Forget Me Not | ✓

By wizardinq

431K 14.2K 1.4K

In a world where vampires sparkle and humans are fatally clumsy, Adele Cullen must overcome her horrific past... More

00 | 'Twas A Midnight Dreary
01 | Her Clockwork Heart
02 | Goodnight & Sweet Dreams
03 | Testing Fate
04 | Checkmate
05 | For the Love of a Brother
06 | Of Fire and Ashes
08 | Abandonment
09 | Madeline
10 | Humanity
11 | Volterra Castle
12 | Voting On Immortality
13 | A Sister's Keeper
14 | The Midnight Chase
15 | Acrimony
16 | To Drown Her Sorrows
17 | Rosalie's Story
18 | The Silver Wolf
19 | Finding Him
20 | The Moment
21 | Throwing Rocks
22 |Temperament
23| Pure Agony [pt. 1]
24 | Pure Agony [Pt. 2]
25 |Letting Him In
26 | Shakespearean Love
27 | The Engagement
28 | Beauty & the Beast
29 | The Orphanage
30 | The Choice
31 | Maxine
32 | Fireflies
33 | The Wedding
34 | A Prideful Ride
35 | Asa
36 | The Hybrid
37 | Betrayal
38| A Mother's Rage
39 | The Ailing Storm
40 | Monstrous Fear
41 | Sweet Raindrops & Salty Tears
42 | The Imprinting
43 | Probation
44 | Maternal Instincts
45 | A Child's Wisdom
46 | A Step Ahead
47 | Farewell Dear Children
48| The Weight of the World
49 | Christmas
50 | A War of Woes
BONUS CHAPTER: The One They Call Mason

07 | These Violent Delights

9.5K 283 37
By wizardinq


New Moon
T h e s e V i o l e n t D e l i g h t s...
(H a v e V i o l e n t E n d s)


ADELE CULLEN WAS returning to Forks after three months away from her family. A week following the junior prom, she left the house with packed bags and told them all that she was going away for some alone time and peace and quiet. Carlisle wasn't suspicious of anything until the others told him what was wrong with her — why couldn't she have some time for herself?

The Autumn air was damp and the many leaves were crisp as Adele drove down the familiar road towards the high school. The sky was a dull gray and looked as thought it was going to open up at any minute — so in other words, it was the perfect day for the Cullen's to go to school. The best part was that they didn't know she was coming. She pulled up into the parking lot, humbled to see her spot empty, and got out of her car wearing a grey fitted trench coat and heeled boots — she never disappoints. The rest of the students were heading into the building for early classes. She leaned against the back of her car and watched from the sidelines as Edward crossed the lot to reach Bella Swan as she talked to her mundane friends. At least two dozen pairs followed him as he went.

Edward took his time crossing the lot so he could hear their conversation. Adele also listened in and her red rouged lips formed a thin line. Mike Newton seemed to be most displeased of the lot as Bella smiled in his direction, "Oh good. Cullen's here." and he didn't bother to hide his distaste.

"Yay." Jessica said dryly. Angela and Eric gave her small shrugs and the uncomfortable group bid her farewell as Edward approached. Eric murdered under his breath, "Check ya later." and followed them away.

Bella frowned at them as they left but hugged Edward as he reached her. Adele made a beeline towards them and Edward, catching her scent, looked in her direction and smiled – he didn't know she was back. Instead of a hug or hello, Adele crossed her arms at Bella, "I know us vampires are cool and all, as you teens would say, but don't pull away from your human friends. They don't deserve it."

"Oh..." she shoved her hands in the pockets of her parka and frowned, "I guess I didn't realize I was."

"Yeah, you are." Edward agreed as he had read their thoughts, "They are pretty upset about it, too."

Adele examined the brunette. She hadn't changed bit. Maybe her wavy hair was longer, but she still stood awkwardly where ever she went as if she felt out of place in the world. Her sense of fashion also didn't improve. "By the way, Happy birthday."

Her face fell. Although she only turned eighteen today, she looked at it like she was one year older than Edward himself was when he was turned into a vampire. "Don't remind me."

"Your birth is definitely a day to celebrate." he argued because he knew what she was thinking – he didn't need to read her mind to know how badly she wanted to be a vampire.

"Not for me."

Adele nodded, "Eighteen is a little early to be worrying about your age."

Bella looked at her boyfriend with a frown, "It's one year older than you."

"Bella, I'm ninety." Edward laughed and Adele chuckled phlegmatically – you can in no way compare your age to mine, Edward. He flashed his eyes at her and smirked.

"True." she chuckled dryly, "Maybe I should be creeped out that I'm dating such an old guy."

They began to walk across the lot and Adele grinned, "Yes, it's the age that is creepy and not the fact that you are dating a bloodsucking vampire." Chuckling along, the couple shared a good passionate kiss and when they pulled away, he draped his arm cooly around Bella. His good mood dissipated as Adele's mouth formed a thin line – she sensed something he didn't. And then seconds later, they smelled the overwhelming scent of a budding shapeshifter – Jacob Black was nearby.

"Someone wants you." he grimaced and turned on his heels. Across the lot, the muscular young man with jet black hair and a bright white smile leaned against his burnished black motorcycle.

"Bella!" he waved. They exchanged smiles as Jacob jogged over to meet them halfway. He hugged her, nodded benevolently at Edward – who did the same – and turned to Adele.  "Hey, I'm Jacob Black."

