Inexplicable Attraction (Edit...

By LovelySacrifice

109K 1K 78

Inexplicable attraction. Amanda: its not to say its unexplainable how i am attracted to James, he's hot. he h... More

Inexplicable Attraction: 1
Inexplicable Attraction: 2
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(Inexplicable Attraction: 29 (Final)

Inexplicable Attraction: 11

3.3K 33 0
By LovelySacrifice


i left school sad. i havent seen James in about a week, the last time i had seen him i forgot to ask him for his cell phone number, if he even had one. i wasnt sure, but i could be happy if i had any way to contact him, to hang out with him, but i did. 

today someone knew is going to start working at the coffee shop, no one told me who but the female's at work seemed pretty happy. apparently someone had seen the new employe and he was, 'good enough to eat'. i laughed when i heard the expression but i got stuck with the new person. when their ship started i would be responsible for him, i had to teach him everything. so it kind of sucked, but i dont like to complain.

i got to work ten minutes befor my ship, my friend Anthony was there.

"hey" i said looking at him.

"Hello." he said smiling at me, looking away from the coffee he was making. 

"so has the new guy showed up yet?" i asked curiously.

he smiled eagerly, "oh yes. he has. and your going to be very happy" he said walking away leaving me with many more questions than i had before.

i walked towards the locker room, it was coed, but we didnt change there, we had restrooms for that. i opened the door and stepped in the room i was comfortable in. it had twelve lockers, and a bench in the middle. i mirror on one side of the room, and restroom doors on the other. and in front of a locker i saw a male body. well built, but i couldnt see him. his face was covered by the locker door. i walked over to my locker put my things in and turned around again to look at the new guy.

"Oh My Gosh!" i practically yelled.

"That is not a nice way to say you've missed me" james said walking towards me and hugging me. i hugged him back and felt myself shaking. i didnt think i would see him for some time, the thought made me sad.

"what are you doing here?" i asked happily.

he had a smirk on his face, and gestured down to his clothes, "i work here, im the new employee." he said smiling at me.

i smiled back and wrapped my hands around his neck. he looked at me surprised but wrapped his arms around my waist. i inched my face closer to his, waiting for him to kiss me, and he did. he closed the space between us, crushing my body to his, and planting his lips onto mine.

i imediately felt happy and relaxed, best thing that has happened all week. 

james backed me up against the wall and picked me up a little, when i no longer felt the floor i wrapped my legs around his waist. at that moment all i wanted to do was have sex with him. but the word sex was so. i dont know, it just didnt descirbe the way i felt with james. or any of the emptioins that i get when im near him. i dont know what word i could use to describe this, but sex just doesnt cut it.

james eventualy pulled away, i whimpered at the feeling. he still had me pinned against the wall, and my legs were still around him but our lips were no longer touching. but he placed our foreheads against one another.

"someone would walk in any minute." he said breathing heavily.

i nodded, not trusting my voice. im sure my voice would show how turned on or eager i was, and i just didnt want that right now.

"so we should go to work now" he said hesitantly.

i unwrapped my legs from around his waist and nodded. i was about to walk away when he pulled me against his chest again, "Ive missed you so much Amanda."

i smiled, "ive missed you as well" i said looking up at him.

he smiled and pressed his lips softly onto mine before pulling away and grabbing my hand. leading me to the door. we walked out together.

i spend my whole shift with him, showing his what to do, how to do things properly, and everything.

when our shifts were done we walked into the locker room, i rabbed my bad and waited for him as he grabbed a back pack. 

we walked out. "anthony we're going now" i said.

he smiled, "dont stay up all night, you two work tomorow" he said chuckling.

i giggled at his stupidity but walked outside with James, hand in hand. when we got outside i turned to him, "do you have a car?" i asked.

he nodded shyly, "not yet. i barely left the mansion yesterday. and i dont have much yet. so my apartment is pretty empty."

i smiled when i heard the word apartment, atleast he lives somewhere. "can i drive you home?" i asked looking up at him with a pouty face.

he chuckled, "sure. the more time i spend with you, the better"

i smiled triumpantly and led him to my altima, it was grey. 2007 edition. my parents had bought me it. knowing i needed a car. it wasnt flashy or anything, but it was comfortable.

i unlocked the car, "come one" we walked to it. i walked to the drivers side and sat down. after we buckled up and everything i turned to him. "what time do you start tomorow?" i asked hoping we would start at the same time.

he looked away, as if he was thinking. "two." he said plainly.

i smiled, "me too. can i pick you up?" i asked eagerly.

he chuckled, "sure" 

i smiled again, so happy. this had been one of my best days ever. "so can i ask you something" i said hesitantly.

he looked at me worried, "shoot" he said.

i smiled weakly, "why did you quit the mansion.

he looked down at his hands, "ive always wanted to leave, i only started workin there because of some problems i got into when i was eighteen. anyways i never really liked working there. so all i needed was a push." he looked at me, i looked at him and smiled before turning back to look at the road. he put his hand on my thigh. "you were my push, you made me want to leave that place and have a normal life. when i was younger i wanted to become a history teacher. now i can do that. one day get married. have a normal life... and a family" he finished and sighed. 

we got to his apartment building, he smiled and turned to me. "good night" he siad smiling but not moving.

i sighed, "good night" i said looking at his eys, my eyes trailed of to his lips but i quickly looked up to his eyes, they seemed to glow. i continued to smile. none of us made a movement.

"fuck it" i said under my breath as i wrapped my arms around his neck and forced my lips onto his. one of his hands went to the back of my neck, the other began touching one of my breast. i didnt hesitate, i wanted him. i bit his lip and easily gained entrance. i began kissing him even rougher. 

he hesitated but pulled away, he looked at me sadly, "i would invite you in but my friend from the mansion decided to quit and come live with me."

i smiled as innocently as possible, "its fine." i giggled, "i guess ill see you tomorow." i said happily.

he nodded, "i guess" he kissed me one last time before opening the door and walking out.


so school started. i've had homework everyday since the first day of school. horray. (sarcasm) haha anyways im hapy, but i cannot wrote a lot so it sucks. OOooh i have a new idea for a story, but im not putting it on watt pad until i have atleast two storried finished. that way i only have to update two stories.

anyways thanks for reading

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have a wonderful day! :)

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