" Asked Sebastian for he could not see the family resemblance, even though they both had the same shark tooth grin and short hair cut. "I don't see any resemblance."

"Oh and whats that supposed to mean?" Said Emerald in an angry tone. "Are you trying to say something about  my mother?"

"What! No I'm not." Said Sebastian feeling rather confused. "I'd never insult your beautiful mother."

"Oh is that sarcasm?" Asked Emerald as he walked towards Sebastian. "Are you trying to start something?"

"Emerald calm down, not everything everyone says are fighting words." Said Mercy as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "Why don't you listen to your music or something."

"Hmph fine but I got my eye on you demon." Said Emerald before walking putting headphones in his ears, as he leaned up against a wall to stare daggers at Sebastian.

"He certainly has a temper doesn't he." Said Ceil as he looked up at Mercy. "So you two had children, I have to say I am rather surprised."

"Your telling me, I was surprised I was able to have children at all." Said Mercy as she tasseled Ceil's hair. "We finally decided to have children very late. We were surprised I got pregnant at all." 

 "How late did you have them anyways?" Asked Sebastian as he continued to eye Mercy and Violetta. "It couldn't have been that late you and your daughter look almost the same age." 

"They were born twenty years ago." Said Grell as he stood in front of his wife and daughter. "So we had them rather late. They recently became full fledged reapers." 

"Yeah the test wasn't easy since we both decided to also take a hunts class." Said Violetta as she peeked from behind her father. "But thank's to Mr. Spears I was able to pass my written exams." She said as Grell glared at her, as if the mention of that name would set him off. 

"Speaking of Mr. Spears here he comes." Said Mercy as she pointed up to show William jumping from building to building. 

"I figured as much that you two would be behind all of this." Said William as he landed behind Sebastian and Ceil. "I knew it was you two when that runaway I questioned described you."

"William your here!" Cheered Violetta as she ran to William to hug him, almost knocking him over. "I missed you William."

 "Oh hello Violetta, how are you?" Asked William as he wrapped one arm around Violetta. "I suppose I missed you as well." 

"Hello Mr. Spears..." Said Grell with an aggressive growl in his voice. "Would you care to be more professional or would you like to continue to fool around." 

"My I never thought I'd see the day where Grell tell's Will that he needs to stop fooling around." Said Ceil as William let go of Violetta. "It must be the end of days." 

"Things change after you become a parent." Said Mercy as she tasseled Ceil's hair again. "Grell changed a bit after I came to the reaper society. He became more mature, and protective, and more sexually aggressive..... and.... and..... What was I saying?" 

"I have no idea." Said Ceil as he stared at Mercy who had been looking at Grell as if she were physically starved. 

"I think you were going to tell these two to stop eating the souls of the homeless." Said Grell as he walked over to Mercy and held her by the chin. "But don't worry darling William will explain everything to them and he will file the paper work so you can take the rest of the day off. Right William?" Asked Grell as he looked at William with daggers. 

"I suppose I don't have a choice." Said William with a sigh and walked over to Grell to receive some files. "Very well but I'm only doing this to regain your respect, I'll get to filing this right away."

"Wait can't that wait until after lunch Will?" Asked Violetta as she took William by the arm. "Come on I made a picnic lunch for you!" 

"Oooh.... Yeah about that, your father and I sort of ate that." Said Mercy as she scratched the back of her head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry sweetie, if it makes you feel better it was very tasty." 

"Mom! Dad! How could you?" Said Violetta with a sadden look in her eye. "I made that just for William." 

"It's alright Violetta." Said William as he placed his hand on Violetta's shoulder. "It's the thought that counts right?" He said with his usual serious look. 

"Really? You promise." Said Violetta as William nodded, she then cheered and hugged William again. "Yay! Come on then we should still break for lunch." Said Violetta as she pulled William to go with her. "Come on Emerald let's go get some lunch!" Said Violetta as she signaled Emerald, who could not hear, to come with her. 

"So I see William is romantically involved with your twenty year old daughter." Said Sebastian with a devious grin. "My now don't we feel like a fai..." Said Sebastian before Grell punched him in the face so hard that he went flying out of the alley and into the side of a truck that was driving by, he was hit into the truck so hard it fell over on it's side and killed the driver.

"Now don't we feel sore?" Asked Grell as he walked over to the over turned truck. "Shut the hell up Sebastian your lucky your marked or I would've killed you for saying that."

"So this was the last guy on my list for the day." Said Emerald as he walked to the truck to find the dead driver. "This is the last one for the day. Now I get to go spend the rest of the day with Olivia." 

"Emerald maybe you should go home and get some rest instead." Said Mercy as she adjusted her glasses. "You've been working since last night, and I think you need to get some sleep." 