"Adele. It is a pleasure to meet you." Edward rolled his eyes upon as he noticed Jacob's fondness for her.

He turned to Bella again as she examined him from head to toe with an expression of bewilderment, "God, Jacob, what are they feeding you on that rez – steroids? You're huge."

"Wouldn't seem so drastic if you came around more." he replied sullenly.

Adele murmured, "I told you." and received a silent glare from the girl in return.

Bella turned back to Jacob and nodded, "I will, soon. But isn't your school, like, ten miles that way?" she pointed east.

Jacob held up a car part in his hand, "Just here buying this for the Rabbit. I'm almost done with the rebuild. You gotta come take a ride when it's done." and as if he just remembered, (though Adele knew he was building up to it), "Oh and hey, happy birthday. Your dad told my dad, so..." he reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a small dream catcher with tan feathered, blue beads – the whole package. He gave it to her with a sheepish smile, "I saw it the other day and thought of you. It catches bad dreams."

Edward turned to Adele jokingly, "You could use one of those."

She turned on her heels and glared murderously at him – he had no idea. "Edward Masen, bring that up again and I will castrate you." That shut him right up.

"This, I need." Bella chuckled as she tried to return to the topic at hand. Jacob grinned at Adele – he liked this girl so much more already. "It's great."

Edward glances back at the school, "The bell's about to ring." and he looked very bemused by the honeyed smile and hateful look Jacob sent his way.

"Ooh look at you, all psychic."

"I don't have that particular gift." he retorted sarcastically and Bella elbowed him in the ribs, "But I can read a watch. I'm clever that way."

Adele bit her tongue. Jacob and Edward exchanged more forced smiles before Bella smartly interceded in the silent glaring war. "Bye Jake – and thank you." They embraced once more before parting ways and as Jacob returned to his motorcycle, they made their way into the building.

"How come Jacob Black gets to give you a gift and I don't?" Edward questioned his mundane girlfriend crossly.

"He's just a friend." But I don't think Jacob thinks so...

"Friends don't spend two weeks looking for the perfect dreamcatcher."

Bella scoffed, "Stop reading his mind if he bothers you so much."

"It's a little hard to tune out." he grumbled. Adele rolled her eyes as he looked back through the open doors and saw Jacob staring after them. This time both young men exchanged resentful glares.

Edward waited patiently as both women retrieved a few things from their lockers and as Bella closed the door to her locker Alice and Jasper Cullen approached them. It was with a smile that she presented Bella with a small wrapped gift, "Happy B–"Bella shushed her and Alice rolled her eyes and hugged her instead, whispering,"–Birthday."

Over Alice's shoulder, Jasper gave Bella a pleasant nod – it was his way of asking for forgiveness as he still didn't trust himself around her. She returned the smile and looked back at Alice with a sigh, "Alice, didn't I say no gifts?"

"You did, I didn't. Besides, I've already seen you open it and guess what?" Alice dismissed if airily, "You love it."

"You had a vision about my birthday?"

"And about the green dress you'll be wearing to your party tonight." she winked, "Great color on you."

Bella blanched, "M-My party?"    

"Please? It'll be fun."

Adele chuckled, "There is no point in declining." The men nodded in agreement.

She huffed. Adele was already getting tired of this. "I guess I can deal–"

"Great! See you at seven!" chirped Alice. As she waltzed off with Jasper, Bella noticed the grins on Edward and Adele's faces and realized what just swooned her.

"Wait, Jasper, no fair with the mood control." she complained.

He grinned and nodded his head apologetically, "Happy birthday, Bella." and the couple disappeared around the hallway corner.

Edward laughed and slung his arm around her again, "Vampires – you can't trust them."


Later that day, Alice Cullen was a fucking nightmare as she chased her family around the den to makes sure Bella's birthday bash was absolutely perfect. Adele made sure to move sluggishly as she got ready for the party so she wouldn't get caught up in hurricane Alice. She dressed into a simple pantsuit that sported a dipping neckline and shiny heels. She could just hear Alice's berating voice in her mind why aren't you wearing a dress?

She went downstairs and reached the first-floor landing when she found Bella and Edward examining an oil-painting in a gilded frame. Adele despised the painting and the dark history it held; it depicted the an aged Italian bastion upheld by marble pillars which pierced through a skylight dome. Seated like royalty in each of three golden thrones were pale men who wore long hair and possessed beady red eyes – Aro, Caius and Marcus. Standing behind the thrones was a pale man wearing inky dress-robes and short blond hair – he was Carlisle Cullen, only hundreds of years younger. Another unseated figure was depicted in the painting and she stood behind Aro – this was

"Francesco Solimena painted this; he often depicted the Volturi as Gods." Edward told her.

Bella examined the blond vampires, "Is that Carlisle?" then at the young woman, "And Adele?"

Edward nodded, "Carlisle and Adele were with them for a time. He describes them as very refined for killers." and then, "The Volturi are also what you might call enforcers."

"Of what?" Bella was playing dumb because Adele already talked to her about them – Edward didn't know that.

"The only rule they have: to keep secret the existence of our kind."

"That is a complete and utter lie." Adele's voice held boredom but her eyes held fury, "The Volturi rule according to what benefits them and what does not. Many situations can fall under that category. Keeping the secret of our kind's existence from humans is only one of them." The couple turned and saw her sitting on the stairs. Bella was taken by surprise by her stealth, but before she could utter a word – "I will be with the others." she made her way into the den and passed Rosalie and Emmett as they tried to dodge hurricane Alice.

