A Master Marks-Woman

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"Wait so your the U.S. marshal we have to host?" Asked Ceil.

"Yes that is correct, and if you look up you'll see that the sky is blue with a touch of gray due to clouds." Said Jaclyn. Grell giggled at the woman's smart mouth.

"What were you expecting a big scary huntsmen with a mustache?" She said.

"Uhhhh... Well. Yeas actually." Admitted Ceil. He blushed when Jaclyn smiled at him. Sebastian giggled lightly at her wit.

"I love it when people are surprised to know I'm actually a woman... The president certainly was when I met him." She said. "And so was Grell."

Sebastian looked at Grell confused then back at Jaclyn. How could anyone confuse her for a man... Her breasts are far too large and her curves are exactly like the curves of an hour glass. My goodness he must need to get those glasses of his checked. She's far too feminine to be confused for a man. Thought Sebastian.

"Grell do you need to check your glasses?" Asked Ceil.

"She was wearing a disguise, I thought she was a man because that's how she was dressed." Said Grell. "She even lowered her voice to sound like that of a mans voice.... Mmm for a moment I thought she was more attractive than you Bassey. But then she got injured and needed medical attention around her abdomen, When I opened her shirt I was surprised to find breasts." Explained Grell.

"I was actually complemented since that was the first time I had ever needed a disguise." Said Jaclyn.

"Hmmm....perhaps we we should continue this conversation at the manor." Said Sebastian as he re-observed Jaclyn's figure. He guided the 3 to the couch and aided Jaclyn in. Her hands were small and delicate like cat paws. Her hair was raven black and was being accented by red ribbons. She sat down next to Grell across from Ceil. The ride to the manor was rather silent and awkward. They all exchanged glances every now and then. Every time Jaclyn looked at Ceil she would smile but whenever she looked at Sebastian she would look at him with such distaste and maybe even disgust. Sebastian would brush her gazes off by smiling at her. When ever Jaclyn and Grell exchanged glances though they would giggle as though they were sharing some inside joke. When they arrived at the manor Grell aided Jaclyn out and then retrieved the luggage from the roof of the couch. Sebastian helped Grell with the bags.

"So what would like to have for dinner miss Martinez?" Asked Sebastian.

"Hmmm.... Duck sounds nice." She said.

"Very well, I'll be sure to retrieve the finest duck from the butchers." He said.

"That wont be necessary." She said as she extended her arm. "I'll get it." She said as a small pistol slid out from her sleeve. She aimed for the sky and fired.

"What are you doing?!?!" Shouted Ceil." I don't care what the laws in America are but you cant just fire your gun in the air like that!"

"I was just catching dinner" She replied. She put her hands out as if to receive something. Just then a duck landed in her hands, it was shot through the eyes. "See look... Dinner. Here take it." She said handing the duck to Ceil. "Now if its all the same to you I'd like to take a nap before dinner. Would you show me to the guest room please." She said as her and Grell walked inside the manor.

"My my my she certainly has skill I'll give her that. But I wonder how manners will hold up with you master." Said Sebastian taking the duck from Ceil. Just then they heard Jaclyn shriek, they rushed inside only to be surprised again.

"Oh my goodness Bard you bastard it's been way too long!" Shouted Jaclyn.

"Mercy! How have you been! Christ you grew your hair out I almost didn't recognize you! Damn it's been a while... Hey your sister say anything about me?" Bard said.

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