Bella and the Volturi.~PAUSE~

By IonitaMiruna

40.7K 1.1K 110

What would you do if one day, you wake up in another country, in a castle, surrounded by vampires calling you... More

•01. Something new•
•02. Secrets & a new friend•
•03. Marcus and Caius.•
•04. Let the game begin.•
⋅05.The truth⋅
⋅06.The Cullens⋅
⋅08.Royalty Troubles.⋅
⋅11.Finding peace⋅
Not an update! A small preview of chapter 12.
⋅12.The throne⋅
⋅13. To many red eyes.⋅
⋅Announce 2⋅
⋅14. The trial⋅
⋅15. Revange⋅
NOT AN UPDATE! Generally confused.

⋅16. The First⋅

379 10 0
By IonitaMiruna

I can't believe it, how could I have been so blind? All the signs were there, my moods, my health... Everything connects in this grand puzzle that turns out to be my life.

I've been staring at the letter for the past couple of days putting in balance whether or not to open it. When I finally decided that I should, everything went down hill.

Dear Isobel Marie Voltouri,

You are summoned to the Ouijia trial held on the 13th this month. The accusations are as follows:
There have been found 5 ouijias in the world and yourself being the oldest, we are concerned that you're trying to overcome the power of The First.
Accepting the throne of Volterra within the Voltouri coven which you've created without a notice.
You're keeping trials that are ment for the first.

Your presence at this trial is mandatory and an obligation. We have the cure.

Just like that, the letter ended. The First are a coven, if you can call them that, of every first supernatural being. The first vampire, the first fairy, the first werewolf and so go on. I've had a place in their coven, since I'm the first Ouijia, and the only one to survive, but I was banished from the coven when they've figured out that I was stronger than any of them, and bringing more Ouijias into the world would be the end of it all. I rolled my eyes as I read the last sentence. Of course they would play dirty to get me to the trial. They've put a curse on the letter and it's nothing like Petterson's one. I don't get to have nice little nightmares and face of my "demons". I get to end up dead by having my bonus years taken from me. I was aging. Fast. I opened the letter 5 hours ago and I've already aged 30+ years, and man, do I age ugly.


-Isobel, you have too! Nicklaus pleaded.

I rolled my eyes, glad I could still do that.

-Well I don't wanna. I know I have nothing to do with this, you know it!

-I do, but they don't! You're getting closer to 60 years now little sister, and age does not fit you well.

-I'm way more older than that but thanks for noticing, I've said rolling my eyes once again.

-Please, do this for me if not for your own good. I can't bare to lose you again, he said.

I looked at him, his beautiful face stuck in time at the age of 23, forever. I sighed deeply.

-Fine. But I might as well kill them all and get it over with, fancy bastards.


A girl about half my age... Well now everyone is almost or nearly half my age since I'm going on 80 pretty quickly, opened the two doors for me, leading me into their throne room.

-Isobel, so nice to see you, I've heard multiple voices say.
-You haven't changed a bit, some joked.
-Oh my Lord, what happened do you?

I cracked a smile and proceed to walk closer to heir table. To many of them, don't want everyone to have a throne.

-Darling, I know I'm the oldest creature in this room, do you really need to make me look like it? I asked

-We needed to talk to you, Isobel, we had to make sure you'd come. You've been putting our invitation under the rug for so many decades, Vlad said, the first vampire.

-We are pleased to see you, my dear, Ismedilah said, the first fairy.

-We can now talk about your trial, Farsenhën said, the first werewolf.

-If you really wanna walk to me, you better change me back as soon as possible, because at this state, I might not get to hear the end of it, I replied.

Cadreen, the first witch, gave me a sad smile and lifted up my curse. I've beginning to feel my body again and soon enough I was back at my old self. I tilted my head from side to side and cracked my knuckles. I took a seat in my old chair.

-Why would you fools ever think I would raise up an army? I asked

-Well, Salmon started, the first shapeshifter, there have been sight of five of you in the last couple of months. We haven't heard of an Ouijia in centuries and now we have to deal with five of them, six if we count your bitten.

-Oi, you leave Elijah out of this. You all know me and you know what I'm capable of doing. I would never endanger the life of my kinds nor the humans with a bitten. As far as the last five goes, I have nothing to do with them and I'll gladly get rid of them for you but you have 18 years to deal with them before they are even the smallest bit of danger to anyone.

-That's why we wanted to talk to you, Isobel, Vlad said, all five of them are sisters and they've been around for the last couple of hundred of years.

If it wouldn't be in appropriate on all grounds my jaw would have dropped to the ground.

-What do you even mean, sisters? I asked confused.

-The fairy and the witch that created them snapped 5 kisses before they died, therefore giving birth to five different ouijias, Keytobal said, the first Gin.

-You have to take care of it, Isobel, or we will release Gerrhatts and we will no longer ensure your safety.

Again, if it wouldn't be in appropriate my jaw would have bruises from hitting the floor. Gerrhatts is the most powerful animal on the planet. If he'd had a consciousness he would be right behind me on the supernatural scale. Me, Ismedilah, Cadreen and Keytobal worked for a century to perfect him, we created him.

-Are you telling me that you would put my own creation to kill me? I raised an eyebrow.

Everyone went silent.

-Let me tell you how this is going to go, I've had my memories back for just a little bit, and I've already can't see my head over all the work I have to clean after the Voltouri, and before you could even open your mouth, Voltouri is the most powerful coven around, and just as I did whatever I wanted when I was part of The First, I can do whatever I want when I'm the Queen of the Voltouri.

You see, when you live half of your life in basically amnesia, it takes time and effort to remember anything as it was. It's like learning how to walk, over and over again. You have to crawl first, then you've gotta take little steps, single one at a time, then some more, until you manage to actually walk. I rushed into things so fast this time that it made me forget important details from my first lifes, my first couple of hundred of years were in the dark... Until now.

-Don't you forget, Vlad, that I was the one to find you and not the other way around. You all would have been dead and your species well extinct if it wasn't for me forming this coven that is now what you all call family, I said with blood rushing trough my veins as all my memories came back. I might not have been that powerful when I've met you, but I've become as powerful as my title is. I can take down any of you and all of you at once if I please, so don't even try to put this job on me. I created this coven and I'll take it down before you could disobey me, did I make myself clear?

The room was quiet and filled with terror. Just because I've started this coven and left doesn't mean I'm not their Queen anymore. You see, when I was at my second life I've found Vlad. He taught me his gift, my first ability, controlling the weather. I've saved him from the forks of the village when they put two and two together and figured out he was a vampire. We traveled together and started this coven, and even if I didn't sticked around to maintain it after Jerbaah joined us, the first shaman we found, and the last of The First, I'm still considering myself the Queen of the coven, and so they do, the fear in their eyes tells me. Now with my memories all intact, I sure have no one as powerful as me.

-My Queen, they all said and bowed.

Demand respect and you'll get it.

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