Gideon's Chair

By Kittkitt

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An Explosive Tangle of Love, Power, Betrayal and Destruction Now Available On Amazon Kindle http://www.amaz... More

Gideons Chair
The Prologue
Prologue Pt 2
Chapter 1 Near Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 2 Near Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 3 Five Acres Nottinghamshire 1820
Chapter 4 Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 5 The Great Tutbury Mill Nottingham 1820
Chapter 6 Five Acres Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 7 Gideon Tutbury 1820
Chapter 8 The Peoples Facility Salford Present Day
Chapter 9 Gideon Tutbury 1832
Chapter 10 Giscard Roulle De Gisors Paris 1863
Chapter 11 Gideon Tutbury 1863
Chapter 12 Peoples Facility Salford Present Day
Chapter 13 The Paris Exhibition July 1863
Gideon Tutbury - Giscard Roulle de Gisors The Meeting Paris 1863
Gideon Tutbury The Bloodline Paris 1863
Gideons Return
Gideons Death Christmas Day 1864
Part 2 The Peoples Facility Present Day
title of your story
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
The Phelps Society Headquarters New York Present Day
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Phelps Society New York
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
The American Embassy London
Chapter 39
The Gideon Society
Mancini's Office New York
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 36

202 21 36
By Kittkitt

" Have you thought how I might get that stone lifted , or for that matter actually get into the library "

Suzannah walked across the kitchen , tightening the beach towel around her waist .

" These might help " she reached into her Gucci bag and with a flurry as if she was ringing a bell she held up a set of keys on a red keyring . " I'm not officially gone yet , so they haven't taken my keys off me "

" Brilliant " I said

She held the ring of keys in front of me " This one " spinning the gold one round, " Is for the rear door, that would be easier as it's not in public view "

" And alarms " ? I asked

" Yes " she replied " But I can write down the code for you "

" Are there any cameras "

Suzannah shook her head " No , but there is one facing up the road , a traffic control one , but if you go in the back way you can avoid that . There is a butchers next to the library and next to that is an alleyway . If you go down the alleyway you wont get seen "

" Then where "

" You have to turn right at the end and you will see the rear Library door , I have used it many times when they were doing something outside with the road or the carnival was on"

" Ok" I replied " I will have to go through all this again , what time do they close "?

" About five ish " Suzannah glanced up at the clock " Usually gone by six , but the cleaners come in after that . They have a key as well and they turn the alarms on after they leave "

" I am going to need a chisel and a hammer , I probably have one somewhere , I have got a wooden mallet type hammer that might be better , I will take that as well, will make less noise "

"When shall we do this " Suzannah asked

" Has to be tonight " I quickly answered " I think we are running out of time , there should be no one around and we can then get the star to Salford somehow "

" Ok " she replied

" I think we will be watched , In fact I know we will " It was more of a statement of fact than a question

" I agree " Suzannah said " But right now they don't know that we think we know where it is , did anyone ring that Krey person on that mobile before they got him "

" I don't know " I replied getting up and walking to my coat to check

I rummaged in the pockets but the phone wasn't there

" I'm sure I left it in one of these , have you seen it anywhere Suzannah"

" Ring it , that's what I generally do if I can't find mine "

I picked up the land line phone and punched in the number I had written on the phone jotter

it rang out twice and a woman's voice answered quietly " Yes"

I hurriedly clicked the phone off

" Someone has got it , how the bloody hell........that cleaner , she is the only person who has been in here . The bloody cleaner has pinched the phone . You said she was only here an hour and did fuck all . "

I held the phone back to my ear to press redial when the familiar uneven pattern of the beeps indicated a message

'Good morning Mr Tutbury, would we be able to re schedule our cleaner for you . This is Nottingham Housemaids . Unfortunately the one scheduled had a last minute accident and couldn't make it . Please let us know '

I looked across at Suzannah " That bloody cleaner she was one of them , she wasn't a cleaner , she listen to the message " I pressed 1571 and passed the phone to Suzannah

" God , you are right , they must be bugging your calls as well, so who was she "

I gesticulated in frustration " American , Gideon fucking cat woman , I don't know , all the same .......It's like we are involved in some transatlantic piggy in the middle "

" I know John it's crazy , but chin up we can do it "

" We will have to get away quickly Suzannah , so maybe if we pack a few things that would be best , then we can get off to Salford "

" Ok Suzannah " replied I have my holdall I came with we can use that , its up in my room " She paused at the door " And on top of it all I am running away with a strange man "

I laughed " Yeah well not quite Marbella , Salford isn't quite that "

She laughed back " Its a start , Salford on Sea"

" You go and get that , I need to think and I do my best thinking in the shower "

I followed her upstairs

Stepping in the shower the hot jets were soothing as I put my head against the shower wall with my eyes closed the water running down my back . A million thoughts ran through my head . What was happening , was I going to wake up . Would I be running away with Suzannah . Suzannah was somehow exciting and not the person I first met .

I tried to slowly wash the fear and doubt out of me , amazing what a hot shower can do . The feel of the water running down my back was good. I missed Carol stepping in the shower with me and washing my body followed by kisses down my back to my legs and ankles  , her body pressed against mine . I would kiss her neck and slowly down her body . We would have slow sex against the shower wall with the soap and the warm water running between us , oh for a moment like that again.

Suzannah packed a few things in a holdall and pushed open my door . She was just about to shout here John...but she didn't . Instead she stood partly hidden by the shadows and wall and watched me shower . She watched , maybe for a minute maybe two . The hot water ran down my body and I turned to face the jets . Should she step into the room. Sex was such a distant memory and the sight of this athletic toned body was sending waves of desire and confusion to her all ready out of control mind.

Her life was about to change forever

" Is that you Suzannah " I shouted hearing a noise in the hall . I switched off the shower a mass of steam obscured my view .

" Only me John " she replied from the hall " I will leave the holdall here for you . I am just going back to my room I forgot something . See you downstairs in a short while "

Had she been watching me shower . I grabbed a towel from the rail . " Ok , see you there " Drying my eyes . What now I thought .

The next twenty four hours were going to change my life forever

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