Shooting Star ★ Avengers + OU...

By -conversequeen

3.2K 90 71

There is a town that isn't on the map, so how did six superheroes find it? // " Who are you. " " A genius... More

[ Disclaimer/Note ]
[ Cast ]
[ Prologue ]
[ Season One; Ep One: Pilot ]
[ Season One; Ep Three: Snow Falls ]
[ Season One; Ep Four: The Price Of Gold ]
[ Season One; Ep Five: That Still Small Voice ]

[ Season One; Ep Two: The Thing You Love Most ]

372 9 16
By -conversequeen

The clock was working. It no longer was stuck, telling everyone it was eight fifteen. The clock was working perfectly. Everyone in the town of Storybrooke seemed happier. They were greeting each other, and then going on about their day, but there was something that made this day better.

Bruce got hit with a pillow. He groaned and threw the blanket over himself. The blanket was then yanked off of Bruce, and he got hit with a pillow again. "Stop it, Tony." The pillow hit him once more.
"Make me." Tony retorted. Bruce grabbed his own pillow, and set it behind his head, and curled each end to cover his ears. Tony kept hitting him with the pillow. "I want to sleep."
"I want to go see Henry before his class starts." Tony said.
"No," Bruce said. "You want to go see Emma." Tony glared at Bruce and furrowed his brow. He then picked up the side of the bed, and watched Bruce fall off, hitting the floor with a big thud. "Ow..."
"I'll have you know, that I am in a strong relationship with Pepper." Tony snapped.

"It's been three days." Bruce pointed out, sitting up.
"I didn't know you can count." Tony retorted.
"Let me rephrase: It's been three days since we've been here and you haven't called Pepper. You haven't called to say we found you, and that you're staying here, for a reason that the rest of us don't even understand." Bruce stood now.
"I have a very good explanation." Tony told him. "Because Emma is new here, as are we, so I thought we could befriend her. Then, Henry is a special little guy who needs friends."
"We're the friends?" Bruce asked, scratching his head.
"Yes." Tony pointed at Bruce. "Now get ready, I'm going to get everyone else."

"I'm surprised — amazed that you care for a kid, but his issue isn't your problem. What's his problem again?" Bruce asked.
"He thinks everyone in the town is a character from the book Mary Margaret gave him." Tony explained.
"Who's — "
"Henry's teacher."
"Are you a character?" Bruce asked. Tony shook his head, stuck the pillow under his arm, then clapped his hands as he walked up to Bruce.
"Come on Banner, focus, we don't live here, so we're not characters." Tony explained. Bruce raised an eyebrow.
"Are you feeling okay?" He asked. "You seem the be the only one out of us who actually cares about Henry's problem."
"Why not?" Tony asked.
"Well you're not his parent or family related, so I don't know why you're poking fun into this." Bruce said.
"I'm not! Henry needs friends, we can be those friends!" Tony exclaimed.

Bruce stared at him for a good minute before replying, "I'm going back to bed." Tony took the pillow out from his arm, and whacked Bruce with it one more time.


Tony got his wish, as all the Avengers were walking down the halls of the inn. "You guys will like Henry." Tony smiled.
"Stark, how attached are you to this kid?" Natasha asked.
"We've been best friends for three days." Tony replied.
"It's been three days and you haven't seen them at all." Steve furrowed his brow.
"Don't worry. Henry is still my friend, everyone wants to be my friend." Tony looked back at Steve and smirked.

Walking down the stairs, Tony stopped at the bottom step. Regina stood in the lobby, holding a basket of apples from her honey crisp tree. Her brown eyes singled in on Tony's. Behind Tony, everyone gave each other confused glances.
"Tony." Regina greeted, not amused to see him here too.
"Evil Queen." Tony greeted back, stepping off the stair. Regina eyed him suspiciously.
"I've see you've called your friends." Regina said, eyeing the team.
"Yes, I have. Have you called yours yet?" Tony asked. Regina glared at Tony even colder than she had before. With no clever comeback, Regina picked out an apple from her basket, and handed it to Tony.
"Don't underestimate me, Tony." She said. Her eyes looked behind him, and she forced a smile.
"Welcome to Storybrooke. I'm Regina Mills, I hope your stay is great."