"I will mom I just wanna see Olivia first." Said Emerald as he reaped the mans soul, after he was done he loosened his green neck tie. "Well that's done, now I'm gonna go file my paper work and then be off. I'll see you lot later." Said Emerald before leaving. 

"I really wish he wouldn't hang around that woman." Said Grell almost in a hiss. "I don't like her or her friends." 

"Is it because they beat you and your friends in fights all the time?" Asked Mercy already knowing it's true. "I like them, their strong and independent women." 

"Oh please strong is an overstatement." Said William as Violetta held his hand. "We're just tired whenever they challenge us. If anything they are nothing but vultures." 

"But what about that time they challenged you on your day off and they had been working over time?" Asked Violetta not truly realizing that she just insulted her father and lover. "You two and Ronald slept for most of that day right?" 

"Wait who is this Olivia again?" Asked Ceil as he looked at Mercy. "I feel like I've heard that name before." 

"Oh you probably have, she and her friends are excellent group of reapers. Who from time to time assist in demon hunting." Said Mercy as she tasseled Ceil's hair again, Ceil smiled as if he wanted his hair to be tasseled.

"Yes that's right." Said William as he looked over at Mercy. "Her and her co-workers Annabeth Batroy and Key Connors. I particularly don't like that Annabeth."

"Is it because she made office moral go up 15%?" Asked Mercy as she looked at William with a mean grin. "Or because administration likes her best?"

"Hmph they just like her because she has great boobs." Said Violetta in a huff. "If she was as flat as soda administration wouldn't even know she existed." 

"Oh now isn't that sweet." Said Sebastian as he walked over to Violetta to hold her hand. "Defending the honor of her lover, just like her gorgeous mother. My William is certainly a lucky man."

"He's more of a dead man like you if he doesn't stop holding my crimson princess's hand." Said Grell as he flashed his death scythe. "Go on keep touching her, I dare you."

"Oh my I can honestly say I actually feel threatened by you Grell." Said Sebastian  with a grin as he let go of Violetta's hand. "So I think we should do as Violetta recommended and break for lunch. What do you say my lord?"

  "Fine, I don't really care either way." Said Ceil as he walked over to Mercy so how have you been all these years?" Asked Ceil before walking down the street with Mercy while maintaining light conversation. 

"Come on William let's catch up to them." Said Violetta as she pulled William with her to catch up to her mother. 

"So I see the years have treated you well then." Said Sebastian to Grell, who was only a little bit calm. "How long has it been since we last saw each other? five, ten, fifteen?"

"It's been thirteen years, since your master fired Juliet." Said Grell as he walked in the same direction of his wife. "So that means thirteen years since she was shot. Jaclyn still blames you for what happened to her, but she thanks Ciel for her finally finding someone she can depend on. You know I still laugh at your failure to court her sometimes, to be honest I can't believe you failed though." 

"I know, but I suppose at some point she inherited Mercy's ability to smell souls." Said Sebastian as he stared at Mercy and Violetta's backsides. "She said that she had to reject me because she couldn't tolerate a scent around me. She was surprised no one else could smell it so she didn't say anything until the day she had to leave." 

"Yes I know, Jacklyn said she had been watching you two that day. After that she was pleased to know she had inherited demon hunting skills." Said Grell as he realized what Sebastian had, had his eyes on the whole time. "Oh and keep staring at wife and child like that and I'll gouge your eyes out with an ice cream scoop." 

"Grell! Sebastian! What are you two doing back their your so slow! Hurry up!" Said Mercy as she looked back at them. "So how does Italian sound?" Said Mercy as she pointed at an Italian restaurant. 

"It sounds romantic." Said Violetta as she cuddled up to William. "Come on William let's get a table just for you and me!" She said before dragging him away again. 

"I'd actually like to know how her and William became an item." Said Sebastian as he observed the two. 

"Yes, I'd like to know that too." Said Ceil. 

"Well actually it's a really long story." Said Mercy before Grell said something. 

"Well it all started when that bounder promised a five year old he would marry her and then when she turned 16 he took advantage of her." Said Grell in anger. "And then he had the nerve to sleep in her bed while we were away, and then he had the nerve to have perverted dreams at his desk and..." Said Grell before Mercy covered his mouth. 

"The story is more honest and true when I tell it." Said Mercy as she moved her hand away from Grell's mouth. "It all started when Viol eta and Emerald were five...." 

To find out what happened when they were five you'll have to read the sequel which will be coming soon!!! So be patient I won't disappoint I swear!!!  

~~~ Sincerely your Sempai!!!! <3 Kisses! <3 :3 

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