The Rebel ~ {FINALIST} WATTY...

By FaithAndModesty07

40.7K 944 287

It's the future, and it's illegal to believe in God. The world is under the control of one man. Christians ar... More

The Rebel
The Elijah Prophesy
The Change
The Rebellion (Part One)
The Rebellion (Part Two)
The Rebellion (Part Three)
The Rebellion (Part Four)
The Rebellion (Part Five)
The Rebellion (Part Six)
The Whisper
The Waiting Boy
The Therapist
The Lesson (Part One)
The Lesson (Part Two)
The Epilogue
Author's Note :D
THE LIGHT (Sequel to the Rebel) Preview

The Painful Question

2.8K 91 35
By FaithAndModesty07


Hey guys!

So here's my book- The Rebel! I have enterd it into the Watty Awards, so please vote, comment, and recommed to your friends!

Could also pray for this book as well? I wanna see what God will do through this- and I hope I finish it by the end of November!


God bless you all!!

~Lillian <3

I must stress that everything I write is FICTION. But, yes, the Lord is coming again soon! Comment any questions you may have. I'd love to answer them :)


I was awake before I opened my eyes.

I layed motionless and listened to the world around me. All I could find was a steady, mechanical beep-beep-beep beside me. I slowly and calmly opened my eye lids.

I was then blinded by a bright, a white light and it burned my eyes slightly, and they began to water. I shock my eye lids closed again, but soon forced my self to slowly open them again, blinking several times, adjusting to the light.

Once my vision returned to normal, I observed my new surroundings. Everything was white. The bed I layed in, the walls around me, the ceiling above, the chairs scatted around the room but all facing me, and the big white machine by my side.

I sat up and squinted at the screen. Mountins sprouted upward with every note emmiting from the monitor. I then quickly recognized the pattern- my heart beat.

I found the cord connected to my and removed the round sticker at it's end from my chest. I then realized that I was in a medical gown. What am I doing in a hospital?

That\'s when I officially kicked into survival mode.

I spotted the bag of liquid on a thin, silver, pole on my left, I looked at my arm and quickly removed the IV. It hurt, but I didn't care. Pain is temporary.

I ripped the sheets off my body. I was greeted by cold, cruel air. When my bare feet found the tile floor, I found it even colder. Then the door across the room cracked open. I had to time to think.

I hit the deck.

I rolled to the right under the bed, watching the two army boots at the door way. I dared to skoot closer to get a better look.

Beneath the door frame stood a teen-aged boy, with a clipboard in his arms. His curly blonde hair went down to his chin and his pale blue eyes scanned the room, looked back down at the clip board, then jumped up suddenly, his gaze landing on the bad. His mouth opened a bit.

After a silent moment, he slowly reached down and pulled a walkie from his belt around his army-like, tan pants. Right next to his gun.

My hands balled into fist and I started thinking of ways to escape, just in case. He blocked the only exit. An he was deffinatly not a doctor.

"Hey, Doc?" He spoke into the black walkie.

"Yeeeeees?" A cheerful voice emitted from the plastic.

"She's gone."

Silence. Then a soft chuckle.

"I'll be up in a minute." I could hear a British Accent better now.

The boy put the walkie back on his belt. His face was pale, and his eyes showed worry. Then, he groaned, steeped back, and slammed the door.

I tumbled across the tile and stood up on my feet. I don't have much time! The words from the walkie rang in my head like an echoing bell. I'll be up in a a minute...

I quickly sprinted to the corner of the room closest to the door and prepared myself.

The door cracked open and a man with spickey-white hair and a lab coat stepped in the room.

"...But I know her, and she probably just got startled and hid, she\'s a clever and tough girl, you know..."

I pounced.

I landed on his back and locked my arms around his neck. I tried to his own weight to toss him to the floor, but then I was lifted from his back. I kicked, squirmed and screamed as I was pinned against the wall. Giant hands held my waist against the witch wall and I was being glared at my angry blue eyes.

"Let go of her, Owen!" I caught a glimpse of the voice's owner over the boy's shoulder. I saw a boy who looked around my age, and he looked similar to the boy in front of me. The same blonde hair, and face. But the boy far away had  more of a swimmer's body and his eyes were like the sky, while my restrainer was built like a boxer or a wrestler and was the boy I saw before.

I looked at the boy in the distance, and he looked like he was in pain. My pain. The pain I blocked out.

He knew me. I could tell.

How do I know him?!

I instantly stopped fighting and looked at the older boy. His eyes looked upon me with frustration and anger. But when my eyes locked with his, it all melted away and reviled something I couldn\'t put my finger on. But with a quick, small shake of the head, his mask appeared again.

His great hands released me, and I landed on my feet and kept my balance, remembering my training.

Wait- what training??

Owen stayed in front of me, and the other boy stayed in place, but I could tell he wanted to come forward. The white-haired man stood beside the bed. I kept my jaw tight and my chin high as I set my gaze on the older boy. No one moved. No one spoke.

I broke the silence.

"Someone," I said with a hard tone, "better explain where I am and who you guys are, or things won't turn out pretty."

The air grew heavy in the silence.

"I believe it."

I looked to the old man as he stepped back into my view. I assumed this was 'Doc' because of his classic scrubs and white coat. He stretched his arm out and opened his hand. "Let me explain."

For a moment, I just glared at the hand. Doc made no attempts to win me over in the silence. Then, I stepped around Owen and stood before the man, waiting, but did not reach out.

He let his hand fall and he smiled,

"That's my girl." He did a nice, playful bow, which almost made me laugh, but I didn't. "I am the doctor of the infirmary and chief of the Rebellion and the stronghold. You can call me Doc."

I just nodded, still waiting.

"Now, if you would come and sit," he gestured to the bed, I would like to ask you some questions."

I glared at him, then to the bed, then back. I raised my eye brows. "What about my questions?"

He nodded and smiled again. "After we're done. But I doubt you'll have any."

I sighed then slowly walked to the bed and sat on it's side, my feet ready to run just in case. Doc sat on the chair my the bed.

He asked the first question. 

The question stung. I felt like I had just been given a shot of magma. I should know this- right? What idiot doesn't know this?!

Doc just nodded.

He asked the next question.

"Do you remember anything about where you are from?"

"I...Uhh..." Oh! C'mon! " I... I go to an Assemblies of God church... It's called... uhh... uhh..."  The sting moved to behind my eyes and my vision blurred. I held them in. Don't cry. Not here. Not now.

"It's okay." Doc said.

Owen leaned against the wall, his arms crossed. The other boy stepped closer to my left. I could tell he longed to hold me and comfort me... But why?

"Now, back to the first question." Doc said. I bit my lip.

"What is your name?"

I closed my eyes and hid my face in my short, brunette hair.

"Would you like me to tell you?"

All I could do what nod.

The moment of suspense was one of the longest of my life.

"Your name," he said. " is Ezrela Amira Ariel." He paused. "You are fifteen. You are our main operative," he paused again, or maybe it was just me.

"And most people call you The Rebel."

The Rebel.

Suddenly, I felt something like a giant wave come over me and push me down. I gasped, but no air reached my lungs. The room faded from all five of my senses. And out of the black chaos, a vision emerged.


How do you like it so far?

Any questions about the last days?

comment + vote!! :D <3


God bless!!


~Lillian <3


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