Legends ↯ Bellamy Blake

By xkinneys

10.3K 485 26

100 convicts are sent to earth to see if its safe again. 97 years after the nuclear war, that caused them to... More

Extended Description
One ↯ "There's no such thing as fate."
Two ↯ "I believe in you, Art."
Three ↯ "I might kill him."
Four ↯ "Did his Mom dropped him when he was a baby?"
Five ↯ "We're not alone."
Six ↯ "Gotta bring honor to my name, right?"
Seven ↯ "Don't be needy, Miller."
Eight ↯ "Slay your demons, kid."
Nine ↯ "This is what you're meant to be."
Ten ↯ "Bitch."

Eleven ↯ "Whatever you say, coward."

572 37 10
By xkinneys


I sat on a log in at the fire. After Charlotte ran away with Finn and Clarke and after Murphy sent out a lynchmob, I decided to stay. Charlotte was a murderer. Why should I care for her?

"Look at how much they hated Murphy when they thought he killed one guy in cold blood. And Charlotte gets protected because she's a little girl. What do you think they will do with you? Do you really think they are gonna keep up their sweet acting towards you? Ha, Bellamy accused you first when he found out about Wells death."

"Shut up, shut up!" I hissed, clawing at my head. "Fuck!"

"Hey, are you okay?" Two girls came up to me. One of them had her hair in a pretty braid and the other one had a headband around her head.

"Fine. Just fine." I grumbled.

"You're Artemis, right?" They sat down on the ground next to the log I was sitting on.

"Yeah, what gave it away? The broken handcuffs around my wrists?" I asked sarcasticly and looked down to the handcuffs, where only the chain that once connected the cuffs was broken.

"Pretty much, I'm Harper." The headband girl smiled at me.

"And I'm Monroe." The other said.

"What're you guys doing here?" I let my hand slide to my boot, where my knife was hidden. Actually that was still Bellamys knife, from that time I asked him for a knife to make my bow and arrow, which were now placed in Clarkes and my tent.

"We wanted to learn how you are so - I don't know what to call it." Harper looked at Monroe for help.

"So Brave. Strong. All that." Monroe added.

I looked at them in silence. And then spoke up. "No."

"What? Why?" Monroe asked.

"Because I don't care about anyone here. Not about you. Not about anyone. If It'd go after me you'd all be dead." I said quietly.

"Why doesn't it go after you then? You could just kill us." Monroe decided to provocate.

"That's what I'm wondering about, too. I'm hunting if anyone questions it." I said montone and rose up.

"But the grounders-" Harper started worriedly.

"Do I look like I care?" I made my way to my tent. Inside I grabbed a bag that Clarke had managed to get me.

"Running away like the fucking coward you are? Finally you act smart."

"I'm not running I'm walking." I countered, grabbing my bow and arrows.

"Whatever you say, coward."

It was still bright, not long after I left when I heard noises. My hand clenched around my bow

My head whipped around, but then I heard noises on the other side. My head turned again. "What the hell?" A whisper left me. The noises seemed to tease me, as I heard one coming from the first place again.

I lifted my bow and took an arrow out of my half opened bag on my back. With the arrow ready to shoot I looked around. I stayed completly quiet to hear every noise.

But I didn't hear anything until a hand was placed over my mouth and I was held against someone.

I reacted fastly, turned the arrow around in my hand and shoved it into his side. A grunt of pain gave me satisfaction. The hand of my attacker flew to his side. This distraction weakened him, giving me the possibility to elbow him in his injured side, which threw him back.

I turned around, seeing a dark skinned grounder, looking at me with anger in his eyes.

"What are you waiting for?" I grinned, feeling the fire inside of me. Something about fighting just gave me such a satisfaction and made me feel powerful.

The grounder stormend my way about to lunge at me with a knife in his hand but I blocked him with my bow.

"That all you got? Why so quiet, grounderguy?" I teased him. Sending a push his way. "Hey, how about you fuck off?" I asked, bringing my leg up to push to the ground.

Did he even put up a fight? He lived in the wilderness of the woods his whole life. Grounder must be stronger than that. "You're not fighting sincerely? Why?" I pushed him to the ground towering over him. "Come on, what is it?" My foot took place on his chest.

He looked up at me with a hard, silent glare.

"You don't wanna hurt me, do you? Why?" I questioned on another try. "You would try to hurt me if you knew who I am."

"I know who you are." The grounder spoke from beneath me with a rough voice. "You should go back to your people before I have to kill you." He rasped.

"I'm tempted to listen to you, but I won't go back to them." I took the foot of his chest to kneel down next to him. "You grounders seem pretty tough. Sorry for the arrow to your side."

"Artemis, the goddess of bow and arrow. Of hunt and the woods." He said lowly, studying me intensely.

"Suprised, you actually know that. Your people been watching the camp?" I questioned calmly.

"Yeah." He answered.

"What's your name, grounder?" I rose up again and held my hand out for him.

"Lincoln." He answered after a hesitating silence. Then he took my hand and got up.

"Won't rat you out to my people. That would only get my people killed, I bet." I stated.

"Why are you so calm, Artemis kom skaikru?" Lincoln looked at me in confusion.

"Without my brother." I made a break to think of the right words. "I don't know what is right and what wrong. I never had the chance to built an own opionion. I just -" I licked my lips with my eyes directed to the ground. "I'm just trying to make the voice go away." I confessed.

The grounder in front of me nodded understanding. "Good luck with that, gona kom skaikru."

"What was that? Why did you say that?" I furrowed my eyes at the man.

"You may find out one day." And with that he turned around.

[word count: 1026]

(a/n) Do you guys know what gona means? Because I didn't know before using google.
Anyway, Artemis may seem a little jumpy the next chapters and like she changes her mind too fast. But just as she said this chapter, right now she's doubting everything and Apollo never really taught her right and wrong, he only told her to build her own opionion. But she isn't exactly good in this. She goes by what she feels that moment and not by logical thinking and yeah basically I suck. JK. But here's the chapter, hope you enjoy it.

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