"Thank you." Thor boomed with a smile. Regina nodded, turned to Tony and frowned, then left.
"I'm guessing that's Henry's adopted mother." Steve asked. Tony nodded.
"Is she always like that around people? Disgusted?" Clint asked.
"She's mad because Tony is on Emma's side." Bruce said. Tony sighed, watching the door in which she left.


After the team left the inn, they went to the school, but realized Henry was not here yet. Thor made the comment that he was hungry, as so we're the rest of them. Steve held the door open to the diner that the old lady, Granny, and her granddaughter, Ruby, owned. Once all Avengers were in the building, they decided to find a booth for all of them. Tony slouched in his spot at the end cushion of the booth after setting the apple on the table. Natasha sighed, "You can introduce Henry to us after he gets out of school."
Tony shrugged. "I know, and I think he'd really like you guys."
"We just saved New York, why wouldn't a kid like us? We're real superheroes." Clint pointed out.

"But everyone here just knows me as Tony, and you guys as my friends. They don't know about the Avengers." Tony explained.
"Really?" Bruce asked, a bit happy. Tony nodded, understanding this is a great reputation for someone like Bruce. Steve had a thinking expression on his face. Something was bothering him, and he needed an answer. "Tony," he said. Tony looked up from the menu he now had in his hands. "Do you like Emma?"
"What do you mean by — "
"Is this the cool table?" Emma was standing there now, holding a mug with whip cream and cinnamon shavings. Everyone laughed.
"No, we're secretly nerds." Natasha laughed. "Wanna sit?"
"No thanks, I'm just here to say, Tony, I'm not interested." Emma said. Steve looked at Tony, shocked. Everyone did.

"What?" Tony asked, confused. Emma raised an eyebrow.
"This wasn't you?" She asked, pointing to the mug. Tony shook his head.
"It was me," Henry walked up, with his own mug, and exact same drink as Emma. A big smile spread across Tony's face.
"Henry!" He exclaimed, patting his back. Henry smiled, high-fiving him. "Guys, this is Henry. Henry, these are my friends: Bruce, Thor, Steve, Clint and Natasha."
"Hi," Henry smiled, waving to them all, though his eyes lingered on Natasha. The Avengers waved back with a few mumbled 'Hello's.
"What's up kid," Tony said.
"Not much. I thought you left a couple days ago." Henry replied. Tony shook his head. Henry smiled.

"Aren't you suppose to be at school?" Natasha asked.
Henry looked to Emma. "That's why I'm here."
"So see you around later?" Tony asked.
"Yep." Henry nodded. He and Tony high-fived, and said goodbye to everyone. Before Henry and Emma left, Henry picked up the apple. "Who gave this to you?"
"Your mom," Tony replied. Henry's brown eyes widened.
"Don't eat that!" He exclaimed, throwing the apple behind him. The Avengers exchanged confused glances at each other. After that, Henry and Emma had left.

"Cute kid," Natasha said. "But his problem must also be apples."
"Didn't an evil queen poison Snow White?" Clint asked. Tony perked up at his question.
"It was her stepmother." Bruce said.
"Isn't that the movie with the seven midgets?" Natasha asked. Clint nodded in response to her.
"If his mom is the evil queen, who's Snow White?" Steve asked.
"You guys believe it?" Tony asked. Natasha was about to talk, but closed her mouth. "Oh my gosh, are you starting to believe?"
"What? No. We've been thinking you have." Steve retorted.
"Actually no, I've been cool with the kid. I'm being his friend." Tony said.