"There you three are!" she spotted them shortly after, "We're ready!"

Emmett and Rosalie tried to slip away and Alice scurried after them as Adele walked into the den. The glass walls were decorated with green lanterns and below them stood two tables. The first table held a stack of presents and the second held a large cake – did Alice really expect Bella and her father to eat all of that by themselves? Esme looked at Adele as she sat on the railing of the stairs, "Did you get her a gift, Adele?" She nodded. Before Esme opened her mouth to ask what she'd gotten her, Edward led Bella into the room and she flushed red. She timidly eyed the extravagant decorations, the presents, and the cake.

Adele smirked as her short sister slipped in, "You've outdone yourself, Alice."

"Sorry about all this." Carlisle smiled sympathetically as even he knew Bella didn't like extravagance, "We tried to rein Alice in."

"Like that's even possible." Esme quipped and turned to Bella with her signature smile, pulling her in for a hug, "Happy Birthday, Bella." a blinding flash pulled them away from each other and they looked to see Alice holding a camera, "Found it in your bag. Mind?" Bella shook her head.

Emmett nudged Edward and jokingly to the side of the room. He thought it was hilarious that Bella was technically a year older than him. "Dating an older" Adele suppressed a grin upon seeing the expression on Bella's face – she wasn't thrilled about growing older than the age Edward was turned.

Rosalie and Emmett appeared in the doorway and she edged towards Bella with somewhat of a honeyed smile as she presented her with a small silver box. "It's a necklace." she said blankly, "Alice picked it out." Edward rolled his eyes at her poor effort but Adele only licked her lips. It's an effort and that was all they could ask of her. Bella gave her an awkward smile and Rose returned to her spot beside Emmett again.

As Edward walked back over to Bella, Alice held up the camera, "Show me the love!" Alice squeaked and held up the camera. Edward pulled Bella into an embrace and they lovingly gazed into each other's eyes. She snapped the photo, "For your scrapbook." and after setting it down, "Now open your presents!" She practically dragged Bella over to the table piled with the wrapped gifts.

"I may be incorrect," Adele cut in bemusedly, "but aren't you supposed to eat the cake before opening the presents?"

Bella's gaze flickered to the towering layered cake, "Alice, I'm the only one who even eats cake, and this," she chuckled and gestured to it, "could feed fifty people at least."

"Well then, I hope you're hungry." she winked and handed Bella her first present, "Here, this one's from Emmett."

Bella shook the large box only to find it empty, "Um...thanks?"

Chuckles filled the room as Emmett grinned sheepishly, "Already installed it in your truck."

"Yes." Adele cut in with a smirk, "Finally, a decent sound system in that piece of sh–"

"No hating on the truck." Bella narrowed her eyes at her (she adored her old red truck) and turned back to Emmett, "Thank you, Emmett."

"Open mine." Alice squealed impatiently and handed her the gift – a bulky envelope. She opened it hastily and Adele could hear the paper slice her skin, "Ouch – paper cut." She muttered and sucked on her finger.

"Oh shit," Adele leapt up just as realization dawned on Bella. She turned to Jasper as a throaty growled erupted from his lips and the rest of the Cullen's tensed. He lunged for Bella with his teeth bared and his as black as coal. In the blink of an eye, Adele cut into his path and grabbed him as Edward flung his girlfriend back behind them. He underestimated his brute strength in the heat of the moment and sent her flying back into a glass showcase table. Carlisle and Emmett leapt into action, relieving Adele and Rosalie as they grabbed Jasper and Alice tried to calm him down.

"Jas, Jas please...–" Alice began but then even she turned towards Bella. Everyone caught the overwhelming scent of Bella's blood. As it oozed down her arm from laceration made by broken glass. In her daze, she eyed the cut on her arm faintly – she hated the sight of blood. Everyone succumbed to her intoxicating scent except for Carlisle and Adele. She was first to race over to Bella and hold her wound between her hands, examining it. There were glass shards were embedded in her arm and blood continue to ooze out. Carlisle joined her and Edward out of his trance though he looked paler than usual.

"Emmett, get Jasper out of here." Carlisle ordered, but Emmett didn't reply because he was too fixated on the blood. "Emmett." With an effort, he snapped himself out of his trance and did the same for Rose by elbowing her. They dragged a snarling Jasper outside and Esme held her nose and politely exited, shooting Bella an apologetic look.

Alice gave Bella the same apologetic look, "I'm sorry, I...can't..." She followed the others and Edward remained guard by the door. Too much blood – strong scent – cancel it out – stay where you are – Edward thoughts were a tangled mess, which is what usually happened when vampires succumb to their bloodlust.

Carlisle frowned at her wound, "I'll have to stitch this up."

"I'll carry her to the kitchen." Edward cut in but when he moved to pick her up, his eyes darted to the blood.

Carlisle stood and shook his head, "We've got her, Edward." when he didn't waver, "Check on Jasper. Go." Edward looked from them to Bella but didn't meet his girlfriend's eyes. He nodded and exited the house through the back door. Bella saw his agonized face and he never met her eyes, ashamed. Carlisle carried Bella into the kitchen and she sat on top of the counter and he fetched his supplies.

"Of all people," Adele laughed humorlessly, "Why is the scent of your blood so intoxicating?"

