Zak Bagans imagines and short...

By ChasingShadows89

71.3K 1.2K 264

Zak bagans stories one shots and imagines when all the daydreams are lived out :) Requests open* More

Lockdown (Reequested)
Santa Wish
Santa wish (part 2)
Santa wish (part 3)
Santa's wish (continued part 4)
Santa's wish part 5
Santa's wish part 6
Santa's wish part 7
Married?! Part 2
Married?! part 4
Married?! part 5
Married?! part 6
Married?! Part 7
Married?! Part 8
Married?! part 9
Married?! Part 10
Married Part 11
Married?! Part 12
Married?! Part 13
Married?! Part 14
Married?! Part 15
Married Part 16
Married part 17
Married part 18
Married part 19
Married Part 20
Married part 21
A/N: authors note

Married part 3

1.8K 38 2
By ChasingShadows89

He stared at your worried face and he couldn't bring himself to tell you that the two of you got married, instead he told you that the two of you didn't have sex that night.

You looked at him in disbelief "yah right.....Zak I remember it the kissing and clothes coming off I was naked when I woke up well I did have a bra on." You say thinking out loud trying to remember that night more.

"Yes there was kissing and lot of kissing hot kissing and grabbing......" He said and shook his head

Wait did he just say hot kissing?

"But I stopped....because for one I'm a gentlemen and two you fell asleep as soon as your head not my pillows as for you being topless you got hot and took it off complaining about you were hot and it was sticking into your ribs, and after that you went right back to sleep and I covered you up and the next morning you were gone" he says

You sigh "God I'm so sorry Zak you had to put up with my drunk ass" you say holding your face in your hands 

"Is there anything else I need to know?" You ask him

"Hey I don't mind it it's a fine ass and no nothing important" he says and earned a small smile from you and you get up and hug him tight

"I really am sorry for how I behaved" you say softly into his neck as he held your waist close to his.

"It's all good ok" he says and rubs your back gently and you stay there closing your eyes not wanting to ever leave his arms again, you nod and lean your head up to look at him and kiss his cheek softly.

"Thank you for being you and not taking advantage of me" you say

"Like I said I'm a gentlemen..." He says noticing you're looking at his lips and he smiles softly and leans up and kisses you softly and you greatly accept and deepen it gladly as you grab the back of his neck and tug at his hair, making him moan.

"I want you" you say and he stopped everything making you look at him

"We can't" he sighs

"Why not it's not like you have a girlfriend" you say

"I'm....." He starts

"You're....what I know you're not gay" your smile

"What no.....I'm married" he said

You look at him and get up shaking your head annoyed and upset "if you don't want to sleep with me just tell me the truth and not some bullshit that you're married" you said getting your coat on and bag.

"No I'm serious!" He said "look y/n" he added and showed you the crumpled up paper with both of your signatures on it.

"Weremarried" he says softly studying you and how you would take it.

You stared at the paper and shook your head "I can't fucking believe this" you say and shove the paper at him.

"I asked you if there was anything else and you lied to me!" You say

"Because you thought we had sex and I didn't want to see you even more pissed at yourself!" he says

You rub your face and eyes, "I gotta get out of here" you say going to the door, he didn't stop you and it kinda hurt you that he didn't at lease ask you to stay and talk this all out.

You got into your car and drove away crying softly.

You arrived home about 15 minutes later and walk inside, making your way to the couch. After ignoring about six of Zak's calls you sigh and turn off your phone just needing some time to think, just a day or two nothing too dramatic. You get up and go to your room and decide to take a long hot bubble bath, you stripped out of your clothes and get into the tub pressing play on your ipod and closed your eyes leaning back ignoring the world and tried so hard to remember more of that night, then it hit you, your phone you remember taking pictures...and video.

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