MELODY (Book 1) ✓

By most_bay

35.3K 7.1K 20.5K

I pledge myself to you, my love, My life is no longer my own, My afterlife is unknown, If I'm fortunate, If I... More

chapter 2 ( Some Hope)
chapter 3 (Stroll In Manhattan)
chapter 4 (The Café)
chapter 5 (Superman)
chapter 6 (First Sight)
chapter 7 (The Shelter)
chapter 8 (Wretch)
Chapter 9 (Investigation)
Chapter 10 (Addiction)
Chapter 11 (Weekend)
Chapter 12 (Books)
chapter 13 ( Sheep Meadow)
Chapter 14 ( Panic)
Chapter 15 (Akram)
Chapter 15 pt.2 (Akram)
chapter 16 (Spitting Cobra)
chapter 17 (Without A Trace)
chapter 18 (Return)
Chapter 19 pt1 (Friendly Dinner)
Chapter 19 pt2 (Friendly Dinner)
chapter 20 (Tuesday)
Chapter 21 (Serpentine Invasion)
chapter 22 (Reward)
Chapter 23 (Getting Ready)
Chapter 24 (The Movies) pt.1
Chapter 24 pt.2 ( The Movies)
chapter 24 (The Movies) pt.3
Chapter 25 (SMS)
Chapter 26 (Red-letter)
Chapter 27 (Heavy Birthday)
Chapter 28 (Threat)
Chapter 29 (Need For A change)
Chapter 30 (Breathing Spell)
chapter 31 (Bad Luck)
Chapter 32 (Hanging By A Thread)
Chapter 33 pt.1 ( The Last Straw)
Chapter 33 pt.2 (The Last Straw)
Chapter 33 pt.3 (The Last Straw)
Thank You Note!
Chapter 34 (Taken)
Chapter 35 (Respite)
Chapter 36 (Distraction)
Chapter 37 (Shopping Trip)
A/N (Reader's Love)
Chapter 38 (Coming Clean)
Chapter 38 (Coming Clean) pt.2
Chapter 39 (Confessions)
Chapter 40 (Fears)
Chapter 41 ( The Police )
Interview With Akram!!!
Chapter 42 (Wounded)
Chapter 43 (Phone Call)
Dear Readers 😊
Chapter 44 (Unexpected Visitor)
A/N (Readers Love #2)
Chapter 45 (Chase)
Chapter 46 (At Home)
Chapter 47 (Conclusion)
Bonus Chapter!! *coming soon*
Epilogue (Declaration)
A Christmas Special!!!
*Just Making Sure*
Rewritten version #1

chapter 1 (Fired)

2.7K 335 591
By most_bay

I was scared to death knowing how this might end. I could lose everything in a heartbeat.

Not again! Please, not again!

That was all I could think of, hearing Mr. Valente, my boss, spattering a non-stop string of profanities in Italian. I held my arms tightly around my chest as he launched the dish across the storage room. I flinched, squeezing my eyes shut for a second. The plate catapulted to meet the wall right behind me with a deafening crash.

It wasn't by any chance the first time I was treated like garbage. But every time it happened, it gave me this instant stuffy panic that it was my last chance. That I'd become one of the godforsaken beggars who occupied every nook and cranny of the magnificent Manhattan.

Then I would picture myself wearing tatters and scavenging for food, or holding a cardboard sign for people to toss some coins for me in a rusty can. I would be huddled in a corner on the sidewalk, while pedestrians passed by as fast as they could to avoid me.

Although I couldn't remember - in my almost nineteen years of age - seeing a young homeless girl on the streets before. Maybe because young homeless girls earned their money in different ways?

Dwelling on this thought sent a cold shiver down my spine.

Get a grip, Melody!

I told myself, but the possibility of a darker fate freaked me out even more.

"Sono incazzato nero!" Mr. Valente barked.

I swallowed and stared at him blankly. It wasn't even my fault, but he decided to tell me off over the messed up order.

He continued to rant and rave, throwing his arms everywhere. I didn't even understand what he was saying, but his engorged face explained everything. There was no second chance for me. Repressed tears of frustration blocked my vocal cords. It was so unfair.

God, I can't afford to lose my job again! I shouted in my head.

"That's it! Am done with imbeciles! Ya better take you pay and leave," Mr. Valente growled.

"Mr. Valente, please." My voice broke. I was choking up, but I was not going to cry... Not going to cry! "It's not my fault. The customer forgot to say..."

"Cut the stronzate!" Mr. Valente interrupted with a loud Italian drawl, his index finger stabbing the air. "You fired, and you pay for the order!"

He left me shaking in the middle of the storage room and turned on his heels, stomping the floor with heavy-booted steps, his hands spreading out dominantly as he stormed out of the room. I waited until he disappeared, then my resistance dissolved all at once.

Hugging myself, I let all the restrained tears trickle down on the dirty floor. My breath was shallow as the sobs shook my body and my chest ached like dry ice.

It's not fair! Why? Why me? Every time I think I grasped something it slips away from my fingers. When is anything going to go right? What is wrong with me?

Feeling like I just got forty years older, I slumped down on a large storage box, shaking like an autumn leaf.

Why am I still sitting here? I should just suck it up and leave!

"Chica, are you okay?" a quiet voice murmured. I lifted my swollen eyes to meet the concerned expression of Lisa, the cleaning lady in Mr. Valente's restaurant, which I no longer worked in. "I'm sorry. I overheard," she said, holding her hands over her chest.

Lisa had been nice to me. She was a middle-aged Latina, who had five children waiting for her to bring food on the table - she was the motherly, overweight type. Too good for this job. Her brown eyes were kind and caring as she came closer, touching my shoulder. "What are you going to do?"

I shrugged, biting my lip. I had no clue. She must know how hard it was to find a job in New York City, with only a high school diploma and almost no skills to begin with. I was been lucky I had been hired twice before, but now it was all history.

What am I going to do? Is it time for the streets now?

An accidental sob escaped from me when I wasn't prepared. Lisa sighed and patted on my shoulder.


Hi there

Hello :)

This is my first attempt at writing a long story so I'm just testing things on here. Sorry the chapter is too short but I promise the chapters length will increase later and hopefully the whole story will look better after editing. I hope this works. God willing. Wish me luck :))

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