The others hung out outside as Carlisle treated Bella arm by first plucking the glass out with tweezers, then plopping them into a bowl of water to mask the scent of blood. Bella turned her head away in a feeble attempt to not look at the blood and the small glass bowl of water was already turning pink. Adele just finished mopping up the blood and bleached the wooden floor to eliminate the faint scent of it. While it wouldn't set Jasper off, it'd taint him and they didn't want that.

Adele never really felt such an irresistible pull to human blood as the rest of her kind did, even when she didn't feed for a long period of time. It took two-and-a-half centuries for the vampire venom to reach her beating heart, so she eased into being a vampire.

Bella sighed, "I sure can kill a party."

"It's not your fault." Carlisle shook his head. He had centuries to practice resisting blood so now her felt only the slightest yearning for it. "Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us."

"It seems like you and Adele are the only ones it doesn't effect."

"It took centuries of practice." he began suturing her wound as Adele opened the window over the sink to let a cool draft reach Bella. She breathed out and allowed the fresh air to soothe her. Thanks, she thought. "As for Adele, she was never truly affected by human blood as a normal vampire should be." he spared his daughter a glance, "She learned to adapt much more by my side as a doctor."

Bella turned to her in surprise, "You're a doctor?"

"I'm a great many things, Isabella." she chuckled and Bella cringed at the use of her full name – she hated it. That's why Adele loved using it. "Yes. I've earned a few doctorates over the years, but they're all invalid after we move and create new lives for ourselves."

"Have you ever thought of living differently?" she returned her gaze to Carlisle but caught sight of the blood and turned away again.

He shook his head and smiled wryly, "I enjoy my work too much – helping people, saving lives. I'm hoping there's a point to my existence, even if I am damned."

"Damned? You're not damned."

"Then you and I agree." he sighed and his smile melted off of his face as he finished off the sutures and discarded his gloves.. "But Edward doesn't believe there's an afterlife for our kind. He thinks we've lost our souls."                  

Adele leaned against the marble counter-top as Bella sputtered, "That's why he won't..." she let out a heavy breath, "He thinks he'd be damning me.          

"If you believed as he did, would you risk it?" Her face fell – definitely not. Never.

He dropped the bloodied gauze, tools, and bandages into another glass bowl and pulled a lighter from his pocket. As Bella examined her arm, the father and daughter exchanged furtive glances — this wouldn't end well between Bella and Edward, not after today. He ignited the lighter and watched as the contents of the bowl caught fire. Blood and fire mixed together in a haze of smoke that wafted out through the open window and into the orange-hued sky.


THE CULLEN FAMILY was arguing and everyone but Rosalie was trying to dissuade Edward from the catastrophic mistake he was thinking of making. He barely closed the front door after returning from dropping Bella off at her house when they all bombarded him – thanks to Adele's insightful ability. He glared immensely at her as he tossed his keys into the basket and stalked into the living room, "She isn't safe around us anymore."

"We just have to learn, Edward." said Alice.

"So in the meantime we'll just risk it?!" He snapped.

Carlisle sighed and crossed his arms. They'd been in Forks for six years already and soon people were going to wonder why they all weren't aging. "We will have to move soon either way. The staff at the hospital is starting to notice that I am not aging."

Fine then, we'll move sooner then planned and I'll leave Bella behind to start a life free of vampires, of me, and it'll be better that wa— "–Are you that fucking delusional?" Adele sneered at him. "You were the one who couldn't stay away from her, Edward, not the other way around. You made the choice to befriend her and introduce her to our world. Now she's attached to it." she balled her fists, "She's woven herself into this tangle of preternatural shit that we spun up over decades and you can't rip her away from it, not now, not anymore."

"It's for her own safety."

"It's not, not really. It's too late, she's in too deep and you can't abandon her now." Because she is your mate and you can't severe that connection voluntarily. You can stretch it through distance and scar it with vulgar words but you cannot break it – not without breaking her first. "If you leave her, especially in the way I see you already planning it, you'll kill her. You're not some high school dilemma to her. It's too late."  They stared at each other for a moment and Edward absorbed her words, but his decision was absolute.

Emmett frowned and bowed his head, breaking the silence, " much longer do you think we can stay?"

"A few months at most." Carlisle spoke softly, so as not to disturb the monster in her heart, "We'll stay near our relatives, the Denali's–"

Adele grabbed her coat from the rack and knocked shoulders with Edward as she made her way for the door, "I'll be back within an hour."

Edward narrowed his eyes, "Where are you going?"

"Out." Adele spat and turned to glare at him. You're going to see Bella. "Yes, Edward, in going to see your human girlfriend because when you shatter her to pieces like the selfish and clueless piece of shit you are, she'll need to know she has some one there for her." She slammed the door on her way out so that she barely missed shattering the glass.

She climbed into her car and pulled out onto the road, driving at a furious speed as her thoughts swirled around in her complicated mind. I refuse to be apart of breaking Isabella Swan's heart. How could Edward, the lovesick hapless man who strived to know Bella Swan, walk knowingly into this and hurt her? She didn't realize she was in front of Bella's house until she nearly passed it and parked at the last minute.  After exiting her car, she sped onto the front lawn and climbed up the large oak as if it was second nature to her, then knocked on her bedroom window. Bella was sitting on her bed browsing through her laptop with an earbud in when she saw the blonde and  scrambled up to open the window. Adele entered swiftly and brushed herself off.