"Hold on," Bruce said. "We're focusing on Tony thinking people are from stories, but really what we should be focusing on is that Tony is being thoughtful to Henry."
Tony scoffed at Bruce. "Can't believe you just said that. You're not my best friend anymore."
"Banner's right. Tony developed a real liking for someone other than himself." Clint said. Everyone laughed. Tony frowned and looked at Bruce.
"See, this is what you do to me." He gestured to everyone laughing.
"I meant what I said in a nice way." Bruce replied.
"Nice my ass, you jerk." Tony retorted, causing Bruce to laugh.
"You really like Henry," Natasha smiled. Tony half smiled.
"Why do you seem afraid to admit it?" Thor asked. Tony shrugged. "You also seem afraid around Emma."

That made Tony scoff. "Emma doesn't scare me. Regina scares me."
"Is Emma the reason you haven't called Pepper?" Steve asked. Ruby came up to their table, holding a note pad. "What can I get you guys?" She clicked the pen. As Natasha spoke her order first, Steve looked across to Tony. Tony looked at him and shook his head.


      "Hey," The Avengers were walking on the sidewalk, until they turned around. Emma was jogging towards them. "Hey Emma," Multiple voices greeted her.
"I was going to Henry's shrink when I saw you guys, thought I'd say hi." Steve realized something was uneasy about Emma.
"Are you okay?" He asked. Emma shrugged. "Sorry, you look... Never mind."
"I'm okay, but I better get going. Henry wants to meet up later, he says..."

Natasha looked around Emma's shoulder. There, at the street corner, was a tall man in all black, wearing an eye patch over his right eye. He didn't look pleased. "Oh God..." Natasha mumbled.
"Huh?" Emma asked.
Natasha shook her head. "Sorry, my... My mind went... Blank..." She was looking over Emma's shoulder as she replied.
"Uh, alright. Catch you guys later." Emma turned around and jogged down the sidewalk, and around the corner.
"I saw Nick." Natasha said, facing the men. "He's here."
"Makes sense," Clint said. "We haven't called anyone in three days."
"Or it was just the heat messing with you." Tony said.
"No, it was Nick. He's going to run into us again, when he does he'll want to talk." Natasha looked towards Tony.

"We should find the suit." Bruce said. Everyone nodded, then looked at Tony.
"Why are we standing?" He asked, walking down the sidewalk. "Let's go find the suit."


Natasha fell back on the bed in her room at the inn. She sighed and laid there still. Clint laid down on the couch, wiping his dirty hands on his clothes.
"Tony did a good job of busting his suit." He said, taking his shoes off using his toes.
"That's Stark." She said, closing her eyes. "Did he have to hide it under all that dirt?"
"God, that was the worst part. I think a toad was on the log I touched, I'll probably get warts now." Clint crossed his feet and set them on the arm rest of the couch.
Natasha laughed, "That's a lie."

"Hope so." Clint now stood up, stretching. "I'm gonna take a shower."
"Awe, I was about to." Natasha sat up. "Oh whatever, ladies first." She smirked at Clint, who rolled his eyes smiling. Opening the bathroom door, Clint gestured with his hand. "Care to join?"
"Gross. Go ask one of your boyfriends." Natasha retorted.
"Suit yourself." Clint said, walking in and locking the door. Natasha stood and went to go check herself in the mirror. She wasn't dirty at all since the men dug up and set the Iron Man in the truck.
Now that I think about it, we would've been gone faster if I'd help. Those guys are weak. Natasha smiled at her own thought.

A knock came on the other side of the door. Natasha looked through the peep hole, to see Nick Fury standing out there. She took a deep breath, and opened the door. "I didn't want to stay out here you know." She told him. Nick walked in without saying anything, until Natasha closed the door.
"It's been three days." He said. Natasha sighed and nodded.
"Stark befriended a mother and her child, who thinks people are story characters." The look she got from Nick made her think he was thinking she was lying. "Trust me. Ask the guys, they're in their rooms."
"I know. Stark and Banner have an Iron Man laying on top of tarp in their room. I think the cleaning lady is going to ask some questions if they hide it in there." Nick explained.

