Davie I Can't Breath

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"Gahhhhh!!!!! Why do I have to wear this purple monstrosity?!?!" Complained Grell as he looked at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a purple dress that Mercy had loan him for their plan. 

"The point is to look like a woman isn't it? Why care how you look?" Asked Ceil. 

"Ceil darling you'll never understand women and fashion." Said Mercy in a man's voice as she walked down the stairs.

"Mercy?... I almost didn't recognize you." Said Sebastian as he was blown away by her disguise. "Now I can see why Grell confused you for a man the first time you two met."  

"Anyway's Grell what's wrong with the dress? You asked for something that complements your slender figure and that's what I found." Said Mercy as she tied the back of Grell's dress. 

"I hate the color and it makes me look fat. I don't understand why I can't wear your red dress." Said Grell.

"Because you don't have the shoulders nor the back for it my dear Grell." Said Mercy.

"What! What is that supposed to mean? Are you telling me my shoulders are ugly?" Said Grell in an angry tone.

"I'm just saying that some dresses don't complement everything on everyone." Said Mercy as she adjusted Grell's bust.

"That's easy for you to say... Everything you wear looks fabulous." Said Mercy.

"Thank you Grell... Now are we all ready to go now?" Asked Mercy as everyone around her nodded.  "Alright then Ceil you and I will hitch a ride on the back of Bard's wagon while he goes run errands. Tananka, Grell, and Sebastian you three will will take the stage coach. Well everyone see there." Said Mercy as she took Ceil by the hand. 

The plan was simple, they just had to pretend to pick pocket Grell and Sebastian in the same area as Billie the Kids current hideout. After Sebastian trips after chasing them down the street Ceil and Mercy will sneak onto the abandoned property and "accidentally" uncover the hideout. It would be very simple and it was. Ceil walked in front of the trio of Tanaka and Grell and Sebastian and played the lost little boy card as Mercy pretended to take their wallets. Then Mercy is to signal Ceil that it was time for them to run, When Sebastian and Grell saw Mercy with their things they acted surprised and Sebastian chased them. Then Ceil and Mercy lost them when they crawled under a wooden fence. They ran inside the warehouse that was on the other side of the fence. Mercy was posing as Ceil's older brother Lucas and Ceil was posing as Mercy's little brother Davey. It was a big and dusty building with a big opening in the center and a second floor protected with a weak hand railing. They looked around and sat in the middle of the warehouse and began their dialogue.

"Wow we sure got them good huh?" Said Ceil as Davey.

"We sure did Davey." Said Mercy as Lucas as she tasseled Ceil's hair.

"Hmmm... You sure this place is  abandoned Lucas?" Asked Ceil as they both heard a creaking noise come from the upper level.   

"You think it's a ghost?" Said Mercy. "We should go see what it is... It could be something we can a reward for." Said Mercy as she took Ceil by the hand.

Why is she so nice to me? And why did she want me to pretend my name is Davey? Who is Davey anyway? Hmmm... She's so nice, but why? 

They climbed up a ladder that lead to the second level when they got to the top they heard people talking. It sounded as though they were in a room they couldn't find so they walked around until they heard what sounded like a very large mans footsteps. They turned around and saw very big man. 

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