"Don't you dare go on and listen to a selection of sad love songs." she joked. Bella chuckled and reassured her that she was not. Adele reached into the pocket of her coat and pulled out a gift wrapped in brown paper, "I did not get the chance to give you your gift, so..." Bella took it and tore the wrappings to reveal a framed photo of Adele and herself at the junior prom. Taped to the top of the frame was a dainty chain holding a small crest – the Cullen crest.

"But....isn't the crest for members or your coven?"

"I'm co-leader of my coven so I have the power to recruit and as far as I'm concerned, you're already a part of it." She needed Bella to know that she meant something to her family.

Bella beamed at her. Maybe she knows how much this means but... "I love it. Thank you." With an awry smile, Adele settled against the window sill and Bella frowned, folding her legs. "You didn't come to just give me my gift, did you?"

Adele shook her head and crossed her arms. Bella already knew more of the story than anyone else and since her mind was locked to Edward, she didn't see any reason in keeping her plans from her. "I am leaving for a few weeks."


"My nightmares are worsening and it is getting harder to conceal them from my father. I–I need to get away and get a handle over them before they become too much."

"Does Edward know, at least?" she asked, "What about everyone else?"

"No...they know nothing of it." Adele nodded, "I came to say goodbye."

It meant a lot when Bella – a girl who was known to hate most acts of affection – got up to hug her. Adele Cullen was the sweetest, most protective person she'd ever met – she didn't deserve any of the horrors happening to her. She pulled away. "You don't have to do this alone, you know."

"On this journey, I must." She turned and climbed back out of the window, lingering for a moment as she felt Bella's sad eyes resting upon her. She turned back and smiled, "Thank you for listening to me when I had no one else, Isabella Swan." And when Bella blinked, the young woman was gone, leaving only the imprint of her troubled face etched in her mind like a beautiful tragic oil painting.


The next morning, Adele awoke from a dreamless slumber and it frightened her more than the dreams themselves. She became distracted from her confusion when she heard her family members quipping back and forth at each other in the living room downstairs. She changed quickly and sped down the flights of stairs to find unfolded stacks of cardboard boxes leaning against the far wall and Edward grabbing his valuables.

Adele didn't need to read his mind, "You cannot leave her behind!"

"I HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE!" Edward growled.

"SO YOU'LL RISK HER SAFETY, HER LIFE?" she smacked the box easily out of his hands, "You may not be able to read her mind, Edward, but I can! I do! Her thoughts always revolve around you! If you leave her, it will not end well for either of you!"

He set his jaw and the two shared hardened stares as everyone watched with bated breaths, "I know what's best for her." he gritted his teeth.

"Really? Then tell me this," she seethed, "Have you thought of what could happen once she is no longer under our protection? Victoria and Laurent are still on the loose, Edward! And she will come for her revenge!"

"If we stay away, Victoria will think she means nothing to me."

Adele threw her hands up and gave him a sociopathic smile, "Less fun to kill her, then!"

Alice stepped up, looking cautiously at Edward, "She's right."

"We'll have to leave anyway, Adele. Whether it's tomorrow or in two months from now as planned." said Carlisle as he tried to be mediator. Adele looked furiously from Carlisle's solemn expression to Edward's smug one and she turned her back to them, her thoughts swirling. We can't leave yet – Isabella will rot away – Edward's an ass – Victoria will come and we have to be ready – no one in Forks is safe – Bella is a part of our coven now – I can't let this happen – the room is spinning....? When another moment passed and Adele was silent, they were relieved that the argument was over. Edward turned back to the bookshelf with a box and the others awkwardly dispersed around the room.

If these were my circumstances, I would never abandon Jace. Adele placed one hand on the cool black leather of the sofa and listened to the sound of Edward dropping his books into the box. If Jace was in potential mortal danger, I'd be rushing to protect him, not leave. She closed her eyes and drew in an unneeded breath with her frozen lungs. But Jace is dead and he is not Bella. He's dead and I cannot do anything about it, but Edward still can. She was deteriorating because Edward and Bella's star-crossed love reminded her of her own, but he didn't care to salvage his anymore. What is that strange feeling, like feathers in my head and weights in my chest? Her words slipped softly off of her lips, "After everything, you've gone off and broken me."

And Edward froze. His porcelain bodice went rigid as he remembered the countless times years ago when Adele was his only friend and confidant. He remembered when she would fish him out of the dark holes he'd dig for himself, when she'd help him get back onto the wagon after feeding in humans, when she helped him overcome years of heartbreak. He froze and set the box down carefully because he knew – her mind was unguarded and a rush of her tangled web of thoughts crashed into him like a tidal wave, and she swayed on her feet. It was an ungraceful sway that caught them all by surprise because there was always grace in her every step.

I should've left when I had the chance, now all will be revealed. She was falling towards the hard floor when Carlisle caught her in his arms. Her figure was limp and her chaos of thoughts brought Edward to his knees as he tried to make sense of it, as he tried to put together the puzzle Adele scrambled on herself. But there was no soul more frightened as Adele because even as she was safe in her father's arms, she was still falling, falling, falling....

Many months passed since Adele and Jace had their heart to heart and the pair had fallen maddeningly, deeply in love with each other. By this time, even Carlisle heard whispers of conspiracy against Jace Rosewood and Adele – her happiness was hindering her concealment of her true feelings towards the Volturi and Aro was beginning to notice. Aro saw it in the way her eyes flickered remorsefully to Jace as she carried out some horrible deed he commanded. He saw it in the way she and Jane fought – although the girls never liked each other – something was off.

