Young Mate

By SelfieCity

197K 7K 761

Ana is an ordinary girl. There isn't anything special about her. She is five years old, smart, quiet, and pal... More

Chapter 1: Problems with the World
Chapter 2: First Encounter
Chapter 3: Play Mate
Chapter 4: Possession
Chapter 5: The New Kid
Chapter 6: Missing You
Chapter 7: New Beginning
Chapter 8: Time
Chapter 9: Luna
Chapter 10: Comfort Zone
Chapter 11: "If You Love Something Set It Free."

Chapter 12: Starting Over

5.6K 164 23
By SelfieCity

Hey guys. I just wanna let you know you guys have my heart. I love you to death. I'm so sorry for not updating quickly. Plz don't hate me. I'm working on getting better with that. Luv you😘😘😘

Ana's P.O.V

The next morning I wake up feeling sick. I didn't get much sleep last night, thinking about the conversation I had with Liam. I know I could have handled things better, but I still feel a lot of animosity toward him. I wish I could just put it all in the past, but every time I look at him I remember the little girl I used to be that looked up to him. When he left me it was the lowest time in my life. I can't allow him to have that much power over me again.
Clearing away the remaining thoughts of Liam, I hop in the shower and start getting ready for school. Even as I have gotten dressed I realize I'm still not ready to face the day. Signing I look in the mirror one more time, and force my legs to move out the door.
As soon as I make my way into the building, Britney and her crew swarm me. "Hey Stacey," she calls as she closes in.
"My name is Anastasia not Stacey."
"Yeah we know but Stacey makes you sound cooler," Jade the ginger says with way too much enthusiasm.
I open my mouth to argue, but decide it's pointless, and continue walking. Much to my dismay the populars follow closely behind. I can already tell this is going to be a wonderful day.
I go through the first few classes trying to appear attentive, while also trying to keep my mind off of Liam. By the time lunch rolls around I'm nothing more than a walking zombie. I gave a tray and make my way to the back of the cafeteria so I can sleep in peace. As I close in on my destination something jumps in front of me almost causing me to drop my taco. Oh well, at least that solves the tiredness issue.
After recovering from my mini heart attack, I look up at my attacker. Not surprisingly there is Britney and her crew.
"Where do you think you are going silly. You didn't think you are sitting by yourself did you. You are way too cool for that. Come follow us," she swiveled around in the process flickering her bleached blonde hair in my face, and sauntered towards the table in the center of the cafeteria.
"Great," I muttered under my breath. This shall be interesting. I reluctantly sit at the table mentally preparing myself for the next 30 mins of torture.
"So I haven't heard much from you this school year. Tell me what you're all about."
I started telling her about moving here from Florida when I was younger, but tried not to get too detailed about anything.
"So do you have a boyfriend or anything," Britney asked. The first person that came to mind was Liam, but I quickly dismissed the thought.

"Oh yeah I wish," fake chuckling to save face.

"Well maybe we could hook you up with Taylor over there. He's always staring at you and he's really hot." Taylor was the captain of the boys swim team. Pretty cute and a pretty nice guy, but I never had any interest in him.
"No it's alright. I'm not really looking for a relationship right now." At first it seemed like she was going to push the issue, but instead she leans in and says, "Alright well if you change your mind we got your back," winking she takes a sit back in her chair.
The rest of the lunch period was spent getting to know the squad. Surprisingly, they weren't has bad as I imagined. They seemed to genuinely care what I had to say and they weren't as trifling as I had once imagined. I went home that day thinking I might actually have a group of friends. The thought was terrifying and exciting all at the same time. This thought only slightly distracted me from the thought that I was going to talk to Liam today. Excited and terrified didn't even begin to cover my feelings towards that.
I try to do my homework and act like I'm not anxiously waiting to hear from Liam but it's no use. After restarting the same problem several times, I finally give up. I sit there staring at my phone willing it to ring for what feels like hours, but in reality is probably only a few minutes. Finally, my phone rings, and I exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding when the caller ID says Liam.
Clearing my throat I answer, "Hello "
Liam's deep voice comes over the line sending chills throughout my body.
"Hey I just got off work. Do you want to meet up at the coffee place your house?"
"Yeah sure sounds good," I say trying to sound as casual as possible.
"Great see you in.... 15 minutes."
"Alright see you then."
Taking deep breathes I try to slowing the erratic beat of my heart. Once I'm no longer hyperventilating I realized what he said. 'See you in 15 minutes.'
I quickly jump off the couch and sprint toward the bathroom. I brush my hair straighten my clothes and spray a little bit of perfume.

Liam's P.O.V
I spent the day working at a job I got bagging groceries at the supermarket. I didn't want or need the money, but it's something to keep me busy while Ana's at school. After our conversation last night I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders instantly. Our situation is difficult and abnormal. Coming to a compromise seemed impossible, but we are finally making progress. I just hope I don't fuck it up this time.

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