Never Think


760 41 35

Axel is a fiery red head from Twilight Town he likes to get into fights and he is an orphan. When a new kid f... More

Authors Note
The Birthday meeting
Got it memorized?
Messing with the new kid even though he's adorable
I officially have a fear of clowns, Elmo and crowds...
I Feel like an Ass and I dont know why
The Clocktower

Baking is fun.. when you have a plus one

24 2 5

Axel POV:

I was running late to school this morning, I couldn't sleep last night and when I finally did I dreamt about that Roxas kid.. Why? I have no clue. He's a strange and shy boy, and for some reason i have feeling of regret for ever pulling that prank on him. As I run into the front office I'm slightly out of breath, I didn't bother changing into appropriate clothes and settle with a plain white T-shirt and bright orange sweats. I pressed my forehead down onto the desk as I waited for the woman in the front to check me in. She gave me a tardy pass and I exited the office heading to Mrs. Potts class. The hallways were completely silent, as I made my journey to class. I knocked on the door and entered the classroom, all the students turned and stared at me as I walked in.

"Sup Mrs. P!" I said chuckling awkwardly. I ducked my head. To cover my blushing face as I made my way to my seat.

"Well now that Mr. Firestone has joined up as I was saying the groups have been chosen find your designated partner and get to work," Mrs. Potts said as she sat at her desk. I look around wondering who my partner is, as I watch everyone pair up I notice that Roxas and I are the only ones with out a partner. I walk over to his table and lean against it coolly.

"Sooo Roxas it looks like you and I are baking together, hmm?" I say smoothly as I watch the shy boy.

"Yeah, I'll go get the ingredients and you go to the prep table okay," he says quietly.

"Whatever you say kiddo," I say flashing a smirk his way. I walk over to the prep table and preheat the oven and wait for Roxas to come on over. As he makes his way over, I realize he has too much in his hands and he might drop something, so I rush over to him and gather a few things into my arms. I place everything onto the table and take everything else from Roxas and do the same as my items.

"So what's first?" I ask him as I open the flour.

"Well you mix the dry ingredients together and let the butter soften," Roxas replies as he takes the butter out of the wrapper and takes the flour from me.

"Okay so flour, baking soda and salt," I repeated as I read the recipe book.

"Yes, and just mix thise ingredients together with the whisk," Roxas ordered.

"Yes sir," I replied sarcastically with a mock salute. I see a slight smile crack at the corner of Roxas mouth as he nudges me with his shoulder.

"So Roxas, what do you like to do?" I ask trying to make conversation.

"Um, well...I like going to concerts, baking and reading, what about you Axel?" He answers shyly.

"Well I love to skate, paint and sing," I replied.

"That's very nice, can you mix the liquid ingredients now?" He asks politely.

"Yes what does that consistent of Chef Roxas?" I ask.

"Eggs, vanilla extract, butter and everything that is liquid on this table," Roxas replied with a chuckle.

"Alright then, oh and Roxas?" I said nervously.

"Yeah Axel?" He says.

"I'm really sorry for what my friends and I had done to you on your first day, it was uncalled for and I really hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive us," I said quietly.

"Oh! Axel..thanks you're forgiven I know you didn't mean no harm you were just having some fun," Roxas replied his face beaming.

"I hope that we can start over and be friends?" I said reaching my hand out for him to shake it, I close my eyes taking a deep breath waiting to feel his hand in mine, but it never came. I open my eyes and the moment I did I see white stuff flying toward my face. I hear Roxas laughing loudly as he witnesses the look on my face. An idea pops up in my head as I reach for an egg, I walk over to Roxas with a smirk on my face. I crack the egg over his head and the whites and the yolk plops onto his hair.

I chuckle at the cute shocked face that appears as the yolk slides from his hair and drips onto his face. He grabs the vanilla extract an pours it onto of my head.

"Ha-ha now you smell nice for once!" He says smartly lifting his arms up and placing them behind his head.

"Roxas!! That's not fair!!" I whine.

"It's payback for my first day bow we are even!" He replied as he reaches his hand out for a handshake of truce. I smile and let my hand meet his. We shake hands and then start to clean up our mess. I finish off the cookies and place them in the oven to cook.

"So what do you wanna do for the next 15 minutes or so?" I ask as we both sit on the counter.

"Well we could ask each other questions, to get to know each other?" Roxas suggests.

"Sure why not you start," I say.

"Okay favorite color?" Roxas asks me.

"Red, like my hair," I reply pointing to my head.

"Wow..conceded much Axel?" Roxas asks with a chuckle.

"Sure am, now favorite movie?" I ask.

"Not gonna're gonna laugh," Roxas replies blushing slightly.

"No I will not," I said pushing him playfully.

"Fine my favorite movie is Rapunzel," he said blushing madly.

"That's cute, mine is Brave," I said with a smile. I hear the oven timer go off and hop off the counter top. I take them out of the oven and let them cool down. I notice that everyone else's cookies are done as well.

"Well I guess we will have to talk more later, judgement time awaits us," I said with a chuckle. I take the cookies off the pan and place them on a plate. Roxas and I go and sit at our table and wait for Mrs. Potts to come along and taste our treats.

"Boys! What happened to your appearance why are y'all covered with the ingredients meant for cookies?" Mrs. Potts asks as she gets to our station.

"Well while we were baking we decided to have a little fun," I said looking at Roxas who is blushing so brightly his face matches my hair color, I smile at him as he scratches his head nervously.

"Well okay then dearies," she said as she picks up a cookie and takes a bite out of it. She makes a mark on her paper and walks away.

"Man that woman has a good poker face I can't tell if she liked it or not," I mumbled.

"Right?" Roxas said as we walk back to our designated seats.

"Okay children based on my taste buds I've decided that the winners are...."

Ha-ha sorry guys I'm leaving yall with a cliffhanger hate me all you want. Anyway I apologize for not updating sooner but not to worry I won't be a delinquent with my books any longer you want Roxel you've got it!! And omg dont you just love the flufff scene???!!! I love it. Talk to you guys soon!!!

Lots of love and sea salt ice cream.


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