A fortnight ago, Carlisle plotted with Jace to get Adele out of Volterra castle safely in the darkness of the night. It was after Jace stormed into Carlisle's chambers and demanded that he open his eyes to the horrors of the Volturi when Carlisle finally began to see thing in Adele's eyes. It was very dangerous to be her.

And so, tonight the trio planned to leave in the dead of the night without baggage – they needed to pack lightly. It was at an unusual time (deliberately planned by Carlisle) that he knocked on her chamber door and slipped inside. Jace and Adele stood to the far end of the room, by the window, where Adele secretly contemplated whether jumping from there would be a better option. She wore a sleeveless gown that would've been considered scandalous in those times.

"Are you ready?" he spoke lowly, very aware that anyone in the castle could overhear if close enough, "We must leave now."

Adele nodded, "We are ready." She never liked this place anyway.

They slipped into the dimly lit corridor and shut the door behind them when Carlisle tended, as if remembering something, "I forgot Rosaline's pendant." He looked torn.

Adele knew he couldn't bear to part with her mother's necklace and she sighed. Her father loved it in Volterra and once again, he was sacrificing everything for her. She owed him this much. "We will meet at the front gate. Please hurry, father."

Carlisle sped off, leaving Jace and Adele to their lonesome in the desolate corridor. He placed a delicate kiss on her forehead and she shut her eyes, "Your heart is racing. You're frightened. Don't be – I will always protect you, Adela."

She took fistfuls of his cotton shirt into her hand and a frown played upon her bare lips, "If something happens, if something goes wrong–"

"–It won't." He shook his head and held her face in his hands. His touch was like ice against her semi-warm flesh and she relished in it. "We will leave here, Adela, whether it be today or not." he whispers softly, "I choose today."

Her voice trembled, "Will you stay with to me?"

"Until the end of time." He took her hand within his own and they set off through the many corridors, descending winding staircases and slipping through narrow passageways as stealthily as they could in their desperation. Adele froze in her tracks, stopping Jace as well, when the vulgar thought of trackers Felix and Demetri flooded her mind. The men were on a hunt and they were the prey.

"He knows, Jace. Aro knows." But they were almost there. They just had to cross the throne room and make it to the end of the entrance hall and they'd be gone. He had to try, he had to save her from their tyranny. He opened one of the doors and entered with him on her heels but just as they made it past the dome, the doors crashed shut all around them and they were trapped. Demetri and Felix stood between them and the entrance hall, the twins Jane and Alec stood on either side of them and behind them with smirks on their faces were the Volturi kings.

Caius sneered, "Stupid girl, we've known about your plans since the moment you uttered them. You cannot trick the Volturi."

Aro clasped his hands in front of him, "You are our most prized member, Adelina."

"You cannot keep us here." Jace snarled and pushed Adelina behind him.

"IS THAT A CHALLENGE, FLEDGLING?" Caius roared temperamentally. Jace stood defensively in front of his mate and hissed.

"No one threatens the ways of this coven, Adelina." said Aro simply with a mad glint in his crimson eyes, "And no one takes our most valuable possessions away from us – not even you yourself."

The four members of the Guard began to close in on them and Adele, in her frustration, let her candor outshine her wit. "YOU ARE ALL TYRANTS!"

Caius cackled manically and stepped up, "TYRANTS? YOU DEEM US TYRANTS?"

Aro grinned sickeningly sweet and it sent a shiver down her spine. He looked at his Guard, "Let us show her what tyranny really looks like, shall we?" And then her world was crumbling before her very eyes because that was when they grabbed Jace.

Adele sat up abruptly and it made her head spin. Tears stained her porcelain cheeks and it was only as she saw the familiar white walls and wooden furnishings of the living room did she remember what happened. The family was scattered around the room, waiting for her to awaken, and Carlisle was frantic as he rushed to her side. "Adele!"

Someone put her on one of the sofas after she blacked out. Adele had been set down on the sofa after she had blacked out and by the look on her father's face, they told him everything they knew in the meantime.

"Are you alright?" queried Esme with a look of concern.

Carlisle sat at the end of the sofa, "The others told me what's been going on with you, why you went away for so long." he sighed and a deep frown played upon his young face, "I thought the nightmares stopped years ago..." he looked questioningly at her.

"No, Dad," she met his eyes solemnly and took his hand, "I just got better at hiding them." she laughed bitterly, "Up until now, that is."

Her nightmares always invaded her sleep but they never made her black out. She was running away from them and that only made their power over her stronger.

"You could have told me, Ade–"

"–What would that do?! You wouldn't have been able to help!"

"Why...why didn't you tell me? You didn't have to face this alone." he held his head in his hands.

Because, Dad, I love you too much to drag you back into that dark pit you escaped so long ago. You're happy now. "I didn't want to make you relive mother's death." she said in barely a whisper and a silence fell among them. Jasper knew better than to try to aid the wretched emotions in the room – this stuff had to be said.

"And what about the blackout?" questioned Esme, "Why did that happen?"

Adele met her eyes and shrugged, "It has never happened before."

"Then why now?" inquired Rosalie. I should have told Carlisle about her. She was reaching out for help and we just let her go on alone...

"I know it's ridiculous, trust me, but the recent events between Bella and Edward have triggered my memories of when...when I had my mate." she stared at her pale hands. "A human woman and a vampire man, deep in a star-crossed love despite all of the odds against them." she smiled sadly, "That was my story once."