"I'll tell them to keep it in the truck." Natasha promised. Nick nodded, he started walking towards the door. Natasha opened the door, and Nick stood in the doorway. "Tell Stark he needs to call Potts, right away."
"I will." Natasha replied. Nick walked out, and vanished down the hall. Natasha started closing the door, until he heard a familiar voice. Sticking her head out, she saw Henry and Mary Margaret look at each door. "Henry," Natasha called out, stepping out into the hall. Henry looked her way, and a smile crossed his face. "Hey..."
"Hey, what are you doing here? Who's this?" Natasha smiled, looking at Mary Margaret.
"This is my teacher," Henry smiled, staring at Natasha.
"I'm Mary Margaret," Mary Margaret shook hands with Natasha.
"Natasha," Natasha let go of Mary Margaret's hand and looked to Henry. "What's up?"

"Emma's in jail," Henry said. Natasha's eyes widened, and she looked to Mary Margaret. "What happened?"
"She's been framed." Mary Margaret answered.
"I think she's gathering info for Operation Cobra." Henry said.
"Operation Cobra?" Natasha asked.
Henry nodded. "I'll explain to everyone later, but right now we need to get Emma." Natasha nodded as Henry grabbed her hand gently. "Come on," he smiled as he pulled Natasha down the hall with Mary Margaret following behind.


"Henry," Graham greeted, as he saw Henry enter the room. Natasha and Mary Margaret followed behind. "... And friends." Graham was in the middle of taking Emma's mugshot for her 'crime'. Henry came around to Emma, standing next to the big tripod camera Graham used to take Emma's pictures. Emma stood in front of a wall with measuring lines, to tell how tall she was; her hands were in handcuffs. "Henry, what are you doing here?" Graham asked, looking down at Henry, then the ladies her brought with him.
"His mother told him what happened." Mary Margaret answered, looking at Emma.
"Of course she did." Emma exclaimed. She then looked to Henry. "Henry, I don't know what she said — "

"You're a genius!" Henry exclaimed. Emma raised an eyebrow at him, bewildered.
"I know what you were up to," Henry said. Still confused, Emma looked to Natasha and Mary Margaret, then back to Henry. "You were gathering Intel for Operation Cobra." Emma widened her eyes, now understanding. Graham closed his eyes and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I'm a bit lost." Henry turned to Graham, hands on his back pack straps, and his posture straight.
"It's Need-To-Know, sheriff, and all you need to know is that Miss Blanchard is bailing her out." Henry explained. Natasha smirked, seeing how cute it was for a young boy like Henry to talk official to a man like Graham.

Emma looked up at Mary Margaret, surprised. "You are? Why?"
Mary Margaret shook her shoulders gently. "I uh... Trust you." Emma looked to Natasha.
"I'm broke." Natasha replied, smiling. Emma cracked a smile. She then turned to Graham, holding her arms out.
"Well, if you could uncuff me, I have something to do." She looked to Natasha. "Are you strong?"
Natasha crossed her arms with a smirk. "I'd say I'm pretty strong." Emma smirked, and was happy to that Natasha didn't ask why.


Tony, Bruce, Steve, Clint, and Thor were walking down the sidewalk, with a big black metal fence to the right of them. "You think she's at the diner?" Clint asked, pointing towards the street that would lead them to Granny's diner.
"Nothing here would fascinate Natasha." Steve said.
"She may like that one place," Bruce said. "That building we saw far off from the square."
"I think that was a jail." Tony said.
Bruce's cheeks turned pink. "Oh..."
Clint chuckled. "She'd be one badass cop."

Thor chuckled. "Natasha is good putting the evil at rest."
Tony scoffed. "You could say that again." Steve was looking down at the ground. So many things ran through his mind, but he only cared about one.
Steve liked Emma. He thought she was beautiful, but if he told Tony, Steve would never here the end of it, or he'd put up a fight. Everyone could clearly see Tony took a liking to Emma, a liking that may end him and Pepper. No one had asked Tony if he liked liked Emma, because Steve surely did.
A noise like a chainsaw cut through the air. "Oh my God..." Bruce said in awe. He was looking through the fence, as were everyone else. Steve's blue eyes widened, and he kept asking himself if it was just his mind playing tricks.

