Money has the loudest voice of all

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The day of the dinner party at the Trancy manor had arrived and Mercy wasn't going to take any risks. If she was going to go she was going to prepared, she was going to be a human armory. She had decided on Grell's favorite dress, a red and black lace dress that showed off her bust. While Grell and Mercy made their preperation's the Trancy's also prepared themselves.

"Everything has to be perfect! One speck of dirt is un acceptable! If anything goes wrong I swear I'll have your head's!" Shouted Alois as he watched Thompson, Timber, and Canterbury clean the floor on all fours like dogs. "Hanna! What the hell are you doing! Are you just going to stand there like a usless piece of crap or are you going to set the damn table!" He shouted as he shoved Hanna towards the dining hall.

"Your highness your guest will be arriving shortly." Said Claude as he entered the hall where Alois was. "Shall I wait to greet them your highness?" He asked with a bow.

"Yes, hurry you three I don't want her to see you on all fours like dogs." He said before knocking over a bucket. "Come on Claude, she should be here by now." Said Alois as they walked towards the entry hall of the manor, just then there was knock on the door. "She's here! Answer the door Claude!" Said Alois with excitement, as Claude opened the door.

"Good evening Ms. Martinez, we've been expecting you." He said as he opened the door wide. "Right this way ma'am... Oh I'm afraid servant's must enter through the back." He said as he halted Grell at the door, when Claude said that Mercy stared daggers at him.

"No it's alright my lady, I'll enter through the back entrance properly." Said Grell as he walked to the back entrance.

"Welcome to the Trancy manor!" Shouted Alois with glee as he walked over to Mercy. "You must be Jaclyn Martinez! I read about you in the papers and I just had to meet you!" He said as he shook her hand.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you too Lord Trancy." Said Mercy as she curtsied.

"Please call me Alois." He said.

"Then you will call me Mercy and nothing else." She said as she stood tall and statue like. "My what a lovely home you have Alois. Tell me are all the children in England blessed with so much wealth?" She asked. 

"Only the ones who have the pleasure of not being born in the filthy gutters."  Said Alois as he took Mercy by the hand. "Come on I want to show you my game room!* He said as he took her down a hall.

"Say Alois do you mind me asking why you invited me to your home this evening?" Asked Mercy as Alois stopped in front of a door. 

"That can wait, but for now why don't we play some games!" Said Alois as he opened the door to the game room, when he walked in he walked over to a dart board. "Let's play dart's first!" 

"Alright, do you want play for any stakes? Or do you wanna just play for fun?" Asked Mercy as she handed Alois the darts.  

"Is that how they play darts where your from?" Said Alois as he took the darts. "No matter let's just play for fun, no need to make anything a competition." Said Alois as he aimed and threw the first dart and hit the wall instead of the dart board. 

"Nice miss fire... Here let me show how to do it." Said Mercy as she took a dart and threw it without aiming, it was a bulls eye. "See all you have to do is relax and throw, you don't have to aim." She said.

"Hmmm... You only made the target because your a professional. But don't worry I'll get the hang of it sooner or later." Said Alois as he kept trying and missing, then Claude came in the room.

"Your highness dinner is almost ready." He said as he bowed in front of Alois. "Ms. Martinez would you like..." Said Claude before Mercy slapped him across the face. 

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