"You never told any of us about what happened." Edward sat down on the glass coffee table and clasped his hands together. It's time for me to be there for Adele.

She pursed her lips. It was doing no one any good by keeping it all a secret and now that Carlisle knew, what was there left to hide? "It all starts with the night of my mother's death to–...."

A wave of calmness washed over her as Jasper stepped up, speaking softly, "To what?"

"I..." Adele choked, "Just now, I awoke right before they..." But they understood. When she awoke moments ago, she was just about to rewatch the death of her mate but was cut off.

Carlisle walked over to the bookshelf and pulled out a leather bound journal. When he sat down again, he opened it to a page where a sapphire necklace was folded into it – he mother's pendant. "I remember going back to get this. You and Jace ran off. What happened, Adele?" he pressed, "What really happened that night?"

"You had just left to retrieve mother's pendant and we started running through the castle, but Aro caught word of our plans..."

"Yes, you told me this."

"They...they slaughtered him like an animal and –" her throat constricted, "...I can't..."

Carlisle knelt in front of her and wiped away the silent tears cascading down her cold cheeks. Then, softly, "Show us."

She dreaded those words. The walls and room around them melted away and a new scenery faded in. They stood under the glass down of the throne room in the Volterra castle, three centuries ago. They were all witnessing a continuation of Adele's memory as if it was actually happening around them. Although they could not interfere, or be seen or heard, their minds willed themselves to stand to the side although they still physically stood in the Cullen house.

"No one threatens the ways of this coven, Adelina." said Aro simply with a mad glint in his crimson eyes, "And no one takes our most valuable possessions away from us – not even you yourself."

The four members of the Guard began to close in on them and Adele, in her frustration, let her candor outshine her wit. "YOU ARE ALL TYRANTS!"

Caius cackled manically and stepped up, "TYRANTS? YOU DEEM US TYRANTS?"

Aro grinned sickeningly sweet and it sent a shiver down her spine. He looked at his Guard, "Let us show her what tyranny really looks like, shall we?"

And then her world was crumbling before her very eyes because that was when they grabbed Jace.

Caius snatched Jace with incredible speed and pinned both of his arms behind his back so that he could not escape his iron grasp even if her tried. As Jace growled and thrashed, Caius hauled him effortlessly over to Aro. A strangled cry escaped Adelina's lips and she made to move forward but stopped Jace shouted desperately, "No, Adela! You are not strong enough yet!" He warned with his golden eyes filled with fear, "Stay back!"

Caius bent down to Jace's ear, "Wise words from a soon to be dead man."

He grabbed him by the nape of his neck and tears flooded down Adele's cheeks as she cupped her hands to her mouth to muffle her cries.

"Why are you doing this?!"

"No one cheats us." Aro said simply, circling Caius and Jace, "And not a single soul will take our prized possession away from us."


"Years ago, you and Carlisle made an oath to stay by our side, to pledge your allegiance to us." he continued, "Violations of that oath result in punishment."

Adele laughed humorlessly, "YOU JUST WANT MY ABILTY ON YOUR SIDE! YOU FEAR ME!" Jace bowed his head. Those were dangerous words to say.

"Careful what you say, fledgling." Caius taunted, tightening his grip on Jace's throat.

Adele knew that if they wanted to kill both of them, she nor Jace would be able to stop them. She used her budding ability to freeze the moment for the other in the room, but as she did this, her strength was waning. She hadn't mastered her ability yet. She looked at Jace and cried, "I cannot let you do this–"

"–You are not strong enough yet, Adela. One day, you will be. For now, I will be fine." But they both knew this was a lie.

"They will kill you!"

"Death is worth it if it means I save my one true love." he said wretchedly. Adele's ability strained her and their connection snapped, leaving everything as it was. The others didn't notice a thing. Aro moved toward Caius.


Aro whispered something inaudible in Jace's ear and fear crept upon his sharply featured face and his gaze flickered to her. Jane and Alec grabbed Adele from behind and brought her to her knees, restraining her with brute force. But she, a semi-vampire, was no match for their many years even in her desperation to save Jace. She struggled and thrashed against them, screaming bloody murder as Caius and Aro grabbed Jace's arms. Have knew what was about to happened and he met her frightened eyes, "I love you." he whispered, "Now look away, my love." He didn't want to taint the goodness within her.

A horrific screamed escaped her lips as they ripped his arms from his body. An agonizing scream erupted from his lips and he forced himself to look away from her teary blue eyes – he didn't want her to see his cowardly fear in his final moments. The two Volturi leaders grinned sadistically as they held the writhing man.

Adele desperately looked to Marcus, who stood apart from the chaos. He never partook in these matters which Aro and Caius enjoyed carrying out. He was catatonic in every sense of the word – many years ago, he had found a mate in Aro's sister  and they wished to leave the Volturi just as Jace and Adele did. And so, not wanting to lose Marcus, Aro killed his own sister. Adele knew this and hoped to appeal to him, "YOU CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN! PLEASE!"

He only frowned and looked away from her.

When Adele looked back, Caius was laughing. Jace exchanged one last loving glance with Adele before Caius grabbed him by his front teeth and ripped the rest of his skull from his jaw, cutting of his excruciating caterwauls. Time slowed down to nothing, the seconds wasted away and her own screamed defeated her. She let a loose a miserable scream that told the world of her pain, or her lost love. Jace was gone. Her one true love, her everything, was gone.

Jace was dead.