In Regina's backyard of her home, Emma and Natasha stood at Regina's apple tree. In Emma's hands was a big chainsaw, and in Natasha's was a side grass lawn mower. The men watched as Emma sliced a large tree branch from the trunk of the tree. Natasha cut off a thinner branch, that held a majority of apples. As the branch fell, apples tumbled everywhere across the lawn.
Steve shook his head. "They're gonna get caught."
"No duh, Sherlock." Tony scoffed. Steve ignored Tony, and grabbed the bars of the fence.
"Wow, Capsicle," Tony said, as Steve set his foot on the bar that ran horizontal to keep the bars straight. "What are you doing?"

Steve was at the top of the fence. He threw perched on top, then jumped down on the other side. If he was in the skinny, weak shape he was before he became Captain America, he would've never been able to do that. Emma wouldn't have liked Steve if he looked like that.
Running through shrubs and flowers, Steve ran onto the lawn of Regina's backyard. Before he could shout or say anything to them, Natasha spotted him first.
"Hey Cap," Natasha smiled. Steve looked to her and Emma, who both held their dangerous tools. Both women had small pieces of wood chips in their hair.
"What do you think you guys are doing?" Steve asked.
"Cherry picking." Natasha answered sarcastically. Steve gave Natasha a disappointed look. "This is the most fun I've had since we've got here!" Natasha looked to Emma and pointed at her. "I like this town even more thanks to her. We should do this more often."

With a smirk, Emma nodded. A door opened, and Steve was the first to see Regina walk out.
"What the hell are you're doing?!" She cried, running in heels towards the three. Steve was suddenly intimidated by Regina's rage, and stepped back a little bit. "We're picking apples." Emma replied, as she looked at Natasha, who bit into an apple. Regina's furious brown eyes looked to Steve.
"I — "
"He's done nothing, your majesty." Natasha called to Regina. Regina looked back to Emma, gritting her teeth. "You're out of your mind!"
"No, you are if you think a shoddy frame job's enough to scare me off, you have to do better than that." Emma fired back. "You come back after me one more time I'm coming back for the rest of this tree, because sister you have no idea what I'm capable of." Regina glared at Emma hard.

Dropping their tools, Natasha and Emma walked away. "Your move." Emma called to Regina, walking away. Steve followed both women, not looking back at Regina.


      Emma unlocked her door. She, Natasha, and the men stood in the hall. "Let's say we do that again tomorrow around two?" Natasha joked. Emma opened the door to her room and giggled.
"Of course." Emma and Natasha gave goodbyes, as so did the men. Turning around, Natasha heard a voice. "Excuse me, Miss Swan and Miss Jenkins." Natasha tensed up. She used a fake last name to cover up her identity. Looking behind, Granny stood in the hall, with Emma still outside her door.

"This is terribly awkward," Granny said, looking in between both girls. "I'm afraid we have a no felons rule, it turns out it's a city ordinates." Natasha looked at the men. All were surprised and confused. Emma, on the other hand, was laughing.
"Let me guess the mayor's office just called to remind you." She smiled. Granny, with a sad expression, nodded.
"You can gather your things, but I need to have your room key back." She said. Emma smiled and shook her head, as she held up the brass key.
"Here," she said, dropping it in Granny's hand. Natasha looked to Clint, then Granny, who had turned to her.

Natasha sighed. "I won't come back, but I share a room with him. Can he stay? Please?"
"Did he chop down the mayor's tree?" Granny asked, curious and not sarcastic. Natasha shook her head.
"Then yes, he can, but I'm sorry Miss Jenkins, you have to leave with Miss Swan." Natasha nodded, and began to walk down the hall. She turned back to the boys. "See you tomorrow." Natasha turned around.
"Hey," Emma called to her. "Wait up." Natasha nodded. Emma went back into her room to gather her things.
"Wait," Steve said, coming forward. "I was there with them. I deserve to get kicked out too."
Granny shook her head at Steve. "She said nothing about a man. You can stay." Steve sighed, but nodded, and his eyes landed onto Natasha. He mouthed, 'Sorry.' Natasha nodded, just as Emma came back out, wearing her red leather jacket.
"Ready?" She asked, pulling on the front. Natasha nodded, and turned to the men, waving as she left.


Natasha held Emma's jacket as Emma pulled on a long, white sleeved shirt. "Thanks," Emma forced a smile as Natasha handed her the jacket. Then, Emma's phone rang, as she answered, looked across the street to see her yellow slug bug, which had a wheel clamp on the front tire. "Yeah," Emma answered the random number, as she and Natasha walked towards the car. Emma listened to the voice on the other end, then rolled her eyes. "You have no idea." She said, then looked over to Natasha and mouthed, 'Regina'. Natasha nodded in understanding.

Standing in front of the slug bug, Natasha thought they were going to hot wire it and steal it, as she didn't know this was Emma's car. She opened the driver's side, and sat in the seat, trying to pry open the underside behind the steering wheel. Emma put the phone to her chest. "What are you doing?"
Natasha looked up at her. "Hot wiring the car, we need a ride, and maybe if you have some tools laying around, I can pry off the — "
"This is my car." Emma said. Natasha puckered her lips, and awkwardly got out of the car. Emma put the phone back to her ear. "Yeah I'm still here..." Emma then rolled her eyes and slammed the car door as she hung up.

"What does Regina want now?" Natasha asked. Emma sighed heavily and shook her shoulders.
"A meeting." Emma answered.


"I'd liked to start by apologizing," Regina said, taking a seat. Natasha stood and Emma sat on the black-grey couch.
"What." Emma said. Regina sat down the glass she had in her hand on the dark oak coffee table in front of her.
"I just have to accept the reality that you want to be here." Regina said, pushing back her dark black hair.
"That's right I do." Emma replied sharply.
"And that you're here to take my son away from me." Regina added. Natasha straightened her back, and crossed her arms.
"Before things get harsh, is there an apology for me?" She asked. "Because I hardly know Emma and this town, and now I'm practically homeless."

"Yes, Miss..." Regina closed her eyes, thinking of Natasha's fake last name.
"Jenkins." Natasha said, glaring.
"Okay, let's be clear that I have no intention of taking him from anyone." Emma said, responding to Regina from her earlier statement. Regina leaned forward, and her expression solemn and sorrowful.
"Well, what are you doing here?" She asked.
"I know I'm not a mother, that's pretty self evident." Emma replied, looking a bit hurt. "But I did have him, and I can't help but he got in my head, and I want to make sure he's okay." Natasha agreed with Emma. "The more you want to push me out the more I want to be here, especially after seeing how troubled he is."

"You think he's troubled?" Regina asked, tilting her head. Natasha sensed something was going to go horribly wrong.
"Well, he's in therapy and I only got through a couple of his shrink's notes before you had me arrested." Emma explained. "But putting all that aside, he thinks everyone in the town is a fairy take character."
Regina tilted her head once more. "And you don't?" Natasha straightened her posture once more. Something was seriously not right.
"How can I?" Emma asked. "The poor kid can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy, it's getting worse. It's crazy."

"You think I'm crazy..." Henry stood in the doorway. Natasha turned around, her expression saddening, looking in between the mother and son. "Henry..." Emma stood from the couch, but Henry was already running down the hallway. Covering her face, then mouth, Emma left the room. Natasha furiously turned around to face Regina.
"You knew he'd be coming here." She said.
"It's not like at five o'clock he comes to my office so I can take him to dinner before his therapy session." Regina told her, a grim smirk on her face. Natasha grit her teeth. "I've known people, who've seek justice; I've met people, who thirst for the sake of watching people break down; and I've certainly put an end to those who laugh at other people's failures. Trust me, Mills, I've met people like you. People like you find the weakest spot in a human, and rip it out to watch them fall to pieces for your enjoyment.