He would never come back. He would never come in the night to comfort her when she woke up crying from her nightmares and he would never again take a walk in the twilight with her through the enchanting garden. He would never press his lips upon hers again.

She dropped to her knees, unaware that Jane and Alec had released her. Every resident within the castle could hear her heart-wrenching lamentations and Carlisle, from the far side of the castle, ran. As she sobbed and screamed, kneeling next to his mutilated body, Aro bent down to whisper in her ear. "We would not have had to do this if you would have remained loyal to us. The Volturi always get their way."

She couldn't speak. She couldn't find the willpower claw at him or attack him. She was too mortified and broken and no one cared. The members of the Guard and the kings left her with the broken corpse of her mate, alone in that dark room of terror.

"I am so sorry. This is all my fault." she sobbed, rocking herself as she forced herself to stare at his mutilated body, "I am so sorry."

What did she do to deserve losing him, to wallow in this unbearable pain, this pain that would never go away? Carlisle ran into Aro but the latter only smiled and walked on. Adele was kneeling over his body in the terrible darkness when Carlisle opened the grand doors. He took only a few steps into the room when she saw an arm a few feet away from her.

His voice trembled as he imagined what took place. That had to be Jace. "Adelina–"

"Leave." she said firmly.


"LEAVE!" she screamed. He bowed his head and obeyed so as not to disturb the monster in her boiling blood.

From that day on, Adelina Cullen would become Adele Cullen – fearless, tough, and she'd walk around with a thirst for revenge against the Volturi. Her Jace was dead and they murdered him like a pig for slaughter. On the day she would get her revenge, she would be strong just like Jace told her she would be – she'd be strong enough to drown oceans.

The memory didn't immediately melt away and snap them back into reality as it usually did. Instead, it faded away sluggishly as Adele wallowed in it and grasped onto the last memory she ever had of Jace. When the memory completely faded and her influence over them ceased, the room was tensely silent. Adele could only stare at the floor. There weren't words to describe what they just saw. They all clung to their mates, selfishly thankful that they still had each other. They now knew why Adele always acted so strong, and why she felt everything when she was alone. They now really know why she helped to protect Bella, why she didn't want to share her past with them. But most of all, they discovered how strong she truly was: she lived through all of that and still managed to put up a smiling act every day. She was the strongest person they would ever know; she was a warrior.

"I need to go away again. I need to get over this once and for all." she spoke softly.

Carlisle frowned, "Adele, I understand–"

"–No, you don't. You lost mother but she was not your mate. Centuries have passed – you mourned her, you moved on and you found your mate. You do not know what it is like to lose your mate." she stood up and pressed her hands to her chest, "That was as if my heart shattered, as if all the air had left my lungs and I have tried for years to catch my breath. And to think it was all my fault–"

"–It was not your fault." Edward argued.

"It was." Adele disagreed, "I planned to flee Volterra for months. I knew of the consequences."

"You don't need to leave us, Adele." Esme reasoned, placing a hand on her shoulder, "We can help you through this."

"No. I need to do this alone. I want to do this alone."

"How could being alone be any better than with those who love you and care about you?" questioned Carlisle, slightly wounded.

"Because you stopped mourning a long time ago, Dad. I still mourn every day of my long life." her golden eyes pooled with tears, "I mourn Mother. I mourn Madeline. I mourn Jace." Their hearts broke for Adele. Her life revolved around the horrors of death and the overwhelming sorrows it left in its wake. They would do anything to make her feel happy for once. She was always making sure everyone else was happy, but never herself. "But most of all, I mourn myself, because a piece of me died with all of them. And I will never get them back."


Hours later, Adele was loading her suitcases in the back of her car and kept her back turned to her family watching from the porch. Their solemn expressions annoyed her now more than anything. When she finished packing and had to return to bid them farewell, Rosalie frowned, "Are you sure about this, Adele?"

She nodded, "I just need some time."

Emmett frowned. She never really saw the burly young man show anything along the lines of sadness. "How long will you be away?"

"Maybe a few weeks." she shrugged. She knew they would've all moved out of Fork by then to live near their cousins, the Denalis. So to lighten up the mood, she winked at Jasper and Emmett, "Besides, I'd miss our arm wrestling matches too much." They chuckled.

Esme engulfed her adoptive daughter in a hug, "Keep in touch."

"I will."

Carlisle was the most heartbroken. "Where do you think you'll be going?" She can't leave – my little girl – she's hurting – I want to help – how can I help? – I should've known – this is all my fault –

"If I told you Las Vegas, would it ease your worries?" she quipped sarcastically.

"Oh, no fair!" Emmett whined like a big bear-sized baby, "You said we'd go to Las Vegas on our next trip to kick some snooty human ass!"

Carlisle ignored his feeble attempt to lighten the mood and shook his head, "No."

She looked at her father and smiled wryly, speaking to him in his mind: I love you Dad, but we've been together for four centuries and nothing has changed. Something needs to change. I need to get to the bottom of this. He nodded silently and wrapped his arms around her. When he pulled away, "I suppose this is where I leave you."

She bid each of the goodbye and as Edward pulled away from hugging her, he licked his lips, "Did you say goodbye to Bella?"

"Yes." she said and walked to her car. She opened the car door and looked back at him, "The real question is: are you?" His expression darkened but she didn't stick around long enough to hear his counter argument. She revved the engine and backed out of the driveway, pulling onto the main road. She sped off until, even to them, she was just a dot in the far distance. No one knew when she would be seen again. She liked it that way.

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