"What I've learned, what I've seen, is nothing compared to what you're doing to Emma, to Henry, and my friends. So I say you back off before you see how much red can really show from me." Natasha was face-to-face with Regina. "You might be a nightmare, but I'm a living hell." With that statement, Natasha glared at Regina one last time before turning around, and walking out the door.


Natasha leaned against the wall, watching as the apartment door opened to Mary Margaret.
"Hey," Emma greeted. "We just wanted to say thank you, and um... Pay you back the bail money." Emma handed Mary Margaret a yellow envelope. Mary Margaret took the envelope, and looked to Emma and Natasha. There was an awkward silence, and Emma shifted her feet while so.
"You look like you need to talk." Mary Margaret said.

Natasha sat across from Emma as she drank coffee. Emma had melted whip team in her hot chocolate, with cinnamon shavings on top.
"Cinnamon?" Mary Margaret asked, holding out a plate of cinnamon sticks. "Oh... I'm sorry I should've asked, it's a quirk of mine, do you mind?"
"Not at all." Emma said. Mary Margaret turned the plate towards Natasha.
"No thanks," Natasha smiled, sipping her coffee. There was a small silence, but it was a calm, relaxing silence.
"When you bailed me out, you said that you trusted me." Emma finally said to Mary Margaret. She then looked to Natasha. "And you told me you were broke." Natasha giggled.

"Ever since you arrived here, I've had the strangest feeling that we've met before." Mary Margaret told Emma. Mary Margaret turned to Natasha. "And you and your friends made this town feel... Relaxed."
Natasha giggled and gritted her teeth. "Trust me, wherever we go, we make destruction."
Mary Margaret giggled, "And I know it's crazy to say something like that."
"I'm starting to reevaluate my definition of crazy." Emma replied, sipping her hot chocolate. The three ladies giggled.
"For what it's worth I think your innocent." Mary Margaret said Emma, after taking a sip of her coffee.
"Of breaking in entry or just in general?" Emma asked.
"Whichever makes you feel better." Natasha said. The three laughed.

"Does it really matter what anyone thinks I did or didn't do?" Emma asked, looking at the ground. "I'm leaving." Natasha's expression softened. It was hard for her to feel sad, and especially be sad.
I guess we're not friends. Natasha thought, sipping her drink.
"Thank you, for everything, both of you," Emma looked from Mary Margaret to Natasha. "But I think it's for the best, if I stayed Henry's only gonna keep getting hurt."
"What happens if you go?" Mary Margaret asked, looking into Emma's eyes. A random thought popped into Natasha's mind. With Mary Margaret and Emma sitting next to each other, she realized how similar they looked.

"I think the very fact that you want to leave... Is why you want to stay." Mary Margaret said. "You love him." It was obvious she meant Henry.
"Who's going to protect Henry if you leave?" Natasha asked. "I mean, you better stay, because Tony would be all over wanting to be Henry's personal body guard." Emma's expression seemed to change right as Natasha spoke of Tony's name. Emma tugged s very small smile. Natasha noticed it, and knew what it had to mean. "Seriously, Tony has softened around Henry, and... I don't think it's because of his problem." Natasha smiled. Emma's expression changed. Her eyes shifted to the ground, and her eyebrows raised. "I have to go," she said, standing up from her chair.

Mary Margaret stood too. "Where?"
"To go find Henry," Emma moved towards the door. Natasha stood now too. "Natasha," Emma had her hand on the doorknob. "Tell the men about Operation Cobra." And then Emma left. Mary Margaret turned to Natasha, who was smiling.


Damn, I ship Emma + Tony, and Emma + Steve. Who do you think would look cute?

Omg this took foreverrrr but it's mostly my fault so ya

Have any ship names for any of the characters?

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